18 research outputs found

    Immunobiology of Atherosclerosis: A Complex Net of Interactions

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    Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality worldwide, and atherosclerosis the principal factor underlying cardiovascular events. Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by endothelial dysfunction, intimal lipid deposition, smooth muscle cell proliferation, cell apoptosis and necrosis, and local and systemic inflammation, involving key contributions to from innate and adaptive immunity. The balance between proatherogenic inflammatory and atheroprotective anti-inflammatory responses is modulated by a complex network of interactions among vascular components and immune cells, including monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, and T, B, and foam cells; these interactions modulate the further progression and stability of the atherosclerotic lesion. In this review, we take a global perspective on existing knowledge about the pathogenesis of immune responses in the atherosclerotic microenvironment and the interplay between the major innate and adaptive immune factors in atherosclerosis. Studies such as this are the basis for the development of new therapies against atherosclerosis.The authors’ research is supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (PI17/01395; CPII16/00022) and EuroCellNet COST Action CA15214 with co-funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), “A way to build Europe,” and the Miguel Servet Program. The CNIC is supported by the ISCIII, the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MCNU), and the Pro CNIC Foundation and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505). J.M.G.-G. is supported by the ISCIII Miguel Servet Program, i+12 and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM); R.G.B. and B.S. by i+12 and ISCIII and B.H.F. by i+12, UAM and FPU programs from the MCNU.S

    Switchable CAR T cell strategy against osteosarcoma

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    Immunotherapy with chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR T) cells has changed the treatment of hematological malignances, but they are still a challenge for solid tumors, including pediatric sarcomas. Here, we report a switchable CAR T cell strategy based on anti-FITC CAR T cells and a switch molecule conjugated with FITC for targeting osteosarcoma (OS) tumors. As a potential target, we analyzed the expression of B7-H3, an immune checkpoint inhibitor, in OS cell lines. In addition, we evaluate the capacity of an anti-B7-H3 monoclonal antibody conjugated with FITC (anti-B7-H3-FITC mAb) to control the antitumor activity of anti-FITC CAR T cells. The effector functions of anti-FITC CAR T cells against OS, measured in vitro by tumor cell killing activity and cytokine production, are dependent on the presence of the anti-B7-H3-FITC mAb switch. Moreover, OS cells stimulate anti-FITC CAR T cells migration. In vivo, anti-B7-H3 mAb penetrates in the tumor and binds 143B OS tumor cells. Furthermore, anti-FITC CAR T cells reach tumor region and exert antitumor effect in an OS NSG mouse model only in the presence of the switch molecule. We demonstrate that anti-B7-H3-FITC mAb redirects the cytotoxic activity of anti-FITC CAR T cells against OS tumors suggesting that switchable CAR T cell platforms might be a plausible strategy against OS.This research was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII): PI20CIII-00040 and RD21/0017/0005, Red Española de Terapias Avanzadas TERAV-ISCIII (NextGenerationEU. Plan de Recuperación Transformación y Resiliencia), the Asociación Pablo Ugarte, the Fundación Oncohematología Infantil and AFANION for grants support. LH is benefciary of a grant under the Talent Attraction Program of the Comunidad de Madrid (2018-T2/BMD-10337). AM-M is benefciary of a grant under the PhD ISCIII-PFIS program (FI18CIII/00017) and is a member of the PhD Program in Molecular Biosciences of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. PR-G is enrolled in the Doctoral Program in Biomedical Sciences and Public Health as a trainee researcher at the UNED International Doctoral School. AntiFITC CAR single chain variable fragment (scFv) encoding plasmid was kindly provided by Dr. Michael Jensen from Seattle Children´s Research Institute, Washington, USA. The authors wish to thank the donors, and the Biobank Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda (HUPHM)/Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Puerta de Hierro-Segovia de Arana (IDIPHISA) (PT17/0015/0020 in the Spanish National Biobanks Network) for the human specimens used in this study. Images for the graphical scheme of experiments were obtained and modifed from SMART—Servier Medical Art under a Creative Common Attribution 3.0 Unported License.S

    CD13 as a new tumor target for antibody-drug conjugates: validation with the conjugate MI130110

