127 research outputs found

    Constructing identity from the ruins of Modernity. The work of Amie Siegel

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    [EN] Film becomes obsolete and a sort of modern ruin in the digital era. As a documentary tool and communication media has been transformed: now it is an object, a physical matter to be preserved, further than a tool and lively memory. Its transparent specificity had been lost. In the same way, the massive manufacture and distribution of gods, thanks to global markets, had transformed the meaning of modern spaces and objects. Even if created under universalizing and democratization policies, those now obsolete modern objects work today as mirrors of an invalid paradigm. In Amie Siegel’s work both transformations come together: the memory^movies became objects and the gods^objects became memories^ containers of stories and history. Siegel locate the mystery of identity construction precisely in this dynamic movement, in this sort of metamorphosis we are leaving nowadays. We will revisit her works Provenance (2013) and Double(Negative (2015), devoted to this questions, in the context of the exhibition Double(Negative, organized in 2016 by Museum Villa Stuck, Munich.[ES] Esta comunicación analiza el trabajo de la artista estadounidense Amie Siegel como punto de partida para abordar el concepto de identidad en el mundo globalizado. A modo de caso de estudio, se comentarán algunas de sus obras, principalmente la película Provenance (2013), en la que la artista traza en reverso el camino que los muebles diseñados por Le Corbusier para la ciudad de Chandigarh recorren desde su ubicación original hasta las casas de coleccionistas de diseño en Europa y Estados Unidos. Tanto en esta película, como en la recientemente producida, Double Negative (2015), y en una sus primeras instalaciones, como Berlin Remake (2005), Siegel aborda el tema de la ruina moderna y su transformación en la era de la globalización. Dicha transformación afecta directamente a la construcción de las identidades, siendo este el tema esencial que, a mi juicio, conecta toda su obra. Como comisaria de su única exposición retrospectiva hasta la fecha, Amie Siegel. Double Negative, presentada en 2016 en el Museo Villa Stuck de Múnich, he tenido la oportunidad de profundizar en su trabajo y, mediante mi participación en este congreso, desearía poder llevar este ejercicio un paso más allá, compartiendo mis reflexiones con otros autores para abrir nuevos caminos en la investigación de estas cuestiones.Sonseca Mas, Y. (2017). Construir una identidad desde las ruinas de la modernidad. La obra de Amie Siegel. En Glocal [codificar, mediar, transformar, vivir] III Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Artes Visuales. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 656-662. https://doi.org/10.4995/ANIAV.2017.5813OCS65666

    Superposiciones tonales en la Fantasía Bætica de Manuel de Falla

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    Numerosos estudios de la obra de Manuel de Falla hacen referencia a la existencia de la superposición tonal en la construcción armónica de su obra, pero apenas existen estudios que examinen este fenómeno de forma concreta. Sobre esta base analizamos la técnica de la superposición tonal teniendo como referencia una de sus obras pianísticas más importantes, la Fantasía Bætica, con el objetivo de determinar su alcance y repercusión. Estudiaremos la posición del acorde superpuesto y los sonidos resultantes en función del acorde triada que toman como base dentro del contexto armónico en el que se circunscriben, lo que nos llevará a entender mejor el papel que representa esta técnica en el lenguaje armónico del compositor

    Haití, prototipo de escuela secundaria para zonas rurales

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    El proyecto surge de la necesidad imperante de escuelas secundarias que existe en las onas rurales de Haití. A través de la identificación en terreno, ofrecida por la ONGD española (ASFE), se observan graves carencias en las dotaciones públicas escolares de Haití, sobre todo, en aquellas destinadas a acoger alumnos de Segundo y Tercer Ciclo (educación secundaria)

    Working on Critical Thinking skills using the computer lab works of an Engineering subject

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    [EN] A practical intervention was devised in order to promote and to assess Critical Thinking in undergraduate students of Engineering. First, in collaboration with specialists in education, the concept of Critical Thinking, and its skills and dispositions on which to focus on, was determined. Second, a teaching strategy was designed in order to be as effective as possible, considering the limitations of the intervention. This strategy took advantage of the computer lab sessions where discussion and questioning encouraged the development of Critical Thinking. Then, the instruments to assess the acquired skills and attitudes of the students were developed. Finally, a quantitative analysis of the results was conducted in order to evaluate the validity and reliability of the strategy. This paper presents a full description of the intervention carried on for two years. Besides the desired effects on the students performance, some conclusions regarding the development of appropriate instruments to deal with a large group of students are drawn. This intervention has proven to be effective in order to help the students to develop their Critical Thinking skills, and it is particularly suitable for large groups.This research was funded by the Universitat Politècnica de València through the project PIME/2018/DPTO. IMM.Giner-Navarro, J.; Sonseca, Á.; Martínez-Casas, J.; Carballeira, J. (2022). Working on Critical Thinking skills using the computer lab works of an Engineering subject. Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences. 9(2):23-45. https://doi.org/10.4995/muse.2022.1790823459

