109 research outputs found

    Aortobifemoral Bypass in Kidney Transplant Candidates: A Ten-Year Experience

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    In patients with severe aorto-iliac calcifications, vascular reconstructions can be performed in order to allow kidney transplantation. The aim of this study was to analyze the outcomes of kidney transplant candidates who underwent an aortobifemoral bypass (ABFB) for aorto-iliac calcifications. A retrospective study including all kidney transplant candidates who underwent an ABFB between 2012 and 2022 was performed. Primary outcome was 30-day morbidity-mortality after ABFB. Secondary outcome was accessibility to kidney transplant waiting list. Twenty-two ABFBs were performed: 10 ABFBs in asymptomatic patients presenting severe aorto-iliac circumferential calcifications without hemodynamic consequences, and 12 ABFBs in symptomatic patients in whom aorto-iliac calcifications were responsible for claudication or critical limb threatening ischemia. Overall 30-day mortality was 0%. Overall 30-day morbidity was 22.7%: 1 femoral hematoma and 1 retroperitoneal hematoma requiring surgical drainage in the asymptomatic group, and 2 digestive ischemia requiring bowel resection and 1 femoral hematoma requiring surgical drainage in the symptomatic group. Among the 22 patients, 20 patients could access to kidney waiting list and 8 patients underwent a kidney transplantation, including 3 living-donor transplantations. Aorto-iliac revascularization can be an option to overcome severe calcifications contraindicating kidney transplantation

    Toward standardization of BK virus monitoring: evaluation of the BK virus R-gene kit for quantification of BK viral load in urine, whole-blood, and plasma specimens.

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    Screening of BK virus (BKV) replication is recommended to identify patients at increased risk of BKV-associated diseases. However, the heterogeneity of molecular techniques hinders the establishment of universal guidelines for BKV monitoring. Here we aimed to compare the performance of the CE-marked BK virus R-gene kit (R-gene) to the performance of our in-house assay for quantification of BKV DNA loads (BKVL). A 12-specimen panel from the Quality Control for Molecular Diagnostics (QCMD) organization, 163 urine samples, and 88 paired specimens of plasma and whole blood (WB) from transplant recipients were tested. Both the R-gene and in-house assays showed a good correlation within the QCMD panel (r = 0.995 and r = 0.989, respectively). BKVL were highly correlated between assays, although positive biases were observed with the in-house assay in analysis of urine (0.72 ± 0.83 log10 copies/ml), plasma (1.17 ± 0.63 log10 copies/ml), and WB (1.28 ± 0.37 log10 copies/ml). Recalibration with a common calibrator significantly reduced the bias in comparisons between assays. In contrast, BKVL was underestimated with the in-house PCR in eight samples containing BKV genotype II, presenting point mutations at primer-annealing sites. Using the R-gene assay, plasma and WB specimens were found to be equally suitable for quantification of BKVL, as indicated by the high correlation coefficient (r = 0.965, P < 0.0001). In conclusion, the R-gene assay demonstrated reliable performance and higher accuracy than the in-house assay for quantification of BKVL in urine and blood specimens. Screening of BKV replication by a well-validated commercial kit may enable clinical laboratories to assess viral loads with greater reproducibility and precision.comparative studyevaluation studiesjournal articleresearch support, non-u.s. gov't2014 Dec2014 10 08importe

    Early acute microvascular kidney transplant rejection in the absence of anti-HLA antibodies is associated with preformed IgG antibodies against diverse glomerular endothelial cell antigens

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Although anti-HLA antibodies (Abs) cause most antibody-mediated rejections of renal allografts, non-anti-HLA Abs have also been postulated to contribute. A better understanding of such Abs in rejection is needed.METHODS: We conducted a nationwide study to identify kidney transplant recipients without anti-HLA donor-specific Abs who experienced acute graft dysfunction within 3 months after transplantation and showed evidence of microvascular injury, called acute microvascular rejection (AMVR). We developed a crossmatch assay to assess serum reactivity to human microvascular endothelial cells, and used a combination of transcriptomic and proteomic approaches to identify non-HLA Abs.RESULTS: We identified a highly selected cohort of 38 patients with early acute AMVR. Biopsy specimens revealed intense microvascular inflammation and the presence of vasculitis (in 60.5%), interstitial hemorrhages (31.6%), or thrombotic microangiopathy (15.8%). Serum samples collected at the time of transplant showed that previously proposed anti-endothelial cell Abs-angiotensin type 1 receptor (AT1R), endothelin-1 type A and natural polyreactive Abs-did not increase significantly among patients with AMVR compared with a control group of stable kidney transplant recipients. However, 26% of the tested AMVR samples were positive for AT1R Abs when a threshold of 10 IU/ml was used. The crossmatch assay identified a common IgG response that was specifically directed against constitutively expressed antigens of microvascular glomerular cells in patients with AMVR. Transcriptomic and proteomic analyses identified new targets of non-HLA Abs, with little redundancy among individuals.CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that preformed IgG Abs targeting non-HLA antigens expressed on glomerular endothelial cells are associated with early AMVR, and that cell-based assays are needed to improve risk assessments before transplant

