67 research outputs found

    Potentiel thérapeutique de l'inhibition d'HDAC6 en hypertension artérielle pulmonaire

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    Tableau d'honneur de la FacultĂ© des Ă©tudes supĂ©rieures et postdoctorales, 2017-2018L’hypertension artĂ©rielle pulmonaire (HTAP) est une maladie vasculaire incurable encore incomplĂštement comprise. Elle se caractĂ©rise cliniquement par une Ă©lĂ©vation de la pression moyenne dans l’artĂšre pulmonaire (AP) au-delĂ  du seuil de 25 mmHg. Au niveau cellulaire, cette Ă©lĂ©vation des pressions est attribuable Ă  une prolifĂ©ration excessive et une rĂ©sistance Ă  l’apoptose accrue des cellules musculaires lisses (CML) d’AP. HDAC6 est une histone dĂ©sacĂ©tylase 6 principalement cytoplasmique rĂ©gulant divers mĂ©canismes de survie surexprimĂ©e en rĂ©ponse au stress dans plusieurs cancers. Étant donnĂ© les similaritĂ©s entre les cellules cancĂ©reuses et les cellules vasculaires HTAP, nous avons Ă©mis l’hypothĂšse qu’HDAC6 est surexprimĂ©e en HTAP et contribuait au phĂ©notype prolifĂ©ratif et anti-apoptotique des CMLAPs et au remodelage vasculaire en HTAP. À l’aide de souris gĂ©nĂ©tiquement modifiĂ©es et d’approches pharmacologiques dans deux modĂšles animaux prĂ©cliniques d’HTAP, nous avons voulu dĂ©montrer qu’HDAC6 reprĂ©sente une cible thĂ©rapeutique de choix. Nous faisons la dĂ©monstration qu’HDAC6 est surexprimĂ©e dans les tissus pulmonaires, les AP distales et les CML isolĂ©es de patients HTAP lorsque comparĂ©s aux donneurs sains. L’inhibition molĂ©culaire et pharmacologique d’HDAC6 rĂ©duit la prolifĂ©ration et la rĂ©sistance Ă  l’apoptose des CMLAPs HTAP, sans avoir d’effet sur les cellules contrĂŽles. D’un point de vue mĂ©canistique, nous dĂ©montrons qu’HDAC6 dĂ©sacĂ©tyle KU70, bloquant la translocation mitochondriale de Bax pour Ă©luder l’apoptose. L’inhibition d’HDAC6 in vivo par la tubastatine A amĂ©liore significativement les paramĂštres hĂ©modynamiques et le remodelage vasculaire dans deux modĂšles d’HTAP prĂ©cliniques. Nous montrons que l’inhibition d’HDAC6 peut ĂȘtre combinĂ©e de façon sĂ©curitaire Ă  une bithĂ©rapie HTAP approuvĂ©e prĂ©sentement utilisĂ©e en clinique et que la trithĂ©rapie proposĂ©e procure un effet bĂ©nĂ©fique additif Ă  l’inhibition d’HDAC6 seule sur le remodelage. Finalement, nous montrons que les souris mutĂ©es pour HDAC6 ont un remodelage vasculaire et une Ă©lĂ©vation des pressions artĂ©rielles pulmonaires significativement moins grands que les souris non mutĂ©es en rĂ©ponse Ă  une hypoxie de 3 semaines. Nous dĂ©montrons pour la premiĂšre fois l’implication d’HDAC6 dans le dĂ©veloppement de l’HTAP. L’inhibition d’HDAC6 semble ĂȘtre une avenue thĂ©rapeutique intĂ©ressante dans le traitement de l’HTAP. La tubastatine A Ă©tant dĂ©jĂ  en phase clinique dans le traitement de certains cancers, l’évaluation de son efficacitĂ© pour la clientĂšle HTAP pourrait ĂȘtre rapidement mise en place.RATIONALE: Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a vascular remodeling disease with limited therapeutic options. Although exposed to stressful conditions, pulmonary artery (PA) smooth muscle cells (PASMCs) exhibit a pro-proliferative and anti-apoptotic phenotype. HDAC6 is a cytoplasmic histone deacetylase implicated in the regulation of multiple pro-survival mechanisms and overexpressed in response to stress in cancer cells. Due to the similarities between cancer and PAH, we hypothesized that HDAC6 expression is increased in PAH-PASMCs to face stress, allowing them to survive and proliferate, thus contributing to vascular remodeling in PAH. OBJECTIVE: Using genetically modified mice and pharmacological approaches, we aimed to demonstrate that HDAC6 inhibition is a promising strategy to improve PAH. METHODS AND RESULTS: HDAC6 is significantly up-regulated in lungs, distal PAs and isolated PASMCs from PAH patients and animal models. Molecular and pharmacological inhibition of HDAC6 reduces PAH-PASMC proliferation (Ki67 labeling) and resistance to apoptosis (Annexin V assay) in vitro sparing control cells. Mechanistically, we demonstrate that HDAC6 deacetylates Ku70, blocking the translocation of Bax to the mitochondria and preventing apoptosis. In vivo inhibition of HDAC6 (Tubastatin A) significantly improves established PAH in two experimental models (Sugen/hypoxia and monocrotaline) and can be safely given in combination with currently approved PAH therapies. Finally, Hdac6 K.O mice have significantly lower right ventricle systolic pressure in response to 3 weeks of chronic-hypoxia compared to wild-type mice. CONCLUSION: We showed for the first time that HDAC6 is implicated in PAH development and represents a new promising therapeutic target to improve PAH