    Electrospinning of biodegradable polylactide/hydroxyapatite nanofibers: Study on the morphology, crystallinity structure and thermal stability

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    [EN] Aligned mats of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) nanofibers containing nanosized hydroxyapatite filler have been obtained via electrospinning onto a rotating mandrel. Their structure and morphology have been characterized as a function of the production parameters, by SEM, DSC, DMA and WAXS, with emphasis in the effects of the take-up velocity. SEM, DSC and X-ray diffraction studies confirmed a reduction in fiber diameter, an increase of fiber orientation and a highly crystalline structure of the mats collected at higher speed due to the stretching produced during the process. Double melting behavior was observed, suggesting the presence of two crystalline forms. Moreover the higher storage modulus (E¿ modulus), and glass transition temperatures of the higher speed collected mats were correlated with an enhancement in the thermal stability and nanofiller distribution. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This project has been supported by Project MAT2010/21494-C03 of Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation (MICINN). AS acknowledges the support of FPU grant from MED (MED-FPU; AP2009-2482).Sonseca Olalla, A.; Peponi, L.; Sahuquillo, O.; Kenny, J.; Giménez Torres, E. (2012). Electrospinning of biodegradable polylactide/hydroxyapatite nanofibers: Study on the morphology, crystallinity structure and thermal stability. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 97(10):2052-2059. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2012.05.009S20522059971

    Música popular y Béla Bartók: un análisis a través de sus escritos

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    Los escritos de Béla Bartók han sido publicados en diferentes ediciones que no siempre recogen el mismo número de escritos, e incluso, a veces, reproducen una traducción parcial del texto original, normalmente en húngaro. El presente artículo pretende analizar el pensamiento de Béla Bartók sobre la música popular a través de sus escritos. Para ello, estudiaremos las principales colecciones en húngaro, inglés y español y clasificaremos los escritos en tres categorías: la investigación de la música popular, la música popular comparativa y la relación entre la música popular y la música artística. De este análisis deduciremos las principales conclusiones que nos ayudarán a entender mejor, en última instancia, la motivación que llevó a uno de los músicos más importantes del siglo XX a dedicar gran parte de su vida a la investigación de la música popula

    El folklore musical como fuente de inspiración: la Fantasía Baetica de Manuel de Falla y la Sonata para piano (1926) de Béla Bartók

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Música. Fecha de lectura: 17-01-202

    Low-Power Upconversion in Poly(Mannitol-Sebacate) Networks with Tethered Diphenylanthracene and Palladium Porphyrin

