368 research outputs found
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penggunaan model treffinger terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran
Aqidah Akhlak di MTsN Model Kuok Kecamatan Kuok.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen. Subjek dalam penelitian ini
adalah siswa MTsN Model Kuok sedangkan objek dalam penelitian ini adalah
pengaruh penggunaan model treffingerdalam proses pembelajaran terhadap hasil
belajar siswa di MTsN Model Kuok, dan Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah
siswa kelas VIII MTsN Model Kuok Kecamatan Kuok yang berjumlah 120
orang, terdiri dari 4 kelas yaitu kelas VIII.1, VIII.2, VIlI.3 dan VIII.4 yang telah
diuji homogenitasnya menggunakan uji barlet. Kajian penelitian ini adalah hasil
belajar siswa.
Untuk melihat hasil penelitian tersebut, digunakan uji normalitas data,
kemudian digunakan rumus tes-t untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya
pengaruh hasil belajar siswa selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung dengan
menggunakan Model Treffinger terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran
Aqidah Akhlak. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data tersebut diperoleh nilai thitung =
3,77 yang berarti lebih besar dari tt (t0> tt) baik pada taraf signifikan 5% maupun
1% yaitu (2,00 2,66) sehingga hipotesis nihil ditolak dan hipotesis
alternatif diterima. Sehingga dapat di ambil kesimpulan bahwa terdapat pengaruh
terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Aqidah Akhlak melalui Model
Quality of life and body composition : characteristics of successful aging
Orientador: Roberto VilartaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação FísicaResumo: A funcionalidade corporal e a autonomia são fatores essenciais para o desempenho das atividades diárias do idoso. Os cuidados para com a saúde, focados no envelhecimento saudável, envolvem o estudo das relações entre a composição corporal, a prática da atividade física e a qualidade de vida. Esse trabalho teve por objetivo o conhecimento da relação entre essas variáveis em adultos e idosos visando estabelecer estratégias promotoras da saúde. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram adultos praticantes de bike indoor e hidroginástica de academias de Campinas e dos projetos de extensão da Faculdade de Educação Física da Universidade Estadual de Campinas e idosos praticantes de atividade física na Universidade da Terceira Idade da Universidade Estadual de São Paulo em Piracicaba. Foi avaliado o estado nutricional a partir das medidas de peso corporal, estatura e calculado o índice de massa corporal. A composição corporal foi verificada por bioimpedância tetrapolar. A percepção da qualidade de vida avaliada através do Whoqol-bref. O nível de atividade física pelo instrumento IPAQ versão curta. O nível socioeconômico coletado através de questionário. Os dados foram tratados utilizando-se software SAS; SPSS e Bioestat. Para a análise dos dados os 132 voluntários foram classificados em três grupos etários, respeitando as faixas de idade de 40 à 52 anos - Grupo 1 (n=45)- , de 53 à 66 anos - Grupo 2 (n=43) - de 67 à 80 anos - Grupo 3 (n=44) -. Houve diferença significativa entre os grupos para as variáveis gordura corporal (entre Grupos 1 e 2 e entre Grupos 1 e 3); massa livre de gordura (entre Grupos 1 e 3 e entre Grupos 2 e 3); domínio das relações sociais (entre Grupos 1 e 3); faceta 4 (entre Grupos 1 e 3); faceta 8 (entre Grupos 2 e 3); faceta 10 (entre Grupos 1 e 2) e faceta 11 (entre Grupos 1 e 2). O estudo concluiu que o envelhecimento provoca uma importante diminuição no valor de massa corporal e que este está relacionado com a massa livre de gordura. O controle dessas medidas, durante o processo de envelhecimento, se faz necessário, pois a perda da MLG, principalmente a massa muscular, está diretamente relacionada com a dependência do idoso e ela é significativamente maior depois dos setenta anos de idade. A qualidade de vida mostrou alterações durante o processo de envelhecimento sugerindo que mulheres mais velhas que se exercitam têm melhor qualidade de vida quanto ao domínio de relações sociais que as mais novasAbstract: The body functionality and autonomy are essentials factors because to the performance of daily activities of the elderly. The health care involving the body composition, physical activity and quality of life value healthy aging. