104 research outputs found

    Instagram: Platform Pemasaran Inovatif Bagi Pedagang Informal Di Jakarta

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    Social networks in marketing are unavoidable for companies that need excellence. This study explores how informal traders in Jakarta use Instagram as a marketing tool because most of the available literature focuses on small businesses. Screenshots of 30 Instagram accounts were taken, downloaded for data collection, and then triangulated with five interviews with informal traders. The findings show that informal merchants gain new customers on Instagram through creating their accounts, renting space on agent accounts, and disrupting comments on posts. In addition, informal merchants promote their business by posting products, testimonials from satisfied customers and aligning advertising messages with attractive images/photos that attract traffic attention. These findings imply the need for informal traders' social media marketing training and awareness. Keywords: Instagram, social network, company, informal trader

    Keterbacaan Laporan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) dan Kinerja CSR Aktual: Kompleksitas, Variasi, dan Ambivalensi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara keterbacaan pengungkapan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan (CSR) dan kinerja CSR aktual, dengan memprediksi hubungan positif dan negatif antara kinerja CSR actual dan keterbacaan pengungkapan CSR. Menggunakan beberapa ukuran keterbacaan dari komputasi linguistik, penelitian ini menguji hipotesis menggunakan sampel cross-sectional laporan tahunan-aspek CSR yang dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan sector manufaktur dan energi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2021. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kinerja CSR tidak berhubungan dengan keterbacaan pengungkapan CSR. Hal ini, karena semua perusahaan yang diteliti beroperasi di negara berkembang, yaitu Indonesia, yang mayoritas investornya merupakan pribumi yang menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, sehingga idak ada kesulitan Bahasa bagi investor dalam memahami laporan tahunan-aspek CSR. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan tidak memiliki strategi untuk memberi signal baik atau buruk mengenai kondisi non keuangan perusahaan, dalam hal ini aktivitas CSR kepada stakeholders, khususnya investor atau calon investor melalui narasi laporan tahunan-aspek CSR. Kata kunci: Keterbacaan Pengungkapan CSR, Kinerja CSR, dan Laporan Tahunan-CS

    An improved crystal structure of C-phycoerythrin from the marine cyanobacterium Phormidium sp. A09DM

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    C-Phycoerythrin (PE) from Phormidium sp. A09DM has been crystallized using different conditions and its structure determined to atomic resolution (1.14 Å). In order for the pigment present, phycoerythrobilin (PEB), to function as an efficient light-harvesting molecule it must be held rigidly (Kupka and Scheer in Biochim Biophys Acta 1777:94–103, 2008) and, moreover, the different PEB molecules in PE must be arranged, relative to each other, so as to promote efficient energy transfer between them. This improved structure has allowed us to define in great detail the structure of the PEBs and their binding sites. These precise structural details will facilitate theoretical calculations of each PEB’s spectroscopic properties. It was possible, however, to suggest a model for which chromophores contribute to the different regions of absorption spectrum and propose a tentative scheme for energy transfer. We show that some subtle differences in one of these PEB binding sites in two of the 12 subunits are caused by crystal contacts between neighboring hexamers in the crystal lattice. This explains some of the differences seen in previous lower resolution structures determined at two different pH values (Kumar et al. in Photosyn Res 129:17–28, 2016)

    Brand Ambassador dan Marketplace terhadap Minat Konsumen pada Produk Fashion

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    This study aims to determine the influence of brand ambassadors and marketplaces on consumer interest in fashion products. This research method is quantitative. The research was conducted on students of the Accounting Study Program at STIE PGRI Sukabumi and obtained 54 respondents. Hypothesis testing using the validity test for all questionnaires was declared valid and the reliability test was declared reliable. The analysis performed is regression analysis, coefficient of determination, and t test. The results showed, a) the brand ambassador variable on consumer interest had a significance level of 0.001 <0.05 and tcount 2.556 > 2.009; b) the marketplace variable on consumer interest has a significance level of 0.000 <0.05 and tcount 2.361 > 2.009; c) F-count value of 8.065> from F-table of 3.18; d) the coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.623, meaning that the percentage of brand ambassadors and marketplace influence on consumer interest in fashion products is 62.3% and the remaining 37.7% comes from other variables not examined. Conclusion, a) partially brand ambassadors have a positive and significant effect on consumer interest in fashion products; b) partially, the marketplace has a positive and significant effect on consumer interest in fashion products; c) simultaneously brand ambassadors and marketplaces have a significant positive influence on consumer interest in fashion products. Keywords: Brand Ambassador, Marketplace, Consumer Interes

    Analisis Peningkatan Produk Laptop Melalui Brand Attitude Dan Brand Credibility

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    The purpose of this research to understand the effect of brand credibility and brand attitude towards the buying interest of Huawei laptop. The data on this research is using purposive sampling method with the criteria that knows about Huawei laptop and at least 17 years old. The result of this hipotesis test shows that brand credibility variable has effect to buying interest with significant score of 0,028 < 0,050, brand attitude variable has effect to buying interest with significant score of 0,00 < 0,050, and also the brand credibility and brand attitude variable simultaneously effect the buying decision with fscore > ftabel with 124,209> 2,682


