100 research outputs found

    Quadi, Marcomanni and the Suebian Confederation in Domitian’s and Trajan’s Dacian Wars

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    After five decades of close alliance with roman Power, in the late 1st century aD the suebian confederation split off and its eastern members, Quadi and marcomanni, entered the way of direct conflict with rome. those events were an essential part of the violent geopolitical readjustment of the Danubian space which its main display were the  Dacian wars happened under the reigns of Domitian and trajan, becoming an inflection point on the Foreign affairs of the roman Empire in Danube’s high course until the burst of the marcomannic wars more than half a century later. throughout this article we are going to enter the causes of the suebian confederation breakup, the wars sustained by Quadi and marcomanni against romans and their allies, as well as the role played by the Dacian wars and its main actors in these conflagrations and their resolution. Tras más de cinco décadas de estrecha alianza con el poder romano, a finales del s. I d. c. la confederación sueva se escindió y sus miembros orientales, cuados y marcomanos, entraron en la senda del conflicto directo con roma. Estos acontecimientos formaron parte indisoluble del violento reajuste geopolítico del espacio danubiano cuya principal manifestación fueron las Guerras Dácicas libradas bajo los imperios de Domiciano y trajano, suponiendo un punto de inflexión en la política exterior del imperio romano en el curso alto del Danubio hasta el estallido de las Guerras Marcománicas más de medio siglo más tarde. a lo largo de este estudio nos adentramos en las causas de la ruptura de la confederación sueva, las guerras sostenidas por cuados y marcomanos contra los romanos y sus aliados, así como el papel que las Guerras Dácicas y sus protagonistas jugaron en estas conflagraciones y su resolución

    Las campañas en Mesia durante la primera guerra dácica de Trajano (101-102 d. c.): la última tentativa expansionista del Estado dacio

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    The operations carried out in Moesia Inferior in summer and autumn of 101 AD, during Trajan’s first Dacian War, supposed the last great display of the Dacian State’s expansionist ambitions over Danubian Europe and were about to tilt against Rome the balance of the conflict. The overwhelming defeat suffered by the Dacians and their allies at Trajan’s hands on Moesia Inferior sentenced the result of the war and indirectly sealed the fate of the Dacian kingdom. Throughout these pages we are going to tackle a detailed analysis of these operations, its scope and its strategic implications by means of a thorough revision of the literary, epigraphic and iconographic sources, combined with a proper knowledge of the conflict’s scenario, its characteristics and its impact over the course of the campaign.Las operaciones desarrolladas en Mesia Inferior en los meses de verano y otoño del año 101 d. C., durante la primera guerra dácica de Trajano, supusieron la última gran manifestación de las ambiciones expansionistas del Estado dacio en la Europa danubiana y a punto estuvieron de inclinar seriamente contra de Roma la balanza de la contienda. La contundente derrota sufrida por los dacios y sus aliados a manos de Trajano en Mesia Inferior, por contra, sentenció el resultado de la guerra y selló indirectamente el destino final del reino dacio. A lo largo de estas páginas abordamos un detallado análisis de estas operaciones, su alcance y sus implicaciones estratégicas, mediante una concienzuda revisión de las fuentes literarias, epigráficas e iconográficas, combinado con un apropiado conocimiento del escenario del conflicto, sus características y su impacto sobre el desarrollo de la campaña

    Biomecánica y mecanismo de producción del traumatismo cráneo-encefálico en el peatón atropellado. Evaluación de la normativa actual en la automoción

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    Introducción Los atropellos son una de las principales causas de muerte entre los accidentes de tráfico. Recientemente, ha aumentado el estudio de los atropellos, principalmente debido a la aplicación de la normativa europea y japonesa en protección de peatones. Esta investigación presenta un análisis del traumatismo cráneo-encefálico del peatón atropellado, asociándolo con la estructura del vehículo responsable de la lesión, su mecanismo de daño y comparando el resultado con la normativa existente. Métodos La metodología empleada ha consistido en un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo y transversal, mediante el estudio de datos de peatones atropellados recogidos en la base de datos americana (PCDS) que analiza a un total de 552 peatones atropellados y un total de 4.500 lesiones documentadas. Resultados De acuerdo con este estudio, el capó es el causante del 15,1% de las lesiones de la cabeza del peatón, mientras que el parabrisas es responsable de 41,8% de todas las lesiones. En el caso de los vehículos tipo utilitario la ubicación del impacto de la cabeza se produce por encima de lo que se espera en la regulación actual y, por lo tanto, no se aplican las contramedidas necesarias. De todas las lesiones en la cabeza sufridas por los peatones solo el 20% tiene la aceleración lineal como mecanismo de lesión, el 40% de las lesiones se deben a la aceleración rotacional. Conclusiones En esta investigación se pone de manifiesto la importancia de la aceleración rotacional como mecanismo de daño en la cabeza del peatón atropellado. En la normativa actual solo la aceleración lineal está contemplada en la formulación del principal criterio biomecánico utilizado para predecir el traumatismo cráneo-encefálico.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Effects of the Implementation of Tutored Learning Projects and Formative and Shared Assessment Systems in Pre-Service Teacher Education

