45 research outputs found

    Maintaining effective mass drug administration for lymphatic filariasis through in-process monitoring in Sierra Leone

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    BACKGROUND: Since 2007 Sierra Leone has conducted mass drug administration (MDA) for the elimination of lymphatic filariasis (LF) implemented by unpaid community health volunteers (CHVs). Other health campaigns such as Mother and Child Health Weeks (MCHW) pay for services to be implemented at community level and these persons are then known as community health workers (CHWs). In 2010, the LF MDA in the 12 districts of the Southern, Northern and Eastern Provinces un-expectantly coincided with universal distribution of Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLITNs) during the MCHW. In-process monitoring of LF MDA was performed to ensure effective coverage was attained in hard to reach sites (HTR) in both urban and rural locations where vulnerable populations reside. METHODS: Independent monitors interviewed individuals eligible for LF MDA and tallied those who recalled having taken ivermectin and albendazole, calculated program coverage and reported results daily by phone. Monitoring of coverage in HTR sites in the 4 most rapidly urbanizing towns was performed after 4 weeks of LF MDA and again after 8 weeks throughout all 12 districts. End process monitoring was performed in randomly selected HTR sites not previously sampled throughout all 12 districts and compared to coverage calculated from the pre-MDA census and reported treatments. RESULTS: Only one town had reached effective program coverage (≥80%) after 4 weeks following which CHWs were recruited for LF MDA in all district headquarter towns. After 8 weeks only 4 of 12 districts had reached effective coverage so LF MDA was extended for a further month in all districts. By 12 weeks effective program coverage had been reached in all districts except Port Loko and there was no significant difference between those interviewed in communities versus households or by sex. Effective epidemiological coverage (≥65%) was reported in all districts and overall was significantly higher in males versus females. CONCLUSIONS: The challenges to LF MDA included the late delivery in country of ivermectin, the availability and motivation of unpaid CHVs, concurrent LLITN distribution and the MCHW, remuneration for CHWs, rapid urbanization and employment seeking population migrations. 'In process' monitoring ensured modifications of LF MDA were made in a timely manner to ensure effective coverage was finally attained even in HTR locations

    Impact assessment of onchocerciasis through lymphatic filariasis transmission assessment surveys using Ov-16 rapid diagnostic tests in Sierra Leone

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    Background: Onchocerciasis is endemic in 14 of Sierra Leone's 16 districts with high prevalence (47–88.5%) according to skin snips at baseline. After 11 rounds of mass treatment with ivermectin with good coverage, an impact assessment was conducted in 2017 to assess the progress towards eliminating onchocerciasis in the country. Methods: A cluster survey was conducted, either integrated with lymphatic filariasis (LF) transmission assessment survey (TAS) or standalone with the LF TAS sampling strategy in 12 (now 14) endemic districts. Finger prick blood samples of randomly selected children in Grades 1–4 were tested in the field using SD Bioline Onchocerciasis IgG4 rapid tests. Results: In total, 17,402 children aged 4–19 years in 177 schools were tested, and data from 17,364 children aged 4–14 years (14,230 children aged 5–9 years) were analyzed. Three hundred forty-six children were confirmed positive for Ov-16 IgG4 antibodies, a prevalence of 2.0% (95% CI 1.8–2.2%) in children aged 4–14 years with prevalence increasing with age. Prevalence in boys (2.4%; 95% CI 2.1–2.7%) was higher than in girls (1.6%; 95% CI 1.4–1.9%). There was a trend of continued reduction from baseline to 2010. Using data from children aged 5–9 years, overall prevalence was 1.7% (95% CI 1.5–1.9%). The site prevalence ranged from 0 to 33.3% (median prevalence = 0.0%): &lt; 2% in 127 schools, 2 to &lt; 5% in 34 schools and ≥ 5% in 16 schools. There was a significant difference in average prevalence between districts. Using spatial analysis, the Ov-16 IgG4 antibody prevalence was predicted to be &lt; 2% in coastal areas and in large parts of Koinadugu, Bombali and Tonkolili Districts, while high prevalence (&gt; 5%) was predicted in some focal areas, centered in Karene, Kailahun and Moyamba/Tonkolili. Conclusions:Low Ov-16 IgG4 antibody prevalence was shown in most areas across Sierra Leone. In particular, low seroprevalence in children aged 5–9 years suggests that the infection was reduced to a low level after 11 rounds of treatment intervention. Sierra Leone has made major progress towards elimination of onchocerciasis. However, attention must be paid to those high prevalence focal areas. Graphical Abstract: (Figure presented.)</p

