43 research outputs found
Ett intersubjektivt perspektiv pÄ pedagogisk kvalitet relaterat till centrala kvalitetsfaktorer i förskolan
Syftet med artikeln Àr att diskutera vikten av en övergripande teoretisk ram för att urskilja, utvÀrdera och utveckla pedagogisk kvalitet och inom ramen för denna lyfta fram centrala faktorer för kvalitet i förskolan. Den teoretiska ramen utgÄr frÄn ett intersubjektivt perspektiv pÄ pedagogisk kvalitet som konstitueras av fyra interagerande dimensioner. I artikeln anvÀnds dimensionerna som analytiska verktyg för att diskutera centrala kvalitetsfaktorer i förskolan. Beroende pÄ hur dimensionerna och faktorerna interagerar med varandra skapas olika nivÄer av kvalitet i förskolan, vilket ger barn ojÀmlika villkor för vÀlmÄende, lÀrande och utveckling
Ett intersubjektivt perspektiv pÄ pedagogisk kvalitet relaterat tillcentrala kvalitetsfaktorer i förskolan
Syftet med artikeln Àr att diskutera vikten av en övergripande teoretisk ram för att urskilja, utvÀrdera och utveckla pedagogisk kvalitet och inom ramen för denna lyfta fram centrala faktorer för kvalitet i förskolan. Den teoretiska ramen utgÄr frÄn ett intersubjektivt perspektiv pÄ pedagogisk kvalitet som konstitueras av fyra interagerande dimensioner. I artikeln anvÀnds dimensionerna som analytiska verktyg för att diskutera centrala kvalitetsfaktorer i förskolan. Beroende pÄ hur dimensionerna och faktorerna interagerar med varandra skapas olika nivÄer av kvalitet i förskolan, vilket ger barn ojÀmlika villkor för vÀlmÄende, lÀrande och utveckling
FörskollĂ€rarkompetens â SkĂ€rningspunkt i undervisningens kvalitet
Syftet Àr att analysera undervisning i förskolan. Analyserna utgÄr frÄn kvalitetsbedömningar med Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-3 (ECERS-3) (Harms, Clifford och Cryer 2014). Hög kvalitet i förskolan frÀmjar barns lÀrande inom lÀroplanens mÄlomrÄden. Artikelns teoretiska ram utgörs av interaktionistiska och ekologiska teorier som innebÀr att individer och miljö konstruerar varandra i ett dynamiskt och ömsesidigt samspel (Bronfenbrenner 1979, 1986; Bruner 1996; Vygotsky 1986). Undervisning i förskolan definieras i texten som kommunikativ, interaktiv och relationell och behöver förstÄs i en samhÀllelig kontext. Kvalitetsbedömningar har genomförts i 153 svenska förskolor med ECERS-3. Resultaten visar att förskolans kvalitet varierar. LÄg kvalitet bedöms pÄ aktiviteter som krÀver vuxnas engagemang, interaktion och kommunikation med barnen i form av undervisning. Det indikerar att förskollÀrares kompetens bildar en skÀrningspunkt för undervisningens kvalitet. Ytterligare forskning behövs för att utveckla förskolans undervisning och didaktik, vilket gynnar sÄvÀl barngruppen som enskilda barn och bidrar till en kompetenshöjning hos förskollÀrarna
Does group size matter in preschool teacherâs work? The skills teachers emphasise for children in preschool groups of different size
In recent years there has been a debate in the Nordic countries about group size in preschool and how it affects preschool teachersâ work and childrenâs wellbeing and learning. The aim of this article is to analyse and discuss how preschool teachersâ working with child groups of different sizes view the conditions for childrenâs learning and development related to different abilities and skills. The survey data consists of preschool teachersâ (N=698) responses to a questionnaire. The results indicated no statistically significant differences between preschool teachersâ views and emphases in groups of different sizes as regards the type of abilities in childrenâs learning. In all group categories, preschool teachers seem to emphasise a similar set of characteristics and social skills in childrenâs personal development; to be collaborative, to have respect, to have empathy and a good self-esteem or understanding of oneself
LikvÀrdighet och kvalitet
Swedish preschool teacher profession has changed. In the preschool teacher education, students must develop professional identities and know how to independently take responsibility for pedagogical activities, teaching and providing for childrenâs right to care, play, development and learning. The aim of this study is twofold: to investigate how students articulate their conditions for learning and professional development in their teaching practice, and to study how their education may be affected by being carried out in preschools of varying quality. The study is based on quality evaluations with the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS) at 153 Swedish preschools. The quality evaluations were related to a survey that 125 students answered in a preschool teacher education focusing on equivalence, the relationship between theory and practice and the quality in their teaching practice. The research questions we posed were: What characterizes the quality of preschools? Which aspects contribute to equality in teaching practice? How do the students describe the quality of the preschool? Bronfenbrennerâs ecological system theory frames the study. The analysis was informed by an interaction between empirical data and theory and thus was an abductive analytical process. The results show that the quality of preschools varies, creating unequal conditions for student learning. The students report inconsistent conditions for their learning in preschool. Â The political investment has enhanced the collaboration between preschool teacher education and preschool and visualized critical aspects, forming a point of intersection for the preschool teacher profession's quality
Pedagogical quality in preschool : an issue of perspectives
The main aims of this thesis on the pedagogical quality in preschool are: to define and
describe a pedagogical concept of quality; to explore how quality is experienced and valued
from different perspectives; to find out what characterises a pedagogical environment of high
quality; and to discuss how those characteristics can be used to improve the quality of preschool.