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    [EN] Efforts to fabricate low-power up converting solid-state systems have rapidly increased in the past decade because of their possible application in several fields such as bio-imaging, drug delivery, solar harvesting or displays. The synthesis of upconverting cross-linked polyester rubbers with covalently tethered chromophores is presented here. Cross-linked films were prepared by reacting a poly(mannitol- sebacate) pre-polymer with 9,10-bis(4-hydroxymethylphenyl) anthracene (DPA-(CH2OH)2) and palladium mesoporphyrin IX. These chromophores served as emitters and sensitizers, respectively, and through a cascade of photophysical events, resulted in an anti-Stokes shifted emission. Indeed, blue emission (*440 nm) of these solid materials was detected upon excitation at 543 nm with a green laser and the power dependence of integrated unconverted intensity versus excitation was examined. The new materials display upconversion at power densities as low as 32 mW/cm2, and do not display phase de-mixing, which has been identified as an obstacle in rubbery blends comprising untethered chromophores.The authors are thankful for the financial support of the Swiss National Science Foundation (200021_13540/1 and 200020_152968), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Project MAT2010/21494-C03) and the Adolphe Merkle Foundation. The authors thank Prof. Christoph Weder for his help and support.Lee, S.; Sonseca, A.; Vadrucci, R.; Giménez Torres, E.; Foster, E.; Simon, YC. (2014). Low-Power Upconversion in Poly(Mannitol-Sebacate) Networks with Tethered Diphenylanthracene and Palladium Porphyrin. Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers. 24(5):898-903. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10904-014-0063-7S898903245C. A. Parker, C. G. Hatchard. P. Chem. Soc. London, 386–387 (1962)Y.C. Simon, C. Weder, J. Mater. Chem. 22, 20817–20830 (2012)J.Z. Zhao, S.M. Ji, H.M. Guo, Rsc Adv. 1, 937–950 (2011)C. Reinhard, R. Valiente, H.U. Gudel, J. Phys. Chem. B 106, 10051–10057 (2002)M. Haase, H. Schafer, Angew. Chem. Int. Edit. 50, 5808–5829 (2011)W.H. Wu, J.Z. Zhao, J.F. Sun, S. Guo, J. Org. Chem. 77, 5305–5312 (2012)T.T. Zhao, X.Q. Shen, L. Li, Z.P. Guan, N.Y. Gao, P.Y. Yuan, S.Q. Yao, Q.H. Xu, G.Q. Xu, Nanoscale 4, 7712–7719 (2012)C. Cepraga, T. Gallavardin, S. Marotte, P.H. Lanoe, J.C. Mulatier, F. Lerouge, S. Parola, M. Lindgren, P.L. Baldeck, J. Marvel, O. Maury, C. Monnereau, A. Favier, C. Andraud, Y. Leverrier, M.T. Charreyre, Polym. Chem. 4, 61–67 (2013)J. Qian, D. Wang, F.H. Cai, Q.Q. Zhan, Y.L. Wang, S.L. He, Biomaterials 33, 4851–4860 (2012)S. Baluschev, V. Yakutkin, T. Miteva, G. Wegner, T. Roberts, G. Nelles, A. Yasuda, S. Chernov, S. Aleshchenkov, A. Cheprakov, New J. Phys. 10, 013007 (2008)S. Baluschev, T. Miteva, V. Yakutkin, G. Nelles, A. Yasuda, G. Wegner, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 143903 (2006)M. Samoc, A. Samoc, B. Luther-Davies, Opt. 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    Assessment of oral and written communication competences in the European Higher Education Area: a proposal of evaluation methodologies

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    [EN] he international accreditation for the Master and Bachelor degrees offered at our university, together with the demands of the employers, have made it clear that the students’ curricula should specify not only what they have studied, but also what they are actually able to do. Although the competence based curricula approach has been used in the development of the new programmes for the Master and Bachelor degrees within the European Higher Education Area in recent years, the assessment of these competences is still a pending task. This work presents an ‘outcomes’ approach for the assessment of the oral and written communication skills within subjects related to mechanical and materials engineering. In particular, this paper proposes some rubrics developed in order to quantify the level of achievement. These rubrics are based on the evaluation of some learning outcomes that can be observed by using different strategies during the course. Conclusions about preliminary results and the difficulties found in order to create these tools are also described here.Sonseca, A.; Sahuquillo, O.; Martinez-Casas, J.; Carballeira, J.; Denia Guzmán, FD.; Rodenas, J.; Rodenas (2015). Assessment of oral and written communication competences in the European Higher Education Area: a proposal of evaluation methodologies. En 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHER EDUCATION ADVANCES (HEAD' 15). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 2-9. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD15.2015.485OCS2

    Assessment of problem-solving skills in subjects related to mechanical and materials engineering

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    [EN] The international accreditation for the Master and Bachelor degrees offered at our university, together with the demands of the employers, have made it clear that students’ curricula should specify not only what they have studied, but also what they are actually able to do. Although the competence based curricula approach has been used in the development of the new programmes for Master and Bachelor degrees within the European Higher Education Area in recent years, the assessment of generic competences is still a pending task. This work presents an ‘outcomes’ approach for the assessment of the problem-solving capacity in subjects related to mechanical and materials engineering. In particular, this paper proposes a scale in order to quantify the level of achievement and shows some tools developed for this purpose. These tools are based on the evaluation of some learning outcomes that can be observed by using different strategies during the course. Conclusions about preliminary results and the difficulties found in order to create these tools and the scale are also described here.The authors acknowledge the financial contribution of Universitat Politècnica de València through the project PIME/2014/A/012/B.Martínez Casas, J.; Sahuquillo, O.; Sonseca Olalla, A.; Carballeira, J.; Denia Guzmán, FD.; Marco Alacid, O. (2015). Assessment of problem-solving skills in subjects related to mechanical and materials engineering. En 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHER EDUCATION ADVANCES (HEAD' 15). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 288-295. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD15.2015.48628829