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    The main purpose of Formative and Shared Assessment (F&SA) is to improve student learning, to improve and redirect teaching practice and to improve the teaching-learning process. This research has two objectives: (1) to analyse the results of the applicability and difficulty of the Good Practice of Tutored Learning Projects (TLP) in a Pre-service Teacher Education (PTE) subject; and (2) to examine the advantages and disadvantages of the F&SA system used in the same subject. For this purpose, a longitudinal study of a PTE subject is carried out over three academic years. The instruments used to collect information are: a structured report on Good Practice in university teaching and an anonymous questionnaire for students to evaluate the experience of Good Practice, which has been carried out and the subject’s evaluation system. The results show the consistency of the course design over the years. Students are satisfied with the TLP experience because they consider it to be useful, effective, innovative, replicable and sustainable, as well as helping in the acquisition of competences

    Injury pattern in lethal motorbikes-pedestrian collisions, in the area of Barcelona, Spain

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    Introduction: There are several studies about M1 type vehicle-pedestrian collision injury pattern, and based on them, there has been several changes in automobiles for pedestrian protection. However, the lack of sufficient studies about injury pattern in motorbikes-pedestrian collisions leads to a lack of optimization design of these vehicles. The objective of this research is to study the injury pattern of pedestrians involved in collisions with motorized two-wheeled vehicles. Methods: A retrospective descriptive study of pedestrian’s deaths after collisions with motorcycles in an urban area, like Barcelona was performed. The cases were collected from the Forensic Pathology Service database of the Institute of Legal Medicine of Catalonia. The selected cases were categorized as pedestrian-motorcycle collision, between January 1st 2006 and December 31th 2014. Data were collected from the autopsy, medical, and police report. The collected information was then analyzed using Microsoft Excel statistical functions. Results: Traumatic Brain Injury is the main cause of death in pedestrian hit by motorized two-wheeled vehicles (62.85%). The most frequent injury was the subarachnoid hemorrhage, in 71.4% of cases, followed by cerebral contusions and skull base fractures (65.7%). By contrast, pelvic fractures and tibia fractures only appeared in 28.6%. Conclusions: The study characterizes the injury pattern of pedestrians involved in a collision with motorized two-wheeled vehicles in an urban area, like Barcelona, which has been found to be different from other vehicle-pedestrian collisions, with a higher incidence of brain injuries and minor frequency of lower extremities fractures in pelvis, tibia and fibula.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Influence of anthopometric variables on the mechanical properties of human rib cortical bone

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    Objective. The mechanical properties of ribs from a large number of post-mortem human subjects (PMHS) were analyzed to search for variation according to age, sex or BMI in the sample. A large sample of specimens from different donors (N = 64) with a very wide range of ages and anthropometric characteristics was tested. Methods. Uniaxial tensile tests were used for a sample of coupons machined from cortical bone tissue in order to isolate the purely mechanical properties from the geometrically influenced properties of the rib. Each coupon is about 25 mm long and has a thickness of about 0.5 mm. The mechanical properties measured for each specimen/coupon include YM, yield stress, ultimate stress (maximum failure stress), ultimate strain, and resilience (energy to fracture of SED). The study provides new methodological improvements in DIC techniques. Results. This study is notable for using an atypically large sample of number of PMHS. The size of the sample allowed the authors to determine that age has a significant effect on failure stress (p < 0.0001), yield stress (p = 0.0047), ultimate strain (p < 0.0001) and resilience (p < 0.0001) [numbers in parentheses represent the corresponding p - values]. Finally, there is a combined effect, so that for a given age, an increase of BMI leads to a decrease of the maximum strain (i.e. cortical bone is less stiff when both age and BMI are higher).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Viscoelastic characterization of parasagittal bridging veins and implications for traumatic brain injury: a pilot study