    Дослідження роботи базових елементів пам'яті на основі ПЛІС

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    Базові елементи пам’яті (тригери) входять до складу сучасних цифрових інформаційно-вимірювальних систем (ІВС). Такі ІВС дедалі частіше виконують на основі програмованих логічних інтегральних схем (ПЛІС), основні переваги яких описані в літературі. Програмне середовище Quartus II використовують для розробки цифрових ІВС на основі ПЛІС та їх апаратного тестування. Мета даної роботи – визначення динамічних параметрів тригерів Quartus II та їх порівняння з аналогами

    Improved mapping strategy to better inform policy on the control of schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis in Sierra Leone

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis (STH) are endemic in Sierra Leone confirmed by national mapping in 2008. To better inform planning of preventive chemotherapy strategy, another survey was conducted before mass drug administration (MDA) in seven districts according to the mapping results or local knowledge. Fifty-nine chiefdoms and one school in every chiefdom were selected. Thirty school children aged 9-14 years from each school (total: 1760) were examined by parasitological methods for infection with <it>Schistosoma mansoni </it>and STHs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The overall prevalence of <it>S. mansoni </it>was 40.2% (95% confidence interval (CI): 37.9-42.5%), particularly in Kailahun (63.3%), Kenema (46.7%), Koinadugu (41.9%) and Kono (71.7%). The results demonstrated the focal distribution of <it>S. mansoni </it>in Bo, Tonkolili and Bombali districts with prevalence ranging from 0.0-63.3%, 3.3-90.0% and 0.0-67.9% respectively. The arithmetic mean intensity of <it>S. mansoni </it>infection was 95.4 epg (95% CI: 61.4-129.5 epg), Heavy mean intensity of infection was found in Kailahun (120.2 epg), Kenema (104.5 epg), Koinadugu (112.3 epg) and Kono (250.3 epg). Heavy or moderate infection with <it>S. mansoni </it>occurred in 20.7% of children examined. Hookworm prevalence was moderate: 31.2% (95% CI: 29.1-33.4%), but high in Bo (50.0%) and Tonkolili (56.7%). Hookworm intensity of infection was light with a mean epg of 53.0 (95% CI: 38.4-67.7 epg). Prevalence and intensity of <it>Ascaris lumbricoides </it>(1.5%, 17.8 epg) and <it>Trichuris trichiura </it>(2.5%, 20.3 epg) was low.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The prediction by previous spatial analysis that <it>S. mansoni </it>was highly endemic across north-eastern Sierra Leone was confirmed with a significant proportion of children heavily or moderately infected. The distribution of <it>S. mansoni </it>in Bo, Tonkolili and Bombali districts ranged widely, highlighting the importance of considering the nature of focal transmission in national mapping exercises. These results were used to refine the MDA for schistosomiasis control to chiefdom implementation units rather than the entire district in these 3 districts. The survey demonstrated that sufficient number of survey sites for schistosomiasis mapping in each district should be used to provide a better national planning of MDA activities, and that it is affordable with the contributions from all parties involved and national resources mobilized.</p

    Combined Spatial Prediction of Schistosomiasis and Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis in Sierra Leone: A Tool for Integrated Disease Control

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    Two forms of schistosomiasis or bilharzia (intestinal and urogenital) exist in Sierra Leone. The main control strategy for this disease currently is through mass drug administration (MDA) according to the World Health Organization recommended anthelminthic chemotherapy guidelines, and others include snail control, behavior change, and safe water, sanitation and hygiene. Survey on distribution and prevalence of the disease is vital to the planning of MDA in each district. The distribution of intestinal schistosomiasis in the country has been reported previously. The current national survey showed that urogenital schistosomiasis has a specific focal distribution particularly in the central and eastern regions of the country, most prevalent in Bo (24.6%), Koinadugu (20.4%) and Kono (25.3%) districts. Using a simple probabilistic model, this map was combined with the previously reported maps on intestinal schistosomiasis and the combined schistosomiasis prevalence was estimated. The combined schistosomiasis map highlights the presence of high-risk communities in an extensive area in the northeastern half of the country, which provides a tool for planning the national MDA activities

    Impact of three rounds of mass drug administration on lymphatic filariasis in areas previously treated for onchocerciasis in Sierra Leone.

