504 research outputs found

    Development and Optimization of Osmotically Controlled Oral Drug Delivery Systems for Highly and Poorly Water Soluble Drugs

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    INTRODUCTION: Controlled release drug delivery systems (CRDDS) offer many advantages over conventional dosage forms like improved patient compliance and convenience and reduced adverse effects. A constant therapeutic plasma concentration of the drug within the therapeutic index of the drug over extended periods was maintained in CRDDS. In conventional oral dosage forms, the resulting pattern of concentration of drug in plasma widely varies and this may cause unpredictable and undesired clinical effects. Variations of the blood concentration above the MSC may result in adverse effects. With CR products drug entry with a precise extent, rate, or timing into the blood can be programmed or achieved. Release of the drugs from all other conventional dosage forms except intravenous dosage forms follows first-order kinetics. This results in irregular high and low concentrations and only a brief optimal therapeutic level. But the controlled release systems release the drug at a constant rate (zero order) for a definite time period. This results in consistent concentration of drug in tissue and plasma. In order to maintain blood concentrations within the therapeutic index, frequent dosing will be done for drugs with short half life. Frequency of dosing and patient compliance is inversely related. CR products have the potential to improve patient compliance by reducing the number of daily doses. AIMS OF THE STUDY: For a successful drug therapy the concentration of the drug in the plasma should be maintained constant within the therapeutic index (TI) throughout the treatment period. It avoids the fluctuations in plasma concentration of drug and improves the patient compliance. Diseases which need a longer duration of treatment (sometimes a life time) require more careful medications and drug delivery systems for the better patient compliance and comfort. Controlled release drug delivery systems, release the drug at a controlled and constant manner within the therapeutic index throughout the treatment period. Osmotic pumps are such a device which can strictly maintain a controlled release of the drug in the blood plasma within the therapeutic index up to the desired time period. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: 1. To develop and evaluate an OCODDS (Push pull osmotic tablets) of highly and poorly water soluble drugs. 2. To study and optimize core as well as membrane parameters affecting the release profile using design of experiments (DoE). 3. To compare and conclude the effect of different parameters of the formulation on the release profile/pattern of the selected drugs from the device using different statistical tools. 4. To optimize the push pull osmotic tablet formulation of all the four selected drugs using numerical optimization and desirability techniques. 5. To study the factor influence on the desirability function of highly and poorly soluble drugs. 6. To conduct the stability studies of the selected optimized formulations as per ICH guidelines. 7. To conduct an in vivo animal studies for the selected optimized formulation of all the four drugs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Study Design: Parallel design. Sample size: 6 healthy rabbits (New Zealand, White) of either sex weighing 3.0 -3.5 kg). Study treatments: Reference (R) – Marketed XR formulation (12mg), Test (T) - Optimized formulation of push pull osmotic tablets of Ropinirole HCl (12mg). Introduction: Ropinirole HCl an orally administered non-ergoline dopamine agonist used for the treatment of Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. Dose: A single oral dose of either (R) – Marketed XR formulation (12mg) or test treatment (T) Ropinirole HCl push pull OT (12mg), along with water. Dietary Plan: Food was withdrawn from the rats 12 hr before drug administration. Until 24 hr post dosing food was not given to the animals. All rats have access to water during the study period. Sampling Schedules: At defined time intervals blood samples will be collected from marginal ear vein. Bio analytical Method: Ropinirole HCl will be estimated in plasma using a validated analytical method. Pharmacokinetic Parameters: tmax, Cmax, AUC0-t, AUC0-α, kel and t1/2 will be determined from the plasma concentration data of Ropinirole HCl. Ethical: Considerations The study will be carried out as per the ICH- Guidelines. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION: In this research work, once daily push pull osmotic tablets of two highly soluble drugs (Ropinirole HCl and Ivabradine Hcl) and two poorly soluble drugs (Nisoldipine and Carvedilol phosphate) were developed,optimized and different factors affecting the release profile were extensively studied. The concept of QbD was applied and the design space was successfully obtained with the help of design expert soft ware. Different statistical tools like ANOVA, regression analysis were used for the study. Analytical method was developed in pH 6.8 phosphate buffer for all the selected drugs. The drugs exhibited greater linearity at the selected ranges. Regression equations and R2 were created and studied for all the drugs in both the solvents. Pre formulation studies of the selected drugs like, organoleptic properties, solubility, flow property, particle size determination and drug–excipients interaction study were performed and reported. The amount of the drug to incorporated in to the push pull osmotic tablets of the selected drugs were calculated with the help of the available labeled claim of the XR products and Robinson – eriksen equation. An extensive literature survey was performed and the various vital factors affecting the drug release profile from the push pull OT were identified. Formulation development, factor influence study and optimization of the formulations were done with the help of design expert software. A fractional factorial design (2 8-4 with Resolution IV) with 4 centre points were selected for the study. Push pull OTs of the selected drugs were formulated and both blend as well as whole tablet evaluations were performed. All the tests were within specified limits of the pharmacopoeia. In vitro dissolution study of all the trials of the selected drugs were carried out in triplicate. The selected responses like PCUR at 24 hrs, lag time and R2 were reported for each trial. The responses were analyzed with the help of design expert software and different significant factors affecting the selected responses were identified. The factor influences were extensively studied and reported with the help of different plots like half normal plot, normal plots, Pareto charts, contour plots, RS plots and cube plots. ANOVA analysis was also performed for the identification significant factors. From the regression analysis the coefficients of significant factors were determined. Polynomial equations representing the responses were framed after eliminating the non significant factors. Optimization of the push pull OTs of the selected drugs was done with the help of numerical optimization and desirability function. A better identification of design space was done with the help of desirability contour plots and RS plots. Check point batches of all the four selected drugs were formulated and evaluated for the design model validity. Stability studies on the optimized push pull OT formulations of all the selected drugs were performed to assess their stabilityover time. The ICH guidelines were strictly followed during the stability study. None of the formulations showed any significant changes in any of the parameters evaluated. An In vivo animal study of the optimized formulations of all the selected drugs was performed to assess the in vivo performance of the dosage form. Pharmacokinetic parameters like tmax,Cmax, AUC0-t,AUC 0-∞,Kel, tÂœ were determined and compared with the available marketed products of the selected drugs. So it can be concluded that in this research work, stable optimized formulations of push pull OTs of highly and poorly soluble drugs were successfully formulated and extensively studied the significant factors affecting the release pattern of the drug from the system with the help of design of experiments

