312 research outputs found

    Mutual Mentoring: Moving Beyond One-Size-Fits-All Mentoring

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    Mentoring offers a vital contribution to a successful academic career, particularly for women and faculty of color. The most common form of mentoring has been a traditional model, which is defined by a one-on-one relationship in which an experienced faculty member guides the career development of an early career faculty member. Recent literature, however, has indicated the emergence of new, more flexible approaches to mentoring in which faculty build a network of multiple mentors who can address a variety of career competencies. In this interactive session, you will identify potential roadblocks to success in an academic career; explore both traditional and emerging models of mentoring; define your current mentoring network and what it might be, drawing on a range of examples from across the disciplines and career stages; and share best practices in mentoring

    Satisfactions and Concerns of New University Teachers

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    Design of the Study Findings Sources of Satisfaction Sources of Stress Discussion Annual Competitions Programs and Opportunities Future Challenges Conclusion Reference

    Satisfactions and Concerns of New University Teachers

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    Design of the Study Findings Sources of Satisfaction Sources of Stress Discussion Annual Competitions Programs and Opportunities Future Challenges Conclusion Reference


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    The new global cities and megacities, which are generally planned and built as result of political decisions and fast economic growth, are considered artificial and false in their nature. This widespread perception arises from a cognitive dissociation between the notions of authenticity and identity in relation to memory, time and the city’s own sedimentation. This perceived dichotomy is illustrated in the literature across the disciplines. Building on the work of Calvino, Burckhardt, Augé, Jacobs, Lynch, and others, this paper examines this question through the lens of sociology, architecture, literature, and philosophy. The goal of this dissertation, by means of dialectics, is to show how every city, even the most recent ones in terms of foundation and development, should be considered authentic. This paper argues that every city is a physical and socio-phenomenological expression of its residents. To support the study’s thesis, the city of Dubai will be closely examined. Dubai is a city that has all the elements that contribute to this collective vision, as well as the reasons for refuting it. In conclusion, this article will demonstrate that people are the driving force of a city, including more recent cities. It will further show that the built environment is only a base or matrix in support of the “Authentic-City,” a city made by people for people

    Teaching and Learning in the Diverse Classroom: A Faculty and TA Partnership Program

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    On most campuses, diversity education and faculty development are separate initiatives. This article describes a new program that successfully combines the two functions by building on methods and practices from both. The program has had beneficial outcomes for individual teachers as well as for their departments

    Storia e turismo

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    La storia, intesa come scienza del passato, ha avuto ed ha un ruolo molto importante nel determinare il viaggio: nel Settecento il \u201cgrand tour\u201d alla scoperta delle tracce del passato classico, oggi i flussi di turismo culturale, inteso come visita e fruizione di monumenti, musei, siti storici e archeologici, citt\ue0 d\u2019arte. Il turismo culturale riguarda la storia, la cultura, l\u2019identit\ue0 di un territorio e dei suoi abitanti e pu\uf2 essere classificato sotto la forma di mobilit\ue0 individuale e collettiva in grado di soddisfare \u201cil bisogno umano di diversit\ue0\u201d e di accrescere \u201cla conoscenza, l\u2019esperienza e gli incontri\u201d. A volte gli agganci con la storia possono scaturire da presupposti pedagogici: viaggi d\u2019istruzione scolastici (lager nazisti), dal desiderio del ritorno e della memoria personale o di corpo (reducismo), a volte dalla ricerca di un\u2019identit\ue0 collettiva (i luoghi garibaldini, i castelli della Loira) o dalla nostalgia politica (Predappio) o da motivazioni religiose (Lourdes, Fatima, Santiago de Compostela, Loreto). In effetti, il viaggio legato alla storia oggi ha ricreato il bisogno di una sorta di \u201cGrand Tour\u201d. Dopo il \u201cgrande viaggio\u201d che fra la fine del settecento e gli inizi dell\u2019800 portava sulle tracce della Roma antica e della Grecia classica; dopo le petits tours dei viaggi matrimoniali della borghesia d\u2019inizio novecento, incentrati sulla scoperta delle citt\ue0 simbolo della storia nazionale: Roma, Venezia, Firenze; dopo i viaggi verso la villeggiatura marina di massa (preziosi per la bilancia commerciale nazionale), oggi il turismo ha riscoperto (forse e con le dovute variazioni di toni e di visioni) \u201cuna trama ideologica\u201d che \ue8 mossa dal \u201cdesiderio di conoscere il passato\u201d, dall\u2019\u201desigenza di istruzione\u201d, dal \u201cbisogno di identit\ue0\u201d collettiva

    Conference Registration Information

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    Invitation to Attend Overview of the POD Network and POD Conference Conference Theme, Tracks, and Topics Conference Overview Plenaries Pre-Conference Workshops Educational Expeditions Hotel Room Reservation Conference Registration Form Additional Informatio

    Is Visual Perceptual Narrowing an Obligatory Developmental Process?

