884 research outputs found

    Existence and uniqueness of traveling wave for accelerated Frenkel-Kontorova model

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    In this paper, we study the existence and uniqueness of traveling wave solution for the accelerated Frenkel-Kontorova model. This model consists in a system of ODE that describes the motion particles in interaction. The most important applications we have in mind is the motion of crystal defects called dislocations. For this model, we prove the existence of traveling wave solutions under very weak assumptions. The uniqueness of the velocity is also studied as well as the uniqueness of the profile which used different types of strong maximum principle. As far as we know, this is the first result concerning traveling waves for accelerated, spatially discrete system

    An Innovation to Transform Diabetes Care

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    The prevalence of diabetes is on the rise and this demand for services challenges health care organizations to provide quality, cost-effective care. The current system and processes at St. Joseph’s Area Health Services (SJAHS) needed redesigning to optimize quality diabetes care. This necessitated the need to move forward with a systems change project to transform diabetes care. The purpose of this study was to compare outcomes on glycemic control between current practice and a diabetes evidence-based practice toolkit by collecting retrospective data pre and post-toolkit implementation. The review of the literature from 2003-2011 endorsed the need to evaluate an innovation that incorporates a multidisciplinary, comprehensive, patient-focused approach to improve glycemic control. There is limited research on glycemic control for the hospitalized noncritical medical patient. The literature supported further research to generate additional scientific knowledge surrounding glycemic control in the hospital setting. The innovation was a toolkit composed of several tools to support the implementation of a comprehensive, multidisciplinary plan of care for the patient with diabetes. The toolkit provided the structure and processes to optimize diabetes care in the hospital setting. The study sample included 168 hospitalized adult patients with an age range of 20-95 and a mean age of 69.8, all with a diabetes diagnosis, and insulin therapy. The results indicated there was not a significant decrease in glycemic control from pre-toolkit to post-toolkit implementation timeframes. The findings suggested that the toolkit has not been adopted by all members of the health care team therefore glycemic control did not improve with toolkit implementation. Despite the results SJAHS has the elements to be successful with this innovation and based upon the knowledge we have gained we are on a journey to improve diabetes care. The findings will be utilized to determine next steps in regards to the toolkit as an innovation to improve diabetes care

    Pandangan Mahasiswa Penutur Bahasa Jepang Terhadap Privasi dalam Komunikasi Ditinjau dari Gender

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    Pandangan mahasiswa dan mahasiswi penutur bahasa Jepang terhadap privasi dalam komunikasi yang tidak diketahui dan dipahami para pembelajar bahasa Jepang menyebabkan terjadinya kesalahpahaman dalam komunikasi bahasa Jepang. Guna mengurangi gangguan komunikasi dan kesalahpamahan, maka diperlukan kajian penelitian mengenai privasi dalam komunikasi di kalangan mahasiswa penutur bahasa Jepang berdasarkan gender. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode analisis kontrastif dengan tujuan mengidentifikasi tingkat keterbukaan mahasiswa dan mahasiswi penutur bahasa Jepang mengenai privasi dalam komunikasi, mengidentifikasi faktor penyebab mahasiswa dan mahasiswi penutur bahasa Jepang membicarakan privasi kepada mitra tutur, mengidentifikasi persamaan dan perbedaan respons mahasiswa dan mahasiswi penutur asli bahasa Jepang terhadap topik pembicaraan yang berkaitan dengan privasi.         Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik survey dengan mendistribusi kuesioner kepada 109 responden (31 laki-laki dan 78 perempuan). Responden adalah mahasiswa dan mahasiswi penutur asli bahasa Jepang di Jepang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam hal privasi mahasiswa penutur bahasa Jepang cenderung lebih tertutup daripada mahasiswi penutur bahasa Jepang. Kemudian, baik mahasiswa maupun mahasiswi penutur bahasa Jepang menilai bahwa faktor yang menyebabkan penutur membicarakan privasi adalah hubungan kepercayaan atau rasa saling percaya. Namun demikian, tingkat intimasi lebih dijadikan faktor pertimbangan bagi mahasiswi penutur bahasa Jepang daripada mahasiswa penutur bahasa Jepang. Kemudian, dalam hal respons terhadap pertanyaan mengenai privasi, mahasiswa penutur bahasa Jepang cenderung lebih tegas untuk tidak menyampaikan informasi privasi daripada mahasiswi penutur bahasa Jepang.