    Sistem Insulasi Termal Sebagai Dasar Perancangan Pasar Ikan Higienis Di Sendang Biru

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    Pasar ikan di Indonesia umumnya berfungsi kurang optimal karena masih bersifattradisional. Kondisi pasar ikan tradisional umumnya bau, kotor, dan becek, sehinggamenyebabkan konsumen lebih memilih untuk berbelanja di pasar swalayan, khususnyamasyarakat dari golongan ekonomi menengah ke atas. Oleh karena itu, saat ini Pasar IkanHigienis sangat diperlukan di Indonesia. Di Jawa Timur, potensi pengembangan pasar ikanyang berorientasi higienis adalah Pasar Ikan Sendang Biru, Kabupaten Malang.Berdasarkan hasil wawancara, permasalahan yang sering dihadapi adalah kurangnyahigienitas akibat kondisi fisik bangunan dan sanitasi yang tidak sesuai dengan ketentuanpasar sehat. Jenis ikan pelagis besar yang merupakan komoditas utama di Sendang Biruadalah ikan tuna, namun penanganan pada ikan tersebut tidak higienis. Perlu adanyapenanganan khusus pada tempat penjualan ikan pelagis besar agar kualitas ikan tetapterjaga. Oleh karena itu, perancangan Pasar Ikan Higienis ini melalui pendekatan sisteminsulasi termal yang difokuskan untuk menjaga suhu agar kesegaran ikan tetap terjaga.Perancangan Pasar Ikan Higienis di Sendang Biru ini menggunakan metode perancangan,yaitu metode kanonik dan metode pragmatik. Perancangan Pasar Ikan Higienis denganmenggunakan metode tersebut diharapkan dapat menghasilkan suatu rancangan yanghigienis dan memenuhi kebutuhan Pasar Ikan Sendang Biru. Hasil akhir merupakanrancangan Pasar Ikan Higienis dengan dasar sistem insulasi termal