    Epidemiology of lymphoproliferations occurring after kidney transplantation

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    Les lymphoprolifĂ©rations survenant aprĂšs transplantation sont une situation rare mais prĂ©occupante car mettant en jeu la survie des patients. Ces hĂ©mopathies ont des caractĂ©ristiques Ă©pidĂ©miologiques et physio-pathologiques qui les distinguent des lymphomes du sujet immunocompĂ©tent. Nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ© Ă  l’analyse des facteurs de risque associĂ©s aux lymphomes post-greffe et Ă  la recherche de facteurs pronostiques de survie des patients par l’analyse dĂ©taillĂ©e des registres amĂ©ricain et français de patients transplantĂ©s rĂ©naux. Le Registre Français des lymphomes survenant aprĂšs transplantation rĂ©nale a permis de recenser tous les cas de syndromes lymphoprolifĂ©ratifs se dĂ©veloppant chez des patients adultes survenant entre le 1er janvier 1998 et le 31 dĂ©cembre 2007. Tous les centres français de Transplantation rĂ©nale ont participĂ©. Nous avons recensĂ© 500 cas de lymphomes sur une pĂ©riode de 10 ans. Les diffĂ©rentes analyses de cette base de donnĂ©es ont donnĂ© lieu Ă  la publication d’une analyse intermĂ©diaire sur les 230 premiers cas, Ă  une publication consacrĂ©e Ă  l’incidence et aux facteurs de risque de dĂ©veloppement des lymphomes surla cohorte complĂšte et Ă  une publication concernant les facteurs pronostiques de dĂ©cĂšs des patients porteurs d’une lymphoprolifĂ©ration avec Ă©tablissement d’un score de risque spĂ©cifique de cette population. D’autre part, cette base de donnĂ©es unique au monde reprĂ©sente un support intĂ©ressant pour le dĂ©veloppement de travaux de recherche: Ă©tude de l’origine des cellules tumorales, Ă©tude des facteurs de susceptibilitĂ© pharmacogĂ©nĂ©tique au dĂ©veloppement des lymphoprolifĂ©ration post-greffe, Ă©tude des microRNA de l’EBV dans les lymphomes post-greffe.Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLD) are a rare but serious complication occurring after kidney transplantation. Features of PTLD are specific and different of those of immunocompetent patients. We studied incidence, risk factors for development of PTLD and prognostic factors of patients with PTLD using two databases: American and French. The French Registry of PTLD enrolled all adult patients with PTLD occurring between the 1st January 1998 and the 31st December 2007 from all transplant centers in France. Five hundred patients were included in the Registry. This enables us to analyse first the incidence and risk factors of PTLD and second the risk factors of kidney recipients’ survival. We constructed a new prognostic score specific of transplant patients. Finally, the French Registry gave us the opportunity to support others research projects: determination of the origin of tumoral cells, analysis of pharmacogenetic factors associated with the risk of developing PTLD, study of EBV microRNA in lymphoproliferations

    Contribution Ă  l'Ă©tude de l'ours brun dans les monts cantabriques

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    Les monts cantabriques, chaĂźne montagneuse abrupte de 300km de long bordant la cĂŽte atlantique de la pĂ©ninsule ibĂ©rique, hĂ©bergent plus de 80 ours bruns rĂ©partis en deux noyaux distincts. Une Ă©tude menĂ©e de 1985 Ă  1988 a permis, grĂące Ă  la pose d'un collier Ă©metteur de suivre un individu sur 3 ans. Et, en corrĂ©lant les informations recueillies avec celles accumulĂ©es depuis des annĂ©es, de mieux dĂ©finir le mode de vie de l'ours dans ces montagnes : alimentation biorythme et reproduction. L'ours brun est lĂ©galement protĂ©gĂ© en Europe et plus particuliĂšrement en Espagne oĂč il fait partie des espĂšces en danger d'exctinction : ce qui n'empĂȘche pas les braconniers de le pourchasser au risque de le faire disparaĂźtre. Chaque rĂ©gion de la CordillĂšre a Ă©tabli un plan de sauvegarde afin de renforcer la protection sur le terrain et de laisser toutes ses chances Ă  la population ursine la plus en Ă©tat de toute l'Europe mĂ©ridionale.TOULOUSE-EN VĂ©tĂ©rinaire (315552301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Index de résistance (Marqueur pronostique de la survie du greffon chez le patient transplanté rénal)

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    STRASBOURG-Medecine (674822101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF
