389 research outputs found

    InParanoid 6: eukaryotic ortholog clusters with inparalogs

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    The InParanoid eukaryotic ortholog database (http://InParanoid.sbc.su.se/) has been updated to version 6 and is now based on 35 species. We collected all available ‘complete’ eukaryotic proteomes and Escherichia coli, and calculated ortholog groups for all 595 species pairs using the InParanoid program. This resulted in 2 642 187 pairwise ortholog groups in total. The orthology-based species relations are presented in an orthophylogram. InParanoid clusters contain one or more orthologs from each of the two species. Multiple orthologs in the same species, i.e. inparalogs, result from gene duplications after the species divergence. A new InParanoid website has been developed which is optimized for speed both for users and for updating the system. The XML output format has been improved for efficient processing of the InParanoid ortholog clusters

    InParanoid 7: new algorithms and tools for eukaryotic orthology analysis

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    The InParanoid project gathers proteomes of completely sequenced eukaryotic species plus Escherichia coli and calculates pairwise ortholog relationships among them. The new release 7.0 of the database has grown by an order of magnitude over the previous version and now includes 100 species and their collective 1.3 million proteins organized into 42.7 million pairwise ortholog groups. The InParanoid algorithm itself has been revised and is now both more specific and sensitive. Based on results from our recent benchmarking of low-complexity filters in homology assignment, a two-pass BLAST approach was developed that makes use of high-precision compositional score matrix adjustment, but avoids the alignment truncation that sometimes follows. We have also updated the InParanoid web site (http://InParanoid.sbc.su.se). Several features have been added, the response times have been improved and the site now sports a new, clearer look. As the number of ortholog databases has grown, it has become difficult to compare among these resources due to a lack of standardized source data and incompatible representations of ortholog relationships. To facilitate data exchange and comparisons among ortholog databases, we have developed and are making available two XML schemas: SeqXML for the input sequences and OrthoXML for the output ortholog clusters

    siRNAdb: a database of siRNA sequences

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    Short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are a popular method for gene-knockdown, acting by degrading the target mRNA. Before performing experiments it is invaluable to locate and evaluate previous knockdown experiments for the gene of interest. The siRNA database provides a gene-centric view of siRNA experimental data, including siRNAs of known efficacy and siRNAs predicted to be of high efficacy by a combination of methods. Linked to these sequences is information such as siRNA thermodynamic properties and the potential for sequence-specific off-target effects. The database enables the user to evaluate an siRNA's potential for inhibition and non-specific effects. The database is available at http://siRNA.cgb.ki.se

    Comparative interactomics with Funcoup 2.0

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    FunCoup (http://FunCoup.sbc.su.se) is a database that maintains and visualizes global gene/protein networks of functional coupling that have been constructed by Bayesian integration of diverse high-throughput data. FunCoup achieves high coverage by orthology-based integration of data sources from different model organisms and from different platforms. We here present release 2.0 in which the data sources have been updated and the methodology has been refined. It contains a new data type Genetic Interaction, and three new species: chicken, dog and zebra fish. As FunCoup extensively transfers functional coupling information between species, the new input datasets have considerably improved both coverage and quality of the networks. The number of high-confidence network links has increased dramatically. For instance, the human network has more than eight times as many links above confidence 0.5 as the previous release. FunCoup provides facilities for analysing the conservation of subnetworks in multiple species. We here explain how to do comparative interactomics on the FunCoup website

    The Pfam protein families database

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    Pfam is a comprehensive collection of protein domains and families, represented as multiple sequence alignments and as profile hidden Markov models. The current release of Pfam (22.0) contains 9318 protein families. Pfam is now based not only on the UniProtKB sequence database, but also on NCBI GenPept and on sequences from selected metagenomics projects. Pfam is available on the web from the consortium members using a new, consistent and improved website design in the UK (http://pfam.sanger.ac.uk/), the USA (http://pfam.janelia.org/) and Sweden (http://pfam.sbc.su.se/), as well as from mirror sites in France (http://pfam.jouy.inra.fr/) and South Korea (http://pfam.ccbb.re.kr/)

    Changes in reflectin protein phosphorylation are associated with dynamic iridescence in squid