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    ABSTRACTThis research is included as a correlational research, and consisted of two independent variables and one dependent variable, i.e. product quality and service quality with customer satisfaction. The research was conducted on customer of Adza Catering, with samples of 100 customers, derived by random sampling. The method used was survey and data analysis technique using statistical test of correlation and linear regression. The hypothesis testing was conducted at the significant level of ? = 0.05. The results yield three conclusions, namely: first, there is a highly significant positive relationship between product quality and customer satisfaction with a correlation coefficient ry1 of 0.647, coefficient of determination of 0.4186 and the regression equation is ?= 56.220 + 0.419X1. Second, there is a highly significant positive relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction with correlation coefficient ry2 of 0.763, coefficient of determination of 0.5821 and the regression equation is ? = 40.773 + 0.376X2. Third, there is a highly significant positive relationship between product quality and service quality together simultaneously with customer satisfaction with a correlation coefficient Ry.1.2 of 0.740, coefficient of determination of 0.5476 and the regression equation is ?= 22.612 + 0.428X1 + 0,236X2. Based on these results, it can be concluded that product quality and service quality provide highly significant contribution to customer satisfaction.Keywords: Product Quality, Service Quality and Customer Satisfactio


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    Various methods have been implemented to encourage the increase of horticultural commodities, especially KWT in Bogor, such as assistance with production facilities, increasing the competence of farmers and extension officers, and post-harvest processing and marketing. Nevertheless, efforts to expand horticultural commodities still need to overcome various obstacles. Identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats from horticultural farming activities, especially KWT in Bogor, is necessary right strategy is obtained to increase only horticultural commodities that have economic value and are highly competitive, sustainable, able to improve farmers' welfare, and in line with the economic concept of green (Green Economy). Starting from this idea, it is necessary to research the identification of superior horticultural commodities and know the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of superior horticultural commodities at KWT in Bogor so that agricultural development in Bogor is right on target. The study results showed that the commodity with the highest LQ value was the ornamental plant Aglaonema, worth 274.33. The results of the SWOT analysis obtained a strategy to increase superior commodities, namely collaboration with garden decoration services or ornamental plant lovers to introduce seller brands, as well as increase promotion through social media, exhibition meetings or events, or the aglaonema ornamental plant hobbyist community, with a QSPM value of 4.364 each and 4,236


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    The role of farmer groups in urban areas is very much needed in the development of horticultural commodities because it is estimated that the demand for horticultural commodities will increase as the population increases. This is certainly a good business opportunity for urban farmers, especially urban female farmer groups (KWT). The purpose of this research is to examine economically horticultural farming in urban KWT in Bogor in terms of income aspects and the efficiency of using farm costs. The research location was at 52 KWT Bogor City from June-November 2020. Collecting data using questionnaires, survey techniques, interview observation, and documentation study. The study used farm income analysis, while the efficiency analysis was measured by the R/C ratio. The results of the economic study showed that the average cash income of horticultural farming at KWT in Bogor per year per area of 487 m2 was IDR 3,514,080.75 or equivalent to IDR 7,203,865.55 / year / 10 are, while the average total income worth IDR 1,190,686.16 per 487 m2 or equivalent to IDR 2,440,906.62 / year / 10 are. The R / C value of the ratio of cash costs is 4.24, and the R / C ratio of total costs, the value is 1.37, which means that horticultural farming in KWT in Bogor is efficient to run because the targeted input compared to the actual input is greater or equal to one.

    Non-islet Cell Hypoglycemia: Case Series and Review of the Literature

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    Non-islet cell hypoglycemia (NICH) is hypoglycemia due to the overproduction of insulin-like growth factor-2 (IGF-2) and its precursors which can activate the insulin receptor. Typically, large mesenchymal and epithelial tumors can cause NICH. Diagnosis is confirmed by finding an elevated IGF-2/IGF-1 ratio. The mainstay of treatment is surgical excision. Glucocorticoids may be used in cases where surgery is not possible. We present two cases of NICH with different outcomes. A 33-year-old male patient admitted with altered mental. He was found walking naked outside his house. Laboratory assessment revealed severe hypoglycemia. Further evaluation showed low levels of insulin, C-peptide, and beta-hydroxybutyrate along with an elevated IGF-2/IGF-1 ratio confirming the diagnosis of NICH. Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen showed a massive tumor of the liver consistent with hepatocellular carcinoma. Since the patient refused surgery, he was started on prednisone however the hypoglycemia persisted. A 54-year-old female patient with a history of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) admitted with recent onset hypoglycemia. Despite stopping her insulin, she continued to have hypoglycemia necessitating the administration of high concentrations of intravenous dextrose. Further evaluation showed low levels of insulin, C-peptide, and beta-hydroxybutyrate along with an elevated IGF-2/IGF-1 ratio consistent with the diagnosis of NICH. CT abdomen showed a 24 cm tumor near the uterus. The pathology was consistent with a gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST). After surgical excision of the tumor, the hypoglycemia resolved

    Hydroxychloroquine: A Comprehensive Review and Its Controversial Role in Coronavirus Disease 2019

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    Hydroxychloroquine, initially used as an antimalarial, is used as an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory agent for the management of autoimmune and rheumatic diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus. Lately, there has been interest in its potential efficacy against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, with several speculated mechanisms. The purpose of this review is to elaborate on the mechanisms surrounding hydroxychloroquine. The review is an in-depth analysis of the antimalarial, immunomodulatory, and antiviral mechanisms of hydroxychloroquine, with detailed and novel pictorial explanations. The mechanisms of hydroxychloroquine are related to potential cardiotoxic manifestations and demonstrate potential adverse effects when used for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Finally, current literature associated with hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19 has been analyzed to interrelate the mechanisms, adverse effects, and use of hydroxychloroquine in the current pandemic. Currently, there is insufficient evidence about the efficacy and safety of hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19.KEY MESSAGES HCQ, initially an antimalarial agent, is used as an immunomodulatory agent for managing several autoimmune diseases, for which its efficacy is linked to inhibiting lysosomal antigen processing, MHC-II antigen presentation, and TLR functions. HCQ is generally well-tolerated although severe life-threatening adverse effects including cardiomyopathy and conduction defects have been reported. HCQ use in COVID-19 should be discouraged outside clinical trials under strict medical supervision
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