1,289 research outputs found

    Input-to-state stability of infinite-dimensional control systems

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    We develop tools for investigation of input-to-state stability (ISS) of infinite-dimensional control systems. We show that for certain classes of admissible inputs the existence of an ISS-Lyapunov function implies the input-to-state stability of a system. Then for the case of systems described by abstract equations in Banach spaces we develop two methods of construction of local and global ISS-Lyapunov functions. We prove a linearization principle that allows a construction of a local ISS-Lyapunov function for a system which linear approximation is ISS. In order to study interconnections of nonlinear infinite-dimensional systems, we generalize the small-gain theorem to the case of infinite-dimensional systems and provide a way to construct an ISS-Lyapunov function for an entire interconnection, if ISS-Lyapunov functions for subsystems are known and the small-gain condition is satisfied. We illustrate the theory on examples of linear and semilinear reaction-diffusion equations.Comment: 33 page

    An ISS Small-Gain Theorem for General Networks

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    We provide a generalized version of the nonlinear small-gain theorem for the case of more than two coupled input-to-state stable (ISS) systems. For this result the interconnection gains are described in a nonlinear gain matrix and the small-gain condition requires bounds on the image of this gain matrix. The condition may be interpreted as a nonlinear generalization of the requirement that the spectral radius of the gain matrix is less than one. We give some interpretations of the condition in special cases covering two subsystems, linear gains, linear systems and an associated artificial dynamical system.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS

    Solving Einstein's Equations With Dual Coordinate Frames

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    A method is introduced for solving Einstein's equations using two distinct coordinate systems. The coordinate basis vectors associated with one system are used to project out components of the metric and other fields, in analogy with the way fields are projected onto an orthonormal tetrad basis. These field components are then determined as functions of a second independent coordinate system. The transformation to the second coordinate system can be thought of as a mapping from the original ``inertial'' coordinate system to the computational domain. This dual-coordinate method is used to perform stable numerical evolutions of a black-hole spacetime using the generalized harmonic form of Einstein's equations in coordinates that rotate with respect to the inertial frame at infinity; such evolutions are found to be generically unstable using a single rotating coordinate frame. The dual-coordinate method is also used here to evolve binary black-hole spacetimes for several orbits. The great flexibility of this method allows comoving coordinates to be adjusted with a feedback control system that keeps the excision boundaries of the holes within their respective apparent horizons.Comment: Updated to agree with published versio

    A Characterization of Scale Invariant Responses in Enzymatic Networks

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    An ubiquitous property of biological sensory systems is adaptation: a step increase in stimulus triggers an initial change in a biochemical or physiological response, followed by a more gradual relaxation toward a basal, pre-stimulus level. Adaptation helps maintain essential variables within acceptable bounds and allows organisms to readjust themselves to an optimum and non-saturating sensitivity range when faced with a prolonged change in their environment. Recently, it was shown theoretically and experimentally that many adapting systems, both at the organism and single-cell level, enjoy a remarkable additional feature: scale invariance, meaning that the initial, transient behavior remains (approximately) the same even when the background signal level is scaled. In this work, we set out to investigate under what conditions a broadly used model of biochemical enzymatic networks will exhibit scale-invariant behavior. An exhaustive computational study led us to discover a new property of surprising simplicity and generality, uniform linearizations with fast output (ULFO), whose validity we show is both necessary and sufficient for scale invariance of enzymatic networks. Based on this study, we go on to develop a mathematical explanation of how ULFO results in scale invariance. Our work provides a surprisingly consistent, simple, and general framework for understanding this phenomenon, and results in concrete experimental predictions

    News discourses on distant suffering: A critical discourse analysis of the 2003 SARS outbreak

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    News carries a unique signifying power, a power to represent events in particular ways (Fairclough, 1995). Applying Critical Discourse Analysis and Chouliaraki's theory on the mediation of suffering (2006), this article explores the news representation of the 2003 global SARS outbreak. Following a case-based methodology, we investigate how two Belgian television stations have covered the international outbreak of SARS. By looking into the mediation of four selected discursive moments, underlying discourses of power, hierarchy and compassion were unraveled. The analysis further identified the key role of proximity in international news reporting and supports the claim that Western news media mainly reproduce a Euro-American centered world order. This article argues that news coverage of international crises such as SARS constructs and maintains the socio-cultural difference between 'us' and 'them' as well as articulating global power hierarchies and a division of the world in zones of poverty and prosperity, danger and safety

