198 research outputs found

    Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of remotely delivering cognitive training to people with schizophrenia using tablets.

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    Limited access to Cognitive Training (CT) for people with schizophrenia (SZ) prevents widespread adoption of this intervention. Delivering CT remotely via tablets may increase accessibility, improve scheduling flexibility, and diminish patient burden.In this reanalysis of data from a larger trial of CT, we compared two samples of individuals with SZ who chose to complete 40 h of CT either on desktop computers in the laboratory (N = 33) or remotely via iPads (N = 41). We examined attrition rates and adherence to training, and investigated whether remote iPad-based CT and in-person desktop-based CT induced significantly different improvements in cognitive and real-world functioning.The attrition rate was 36.6%. On average, participants completed 3.06 h of CT per week. There were no significant between-group differences in attrition and adherence to CT requirements. Participants who completed iPad-based CT were significantly younger and had lower symptoms at baseline compared to participants who completed CT on the lab desktops. Controlling for age and symptom severity, rANCOVA showed that iPad-based and desktop-based CT similarly and significantly improved verbal learning and problem solving. Main effects of time, at trend level significance, were evident in global cognition, verbal memory, quality of life, and social functioning. All group by time interactions were non-significant except for verbal memory, where iPad users showed greater gains. Within-group effect sizes for changes in outcomes were in the small range.Although underpowered and not randomized, this study demonstrates that delivering CT remotely to people with SZ using tablets is feasible and results in retention rates, adherence, and cognitive and functional outcome improvements that are comparable to those observed when CT is delivered in the laboratory. This has important implications in terms of scalability and dissemination of CT. These results require confirmation in larger samples

    The Mediating Role of Self-Concept on Ethnic-Racial Identity and School Engagement for Black Adolescents

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    Despite the racial/ethnic diversity of the United States, a significant difference remains between the standardized achievement scores of White students and Black students, most commonly known as the achievement gap or the opportunity gap. Although it is recognized that the opportunity gap is rooted in structural racism, scholars have examined micro-level factors to close the opportunity gap that drives underachievement in Black youth. The present study explored the connections between ethnic-racial identity and factors related to academic achievement: global self-concept, academic self-concept, and student engagement. This study also evaluated the ethnic-racial identity process from a gendered lens. This study used data from the Peer Relations as Moderators of Success (PRAMS) 2008-2010 study. Survey data and demographic information were collected from 68 male and 98 female preadolescent and adolescent Black students in the 5th-8th grades. Data was evaluated as adequate using preliminary statistics. The hypothesized relationships between global self-concept, academic self-concept, ethnic-racial identity, and student behavioral engagement were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). In Model 1, analyses of direct effects indicated a significant pathway between global self-concept and behavioral engagement; however, ethnic-racial identity did not have a significant direct effect on global self-concept or behavioral engagement. Similarly, Model 2 resulted in academic self-concept having a significant direct effect on behavioral engagement, whereas ethnic-racial identity did not have a direct effect on academic self-concept or behavioral engagement. Due to all direct pathways and indirect pathways not being significantly predictive, preliminary assumptions to test for a mediation effect were not met for Model 1 and Model 2. Overall findings indicated global self-concept and academic self-concept as stronger indicators of achievement outcomes, specifically for behavioral engagement for Black students. Results further illustrated gender differences for the relationship between global self-concept and achievement outcomes for Black girls and boys. This study suggests finding ways to facilitate greater global and academic self-concept for youth will be beneficial for strengthening the likelihood of youth behaviorally engaging in classes at school. Limitations and future directions were further discussed. Keywords: ethnic-racial-identity, Black adolescent

    Beliefs about Racism and Health among African American Women with Diabetes: A Qualitative Study

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    Exposure to racism has been linked to poor health outcomes. Little is known about the impact of racism on diabetes outcomes. This study explored African American (AA) women’s beliefs about how racism interacts with their diabetes self-management and control. Four focus groups were conducted with a convenience sample of 28 adult AA women with type 2 diabetes who were recruited from a larger quantitative study on racism and diabetes. The focus group discussions were transcribed verbatim and analyzed by the authors. Women reported that exposure to racism was a common phenomenon, and their beliefs did in fact link racism to poor health. Specifically, women reported that exposure to racism caused physiological arousal including cardiovascular and metabolic perturbations. There was consensus that physiological arousal was generally detrimental to health. Women also described limited, and in some cases maladaptive, strategies to cope with racist events including eating unhealthy food choices and portions. There was consensus that the subjective nature of perceiving racism and accompanying social prohibitions often made it impossible to address racism directly. Many women described anger in such situations, and the tendency to internalize anger and other negative emotions, only to find that the negative emotions would be reactivated repeatedly with exposure to novel racial stressors, even long after the original racist event remitted. AA women in this study believed that racism affects their diabetes self-management and control. Health beliefs can exert powerful effects on health behaviors andmay provide an opportunity for health promotion interventions in diabetes

