4,718 research outputs found

    Tableau sequences, open diagrams, and Baxter families

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    Walks on Young's lattice of integer partitions encode many objects of algebraic and combinatorial interest. Chen et al. established connections between such walks and arc diagrams. We show that walks that start at ∅\varnothing, end at a row shape, and only visit partitions of bounded height are in bijection with a new type of arc diagram -- open diagrams. Remarkably two subclasses of open diagrams are equinumerous with well known objects: standard Young tableaux of bounded height, and Baxter permutations. We give an explicit combinatorial bijection in the former case.Comment: 20 pages; Text overlap with arXiv:1411.6606. This is the full version of that extended abstract. Conjectures from that work are proved in this wor

    Protester contre le marchĂ© : du geste individuel Ă  l’action collective:Le cas du mouvement anti-publicitaire

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    La contestation sociale contre les formes de domination associĂ©es au marchĂ© prend de multiples formes aujourd’hui dans le monde : le boycott, les achats responsables, les gestes Ă©cologistes, le dĂ©tournement publicitaire, les pĂ©titions envoyĂ©s aux Ă©lus. L’article analyse le cas de la protestation anti-publicitaire en France. Celle-ci propose un rĂ©pertoire d’actions trĂšs hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne, allant du geste individuel et quotidien Ă  l’action de groupe, tout en construisant des formats d’action standardisĂ©s. Elle peut ainsi recruter des militants dans des rĂ©seaux larges de la contestation sociale, attirĂ©s par son rĂ©pertoire d’action spĂ©cifique. L’action anti-publicitaire fournit une grille de lecture de la contestation sociale contre le marchĂ© qui s’articule Ă  la fois sur des collectifs associatifs fournissant des cadres collectifs, mais Ă©galement sur des rĂ©seaux militants trĂšs labiles en quĂȘte d’actions plus concrĂštes.In recent years, protests against the market have relied on actions as diverse as boycotts, ecological initiatives, ethical buying, “culture jamming”, or petitions addressed to elected officials. This article discusses the case of one of these social movements : anti-advertising groups in France. While anti-advertising groups offer a large repertoire of heterogeneous actions – ranging from day-to-day individual practices to organized protests – they also construct and diffuse specific, standardized forms of action. Anti-advertising actions thus appeal to a wide array of social activists and movements, providing them with a common platform for protest. We argue that the very forms of anti-advertising actions allow for the juncture between social movement organizations, which help frame mobilizations, and fluid networks of activists, searching opportunities for collective actions against the market

    Protester contre le marchĂ© : du geste individuel Ă  l’action collective:Le cas du mouvement anti-publicitaire

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    La contestation sociale contre les formes de domination associĂ©es au marchĂ© prend de multiples formes aujourd’hui dans le monde : le boycott, les achats responsables, les gestes Ă©cologistes, le dĂ©tournement publicitaire, les pĂ©titions envoyĂ©s aux Ă©lus. L’article analyse le cas de la protestation anti-publicitaire en France. Celle-ci propose un rĂ©pertoire d’actions trĂšs hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne, allant du geste individuel et quotidien Ă  l’action de groupe, tout en construisant des formats d’action standardisĂ©s. Elle peut ainsi recruter des militants dans des rĂ©seaux larges de la contestation sociale, attirĂ©s par son rĂ©pertoire d’action spĂ©cifique. L’action anti-publicitaire fournit une grille de lecture de la contestation sociale contre le marchĂ© qui s’articule Ă  la fois sur des collectifs associatifs fournissant des cadres collectifs, mais Ă©galement sur des rĂ©seaux militants trĂšs labiles en quĂȘte d’actions plus concrĂštes.In recent years, protests against the market have relied on actions as diverse as boycotts, ecological initiatives, ethical buying, “culture jamming”, or petitions addressed to elected officials. This article discusses the case of one of these social movements : anti-advertising groups in France. While anti-advertising groups offer a large repertoire of heterogeneous actions – ranging from day-to-day individual practices to organized protests – they also construct and diffuse specific, standardized forms of action. Anti-advertising actions thus appeal to a wide array of social activists and movements, providing them with a common platform for protest. We argue that the very forms of anti-advertising actions allow for the juncture between social movement organizations, which help frame mobilizations, and fluid networks of activists, searching opportunities for collective actions against the market