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    BACKGROUND 1974-2005 studies across Sierra Leone showed onchocerciasis endemicity in 12 of 14 health districts (HDs) and baseline studies 2005-2008 showed lymphatic filariasis (LF) endemicity in all 14 HDs. Three integrated annual mass drug administration (MDA) were conducted in the 12 co-endemic districts 2008-2010 with good geographic, programme and drug coverage. Midterm assessment was conducted 2011 to determine impact of these MDAs on LF in these districts. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS The mf prevalence and intensity in the 12 districts were determined using the thick blood film method and results compared with baseline data from 2007-2008. Overall mf prevalence fell from 2.6% (95% CI: 2.3%-3.0%) to 0.3% (95% CI: 0.19%-0.47%), a decrease of 88.5% (p = 0.000); prevalence was 0.0% (100.0% decrease) in four districts: Bo, Moyamba, Kenema and Kono (p = 0.001, 0.025, 0.085 and 0.000 respectively); and seven districts had reductions in mf prevalence of between 70.0% and 95.0% (p = 0.000, 0.060, 0.001, 0.014, 0.000, 0.000 and 0.002 for Bombali, Bonthe, Kailahun, Kambia, Koinadugu, Port Loko and Tonkolili districts respectively). Pujehun had baseline mf prevalence of 0.0%, which was maintained. Only Bombali still had an mf prevalence ≥1.0% (1.58%, 95% CI: 0.80%-3.09%)), and this is the district that had the highest baseline mf prevalence: 6.9% (95% CI: 5.3%-8.8%). Overall arithmetic mean mf density after three MDAs was 17.59 mf/ml (95% CI: 15.64 mf/ml-19.55 mf/ml) among mf positive individuals (65.4% decrease from baseline of 50.9 mf/ml (95% CI: 40.25 mf/ml-61.62 mf/ml; p = 0.001) and 0.05 mf/ml (95% CI: 0.03 mf/ml-0.08 mf/ml) for the entire population examined (96.2% decrease from baseline of 1.32 mf/ml (95% CI: 1.00 mf/ml-1.65 mf/ml; p = 0.000)). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE The results show that mf prevalence decreased to <1.0% in all but one of the 12 districts after three MDAs. Overall mf density reduced by 65.0% among mf-positive individuals, and 95.8% for the entire population

    Mass drug administration significantly reduces infection of Schistosoma mansoni and hookworm in school children in the national control program in Sierra Leone

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    Background The first-ever round of school-based mass drug administration (MDA) with praziquantel together with mebendazole targeting school-aged children in endemic districts was conducted in 2009 by the National Neglected Tropical Diseases Control Program. To evaluate the impact of the treatment regimen, a cross-sectional sentinel site survey was conducted 6 months post-MDA. Methods Fifteen sentinel schools from six highly endemic districts (according to data from national and pre-MDA surveys) with Schistosoma mansoni affecting over 50% of the population, and moderate to high prevalence of hookworms (> 20%). Approximately 30 children aged 9-14 years were selected from each school and stool samples (one per student) were examined by the Kato-Katz method. Results The overall prevalence (and intensity) in these sentinel sites pre-MDA of S. mansoni was 69.0% (170.8 epg), hookworm: 41.7% (71.7 epg), Ascaris lumbricoides: 1.8% and Trichuris trichiura: 3.8%. Six months post MDA, the findings were S. mansoni: 38.2% (47.3 epg) and hookworm: 14.5% (8.7 epg), representing a reduction from pre-MDA levels of 44.6% (65.2%) and 72.3% (87.9%) respectively. The proportion of children who were moderately or heavily infected with S. mansoni fell from 35.6% pre MDA to 9.9% post MDA. Conclusions Significant reduction in S. mansoni and hookworm infection was achieved by this first round MDA in school-going children in Sierra Leone. This reduction in infection burden can potentially contribute to a reduction of morbidity, such as anaemia, in these children