    Thrombin modifies growth, proliferation and apoptosis of human colon organoids: a protease-activated receptor 1- and protease-activated receptor 4-dependent mechanism

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    International audienceExperimental Approach: Crypts were isolated from human colonic resections and cultured for 6 days, forming human colon organoids. Cultured organoids were exposed to 10 and 50 mU·mL−1 of thrombin, in the presence or not of protease‐activated receptor (PAR) antagonists. Organoid morphology, metabolism, proliferation and apoptosis were followed.Key Results: Thrombin favoured organoid maturation leading to a decreased number of immature cystic structures and a concomitant increased number of larger structures releasing cell debris and apoptotic cells. The size of budding structures, metabolic activity and proliferation were significantly reduced in organoid cultures exposed to thrombin, while apoptosis was dramatically increased. Both PAR1 and PAR4 antagonists inhibited apoptosis regardless of thrombin doses. Thrombin‐induced inhibition of proliferation and metabolic activity were reversed by PAR4 antagonist for thrombin's lowest dose and by PAR1 antagonist for thrombin's highest dose.Conclusions and Implications: Overall, our data suggest that the presence of thrombin in the vicinity of human colon epithelial cells favours their maturation at the expense of their regenerative capacities. Our data point to thrombin and its two receptors PAR1 and PAR4 as potential molecular targets for epithelial repair therapies

    SchizophrĂ©nie, approche spĂ©cialisĂ©e et continuitĂ© de soins. Le programme spĂ©cifique d’intervention Premier-Épisode de l’HĂŽtel-Dieu de LĂ©vis