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship of these variables between adults and elderly and develop strategies that promote health. The research subjects were adults practicing indoor bike and aqua gym in Campinas and extension projects of the Faculty of Physical Education, State University of Campinas and elderly physically active at the University of the Third Age, State University of Sao Paulo in Piracicaba. Nutritional status was assessed from measurements of body weight, height and calculated body mass index. The body composition was assessed by tetrapolar bioimpedance. The perception of quality of life assessed using the WHOQOL-bref. The level of physical activity by IPAQ short version instrument. The socioeconomic status collected through a questionnaire. The data were processed using the software SAS, SPSS and Bioestat. For the analysis the 132 volunteers were classified into three age groups, respecting the age groups 40-52 years Group 1 (n = 45) - 53 to 66 years Group 2 (n = 43) - 67-80 years, Group 3 (n = 44) -. There were significant differences between groups for body fat (between Groups 1 and 2 and between Groups 1 and 3) fat-free mass (between Groups 1 and 3 and between Groups 2 and 3) the field of social relations (between Groups 1 and 3) the fourth facet (between Groups 1 and 3) 8 facet (among Groups 2 and 3); facet 10 (between Groups 1 and 2) and facet 11 (between Groups 1 and 2). The study concluded that the aging causes a significant reduction in the amount of body mass and that this is related to the fat free mass. The control of these measures during the aging process, is need because the loss of FFM, particularly muscle mass, is directly related to the dependence of the elderly and it is significantly higher after the seventy years of age. The quality of life showed changes during the aging process, suggesting that older women who exercise have better quality of life as to the field of social relationships that the youngerDoutoradoAtividade Fisica, Adaptação e SaudeDoutor em Educação Físic
Molecular identification of Sicilian (deltaß)º-thalassemia associated with ß-thalassemia and hemoglobin S in Brazil
We describe the clinical and molecular characteristics of two unrelated Brazilian families with an association of the Sicilian form of (deltaß)º-thalassemia with hemoglobin S and ß-thalassemia. Direct sequencing of the ß-globin gene showed only the hemoglobin S mutation in patient 1 and the ß-thalassemia IVS1-110 in patient 2. The other allele was deleted in both patients and PCR of DNA samples of the breakpoint region of both patients showed a band of approximately 1,150 bp, expected to be observed in the DNA of carriers of Sicilian (deltaß)º-thalassemia. The nucleotide sequence of this fragment confirmed the Sicilian deletion. There are few reports concerning the Hb S/(deltaß)º-thalassemia association and patient 2 is the first reported case of Sicilian type of (deltaß)º-thalassemia in association with ß-thalassemia documented at the molecular level.87387
High Prevalence Of α-thalassemia Among Individuals With Microcytosis And Hypochromia Without Anemia