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    BACKGROUND: In the search for novel antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) with therapeutic potential, it is imperative to identify novel targets to direct the antibody moiety. CD13 seems an attractive ADC target as it shows a differential pattern of expression in a variety of tumors and cell lines and it is internalized upon engagement with a suitable monoclonal antibody. PM050489 is a marine cytotoxic compound tightly binding tubulin and impairing microtubule dynamics which is currently undergoing clinical trials for solid tumors. METHODS: Anti-CD13 monoclonal antibody (mAb) TEA1/8 has been used to prepare a novel ADC, MI130110, by conjugation to the marine compound PM050489. In vitro and in vivo experiments have been carried out to demonstrate the activity and specificity of MI130110. RESULTS: CD13 is readily internalized upon TEA1/8 mAb binding, and the conjugation with PM050489 did not have any effect on the binding or the internalization of the antibody. MI130110 showed remarkable activity and selectivity in vitro on CD13-expressing tumor cells causing the same effects than those described for PM050489, including cell cycle arrest at G2, mitosis with disarrayed and often multipolar spindles consistent with an arrest at metaphase, and induction of cell death. In contrast, none of these toxic effects were observed in CD13-null cell lines incubated with MI130110. Furthermore, in vivo studies showed that MI130110 exhibited excellent antitumor activity in a CD13-positive fibrosarcoma xenograft murine model, with total remissions in a significant number of the treated animals. Mitotic catastrophes, typical of the payload mechanism of action, were also observed in the tumor cells isolated from mice treated with MI130110. In contrast, MI130110 failed to show any activity in a xenograft mouse model of myeloma cells not expressing CD13, thereby corroborating the selectivity of the ADC to its target and its stability in circulation. CONCLUSION: Our results show that MI130110 ADC combines the antitumor potential of the PM050489 payload with the selectivity of the TEA1/8 monoclonal anti-CD13 antibody and confirm the correct intracellular processing of the ADC. These results demonstrate the suitability of CD13 as a novel ADC target and the effectiveness of MI130110 as a promising antitumor therapeutic agent.This work was partially supported by grant IPT-2012-0198-090000 (“MARINMAB” project) from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) and European Regional Development’s funds (ERDF) and by CSIC grant 2019AEP146.S

    SARS-CoV-2 mutant spectra reveal differences between COVID-19 severity categories