    Intra and inter-rater reliability of triceps surae morphological and mechanical properties in healthy subjects

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    The Achilles tendon and the plantar flexor muscles play a key role in daily life activities such as raising from a chair, during gait and jump. Changes in mechanical overload can lead to both beneficial adaptations in the mechanical and morphological properties of the triceps surae muscle-tendon unit, such as after systemic exercise, as well as after the loss of structure and functionality after total Achilles tendon rupture and aging. The evaluation of the triceps surae structural and mechanical properties is fundamental so that losses in the health condition can be identified, as well as the improvements resulting from the recovery process of the musculoskeletal structures during a rehabilitation program. Therefore, it is fundamental that the methodology used to evaluate the structural and mechanical properties of the triceps surae muscle-tendon unit is reliable, and that the results are not influenced by the evaluator (high inter-rater reliability) or by the day and time of evaluation (high intra-rater reliability). However, there is still a lack of evidence in the literature regarding the psychometric variables related to the evaluation of the mechanical and morphological properties of the Achilles tendon and the plantar flexors muscular architecture in healthy subjects. In this perspective, the present dissertation presents three studies in order to achieve the following objectives: (Study 1) To verify the intra- and inter-rater reliability of the plantar flexors muscle architecture in healthy individuals. (Study 2) To verify intra- and inter-rater rater Achilles tendon morphology evaluation in healthy individuals. (Study 3) To verify intra and inter-rater reliability of the triceps surae isometric strength measurements The three studies were performed at the Neuromuscular Plasticity Sector of LAPEX of ESEFID-UFRGS. All participants were evaluated in their triceps surae muscle architecture (fascicle length, pennation angle and muscle thickness) and the Achilles tendon (cross-sectional area, tendon length and free tendon length) parameters by means of skeletal muscle ultrasonography. Maximal isometric voluntary contractions were performed on an isokinetic dynamometer. The evaluations occurred in 2 different moments: day 1 and day 2 by evaluator 1 (7-days interval between collections), and on the second day by 2 additional evaluators (2 and 3) in a successive way. Data analysis was performed in SPSS v. 20.0, by means of descriptive statistics (mean, SD - standard deviation) and inferential analysis (ICC - Intraclass Correlation Coefficient - SEM - Standard Error between Measures = DP√ (1 - ICC) MDC – Minimum Detectable Change = 1.96*EPM), and confidence interval analysis. In study 1, we verified a high intra- and inter-rater correlation for muscle thickness, pennation angle and fascicle length (ICC> 75), and low SEM and MDC values. In study 2, we found a high intra- and inter-rater correlation for total tendon length and cross-sectional area (ICC> 75). However, for the free tendon variable, the inter-rater correlation was low (ICC: 0.580). Comparing the evaluators' experience, evaluator 1 and 2 obtained a ICC of 0.910, whereas evaluators 1 and 3 had an ICC of 0.340, while between evaluators 2 and 3 the ICC was 0.280 These very low correlations for the free tendon variable can be explained by the evaluators' experience and by the training of the measurements. In study 3, we verified a high intra- and inter-rater correlation for isometric torque values of the plantar flexor muscles (ICC> 75), and low SEM and MDC values. Based on the above evidences, we can conclude that there is a high intra-rater and inter-rater reliability for muscle architecture, tendon structure and plantar flexor strength. In addition, our data can be used as a data base for the healthy condition for the comparison with patients with Achilles tendon injury. Our methodology can also be used in patients’ evaluation. However, some improvements in the used techniques are necessary to improve reliability and further reduce measurement errors.O tendão de Aquiles e os músculos flexores plantares têm um papel fundamental em atividades de vida diária como o levantar de uma cadeira, durante a marcha e o salto. Mudanças na sobrecarga mecânica podem levar tanto a adaptações benéficas nas propriedades mecânicas e morfológicas da unidade músculo-tendão do tríceps sural, como após o exercício físico sistematizado, quanto à perda da estrutura e da funcionalidade, como ocorre na ruptura total do tendão de Aquiles e no envelhecimento. A avaliação das propriedades estruturais e mecânicas do tríceps sural é fundamental para que se possa identificar a perda da condição de saúde, assim como também as melhoras decorrentes do processo de recuperação das estruturas musculoesqueléticas durante um programa de reabilitação. Para tanto, é fundamental que a metodologia empregada para a avaliação das propriedades estruturais e mecânicas da unidade músculo-tendínea do tríceps sural seja confiável, e que os resultados não sejam influenciados pelo avaliador (boa reprodutibilidade inter-avaliador) ou pelo dia e horário de avaliação (boa reprodutibilidade intra-avaliador). Entretanto, ainda faltam evidências na literatura referentes à obtenção de variáveis psicométricas relacionadas à avaliação das propriedades mecânicas e morfológicas do tendão de Aquiles e da arquitetura muscular dos flexores plantares em sujeitos saudáveis. Nessa perspectiva, a presente dissertação apresenta três estudos, a fim de atingir os seguintes objetivos: (Estudo 1) verificar a reprodutibilidade intra e inter-avaliador da arquitetura muscular dos flexores plantares em indivíduos saudáveis. (Estudo 2) Verificar a reprodutibilidade intra e inter-avaliador da morfologia tendínea do tendão de Aquiles em indivíduos saudáveis (Estudo 3) Verificar a reprodutibilidade intra e inter-avaliador das medidas da capacidade de produção de força do tríceps sural. Os três estudos foram realizados no Setor de Plasticidade Neuromuscular do LAPEX da ESEFID-UFRGS. Todos os participantes foram avaliados nos parâmetros de arquitetura muscular dos flexores plantares (comprimento de fascículo, ângulo de penação e espessura muscular) e do tendão de Aquiles (área de seção transversa e comprimento do tendão total livre) por meio de ultrassonografia musculo esquelética. Contrações voluntárias máximas isométricas foram realizadas em um dinamômetro isocinético. As avaliações ocorreram em 2 momentos distintos: dia 1 e dia 2 pelo avaliador 1 (7 dias de intervalo entre as coletas), e posteriormente dia 2 pelos avaliadores 1, 2 e 3 de forma sucessiva. A análise dos dados foi realizada no software SPSS v. 20.0, por meio de estatística descritiva (média, DP - desvio padrão) e inferencial (CCI – Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse; EPM – Erro Padrão entre Medidas = DP√(1-CCI); MMD – Mínima Mudança Detectável = 1,96*EPM), e intervalo de confiança. No estudo 1 verificamos uma alta correlação intra e inter-avaliador para espessura muscular, ângulo de penação e comprimento do fascículo dos flexores plantares (CCI>75), e valores baixos de EPM e MMD. No estudo 2, verificamos uma alta correlação intra e inter avaliador para comprimento do tendão total e área de secção transversa (CCI>75) Entretanto, para a variável de tendão livre, a correlação inter avaliador foi pobre (CCI: 0,580). Comparando a experiência dos avaliadores, os avaliadores 1 e 2 obtiveram um CCI de 0,910, enquanto que entre os avaliadores 1 e 3 o CCI foi de 0,340, e entre os avaliadores 2 e 3 o CCI foi de 0,280. Essas correlações muito baixas para a variável do tendão livre podem ser explicadas pela diferente experiência dos avaliadores e pelo tempo de treinamento na obtenção das medidas. No estudo 3, verificamos uma alta correlação intra e inter-avaliador para os valores de torque isométrico em rampa dos músculos flexores plantares (CCI>90), e valores baixos de EPM e MMD. Conclui-se, a partir dos estudos acima, que existe uma alta confiabilidade das medidas de arquitetura muscular e tendínea e de força tanto intra-avaliador quanto inter-avaliador. Além disso, os dados poderão servir como banco de dados de uma condição de saúde para comparação com dados de pacientes que sofreram lesões no tendão de Aquiles. A metodologia também pode ser aplicada na avaliação de pacientes. Entretanto, alguns aprimoramentos nas técnicas utilizadas são necessários a fim de melhorar a reprodutibilidade e reduzir ainda mais os erros de medida

    Dasar Pertimbangan Hakim dalam Penjatuhan Putusan Pidana Bersyarat sebagai Alternatif Pidana Penjara (Studi di Pengadilan Negeri Malang)

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    Pidana bersyarat adalah bentuk penerapan sanksi pidana diluar Lembaga pemasyarakatan yang dijatuhkan oleh hakim kepada terdakwa ketika sanksi pidana berupa hukuman perampasan kemerdekaan baik penjara ataupun kurungan yang dijatuhkan pada terdakwa tidak lebih dari 1 (satu) tahun,yang kemudian dalam penjatuhan pidana bersyarat tersebut di dasari atas keyakinan hakim bahwa terhadap terpidana dapat dilakukan pengawasan atas terpenuhinya syarat umum ataupun khusus yang diberikan olehnya kepada terpidana ketika menjatuhkan pidana bersyarat. Penggunaan pidana bersyarat sebagai alternatif dari pidana perampasan kemerdekaan yang bersifat non intitusional yang dapat dijatuhkan oleh hakim kepada terpidana sendiri, memiliki potensi untuk menjadi solusi dari pemecahan masalah daya tampung Lapas di Indonesia yang telah mengalami “Overload” serta dapat menghindarkan terpidana khususnya pelaku tindak pidana pemula dari pengaruh buruk sanksi pidana penjara serta stigma negatif masyarakat terhadap pelaku tindak pidana yang menjalani hukumannya didalam penjara. Akan tetapi di dalam prakteknya penggunaan pidana bersyarat sebagai alternatif pemidanaan dari sanksi perampasan kemerdekaan oleh hakim terhadap terdakwa di dalam putusannya,sangat jarang sekali digunakan. Khususnya di pengadilan Negeri Malang,di karenakan faktor-faktor tertentu yang membuat Hakim di dalam pertimbanganya cenderung memilih dan menggunakan pidana penjara dalam putusanya dibandingkan pidana bersyarat sebagai alternatif pemidanaan, dilain sisi kendala pengawasan terhadap terpidana yang dijatuhi pidana bersyarat juga menjadi permasalahan tersendri di dalam penjatuhan putusan pidana bersyarat ini

    Territori della Cultura

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    La valutazione ex ante così come i criteri di selezione utilizzati nei bandi per i progetti culturali a finalità anche sociale possono incidere sulla qualità dei progetti, in quanto la valutazione può svolgere un ruolo educativo/adattivo: la struttura e i criteri da seguire per predisporre la proposta informano un certo modo di elaborare e presentare i contenuti, di pianificare le attività; di coinvolgimento degli attori locali ed esterni. L’articolo individua alcuni aspetti dei metodi di valutazione che possono influenzare/innalzare il livello della progettazione culturale nella prospettiva delle istituzioni locali