In order to determine the contribution of α-thalassemia to microcytosis and hypochromia, 339 adult outpatients seen at Unicamp University Hospital (with the exception of the Clinical Hematology outpatient clinics), who showed normal hemoglobin (Hb) levels and reduced mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin, were analyzed. Ninety-eight were Blacks (28.9%) and 241 were Caucasians (71.1%). In all cases, Hb A2 and F levels were either normal or low. The most common deletional and nondeletional forms of α-thalassemia [-α3.7, -α4.2, -MED, -(α)20.5, αHphIα, αNcolα, ααNcoI and αTSAUDI] were investigated by PCR and restriction enzyme analyses. A total of 169 individuals (49.9%) presented α-thalassemia: 145 (42.8%) were heterozygous for the -α3.7 deletion (-α3.7/αα) and 18 (5.3%) homozygous (-α3.7/-α3.7), 5 (1.5%) were heterozygous for the nondeletional form αHPhlα/αα, and 1 (0.3%) was a -MED carrier (-MED/αα). Among the Blacks, 56 (57.1%) showed the -α3.7/ αα genotype, whereas 12 (12.2%) were -α3.7/-α3.7 and I (1.0%) was an αHPhlα carrier; among the Caucasians, 89 (36.9%) were -α3.7/αα, 6 (2.5%) had the -α3.7/-α3.7 genotype, 4 (1.7%) presented the nondeletional form (αHPhlα/αα), and 1 (0.4%) was a -MED carrier. These results demonstrate that α-thalassemia, mainly through the -α3.7 deletion, is an important cause of microcytosis and hypochromia in individuals without anemia. These data are of clinical relevance since these hematological alterations are often interpreted as indicators of iron deficiency.346759762Weatherall, D.J., Clegg, J.G., (1981) The Thalassaemia Syndromes. 3rd Edn., , Blackwell Scientific Publications, OxfordBunn, H.F., Forget, B.G., (1986) Hemoglobin: Molecular, Genetics and Clinical Aspects, , W.B. Saunders, PhiladelphiaHiggs, D.R., Vickers, M.A., Wilkie, A.O.M., Pretorius, I.M., Jarman, A.P., Weatherall, D.J., A review of the molecular genetics of the human α-globin gene cluster (1989) Blood, 73, pp. 1081-1104Kazazian H., Jr., The thalassemia syndromes: Molecular basis and prenatal diagnosis in 1990 (1990) Seminars in Hematology, 27, pp. 209-228Harteveld, K.L., Losekoot, M., Ajgam, H., Van Der Wielen, M., Giordano, P.C., Bernini, L.F., α-Thalassaemia in the Netherlands: A heterogeneous spectrum of both deletions and point mutations (1997) Human Genetics, 100, pp. 465-471Higgs, D.R., α-Thalassaemia (1993) Baillieres Clinical Haematology, 6, pp. 117-150Kattamis, A.C., Camaschella, C., Sivera, P., Surrey, S., Fortina, P., Human α-thalassemia syndromes: Detection of molecular defects (1996) American Journal of Hematology, 53, pp. 81-91Bianco, I., Cappabianca, M.P., Foglietta, E., Lerone, M., Deidda, G., Morlupi, L., Grisanti, P., Graziani, B., Silent thalassemias: Genotypes and phenotypes (1997) Haematologica, 82, pp. 269-280Galanello, R., Sollaino, C., Paglietti, E., Barella, S., Perra, C., Doneddu, I., Pirroni, M.G., Cao, A., α-Thalassemia carrier identification by DNA analysis in the screening for thalassemia (1998) American Journal of Hematology, 59, pp. 273-278Sonati, M.F., Costa, F.F., Hemoglobin Bart's in a Brazilian black population (1990) Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 23, pp. 395-396Sonati, M.F., Farah, S.B., Ramalho, A.S., Costa, F.F., High prevalence of α-thalassemia in a Black population of Brazil (1991) Hemoglobin, 15, pp. 309-311Zago, M.A., Costa, F.F., Bottura, C., Hemoglobin H disease in three Brazilian families (1984) Revista Brasileira de Genética, 7, pp. 137-147Wenning, M.R.S.C., Kimura, E.M., Costa, F.F., Saad, S.T.O., Gervásio, S.A., De Jorge, S.B., Borges, E., Sonati, M.F., α-Globin genes: Thalassemic and structural alterations in a Brazilian population (2000) Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 33, pp. 1041-1045Dodé, C., Krishnamoorthy, R., Lamb, J., Rochette, J., Rapid analysis of -α3.7 thalassaemia and αααanti 3.7 triplication by enzymatic amplification analysis (1993) British Journal of Haematology, 82, pp. 105-111Bowden, D.K., Vickers, M.A., Higgs, D.R., A PCR-based strategy to detect the common severe determinants of a thalassaemia (1992) British Journal of Haematology, 81, pp. 104-108Oron-Karni, V., Filon, D., Oppenheim, A., Rund, D., Rapid detection of the common Mediterranean α-globin deletions/rearrangements using PCR (1998) American Journal of Hematology, 58, pp. 306-310Hall, G.W., Thein, S.L., Newland, C.A., Chisholm, J.T.S., Kanavakis, E., Kattamis, C., Higgs, D.R., A base substitution (T→C) in codon 29 of the α2-globin gene causes α thalassemia (1993) British Journal of Haematology, 85, pp. 546-552Pearson, H.A., Ehrenkranz, R.A., Rinder, H.M., Hemosiderosis in a normal child secondary to oral iron medication (2000) Pediatrics, 105, pp. 429-43