    Simulating quantum correlations as a distributed sampling problem

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    It is known that quantum correlations exhibited by a maximally entangled qubit pair can be simulated with the help of shared randomness, supplemented with additional resources, such as communication, post-selection or non-local boxes. For instance, in the case of projective measurements, it is possible to solve this problem with protocols using one bit of communication or making one use of a non-local box. We show that this problem reduces to a distributed sampling problem. We give a new method to obtain samples from a biased distribution, starting with shared random variables following a uniform distribution, and use it to build distributed sampling protocols. This approach allows us to derive, in a simpler and unified way, many existing protocols for projective measurements, and extend them to positive operator value measurements. Moreover, this approach naturally leads to a local hidden variable model for Werner states.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Filtering of matter symmetry properties by circularly polarized nonlinear optics

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    International audienceWe propose a direct readout of symmetry information in matter using nonlinear optics. From combinations of circularly and longitudinally polarized optical fields, we construct irreducible spherical field tensors for second- and third-order nonlinear processes. The coupling of these field tensors to the matter susceptibility tensors allows filtering out of the susceptibility symmetries independently of the sample orientation in the laboratory frame. Experimental demonstrations are conducted on microcrystals, in a microscopy configuration compatible with symmetry order imaging

    Experimental validation of a CFD-based air quality sensor placement strategy to localize indoor source emissions

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    Building Simulation 2019, Rome, Italie, 02-/09/2019 - 04/09/2019Some woodborers such as termites have harmful effects on the safety of structures. As the woodborers produce some specic Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), they can be used as an indicator to early detect their presence. Thus, innovative solutions combining gaz sensors outputs and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) are studied to localize indoor source emissions. These strategies can also be applied to localize noxious indoor pollutants like formaldehyde. In this paper, we focus on the optimal placement of air quality sensors in view of localizing a maximum of source emissions on the environment surfaces. We propose an adjoint-based numerical strategy taking into account the sensor features such as the Limit Of Detection (LOD). This strategy is applied to a real 3D room and validated by an experimental campaign

    Implementation of Environmental Considerations in the Innovation Process of Complex Systems: Groupe PSA Case Study

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    International audienceCar manufacturer's innovation teams are mainly focusing on decreasing automotive consumption and may lead to risks of transfers of environmental impacts. So, engineers in innovation should be able to evaluate their innovations in a life cycle and multi-criteria perspective. In this paper, Groupe PSA's approach for integrating the environmental dimension during the innovation phase is presented. An eco-design framework of reference has been developed in a collaborative manner by the environment team together with innovation leaders. It tackles both the issues of how to deploy environmental requirements in the innovation process, and how to generate an organizational learning. This methodology is explained through the example of the Stop & Start technology. The validation in the quality procedure is essential to make the approach sustainable

    Simulation of bipartite qudit correlations

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    We present a protocol to simulate the quantum correlations of an arbitrary bipartite state, when the parties perform a measurement according to two traceless binary observables. We show that log⁥(d)\log(d) bits of classical communication is enough on average, where dd is the dimension of both systems. To obtain this result, we use the sampling approach for simulating the quantum correlations. We discuss how to use this method in the case of qudits.Comment: 7 page

    L’« inexpressivité » masculine : des mythes et des faits

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    Cet article examine la thĂšse couramment admise selon laquelle les hommes expriment moins leurs Ă©motions que les femmes. Les donnĂ©es de recherche montrent peu de diffĂ©rences Ă  cet effet entre les garçons et les filles avant l'adolescence et la vie adulte oĂč, par ailleurs, les hommes apparaissent moins expressifs que les femmes, sauf pour les Ă©motions reliĂ©es aux conduites agressives. Cette expressivitĂ© moins grande s'observe toutefois dans le cadre d'interactions intimes, alors que les contextes sociaux oĂč la compĂ©tition et le statut social sont en jeu semblent plus propices Ă  l'expression d'Ă©motions chez les hommes. Nous proposons que davantage d'Ă©tudes soient menĂ©es Ă  ce sujet, en tenant compte des contextes sociaux d'expression Ă©motive engendrĂ©s par la division sexuelle du travail.This article examines the common admission that men express their emotions less than do women. Research data shows little difference between the behaviours of boys and girls before adolescence. During adulthood, however, evidence points to men being less expressive than women except in situations involving aggressive behaviour. Men's diminished expressiveness is apparent in a context of intimate interaction. But in situations where they compete for social status, men seem more likely to express emotions. The authors suggest that more studies take into account the social contexts of emotional expressiveness generated by division of labor based on sex