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of The Royal Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of The Royal Society Interface 6 (2010): 549-560, doi:10.1098/rsif.2009.0299.Many cephalopods exhibit remarkable dermal iridescence, a component of their complex, dynamic camouflage and communication. In the species Euprymna scolopes, the light-organ iridescence is static and is due to reflectin protein-based platelets assembled into lamellar thin-film reflectors called iridosomes, contained within iridescent cells called iridocytes. Squid in the family Loliginidae appear to be unique in that the dermis possesses a dynamic iridescent component, with reflective, colored structures that are assembled and disassembled under the control of the muscarinic cholinergic system and the associated neurotransmitter acetylcholine (Mathger et al. 2004). Here we present the sequences and characterization of three new members of the reflectin family associated with the dynamically changeable iridescence in Loligo and not found in static Euprymna iridophores. In addition, we show that application of genistein, a protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor, suppresses acetylcholine- and calcium-induced iridescence in Loligo. We further demonstrate that two of these novel reflectins are extensively phosphorylated in concert with the activation of iridescence by exogenous acetylcholine. This phosphorylation and the correlated iridescence can be blocked with genistein. Our results suggest that tyrosine phosphorylation of reflectin proteins is involved in the regulation of dynamic iridescence in Loligo.We gratefully acknowledge support from Anteon contract F33615-03-D-5408 to the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA and grant # W911NF-06-1-0285 from the Army Research Office to D.E.M

    PlasmoDraft: a database of Plasmodium falciparum gene function predictions based on postgenomic data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Of the 5 484 predicted proteins of <it>Plasmodium falciparum</it>, the main causative agent of malaria, about 60% do not have sufficient sequence similarity with proteins in other organisms to warrant provision of functional assignments. Non-homology methods are thus needed to obtain functional clues for these uncharacterized genes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present PlasmoDraft <url>http://atgc.lirmm.fr/PlasmoDraft/</url>, a database of Gene Ontology (GO) annotation predictions for <it>P. falciparum </it>genes based on postgenomic data. Predictions of PlasmoDraft are achieved with a <it>Guilt By Association </it>method named Gonna. This involves (1) a predictor that proposes GO annotations for a gene based on the similarity of its profile (measured with transcriptome, proteome or interactome data) with genes already annotated by GeneDB; (2) a procedure that estimates the confidence of the predictions achieved with each data source; (3) a procedure that combines all data sources to provide a global summary and confidence estimate of the predictions. Gonna has been applied to all <it>P. falciparum </it>genes using most publicly available transcriptome, proteome and interactome data sources. Gonna provides predictions for numerous genes without any annotations. For example, 2 434 genes without any annotations in the Biological Process ontology are associated with specific GO terms (<it>e.g</it>. Rosetting, Antigenic variation), and among these, 841 have confidence values above 50%. In the Cellular Component and Molecular Function ontologies, 1 905 and 1 540 uncharacterized genes are associated with specific GO terms, respectively (740 and 329 with confidence value above 50%).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>All predictions along with their confidence values have been compiled in PlasmoDraft, which thus provides an extensive database of GO annotation predictions that can be achieved with these data sources. The database can be accessed in different ways. A global view allows for a quick inspection of the GO terms that are predicted with high confidence, depending on the various data sources. A gene view and a GO term view allow for the search of potential GO terms attached to a given gene, and genes that potentially belong to a given GO term.</p

    LTR retrotransposon dynamics in the evolution of the olive (Olea europaea) genome.

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    Improved knowledge of genome composition, especially of its repetitive component, generates important information for both theoretical and applied research. The olive repetitive component is made up of two main classes of sequences: tandem repeats and retrotransposons (REs). In this study, we provide characterization of a sample of 254 unique full-length long terminal repeat (LTR) REs. In the sample, Ty1-Copia elements were more numerous than Ty3-Gypsy elements. Mapping a large set of Illumina whole-genome shotgun reads onto the identified retroelement set revealed that Gypsy elements are more redundant than Copia elements. The insertion time of intact retroelements was estimated based on sister LTR's divergence. Although some elements inserted relatively recently, the mean insertion age of the isolated retroelements is around 18 million yrs. Gypsy and Copia retroelements showed different waves of transposition, with Gypsy elements especially active between 10 and 25 million yrs ago and nearly inactive in the last 7 million yrs. The occurrence of numerous solo-LTRs related to isolated full-length retroelements was ascertained for two Gypsy elements and one Copia element. Overall, the results reported in this study show that RE activity (both retrotransposition and DNA loss) has impacted the olive genome structure in more ancient times than in other angiosperms