26 research outputs found

    Choroidal Thickness in Eyes with Unilateral Ocular Ischemic Syndrome

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    Aim. To analyze the subfoveal choroid thickness and choroidal volume in unilateral ocular ischemic syndrome (OIS). Methods. A retrospective review was conducted for all patients with unilateral OIS from October 2010 through June 2014. The subfoveal choroidal thickness (SFChT) and choroidal volume of both eyes were compared. Results. 19 unilateral OIS patients were included in this study. The mean SFChT of OIS eyes was significantly lower than that of fellow eyes (OIS eyes: 208.89 ± 82.62 μm and fellow eyes: 265.31 ± 82.77 μm, P<0.001). The choroidal volume of OIS eyes was significantly smaller than that of fellow eyes (OIS eyes: 0.16 ± 0.05 mm3 and fellow eyes: 0.21 ± 0.05 mm3, P<0.001). Conclusion. The choroidal thickness and volume of OIS eyes were smaller than those of unaffected fellow eyes. Decreased choroidal circulation caused by carotid artery stenosis might affect the discordance of choroidal thickness and choroidal volume

    Acute-Onset Vitreous Hemorrhage of Unknown Origin before Vitrectomy: Causes and Prognosis

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    Purpose. To analyze causes and prognosis of acute-onset preoperatively unknown origin vitreous hemorrhage (VH). Methods. This study included patients who underwent vitrectomy for acute-onset preoperatively unknown origin VH. The underlying causes of VH, which were identified after vitrectomy, were analyzed. And overall visual prognosis of unknown origin VH was analyzed. Risk scoring system was developed to predict visual prognosis after vitrectomy. Results. 169 eyes were included. Among these, retinal vein occlusion (RVO), retinal break, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) were identified in 74 (43.8%), 50 (29.6%), and 21 (12.4%) patients, respectively. After vitrectomy, logMAR BCVA significantly improved from 1.93±0.59 to 0.47±0.71. However, postoperative BCVA in AMD eyes were significantly poorer than others. Poor visual prognosis after vitrectomy was associated with old age, poor preoperative vision in both eyes, and drusen in the fellow eye. Conclusions. RVO, retinal break, and AMD are the most common causes of acute-onset preoperatively unknown origin VH and the most common causes of VH change with age. The visual prognosis of unknown origin VH is relatively good, except among AMD patients. Older patients with poor preoperative BCVA in both eyes and patients with AMD in the fellow eye are at a higher risk of poor visual prognosis following vitrectomy

    Recurrent Bilateral Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion with Hearing Loss and Encephalopathy: The First Case Report of Susac Syndrome in Korea

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    We report the first case of Susac syndrome in Koreans, in a 23-yr-old female patient who presented with sudden visual loss and associated neurological symptoms. Ophthalmic examination and fluorescein angiography showed multiple areas of branch retinal artery occlusion, which tended to recur in both eyes. Magnetic resonance imaging showed dot-like, diffusion-restricted lesions in the corpus callosum and left fornix, and audiometry showed low-frequency sensory hearing loss, compatible with Susac syndrome. She received immunosuppressive therapy with oral steroid and azathioprine. Three months later all the symptoms disappeared but obstructive vasculitis have been relapsing. This patient demonstrated the entire clinical triad of Susac syndrome, which tends to occur in young females. Although this disorder has rarely been reported in Asian populations, a high index of suspicion is warranted for early diagnosis and timely treatment

    Prevalence and Risk Factors of Early-Stage Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Patients Examined at a Health Promotion Center in Korea

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    We evaluated the prevalence and risk factors for early age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in Koreans 50 yr of age or older who were examined at a single health promotion center. We retrospectively reviewed the records of 10,449 subjects who visited the center over a 6-month period. Fundus photography was performed on all subjects, and systematic risk factor analysis was conducted using a structured questionnaire. All patients (n = 322) were initially diagnosed with drusen or early AMD using fundoscopy; the control group (n = 10,127) were those yielding normal fundoscopy findings. The age- and gender-adjusted prevalence of early AMD was 3.08%. Advanced age, male gender, smoking status, hyperlipidemia, working outdoors, and residence in rural areas were all significantly associated with an increased risk for development of early AMD. Higher-level ingestion of fruit or herbal medication and an increased amount of exercise were associated with a lower risk of early AMD development. In our Korean cohort, consisting principally of relatively healthy, middle-class urban adults, the prevalence of early AMD was 3.08% that is similar to that reported in earlier epidemiological studies. Several modifiable risk factors such as smoking and hyperlipidemia are associated with the prevalence of early AMD in our cohort

    The Therapeutic Effects of Bevacizumab in Patients with Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy

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    A proper description of the biosynthesis of fungal β-lactam antibiotics requires detailed knowledge of the cell biology of the producing organisms. This involves a delineation of the compartmentalization of the biosynthetic pathways, and of the consequential transport steps across the cell-boundary plasma membrane and across organellar membranes. Of the enzymes of the penicillin biosynthetic pathway in Penicillium chrysogenum and Aspergillus nidulans, δ-(L-α-aminoadipyl)-L-cysteinyl-D-valine synthetase (ACVS) and isopenicillin N synthase (IPNS) probably have a cytosolic location. Acyl-coenzyme A:isopenicillin N acyltransferase (IAT) is located in microbodies. Of the two enzymes that may be involved in activation of the side chain, acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase (ACS) is located in the cytosol, and phenylacetyl-coenzyme A ligase (PCL) is probably located in the microbody. All enzymes of the cephalosporin biosynthesis pathway in Cephalosporium acremonium probably have a cytosolic location. The vacuole may play an ancillary role in the supply of precursor amino acids, and in the storage of intermediates. The distribution of precursors, intermediates, end- and side-products, the transport of nutrients, precursors, intermediates and products across the plasma membrane, and the transport of small solutes across organellar membranes, is discussed. The relevance of compartmentalization is considered against the background of recent biotechnological innovations of fungal β-lactam biosynthesis pathways.

    Acute-Onset Vitreous Hemorrhage of Unknown Origin before Vitrectomy: Causes and Prognosis

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    Purpose. To analyze causes and prognosis of acute-onset preoperatively unknown origin vitreous hemorrhage (VH). Methods. This study included patients who underwent vitrectomy for acute-onset preoperatively unknown origin VH. The underlying causes of VH, which were identified after vitrectomy, were analyzed. And overall visual prognosis of unknown origin VH was analyzed. Risk scoring system was developed to predict visual prognosis after vitrectomy. Results. 169 eyes were included. Among these, retinal vein occlusion (RVO), retinal break, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) were identified in 74 (43.8%), 50 (29.6%), and 21 (12.4%) patients, respectively. After vitrectomy, logMAR BCVA significantly improved from 1.93±0.59 to 0.47±0.71. However, postoperative BCVA in AMD eyes were significantly poorer than others. Poor visual prognosis after vitrectomy was associated with old age, poor preoperative vision in both eyes, and drusen in the fellow eye. Conclusions. RVO, retinal break, and AMD are the most common causes of acute-onset preoperatively unknown origin VH and the most common causes of VH change with age. The visual prognosis of unknown origin VH is relatively good, except among AMD patients. Older patients with poor preoperative BCVA in both eyes and patients with AMD in the fellow eye are at a higher risk of poor visual prognosis following vitrectomy

    Metformin reduced the level of Flk1 in OIR mouse retinas.

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    <p>Flk1 expression in mouse eyes was quantified using RT-PCR and in retinal section with immunostaining. (A) RT-PCR data showed that Flk1 mRNA levels were not significantly changed in retinas of saline-treated OIR (OIR) or metformin-treated OIR (+Met) mice (n = 6). (B) Immunostaining showed a decrease in Flk1 expression in metformin-treated OIR mice (+Met) compared to saline-treated OIR (OIR) mice at P17 and P21. GCL; ganglion cell layer, INL; inner nuclear layer. Original magnification, ×400; scale bar, 100 μm.</p

    Analysis of VEGF expression level in OIR mouse eyes.

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    <p>ELISAs revealed higher levels of VEGF expression in the eyes of mice in the saline-treated OIR group (OIR; n = 9) and metformin-treated OIR mice (+Met; n = 10) than in those of the control, reared in normoxic condition, (CTL; n = 5) and metformin-treated control (Met; n = 4) group at post natal day 17 (P17). Elevated VEGF levels in both OIR groups decreased at post natal day 21 (P21). But metformin treatment did not affect VEGF level. VEGF levels in metformin-treated OIR mice (+Met; n = 12) were not different from those in saline-treated mice (OIR; n = 12) at P17 or P21. *P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01 compared to metformin-treated CTL (Met; n = 4). (Mann-Whitney U test).</p