The Genetics Of Blood Disorders: Hereditary Hemoglobinopathies
Objective: To summarize recently published data on the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of sickle cell diseases and β-Thalassemias, the most relevant hereditary hemoglobinopathies in the global population. Sources: Searches were run on the MEDLINE and SCIELO databases, limited to the period from 2003 to May 2008, using the terms hereditary hemoglobinopathies, sickle cell diseases and β-thalassemia. Two books and two chapters were also included. Summary of the findings: More than 2,000 articles were identified; those providing the most important information and broadest views were selected. Conclusions: Morbidity and mortality rates from sickle cell diseases and β-thalassemia are still very high and represent an important challenge. Increased understanding of pathophysiological aspects has lead to significant improvements in treatment and prevention of these diseases. Copyright © 2008 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.844 SUPPL.S40S51Steiner, L.A., Gallagher, P.G., Erythrocyte disorders in the perinatal period (2007) Semin Perinatol, 31, pp. 254-261Tolentino, K., Friedman, J.F., An update on anemia in less developed countries (2007) Am J Trop Med Hyg, 77, pp. 44-51(2004) Wintrobe's clinical hematology, , Wintrobe MM, Foerster J, editors, 11th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins;Dhaliwal, G., Cornett, P.A., Tierney Jr., L.M., Hemolytic anemia (2004) Am Fam Physician, 69, pp. 2599-2606Madigan, C., Malik, P., Pathophysiology and therapy for haemoglobinopathies. Part I: Sickle cell disease (2006) Expert Rev Mol Med, 8, pp. 1-23Urbinati, F., Madigan, C., Malik, P., Pathophysiology and therapy for haemoglobinopathies. Part II: Thalassaemias (2006) Expert Rev Mol Med, 8, pp. 1-26Old, J.M., Screening and genetic diagnosis of haemoglobinopathies (2007) Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 67, pp. 71-86Khattab, A.D., Rawlings, B., Ali, I.S., Care of patients with haemoglobin abnormalities: History and biology (2006) Br J Nurs, 15, pp. 994-998Theodorsson, E., Birgens, H., Hagve, T.A., Haemoglobinopathies and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in a Scandinavian perspective (2007) Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 67, pp. 3-10Morris, C.R., Singer, S.T., Walters, M.C., Clinical hemoglobinopathies: Iron, lungs and new blood (2006) Curr Opin Hematol, 13, pp. 407-418(2004) Hematologia: Fundamentos e prática, , Zago MA, Falcão RP, Pasquini R, editors, São Paulo: Atheneu;Costa, F.F., Sonati, M.F., Hemoglobina: Estrutura, síntese e transporte de oxigênio (2007) Hemoterapia: Fundamentos e prática, pp. 27-33. , Covas DT, Langhi Júnior DM, Bordin JO, editors, São Paulo: Atheneu;Wenning, M.R., Sonati, M.F., Hemoglobinopatias hereditárias (2007) Diagnóstico e tratamento, pp. 310-314. , Lopes AC, editor, São Paulo: Manole;Vekilov, P.G., Sickle-cell haemoglobin polymerization: Is it the primary pathogenic event of sickle-cell anaemia? (2007) Br J Haematol, 139, pp. 173-184Tefferi, A., Clinical, genetic, and therapeutic insights into systemic mast cell disease (2004) Curr Opin Hematol, 11, pp. 58-64Catlin, A.J., Thalassemia: The facts and the controversies (2003) Pediatr Nurs, 29, pp. 447-449Thein, S.L., Genetic insights into the clinical diversity of beta thalassaemia (2004) Br J Haematol, 124, pp. 264-274Shah, A., Thalassemia syndromes (2004) Indian J Med Sci, 58, pp. 445-449Williams, T.N., Human red blood cell polymorphisms and malaria (2006) Curr Opin Microbiol, 9, pp. 388-394Williams, T.N., Red blood cell defects and malaria (2006) Mol Biochem Parasitol, 149, pp. 121-127Frenette, P.S., Atweh, G.F., Sickle cell disease: Old discoveries, new concepts, and future promise (2007) J Clin Invest, 117, pp. 850-858Di Nuzzo, D.V., Fonseca, S.F., Sickle cell