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    Many previous studies on the mechanical properties of Parasagittal Bridging Veins (PSBVs) found that strain rate had a significant effect on some mechanical properties, but did not extensively study the viscoelastic effects, which are difficult to detect with uniaxial simple tensile tests. In this study, relaxation tests and tests under cyclic loading were performed, and it was found that PSBVs do indeed exhibit clear viscoelastic effects. In addition, a complete viscoelastic model for the PSBVs is proposed and data from relaxation, cyclic load and load-unload tests for triangular loads are used to find reference values that characterize the viscoelastic behavior of the PSBVs. Although such models have been proposed for other types of blood vessels, this is the first study that clearly demonstrates the existence of viscoelastic effects from an experimental point of view and also proposes a specific model to explain the data obtained. Finally, this study provides reference values for the usual viscoelastic properties, which would allow more accurate numerical simulation of PSBVs by means of computational models.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version


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    Evaluación Formativa y Compartida y Feedback: un ejemplo de buena práctica en Educación Física en la Formación Inicial del Profesorado

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    This research aimed to: (1) analyse how Formative and Shared Assessment helps students’ acquisition of competences according to their self-perception in Physical Education in Pre-service Teacher Education; and (2) verify how Formative and Shared Assessment systems help to improve students’ academic performance. A longitudinal study was carried out over five academic years with a sample of 401 students in a Physical Education subject in Early Childhood Pre-service Teacher Education. Three selfperception scales of student competences, an anonymous questionnaire on the assessment of the subject and the final report cards of the subject were used for data collection. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was carried out. The results show that there were significant differences in the self-perception of competences between the beginning and the end of the subject, mainly in those specific to physical education; both students’ and teachers’ satisfaction with the assessment was high and that the chosen assessment method seems to have a strong influence on students’ academic performance. Esta investigación tiene como objetivos: (1) analizar cómo la Evaluación Formativa y Compartida ayuda a la adquisición de competencias de los estudiantes según su autopercepción en Educación Física en la formación inicial del profesorado; y (2) comprobar cómo los sistemas de Evaluación Formativa y Compartida ayudan a mejorar el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes. Se realizó un estudio longitudinal durante cinco cursos académicos con una muestra de 401 estudiantes de una asignatura de Educación Física en el Grado de Maestro en Educación Infantil (formación inicial del profesorado). Para la recogida de datos se utilizaron tres escalas de autopercepción de las competencias de los alumnos, un cuestionario anónimo sobre la evaluación de la asignatura y los boletines de notas finales de la misma. Se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo e inferencial. Los resultados muestran que hubo diferencias significativas en la autopercepción de las competencias entre el inicio y el final de la asignatura, principalmente en las específicas de educación física; que tanto la satisfacción de los estudiantes como la de los profesores con la evaluación fue alta y que el método de evaluación elegido parece tener una fuerte influencia en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes.Actividad Física y Deport

    Traian and the Danubian Provinces. The political, economic and religious life in the Danubian Provinces: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces, Zagreb, 15th - 17th November 2017.

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    The “Department of Archaeology“ of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb gladly hosted the 4th International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces in 2017. The Conference was organized with the support of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, the Croatian Archaeological Society, and the Croatian Science Foundation through the project 6505 Between the Danube and the Mediterranean. Exploring the role of Roman military in the mobility of people and goods in Croatia during the Roman Era. Since it was organized in Zagreb, the Conference remained in Pannonia, not far from Siscia, the capital of Pannonia Savia, and in the territory of the Res publica Andautoniensium. The main topic of the Conference was Traian and the Roman Danubian Provinces or, more specifically, the political, economic and religious life in the Danubian Provinces.(from the Foreword)The “Department of Archaeology“ of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb gladly hosted the 4th International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces in 2017. The Conference was organized with the support of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, the Croatian Archaeological Society, and the Croatian Science Foundation through the project 6505 Between the Danube and the Mediterranean. Exploring the role of Roman military in the mobility of people and goods in Croatia during the Roman Era. Since it was organized in Zagreb, the Conference remained in Pannonia, not far from Siscia, the capital of Pannonia Savia, and in the territory of the Res publica Andautoniensium. The main topic of the Conference was Traian and the Roman Danubian Provinces or, more specifically, the political, economic and religious life in the Danubian Provinces.(from the Foreword