    Approaching the Coverability Problem Continuously

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    The coverability problem for Petri nets plays a central role in the verification of concurrent shared-memory programs. However, its high EXPSPACE-complete complexity poses a challenge when encountered in real-world instances. In this paper, we develop a new approach to this problem which is primarily based on applying forward coverability in continuous Petri nets as a pruning criterion inside a backward coverability framework. A cornerstone of our approach is the efficient encoding of a recently developed polynomial-time algorithm for reachability in continuous Petri nets into SMT. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on standard benchmarks from the literature, which shows that our approach decides significantly more instances than any existing tool and is in addition often much faster, in particular on large instances.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    A hisztériával kapcsolatos diskurzusok tanulságai a szomatizációs jelenségek és a betegségmagatartás megértéséhez = The relevance of discourses about hysteria in the understanding of somatization phenomena and illness behaviour

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    Napjainkban a magatartástudományok képviselőinek egyszerre kell számolniuk a betegségekkel kapcsolatos bizonyosság és tudás konfliktusait előhívó medikalizációs-technicizációs orvostudományi tendenciákkal és a társadalomtudományok ezekre reflektáló, kritikai és „posztmodern” megközelítéseivel. Ebből adódóan igen fontos kihívásként jelentkezik az interdiszciplináris megközelítés szükségessége. Különösen így van ez a nehezen definiálható betegségek - a szomatizációs és pszichoszomatikus zavarok - esetében, ahol a betegségmagatartás gyakorlati problémái, továbbá a tünetek, a diagnózisok és a szenvedés „valódiságának” episztemológiai kérdései egyszerre vannak jelen. Az utóbbi másfél évtized kritikai társadalomtudományi kutatásaiban rendkívüli figyelmet kapott a szomatizációs zavarok és a klasszikus pszichoszomatikus kórképek elődjének számító hisztéria kérdésköre. A tanulmány a szakmai és laikus szóhasználatban nem hivatalosan máig tovább élő betegséggel kapcsolatos társadalomtudományi és orvosi megközelítések közül azokat mutatja be, amelyek szempontokkal szolgálhatnak a szomatizációs és pszichoszomatikus kórképek, valamint a velük kapcsolatos érzelmi és viselkedéses reakciók elemzéséhez és megértéséhez

    On local linearization of control systems

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    We consider the problem of topological linearization of smooth (C infinity or real analytic) control systems, i.e. of their local equivalence to a linear controllable system via point-wise transformations on the state and the control (static feedback transformations) that are topological but not necessarily differentiable. We prove that local topological linearization implies local smooth linearization, at generic points. At arbitrary points, it implies local conjugation to a linear system via a homeomorphism that induces a smooth diffeomorphism on the state variables, and, except at "strongly" singular points, this homeomorphism can be chosen to be a smooth mapping (the inverse map needs not be smooth). Deciding whether the same is true at "strongly" singular points is tantamount to solve an intriguing open question in differential topology

    From paradox to pattern shift: Conceptualising liminal hotspots and their affective dynamics

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    This article introduces the concept of liminal hotspots as a specifically psychosocial and sociopsychological type of wicked problem, best addressed in a process-theoretical framework. A liminal hotspot is defined as an occasion characterised by the experience of being trapped in the interstitial dimension between different forms-of-process. The paper has two main aims. First, to articulate a nexus of concepts associated with liminal hotspots that together provide general analytic purchase on a wide range of problems concerning “troubled” becoming. Second, to provide concrete illustrations through examples drawn from the health domain. In the conclusion, we briefly indicate the sense in which liminal hotspots are part of broader and deeper historical processes associated with changing modes for the management and navigation of liminality

    From toothpick legs to dropping vaginas: Gender and sexuality in Joan Rivers' stand-up comedy performance

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2011 Intellect.This article employs sociocultural analysis to examine Joan Rivers’ stand-up comedy performances in order to reveal how she successfully operates in a sphere of artistic expression that has been, and continues to be, male-dominated. The analysis uncovers how Rivers’ stand-up comedy performance involves a complex combination of elements and how it fuses features that are regarded as ‘traditionally masculine’, such as aggression, with features frequently used by other female stand-up comedians, such as self-deprecating comedy and confessional comedy. Furthermore, the analysis exposes the complex ways in which constructions of gender and sexuality are negotiated and re-negotiated in Rivers’ stand-up comedy performance, and illustrates how dominant ideological identity constructions can be simultaneously reinforced and subverted within the same comic moment