disease and infection] (2004) J Pediatr (Rio J), 80, pp. 347-354Lyra, I.M., Gonçalves, M.S., Braga, J.A., MdeF, G., Carvalho, M.H., Saad, S.T., Clinical, hematological, and molecular characterization of sickle cell anemia pediatric patients from two different cities in Brazil (2005) Cad Saude Publica, 21, pp. 1287-1290Lima, C.S., Rocha, E.M., Silva, N.M., Sonatti, M.F., Costa, F.F., Saad, S.T., Risk factors for conjunctival and retinal vessel alterations in sickle cell disease (2006) Acta Ophthalmol Scand, 84, pp. 234-241Adams, R.J., Big strokes in small persons (2007) Arch Neurol, 64, pp. 1567-1574Brittain, J.E., Parise, L.V., Cytokines and plasma factors in sickle cell disease (2007) Curr Opin Hematol, 14, pp. 438-443Seidman, C., Kirkham, F., Pavlakis, S., Pediatric stroke: Current developments (2007) Curr Opin Pediatr, 19, pp. 657-662Traina, F., Jorge, S.G., Yamanaka, A., de Meirelles, L.R., Costa, F.F., Saad, S.T., Chronic liver abnormalities in sickle cell disease: A clinicopathological study in 70 living patients (2007) Acta Haematol, 118, pp. 129-135Wong, W.Y., Powars, D.R., Overt and incomplete (silent) cerebral infarction in sickle cell anemia: Diagnosis and management (2007) Neuroimaging Clin N Am, 17, pp. 269-280Creary, M., Williamson, D., Kulkarni, R., Sickle cell disease: Current activities, public health implications, and future directions (2007) J Womens Health (Larchmt), 16, pp. 575-582Castro, O., Hoque, M., Brown, B.D., Pulmonary hypertension in sickle cell disease: Cardiac catheterization results and survival (2003) Blood, 101, pp. 1257-1261Ataga, K.I., Sood, N., De Gent, G., Kelly, E., Henderson, A.G., Jones, S., Pulmonary hypertension in sickle cell disease (2004) Am J Med, 117, pp. 665-669Machado, R.F., Gladwin, M.T., Chronic sickle cell lung disease: New insights into the diagnosis, pathogenesis and treatment of pulmonary hypertension (2005) Br J Haematol, 129, pp. 449-464Morris, C.R., Kato, G.J., Poljakovic, M., Wang, X., Blackwelder, W.C., Sachdev, V., Dysregulated arginine metabolism, hemolysis-associated pulmonary hypertension, and mortality in sickle cell disease (2005) JAMA, 294, pp. 81-90Kato, G.J., Onyekwere, O.C., Gladwin, M.T., Pulmonary hypertension in sickle cell disease: Relevance to children (2007) Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 24, pp. 159-170Barnett, C.F., Hsue, P.Y., Machado, R.F., Pulmonary hypertension: An increasingly recognized complication of hereditary hemolytic anemias and HIV infection (2008) JAMA, 299, pp. 324-331Claster, S., Vichinsky, E.P., Managing sickle cell disease (2003) BMJ, 327, pp. 1151-1155Berry, P.A., Cross, T.J., Thein, S.L., Portmann, B.C., Wendon, J.A., Karani, J.B., Hepatic dysfunction in sickle cell disease: A new system of classification based on global assessment (2007) Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 5, pp. 1469-1476Adorno, E.V., Couto, F.D., Moura Neto, J.P., Menezes, J.F., Rêgo, M., Reis, M.G., Gonçalves, M.S., Hemoglobinopathies in newborns from Salvador, Bahia, Northeast Brazil (2005) Cad Saude Publica, 21, pp. 292-298Chiang, E.Y., Frenette, P.S., Sickle cell vaso-occlusion (2005) Hematol Oncol Clin North Am, 19, pp. 771-784Joiner, C.H., Rettig, R.K., Jiang, M., Franco, R.S., KCl cotransport mediates abnormal sulfhydryl-dependent volume regulation in sickle reticulocytes (2004) Blood, 104, pp. 2954-2960Lew, V.L., Bookchin, R.M., Ion transport pathology in the mechanism of sickle cell dehydration (2005) Physiol Rev, 85, pp. 179-200Zen Q, Batchvarova M, Twyman CA, Eyler CE, Qiu H, De Castro LM, Telen MJ. B-CAM/LU expression and the role of B-CAM/LU activation in binding of low- and high-density red cells to laminin in sickle cell disease. Am J Hematol. 