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    Trabajo presentado en el XVI Congreso Nacional de Virología, celebrado en Málaga (España) del 06 al 09 de septiembre de 2022.RNA virus populations are composed of complex mixtures of genomes that are termed mutant spectra. SARS-CoV-2 replicates as a viral quasispecies, and mutations that are detected at low frequencies in a host can be dominant in subsequent variants. We have studied mutant spectrum complexities of SARS-CoV-2 populations derived from thirty nasopharyngeal swabs of patients infected during the first wave (April 2020) in the Hospital Universitario Fundación Jiménez Díaz. The patients were classified according to the COVID-19 severity in mild (non-hospitalized), moderate (hospitalized) and exitus (hospitalized with ICU admission and who passed away due to COVID-19). Using ultra-deep sequencing technologies (MiSeq, Illumina), we have examined four amplicons of the nsp12 (polymerase)-coding region and two amplicons of the spike-coding region. Ultra-deep sequencing data were analyzed with different cut-off frequency for mutation detection. Average number of different point mutations, mutations per haplotype and several diversity indices were significantly higher in SARS-CoV-2 isolated from patients who developed mild disease. A feature that we noted in the SARS-CoV-2 mutant spectra from diagnostic samples is the remarkable absence of mutations at intermediate frequencies, and an overwhelming abundance of mutations at frequencies lower than 10%. Thus, the decrease of the cut-off frequency for mutation detection from 0.5% to 0.1% revealed an increasement (50- to 100 fold) in the number of different mutations. The significantly higher frequency of mutations in virus from patients displaying mild than moderate or severe disease was maintained with the 0.1% cut- off frequency. To evaluate whether the frequency repertoire of amino acid substitutions differed between SARS-CoV-2 and the well characterized hepatitis C virus (HCV), we performed a comparative study of mutant spectra from infected patients using the same bioinformatics pipelines. HCV did not show the deficit of intermediate frequency substitutions that was observed with SARS-CoV-2. This difference was maintained when two functionally equivalent proteins, the corresponding viral polymerases, were compared. In conclusion, SARS-CoV-2 mutant spectra are rich reservoirs of mutants, whose complexity is not uniform among clinical isolates. Virus from patients who developed mild disease may be a source of new variants that may acquire epidemiological relevance.This work was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spanish Ministry of Science and In-novation (COVID-19 Research Call COV20/00181), and co-financed by European Development Regional Fund ‘A way to achieve Europe’. The work was also supported by grants CSIC-COV19-014 from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), project 525/C/2021 from Fundació La Marató de TV3, PID2020-113888RB-I00 from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, BFU2017-91384-EXP from Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MCIU), PI18/00210 and PI21/00139 from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, and S2018/BAA-4370 (PLATESA2 from Comunidad de Madrid/FEDER). C.P., M.C., and P.M. are supported by the Miguel Servet programme of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CPII19/00001, CPII17/00006, and CP16/00116, respectively) co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). CIBERehd (Centro de Investi-gación en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas) is funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Institutional grants from the Fundación Ramón Areces and Banco Santander to the CBMSO are also acknowledged. The team at CBMSO belongs to the Global Virus Network (GVN). B.M.-G. is supported by predoctoral contract PFIS FI19/00119 from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo) cofinanced by Fondo Social Europeo (FSE). R.L.-V. is supported by predoctoral contract PEJD-2019-PRE/BMD-16414 from Comunidad de Madrid. C.G.-C. is sup-ported by predoctoral contract PRE2018-083422 from MCIU. BS was supported by a predoctoral research fellowship (Doctorados Industriales, DI-17-09134) from Spanish MINECO

    SARS-CoV-2 Mutant Spectra at Different Depth Levels Reveal an Overwhelming Abundance of Low Frequency Mutations

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    Populations of RNA viruses are composed of complex and dynamic mixtures of variant genomes that are termed mutant spectra or mutant clouds. This applies also to SARS-CoV-2, and mutations that are detected at low frequency in an infected individual can be dominant (represented in the consensus sequence) in subsequent variants of interest or variants of concern. Here we briefly review the main conclusions of our work on mutant spectrum characterization of hepatitis C virus (HCV) and SARS-CoV-2 at the nucleotide and amino acid levels and address the following two new questions derived from previous results: (i) how is the SARS-CoV-2 mutant and deletion spectrum composition in diagnostic samples, when examined at progressively lower cut-off mutant frequency values in ultra-deep sequencing; (ii) how the frequency distribution of minority amino acid substitutions in SARS-CoV-2 compares with that of HCV sampled also from infected patients. The main conclusions are the following: (i) the number of different mutations found at low frequency in SARS-CoV-2 mutant spectra increases dramatically (50- to 100-fold) as the cut-off frequency for mutation detection is lowered from 0.5% to 0.1%, and (ii) that, contrary to HCV, SARS-CoV-2 mutant spectra exhibit a deficit of intermediate frequency amino acid substitutions. The possible origin and implications of mutant spectrum differences among RNA viruses are discussed.This work was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (COVID-19 Research Call COV20/00181), and co-financed by European Development Regional Fund ‘A way to achieve Europe’. The work was also supported by grants CSIC-COV19-014 from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), project 525/C/2021 from Fundació La Marató de TV3, PID2020-113888RB-I00 from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, BFU2017-91384-EXP from Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MCIU), PI18/00210 and PI21/00139 from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, and S2018/BAA-4370 (PLATESA2 from Comunidad de Madrid/FEDER). C.P., M.C., and P.M. are supported by the Miguel Servet programme of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CPII19/00001, CPII17/00006, and CP16/00116, respectively) cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). CIBERehd (Centro de Investigación en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas) is funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Institutional grants from the Fundación Ramón Areces and Banco Santander to the CBMSO are also acknowledged. The team at CBMSO belongs to the Global Virus Network (GVN). B.M.-G. is supported by predoctoral contract PFIS FI19/00119 from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo) cofinanced by Fondo Social Europeo (FSE). R.L.-V. is supported by predoctoral contract PEJD-2019-PRE/BMD-16414 from Comunidad de Madrid. C.G.-C. is supported by predoctoral contract PRE2018-083422 from MCIU. P.S. is supported by postdoctoral contract “Margarita Salas” CA1/RSUE/2021 from MCIU. B.S. was supported by a predoctoral research fellowship (Doctorados Industriales, DI-17-09134) from Spanish MINECO.Peer reviewe