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    La schizophrénie est une maladie complexe à caractÚre évolutif. Reposant sur un cadre conceptuel d'orientation cognitive, le programme spécifique d'intervention Premier épisode de l'HÎtel-Dieu de Lévis fournit une évaluation complÚte et standardisée au plan individuel et familial. Puis sont rendues disponibles différentes modalités de traitement, selon une approche individuelle (psycho-éducation, psychothérapie) et de groupe (intervention psychologique au plan cognitif ou Integrated Psychological Therapy, de Brenner). L'intervention psycho-éducative familiale est également offerte aux familles. Les structures et la démarche décrites s'harmonisent avec celles qui étaient en place avant la création du programme, ce qui offre une continuité de soins. Le cadre conceptuel sous-jacent et les modalités du fonctionnement du programme sont aussi présentés.Schizophrenia is a complex illness with an evolutive character. Based on a conceptual framework of cognitive orientation, the specific intervention program First Episode of HÎtel-Dieu in Lévis includes a complete and standardized assessment to an individualized and family plan. Different methods of treatment acording to an individualized approach (psyhco-education, psychotherapy) as well as group therapy (psychological intervention at the cognitive level or Brenner's Integrated psychological therapy) are then proposed. Psycho-education intervention for families is also offered. Structures and different steps described here, harmonize with those already in place before the program's creation thus offering a continuity in care. The underlying conceptual framework and the different methods of functioning of the program are also presented.La esquizofrenia es una enfermedad compleja da caracter evolu-tivo. El programa especifico de intervention Primer episodio de HÎtel-Dieu de Lévis que reposa en un marco conceptual de orientaciÎn cognoscitiva, ofrece una evaluaciÎn compléta y estandarizada a nivel individual y familiar. Ademùs se ofrecen diferentes modalidades de tratamiento, segûn un enfoque individual (psicoeducaciÎn, psicoterapia) y de grupo (intervenciÎn psicolÎgica a nivel cognoscitivo o Integrated psychological therapy, de Brenner). Igualmente se le ofrece a las fami-lias, la IntervenciÎn psioeducativa familiar. Las estructuras y los pasos a seguir que se describen se armonizan a las que ya existian antes de la creation del programa, Io que ofrece una continuidad de tratamiento. Son presentados, el marco conceptual subyacente y las modalidades del fucionamiento des programa

    Small-Molecule Inhibition of HIV pre-mRNA Splicing as a Novel Antiretroviral Therapy to Overcome Drug Resistance

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    The development of multidrug-resistant viruses compromises antiretroviral therapy efficacy and limits therapeutic options. Therefore, it is an ongoing task to identify new targets for antiretroviral therapy and to develop new drugs. Here, we show that an indole derivative (IDC16) that interferes with exonic splicing enhancer activity of the SR protein splicing factor SF2/ASF suppresses the production of key viral proteins, thereby compromising subsequent synthesis of full-length HIV-1 pre-mRNA and assembly of infectious particles. IDC16 inhibits replication of macrophage- and T cell–tropic laboratory strains, clinical isolates, and strains with high-level resistance to inhibitors of viral protease and reverse transcriptase. Importantly, drug treatment of primary blood cells did not alter splicing profiles of endogenous genes involved in cell cycle transition and apoptosis. Thus, human splicing factors represent novel and promising drug targets for the development of antiretroviral therapies, particularly for the inhibition of multidrug-resistant viruses

    MĂ©mento 2 : RĂ©sidences 1999-2000

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    This richly illustrated catalogue documents the work of 35 artists who took part in six residencies (including two events - La Cueillette and La Ruche) that took place in 1999 and 2000 at Centre Est-Nord-Est. The centre’s director, F. Michel, describes the nature and purpose of the residencies as well as that of the catalogue : to reflect each participant’s experience. Includes brief comments by the artist on their work and on their stay. Text in French and English. Biographical notes

    La mathématisation comme problÚme

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    International audienceL'histoire des sciences suffit Ă  rĂ©futer la thĂšse de la mathĂ©matisation impossible, selon laquelle la mathĂ©matisation procĂ©derait d'un formalisme abstrait manquant les choses mĂȘmes ou la spĂ©cificitĂ© d'un domaine d'objets. Cette histoire montre en effet qu'on n'a pas cessĂ© de mathĂ©matiser des choses dont il avait Ă©tĂ© longtemps dit qu'elles devaient, Ă©tant donnĂ© leur nature, Ă©ternellement rĂ©sister Ă  la mathĂ©matisation. À la thĂšse de la mathĂ©matisation impossible, il est dĂšs lors tentant d'opposer la thĂšse de la mathĂ©matisation inĂ©luctable, selon laquelle une science bien formulĂ©e est une science mathĂ©matiquement constituĂ©e. Cette derniĂšre thĂšse est cependant souvent associĂ©e Ă  l'idĂ©e que l'introduction des mathĂ©matiques dans une discipline constituerait un processus qui ne prĂ©senterait aucune difficultĂ© et qui ne serait suivie d'aucune perte. Contre cette idĂ©e, les articles rassemblĂ©s dans ce volume ont voulu, comme le titre de ce dernier l'indique, restituer Ă  la mathĂ©matisation son caractĂšre problĂ©matique

    Les 100 ans de La Scouine

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