2004;75:63-7Assis, A., Conran, N., Canalli, A.A., Lorand-Metze, I., Saad, S.T., Costa, F.F., Effect of cytokines and chemokines on sickle neutrophil adhesion to fibronectin (2005) Acta Haematol, 113, pp. 130-136Canalli, A.A., Costa, F.F., Saad, S.T., Conran, N., Granulocytic adhesive interactions and their role in sickle cell vaso-occlusion (2005) Hematology, 10, pp. 419-425Conran, N., Saad, S.T., Costa, F.F., Ikuta, T., Leukocyte numbers correlate with plasma levels of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor in sickle cell disease (2007) Ann Hematol, 86, pp. 255-261Canalli, A.A., Franco-Penteado, C.F., Traina, F., Saad, S.T., Costa, F.F., Conran, N., Role for cAMP-protein kinase A signalling in augmented neutrophil adhesion and chemotaxis in sickle cell disease (2007) Eur J Haematol, 79, pp. 330-337Conran, N., Almeida, C.B., Lanaro, C., Ferreira, R.P., Traina, F., Saad, S.T., Inhibition of caspase-dependent spontaneous apoptosis via a cAMP-protein kinase A dependent pathway in neutrophils from sickle cell disease patients (2007) Br J Haematol, 139, pp. 148-158Canalli, A.A., Conran, N., Fattori, A., Saad, S.T., Costa, F.F., Increased adhesive properties of eosinophils in sickle cell disease (2004) Exp Hematol, 32, pp. 728-734Belcher, J.D., Bryant, C.J., Nguyen, J., Bowlin, P.R., Kielbik, M.C., Bischof, J.C., Transgenic sickle mice have vascular inflammation (2003) Blood, 101, pp. 3953-3959Perelman, N., Selvaraj, S.K., Batra, S., Luck, L.R., Erdreich-Epstein, A., Coates, T.D., Placenta growth factor activates monocytes and correlates with sickle cell disease severity (2003) Blood, 102, pp. 1506-1514Solovey, A., Kollander, R., Shet, A., Milbauer, L.C., Choong, S., Panoskaltsis-Mortari, A., Endothelial cell expression of tissue factor in sickle mice is augmented by hypoxia/reoxygenation and inhibited by lovastatin (2004) Blood, 104, pp. 840-846Aslan, M., Freeman, B.A., Redox-dependent impairment of vascular function in sickle cell disease (2007) Free Radic Biol Med, 43, pp. 1469-1483Conran, N., Gambero, A., Ferreira, H.H., Antunes, E., de Nucci, G., Nitric oxide has a role in regulating VLA-4-integrin expression on the human neutrophil cell surface (2003) Biochem Pharmacol, 66, pp. 43-50Kaul, D.K., Liu, X.D., Chang, H.Y., Nagel, R.L., Fabry, M.E., Effect of fetal hemoglobin on microvascular regulation in sickle transgenic-knockout mice (2004) J Clin Invest, 114, pp. 1136-1145Steinberg, M.H., Predicting clinical severity in sickle cell anaemia (2005) Br J Haematol, 129, pp. 465-481Fathallah, H., Atweh, G.F., (2006) Induction of fetal hemoglobin in the treatment of sickle cell disease, pp. 58-62. , Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ ProgramAdorno, E.V., Zanette, A., Lyra, I., Souza, C.C., Santos, L.F., Menezes, J.F., The beta-globin gene cluster haplotypes in sickle cell anemia patients from Northeast Brazil: A clinical and molecular view (2004) Hemoglobin, 28, pp. 267-271Hoppe, C., Klitz, W., Noble, J., Vigil, L., Vichinsky, E., Styles, L., Distinct HLA associations by stroke subtype in children with sickle cell anemia (2003) Blood, 101, pp. 2865-2869Sebastiani, P., Ramoni, M.F., Nolan, V., Baldwin, C.T., Steinberg, M.H., Genetic dissection and prognostic modeling of overt stroke in sickle cell anemia (2005) Nat Genet, 37, pp. 435-440Castro, V., Alberto, F.L., Costa, R.N., Lepikson-Neto, J., Gualandro, S.F., Figueiredo, M.S., Polymorphism of the human platelet antigen-5 system is a risk factor for occlusive vascular complications in patients with sickle cell anemia (2004) Vox Sang, 87, pp. 118-123Steinberg, M.H., Adewoye, A.H., Modifier genes and sickle cell anemia (2006) Curr Opin Hematol, 13, pp. 131-136Kutlar, F., Diagnostic approach to hemoglobinopathies (2007) Hemoglobin, 31, pp. 243-250Colah, R.B., Surve, R., Sawant, P., D'Souza, E., Italia, K., Phanasgaonkar, S., HPLC studies in hemoglobinopathies (2007) Indian J Pediatr, 74, pp. 657-662Cremonesi, L., Ferrari, M., Giordano, P.C., Harteveld, C.L., 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A Combination Of The -α3.7 And -medii Alleles Causing Hemoglobin H Disease In A Brazilian Patient
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)39180832014/00984-3, FAPESP, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São PauloFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP
Designing And Validating The Methodology For The Internet Assessment Of Fish Consumption At A University Setting
Assessing fish consumption is complex and involves several factors; however, the use of questionnaires in surveys and the use of the Internet as tool to collect data have been considered promising approaches. Therefore, the objective of this research was to design a data collection technique using a questionnaire to assess fish consumption by making it available on a specific home page on the Internet. A bibliographical survey or review was carried out to identify the features of the instrument, and therefore pre-tests were conducted with previous instruments, followed by the Focus Group technique. Specialists then performed an analysis and conducted an online pre-test. Multivariate data analysis was applied using the SmartPLS software. The results indicate that 1.966 participants belonging to the University of São Paulo (USP) community participated in the test, and after the exclusion of some variables, a statistically significant results were obtained. 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The genetics of blood disorders: hereditary hemoglobinopathies
Abstract Objective: To summarize recently published data on the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of sickle cell diseases and β-Thalassemias, the most relevant hereditary hemoglobinopathies in the global population. Sources: Searches were run on the MEDLINE and SCIELO databases, limited to the period from 2003 to May 2008, using the terms hereditary hemoglobinopathies, sickle cell diseases and β-thalassemia. Two books and two chapters were also included. Summary of the findings: More than 2,000 articles were identified; those providing the most important information and broadest views were selected. Conclusions: Morbidity and mortality rates from sickle cell diseases and β-thalassemia are still very high and represent an important challenge. Increased understanding of pathophysiological aspects has lead to significant improvements in treatment and prevention of these diseases. J Pediatr (Rio J). 2008;84(4 Suppl):S40-51: Hereditary hemoglobinopathies, sickle cell diseases, β-thalassemia
O envelhecimento tem um impacto significativo na diminuição de massa magra e do nível de atividade física, estando relacionada à redução na taxa metabólica basal e ao aumento de sobrepeso e obesidade em idosos. O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar correlações entre os fatores de risco da Síndrome Metabólica, a medição do Perímetro Abdominal (PA) e Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) com os parâmetros sanguíneos de Glicemia em Jejum (GJ), Colesterol Total (CT) e Triglicerídeos (TG), em idosos ativos. Para cálculo do IMC foram coletadas medidas de peso e altura e adotados os critérios de classificação da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), a medida da perímetro abdominal (PA) foi efetuada em centímetros. Os parâmetros sanguíneos de glicemia de jejum (GJ), colesterol total (CT) e triglicérides (TGL) foram avaliados pelo método de coleta de sangue na ponta de dedo com leitura em equipamento Accutrend Plus (Roche). Para análise dos resultados foi realizado o cálculo do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson entre as medidas antropométricas (variáveis independentes) e parâmetros sanguíneos (variáveis dependentes). Regressão linear simples foi aplicada sobre as variáveis significativas (0.05%). A avaliação do IMC mostrou que 71% dos idosos estavam acima do peso e 34% eram obesos. No ponto de corte recomendada, 57% da amostra ter sido indicado por PA. O teste de correlação mostraram evidências sobre a existência de uma associação significativa entre GJ e PA e também entre PA e TG comparado ao uso do IMC. A medição de PA parece ser uma indicação eficaz da relação entre os factores de risco para o SM e deve ser incorporada rotinas para avaliar idosos como um indicador de obesidade abdominal.
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