    Newer generations of multi-target CAR and STAb-T immunotherapeutics: NEXT CART Consortium as a cooperative effort to overcome current limitations

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    Adoptive T cellular immunotherapies have emerged as relevant approaches for treating cancer patients who have relapsed or become refractory (R/R) to traditional cancer treatments. Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy has improved survival in various hematological malignancies. However, significant limitations still impede the widespread adoption of these therapies in most cancers. To advance in this field, six research groups have created the “NEXT Generation CART MAD Consortium” (NEXT CART) in Madrid’s Community, which aims to develop novel cell-based immunotherapies for R/R and poor prognosis cancers. At NEXT CART, various basic and translational research groups and hospitals in Madrid concur to share and synergize their basic expertise in immunotherapy, gene therapy, and immunological synapse, and clinical expertise in pediatric and adult oncology. NEXT CART goal is to develop new cell engineering approaches and treatments for R/R adult and pediatric neoplasms to evaluate in multicenter clinical trials. Here, we discuss the current limitations of T cell-based therapies and introduce our perspective on future developments. Advancement opportunities include developing allogeneic products, optimizing CAR signaling domains, combining cellular immunotherapies, multi-targeting strategies, and improving tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs)/T cell receptor (TCR) therapy. Furthermore, basic studies aim to identify novel tumor targets, tumor molecules in the tumor microenvironment that impact CAR efficacy, and strategies to enhance the efficiency of the immunological synapse between immune and tumor cells. Our perspective of current cellular immunotherapy underscores the potential of these treatments while acknowledging the existing hurdles that demand innovative solutions to develop their potential for cancer treatment fully

    New Strategies Using Antibody Combinations to Increase Cancer Treatment Effectiveness

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    Antibodies have proven their high value in antitumor therapy over the last two decades. They are currently being used as the first-choice to treat some of the most frequent metastatic cancers, like HER2+ breast cancers or colorectal cancers, currently treated with trastuzumab (Herceptin) and bevacizumab (Avastin), respectively. The impressive therapeutic success of antibodies inhibiting immune checkpoints has extended the use of therapeutic antibodies to previously unanticipated tumor types. These anti-immune checkpoint antibodies allowed the cure of patients devoid of other therapeutic options, through the recovery of the patient’s own immune response against the tumor. In this review, we describe how the antibody-based therapies will evolve, including the use of antibodies in combinations, their main characteristics, advantages, and how they could contribute to significantly increase the chances of success in cancer therapy. Indeed, novel combinations will consist of mixtures of antibodies against either different epitopes of the same molecule or different targets on the same tumor cell; bispecific or multispecific antibodies able of simultaneously binding tumor cells, immune cells or extracellular molecules; immunomodulatory antibodies; antibody-based molecules, including fusion proteins between a ligand or a receptor domain and the IgG Fab or Fc fragments; autologous or heterologous cells; and different formats of vaccines. Through complementary mechanisms of action, these combinations could contribute to elude the current limitations of a single antibody which recognizes only one particular epitope. These combinations may allow the simultaneous attack of the cancer cells by using the help of the own immune cells and exerting wider therapeutic effects, based on a more specific, fast, and robust response, trying to mimic the action of the immune system