    Plant Growth Promoting of Endophytic Sporosarcina aquimarina

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    Endophytic Sporosarcina aquimarina SjAM16103 was isolated from the inner tissues of pneumatophores of mangrove plant Avicennia marina along with Bacillus sp. and Enterobacter sp. Endophytic S. aquimarina SjAM16103 was Gram variable, and motile bacterium measured 0.6–0.9 Όm wide by 1.7–2.0 Όm long and light orange-brown coloured in 3-day cultures on tryptone broth at 26°C. Nucleotide sequence of this strain has been deposited in the GenBank under accession number GU930359. This endophytic bacterium produced 2.37 ΌMol/mL of indole acetic acid and siderophore as it metabolites. This strain could solubilize phosphate molecules and fixes atmospheric nitrogen. Endophytic S. aquimarina SjAM16103 was inoculated into four different plants under in vitro method to analyse its growth-promoting activity and role inside the host plants. The growth of endophytic S. aquimarina SjAM16103 inoculated explants were highly significant than the uninoculated control explants. Root hairs and early root development were observed in the endophytic S. aquimarina SjAM16103 inoculated explants

    Experimental investigation of the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect in low-Z targets

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    In the CERN NA63 collaboration we have addressed the question of the potential inadequacy of the commonly used Migdal formulation of the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect by measuring the photon emission by 20 and 178 GeV electrons in the range 100 MeV - 4 GeV, in targets of LowDensityPolyEthylene (LDPE), C, Al, Ti, Fe, Cu, Mo and, as a reference target, Ta. For each target and energy, a comparison between simulated values based on the LPM suppression of incoherent bremsstrahlung is shown, taking multi-photon effects into account. For these targets and energies, we find that Migdal's theoretical formulation is adequate to a precision of better than about 5%, irrespective of the target substance.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure

    Experimental investigations of synchrotron radiation at the onset of the quantum regime

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    The classical description of synchrotron radiation fails at large Lorentz factors, Îł\gamma, for relativistic electrons crossing strong transverse magnetic fields BB. In the rest frame of the electron this field is comparable to the so-called critical field B0=4.414⋅109B_0 = 4.414\cdot10^9 T. For χ=ÎłB/B0≃1\chi = \gamma B/B_0 \simeq 1 quantum corrections are essential for the description of synchrotron radiation to conserve energy. With electrons of energies 10-150 GeV penetrating a germanium single crystal along the axis, we have experimentally investigated the transition from the regime where classical synchrotron radiation is an adequate description, to the regime where the emission drastically changes character; not only in magnitude, but also in spectral shape. The spectrum can only be described by quantum synchrotron radiation formulas. Apart from being a test of strong-field quantum electrodynamics, the experimental results are also relevant for the design of future linear colliders where beamstrahlung - a closely related process - may limit the achievable luminosity.Comment: 11 pages, 18 figures, submitted to PR

    Transition probabilities in the X(5) candidate 122^{122}Ba

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    To investigate the possible X(5) character of 122Ba, suggested by the ground state band energy pattern, the lifetimes of the lowest yrast states of 122Ba have been measured, via the Recoil Distance Doppler-Shift method. The relevant levels have been populated by using the 108Cd(16O,2n)122Ba and the 112Sn(13C,3n)122Ba reactions. The B(E2) values deduced in the present work are compared to the predictions of the X(5) model and to calculations performed in the framework of the IBA-1 and IBA-2 models

    Neutron emission in Ni-H systems

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    In this paper evidence is reported for neutron emission during energy production in Ni-H systems at about 700 kelvin. Neutrons were detected directly by He3 counters and indirectly by gold activation