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    Perceptual narrowing, or a diminished perceptual sensitivity to infrequently encountered stimuli, sometimes accompanied by an increased sensitivity to frequently encountered stimuli, has been observed in unimodal speech and visual perception, as well as in multimodal perception, leading to the suggestion that it is a fundamental feature of perceptual development. However, recent findings in unimodal face perception suggest that perceptual abilities are flexible in development. Similarly, in multimodal perception, new paradigms examining temporal dynamics, rather than standard overall looking time, also suggest that perceptual narrowing might not be obligatory. Across two experiments, we assess perceptual narrowing in unimodal visual perception using remote eye-tracking. We compare adults’ looking at human faces and monkey faces of different species, and present analyses of standard overall looking time and temporal dynamics. As expected, adults discriminated between different human faces, but, unlike previous studies, they also discriminated between different monkey faces. Temporal dynamics revealed that adults more readily discriminated human compared to monkey faces, suggesting a processing advantage for conspecifics compared to other animals. Adults’ success in discriminating between faces of two unfamiliar monkey species calls into question whether perceptual narrowing is an obligatory developmental process. Humans undoubtedly diminish in their ability to perceive distinctions between infrequently encountered stimuli as compared to frequently encountered stimuli, however, consistent with recent findings, this narrowing should be conceptualized as a refinement and not as a loss of abilities. Perceptual abilities for infrequently encountered stimuli may be detectable, though weaker compared to adults’ perception of frequently encountered stimuli. Consistent with several other accounts we suggest that perceptual development must be more flexible than a perceptual narrowing account posits

    Abusi su animali e abusi su umani. Complici nel crimine

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    The relationship between animal abuse and interpersonal violence has been hotly debated in the scientific literature from the 1960s onwards, especially in the US. An Italian project established in 2009, LINK-ITALIA, has been investigating this relationship; this is a pioneer project encompassing the whole country. A multidisciplinary team has analyzed 278 cases in which one or more instances of animal abuse were followed by crimes against humans. 93% of the abusers were male, 17% thereof children or teenagers; 54% of the victims were women, 24% children, 3% elderly people, 5% adult men, while 14%of the crimes involved more than one victim. 61% of the women avoided or delayed escaping their abusers because they feared for their pets. 19% of the human victims died. The main categories of abuse linked to both animal and human victims were shown to be: domestic violence, rape, stalking, bullying and organized crime. Because more people keep pets in Italy than in the US, investigation of animal abuse in Italy is likely to show a stronger relationship to abuse on humans and a stronger preventive effect than is the case in the US. These results are confirmed by multivariate statistics methods (PCA analysis); this is the first application of multivariate statistics to criminology in Italy. The application of multivariate statistical methods can supplement the traditional statistical tools already in use by criminologists, yelding insights and suggestionsabout interpersonal violence which cannot be reached by analyzing one variable at a time. The results of this study have led to a number of projects and collaborations with police forces, lawyers’ associations, victim support communities, schools, prisons and NGOs in order to collect more, and more in depth, data. Three shelters have been established, two of which can house abused animals (or animals belonging to abused victims) and one which can house human victims with their pets.Nella letteratura scientifica, soprattutto statunitense, è in corso dagli anni 60 in poi un nutrito dibattito sulla relazione tra la crudeltà su animali e la violenza interpersonale. Nato nel 2009 un progetto italiano, LINK-ITALIA, ha creato e svolto una ricerca su tale relazione per poter fornire un primo stato dell’arte a livello nazionale. Un team multidisciplinare ha analizzato 278 casi in cui a uno o più maltrattamenti su animali sono seguiti reati contro la persona. Gli abusatori sono risultati maschi nel 93% dei casi, di cui il 17% bambini o adolescenti. Le vittime sono risultate: donne nel 54% dei casi, bambini 24%, anziani3%, uomini 5%, vittime miste 14%. Nel 61% dei casi la vittima donna ha evitato o rallentato l’allontanamento dall’abusatore per paura di quello che sarebbe successo ai propri animali. Nel 19% dei casi la vittima umana è deceduta. Le principali tipologie di abuso collegato sia a vittime animali che a vittime umane sono risultate essere: violenza domestica, violenza sessuale, stalking, bullismo e reati collegati alla malavita organizzata. Data la maggiore diffusione percentuale di pet, il maltrattamento su animali in Italia può avere collegamenti con abusi su umani e un potenziale effetto preventivo di tali abusi in misura probabilmente maggiore rispetto agli Stati Uniti. Tali risultati vengono confermati dalla parallela prima applicazione di metodi di analisistatistica multivariata, analisi PCA, in ambito criminologico italiano. L’applicazione di metodi di statistica multivariata può aggiungersi alla statistica tradizionale usata in ambito criminologico fornendo spunti e idee agli operatori nell’ambito della violenza interpersonale non evidenziabili tramite l’analisi di una variabile alla volta. A seguito dei risultati ottenuti, per una raccolta datipiù completa e approfondita, sono stati attivati protocolli di intesa e collaborazione con unità di polizia giudiziaria, associazioni di avvocati, comunità di assistenza vittime, scuole, carceri, associazioni. Sono stati creati e resi operativi due rifugi in grado di ospitare animali vittime o di vittime di violenza domestica e un rifugio in grado di ospitare vittime umane con i loro animali
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