    A Comprehensive Dataset of Grains for Granular Jamming in Soft Robotics: Grip Strength and Shock Absorption

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    We test grip strength and shock absorption properties of various granular material in granular jamming robotic components. The granular material comprises a range of natural, manufactured, and 3D printed material encompassing a wide range of shapes, sizes, and Shore hardness. Two main experiments are considered, both representing compelling use cases for granular jamming in soft robotics. The first experiment measures grip strength (retention force measured in Newtons) when we fill a latex balloon with the chosen grain type and use it as a granular jamming gripper to pick up a range of test objects. The second experiment measures shock absorption properties recorded by an Inertial Measurement Unit which is suspended in an envelope of granular material and dropped from a set height. Our results highlight a range of shape, size and softness effects, including that grain deformability is a key determinant of grip strength, and interestingly, that larger grain sizes in 3D printed grains create better shock absorbing materials

    Frafall og bytter i universitets- og hÞgskoleutdanning : Kartlegging av frafall og bytte av studieprogram eller institusjon blant de som startet pÄ en gradsutdanning i 2012

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    Hvert Är forlater en markant andel studenter den utdanningen de har begynt pÄ. Frafall og diskusjoner om hvordan vi kan redusere omfanget av dette er hÞyt plassert pÄ dagsordenen i debatten om universitets- og hÞgskoleutdanning. Dette henger blant annet sammen med at det er kostbart bÄde for den enkelte og for samfunnet nÄr studenter i universitets- og hÞgskoleutdanning ikke fullfÞrer den utdanningen de har begynt pÄ. Denne rapporten kartlegger frafall og bytter i universitets- og hÞgskoleutdanning. Dette gjÞres ved Ä presentere deskriptiv statistikk som belyser omfanget av frafall fra universitets- og hÞgskolesektoren samt program- og institusjonsbytter. Hensikten med rapporten er Ä belyse kjennetegn ved studentene, samt Ä kartlegge nÄr frafallet og byttene skjer. Vi ser ogsÄ til hva studentene gjÞr i etterkant, herunder hvilke eventuelle utdanningsendringer de gjÞr. Rapporten er utarbeidet av Maj-Lisa LervÄg og Sophia Mai Howard Andresen ved Seksjon for utdanningsstatistikk. Rapporten er finansiert av Kunnskapsdepartementet

    Dancing to the Partisan Beat: A First Analysis of Political Communication on TikTok

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    TikTok is a video-sharing social networking service, whose popularity is increasing rapidly. It was the world's second-most downloaded app in 2019. Although the platform is known for having users posting videos of themselves dancing, lip-syncing, or showcasing other talents, user-videos expressing political views have seen a recent spurt. This study aims to perform a primary evaluation of political communication on TikTok. We collect a set of US partisan Republican and Democratic videos to investigate how users communicated with each other about political issues. With the help of computer vision, natural language processing, and statistical tools, we illustrate that political communication on TikTok is much more interactive in comparison to other social media platforms, with users combining multiple information channels to spread their messages. We show that political communication takes place in the form of communication trees since users generate branches of responses to existing content. In terms of user demographics, we find that users belonging to both the US parties are young and behave similarly on the platform. However, Republican users generated more political content and their videos received more responses; on the other hand, Democratic users engaged significantly more in cross-partisan discussions.Comment: Accepted as a full paper at the 12th International ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci 2020). Please cite the WebSci version; Second version includes corrected typo

    Targeted deletion of Hand2 in cardiac neural crest-derived cells influences cardiac gene expression and outflow tract development

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    AbstractThe basic helix–loop–helix DNA binding protein Hand2 has critical functions in cardiac development both in neural crest-derived and mesoderm-derived structures. Targeted deletion of Hand2 in the neural crest has allowed us to genetically dissect Hand2-dependent defects specifically in outflow tract and cardiac cushion independent of Hand2 functions in mesoderm-derived structures. Targeted deletion of Hand2 in the neural crest results in misalignment of the aortic arch arteries and outflow tract, contributing to development of double outlet right ventricle (DORV) and ventricular septal defects (VSD). These neural crest-derived developmental anomalies are associated with altered expression of Hand2-target genes we have identified by gene profiling. A number of Hand2 direct target genes have been identified using ChIP and ChIP-on-chip analyses. We have identified and validated a number of genes related to cell migration, proliferation/cell cycle and intracellular signaling whose expression is affected by Hand2 deletion in the neural crest and which are associated with development of VSD and DORV. Our data suggest that Hand2 is a multifunctional DNA binding protein affecting expression of target genes associated with a number of functional interactions in neural crest-derived cells required for proper patterning of the outflow tract, generation of the appropriate number of neural crest-derived cells for elongation of the conotruncus and cardiac cushion organization. Our genetic model has made it possible to investigate the molecular genetics of neural crest contributions to outflow tract morphogenesis and cell differentiation
