833 research outputs found

    Concert recording 2013-03-24

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    [Track 01]. O had I Jubal\u27s lyre / George Frideric Handel -- [Track 02]. Se a te d\u27intorno scherza / Gaetano Donizetti -- [Track 03]. O del mio amato ben / Stephano Donaudy -- [Track 04]. Perduta ho la speranza / Stephano Donaudy -- [Track 05]. Au tic-tac des castegnettes / Gaetano Donizetti -- [Track 06]. Les roses d\u27Ispahan / Gabriel Faure -- [Track 07]. Soliloquy / John Work -- [Track 08]. Seit ich ihn gesehen / Robert Schumann -- [Track 09]. Batti, batti, o bel Masetto / Wolfgang Mozart

    An Open Model for Researching the Role of Culture in Online Self-Disclosure

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    The analysis of consumers’ personal information (PI) is a significant source to learn about consumers. In online settings, many consumers disclose PI abundantly - this is particularly true for information provided on social network services. Still, people manage the privacy level they want to maintain by disclosing by disclosing PI accordingly. In addition, studies have shown that consumers’ online self-disclosure (OSD) differs across cultures. Therefore, intelligent systems should consider cultural issues when collecting, processing, storing or protecting data from consumers. However, existing studies typically rely on a comparison of two cultures, providing valuable insights but not drawing a comprehensive picture. We introduce an open research model for cultural OSD research, based on the privacy calculus theory. Our open research model incorporates six cultural dimensions, six predictors, and 24 structured propositions. It represents a comprehensive approach that provides a basis to explain possible cultural OSD phenomena in a systematic way

    Bias und Methodenprobleme bei psychologischen Autopsie-Studien zu Suizid

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    Anhand psychologischer Autopsie-Studien werden in der Suizidologie seit Jahrzehnten die BeweggrĂŒnde fĂŒr Suizid erforscht. Zu den grĂ¶ĂŸten Risikofaktoren zĂ€hlen psychische und affektive Störungen, wobei die Ergebnisse bisheriger Forschung stark differieren. Daher war es das Ziel dieser Studie, einen Überblick ĂŒber die gesamte Forschung durch psychologische Autopsie-Studien zu schaffen, den Zusammenhang zwischen psychischen und affektiven Störungen und Suizid meta-analytisch zu bewerten und mögliche GrĂŒnde fĂŒr die Inkonsistenz in den Ergebnissen zu identifizieren. Die Meta-Analysen ergaben wie erwartet einen starken Zusammenhang zwischen psychischen Störungen und Suizid sowie zwischen affektiven Störungen und Suizid. Auch frĂŒhere Suizidversuche stellen einen deutlichen Risikofaktor dar. Zudem ergaben die Analysen, dass die Art der Informanten, das verwendete Diagnosesystem, die Art der Kontrollgruppe, das Alter der Suizidenten, das Publikationsjahr und die Zeitspanne zwischen Suizid und Interview signifikante Effektmoderatoren darstellen. Von einer Generalisierung der Ergebnisse psychologischer Autopsie-Studien auf alle Suizidenten ist aufgrund der Inkonsistenz und der unbeobachteten Varianz abzusehen

    Running in the Family : Molecular Factors controlling Spin Crossover of Iron(II) Complexes with Schiff‐base like Ligands

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    Tailoring of spin state energetics of transition metal complexes and even the correct prediction of the resulting spin state is still a challenging task, both for the experimentalist and the theoretician. Apart from the complexity in the solid state imposed by packing effects, molecular factors of the spin state ordering are required to be identified and quantified on equal rights. In this work we experimentally record the spin states and SCO energies within an eight-member substitution-series of N4O2 ligated iron(II) complexes both in the solid state (SQUID magnetometry and single-crystal X-ray crystallography) and in solution (VT-NMR). The experimental survey is complemented by exhaustive theoretical modelling of the molecular and electronic structure of the open-chain N4O2 family and its macrocyclic N6 congeners through density-functional theory methods. Ligand topology is identified as the leading factor defining ground-state multiplicity of the corresponding iron(II) complexes. Invariably the low-spin state is sterically trapped in the macrocycles, whereas subtle substitution effects allow for a molecular fine tuning of the spin state in the open-chain ligands. Factorization of computed relative SCO energies holds promise for directed design of future SCO systems

    Consistent Treatment of Axions in the Weak Chiral Lagrangian

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    We present a consistent implementation of weak decays involving an axion or axionlike particle in the context of an effective chiral Lagrangian. We argue that previous treatments of such processes have used an incorrect representation of the flavor-changing quark currents in the chiral theory. As an application, we derive model-independent results for the decays K− → π−a and π− → eâˆ’ÎœÂŻea at leading order in the chiral expansion and for arbitrary axion couplings and mass. In particular, we find that the K− → π−a branching ratio is almost 40 times larger than previously estimated

    Context-Specific, User-Centred: Designing Urban Green Infrastructure to Effectively Mitigate Urban Density and Heat Stress

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    Green infrastructure plays a vital role for cities facing the challenges of urbanisation and climate change. It has the potential to mitigate the adverse effects of urban density and the heat island effect, enhancing the ecological and social resilience of cities and their inhabitants. This study identifies contextual, psychological, and social factors which influence people’s subjective evaluation of urban green infrastructure (UGI), density, and heat stress. Planning recommendations for effective, context-specific, user-centred design are developed to increase the social and health benefits of UGI in limited space. To do so, a mixed-methods approach that combines social surveys, GIS-analysis, and microclimate modelling was employed. The field studies were undertaken in two contrasting neighbourhoods in Munich, Germany: a densely built and scarcely vegetated inner-city neighbourhood and a declaimed “green and compact” neighbourhood at the outskirts. Both sites are assessed in terms of their supply of green infrastructure, building and population density, and outdoor summer heat loads drawing on geostatistical data and mean radiant temperature modelling. This assessment is compared to the inhabitants’ subjective evaluation thereof retrieved from face-to-face questionnaires, and semi-standardised interviews. The results indicate that the existence and the amount of UGI per se are not decisive for people’s perception of urban heat, density, and neighbourhood attractiveness. It is rather the perceived accessibility of green spaces, their design, quality, and contextual factors like traffic or the presence of other people that define its value for urban dwellers