The thesis comprises four studies, a meta-perspective of the results of these and a
theoretical framework. Two studies were part of a project, which aimed to improve the pedagogical
quality in 20 preschools. The use of both external and self-evaluations of quality with
ECERS gave an opportunity to compare these evaluations with one another as well as using
the results to plan the content of a targeted development programme. In the third study, three
preschools evaluated to be of low quality and three of good quality were selected for in-depth
studies. Thirty-nine five-year-old children were interviewed about their conceptions of
decision-making and how they experienced their possibilities for exercising influence in their
own preschool. In a comparative study between Germany and Sweden, researchers made
parallel and independent evaluations of the quality with ECERS in 20 preschools, 10 in each
country. The underlying perceptual process was documented and reconstructed and presented
in the form of five different themes.
From a meta-perspective of the results, the concept of pedagogical quality is defined
and described on a primary level, which can be seen as one step in the development of a
theory of pedagogical quality. The results confirm that high quality in preschool is related to
the competence of the teacher and show that activities in the participating preschools are
rarely learning-orientated. This indicates that there is a difference between the childrenâs
experience of exercising influence and the level of quality and shows that it is vital for the
children to be involved in decision-making. The results clearly show that external and selfevaluations
of quality differ, and that there is a tendency for teachers in low-quality
preschools to overrate their own quality, while teachers in high-quality preschools seem to
evaluate their quality lower than the external evaluator. The results confirm that structural
aspects are no guarantee for high quality and show that low-quality preschools are more
vulnerable to decreases in resources. Further, the results show that the quality in preschool
can be enhanced through competence development even while organisational changes and
financial cutbacks are taking place. To allow these conditions to exist and develop, at least
four perspectives must be focused on during research on quality and in the development work,
that is: the quality of interactions, the perspective of the teacher, the perspective of the child,
and the perspective of society.
The study suggests that a theory of pedagogical quality needs to be developed, to define
the concept further, and that the complexity of pedagogical quality requires broad research
approaches and an inclusion of different perspectives
Barns tidiga lÀrande : en tvÀrsnittsstudie om förskolan som miljö för barns lÀrande
The main aim of preschool is to promote childrenâs learning, implying that its
quality is an important aspect to study. However, despite a long preschool
tradition and a preschool system that is nearing completion, we have limited
knowledge of the effect of preschool on childrenâs learning and knowledge
The overall aim of the study, Childrenâs early learning, is to gain knowledge
of the characteristics of preschool as a learning environment by studying various
preschool environments and the impact they have on childrenâs knowledge
formation/experiences of different aspects of communication, mathematics and
interplay. Questions at issue are: How does childrenâs knowledge formation
emerge in relation to specific content areas in different preschool contexts?
What quality aspects emerge as important for childrenâs learning in different
preschool contexts according to the teachers and parents? How are these
different quality aspects constituted and related to one another?
A case study of bilingual children has also been conducted within the
project. It is based on the question: What communicative patterns emerge in
interplay among young children who have Swedish as their second language?
The complexity of preschool, as a learning context, can only be grasped
by adopting several research approaches, and examining it from diverse
perspectives and dimensions. Therefore, the study is based on two theoretical
perspectives: interactionistic theory (Ball, 2006; Bronfenbrenner, 1979, 1986; Bruner,
1996) and variation theory (Marton & Booth, 2000). The study is also based on a
pedagogical perspective of quality (Sheridan, 2001, 2009).
The study was conducted in Gothenburg. A stratified sample of eight
districts was chosen in order to represent diverse geographical areas and living
conditions as well as ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. Within these
districts a random sample of 38 preschools was selected. All the children aged 1
and 2 years (230) in these preschools, plus their parents and teachers (120)
The study has a cross-sectional design and is divided into eight different
parts and content areas. The data production is both quantitative and qualitative.
Given the theoretical framework of the study, there are few methods available to
observe young childrenâs learning and development. Therefore, the development
of methods to observe childrenâs knowledge related to mathematics,
communication and interplay may be seen as important results of this study.
The results highlight a variation in preschool quality and in the ways the
teachers communicate with and approach the children. Three different learning
environments of low, good and high quality emerged, showing that children do
not have equal opportunities for learning in preschool. The learning
environments are: Separating and limiting environments, Child-centred negotiating
environments and Challenging learning environments. Teachers and parents see
preschool mainly as a democratic and social arena, even though learning of
mathematics and literacy are becoming important contents in preschool
education. The individual childâs learning and development are primary
concerns. Play is emphasised and learning is accepted as long as it is based on
the initiative of the child and/or is a by-product of play. According to the
teacherâs observations, the children seem to be involved in creative and
reciprocal interactions, characterised by joy and interest. The preschool context
seems to offer children various positions, which may be described as interactive
observational, adaptive and driving.
The results indicate that a significant change in knowing/learning occurs
between the age of 1 and 3 years with regard to childrenâs ability to approach
and handle different tasks related to mathematics and communication. The
results show that this is an important time in childrenâs learning, and that much
depends on the quality of the preschool. These findings should benefit research
on early childhood education on both a national and international level.Swedish with a summary in English. Med bidrag av: Docent Sonja Sheridan, professor Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, professor Eva Johansson, doktorand Elisabet Doverborg, FD. Karin Gustafsson, FD. Elisabeth Mellgren och doktorand Anne Kultti samtliga verksamma vid Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik. Eva Johansson Àr Àven professor i universitetet i Stavanger