    Lamin A/C and the Immune System: One Intermediate Filament, Many Faces

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    Nuclear envelope lamin A/C proteins are a major component of the mammalian nuclear lamina, a dense fibrous protein meshwork located in the nuclear interior. Lamin A/C proteins regulate nuclear mechanics and structure and control cellular signaling, gene transcription, epigenetic regulation, cell cycle progression, cell differentiation, and cell migration. The immune system is composed of the innate and adaptive branches. Innate immunity is mediated by myeloid cells such as neutrophils, macrophages, and dendritic cells. These cells produce a rapid and nonspecific response through phagocytosis, cytokine production, and complement activation, as well as activating adaptive immunity. Specific adaptive immunity is activated by antigen presentation by antigen presenting cells (APCs) and the cytokine microenvironment, and is mainly mediated by the cellular functions of T cells and the production of antibodies by B cells. Unlike most cell types, immune cells regulate their lamin A/C protein expression relatively rapidly to exert their functions, with expression increasing in macrophages, reducing in neutrophils, and increasing transiently in T cells. In this review, we discuss and summarize studies that have addressed the role played by lamin A/C in the functions of innate and adaptive immune cells in the context of human inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, pathogen infections, and cancer.Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI17/01395)European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) (CA15214)Spanish Government (SEV-2015-0505)German Research Foundation (DFG) (FPU18/00895; FPU19/01774)Torres Quevedo Program (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) (PTQ-15-07915)5.924 JCR (2020) Q1, 67/295 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology1.455 SJR (2020) Q1, 6/68 Inorganic ChemistryNo data IDR 2020UE

    Monoclonal Antibody Therapies for Hematological Malignancies: Not Just Lineage-Specific Targets

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    Today, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are a widespread and necessary tool for biomedical science. In the hematological cancer field, since rituximab became the first mAb approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of B-cell malignancies, a number of effective mAbs targeting lineage-specific antigens (LSAs) have been successfully developed. Non-LSAs (NLSAs) are molecules that are not restricted to specific leukocyte subsets or tissues but play relevant pathogenic roles in blood cancers including the development, proliferation, survival, and refractoriness to therapy of tumor cells. In consequence, efforts to target NLSAs have resulted in a plethora of mAbs—marketed or in development—to achieve different goals like neutralizing oncogenic pathways, blocking tumor-related chemotactic pathways, mobilizing malignant cells from tumor microenvironment to peripheral blood, modulating immune-checkpoints, or delivering cytotoxic drugs into tumor cells. Here, we extensively review several novel mAbs directed against NLSAs undergoing clinical evaluation for treating hematological malignancies. The review focuses on the structure of these antibodies, proposed mechanisms of action, efficacy and safety profile in clinical studies, and their potential applications in the treatment of hematological malignancies

    Indole-3-carbinol synergizes with and restores fludarabine sensitivity in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells irrespective of p53 activity and treatment resistances

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    [Purpose]: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) still is lacking a cure. Relapse and development of refractoriness to current treatments are common. New therapies are needed to improve patient prognosis and survival. [Experimental design]: Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) is a natural product with antitumor properties already clinically tested. The effect of I3C, F-ara-A, and combinations of both drugs on CLL cells from patients representing different Rai stages, IGHV mutation status, cytogenetic alterations, p53 functionality, and treatment resistances was tested, as well as the toxicity of these treatments in mice. [Results]: I3C induces cytotoxicity in CLL cells but not in normal lymphocytes. I3C strongly synergized with F-ara-A in all CLL cells tested, including those with p53 deficiency and/or F-ara-A resistance. The mechanism of cell death involved p53-dependent and -independent apoptosis. The combination of I3C + F-ara-A was equally effective in CLL cells irrespective of IGHV mutation stage and patient refractoriness. Moreover, CLL survival and treatment resistance induced by co-culturing CLL cells on stroma cells were overcome by the combinatory I3C + F-ara-A treatment. No toxicity was associated with the combined I3C + fludarabine treatment in mice. [Conclusions]: I3C in combination with F-ara-A is highly cytotoxic in CLL cells from refractory patients and those with p53 deficiency. The striking dose reduction index for F-ara-A in combination with I3C would reduce fludarabine toxicity while having a similar or better anti-CLL effectiveness. Moreover, the low toxicity of I3C, already clinically tested, supports its use as adjuvant and combinatory therapy in CLL, particularly for patients with relapsed or refractory disease.This work was supported by grants from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (PI12/01135 to J.M. Zapata, PI12/00494 to C. Muñoz-Calleja, and PI11/00708 to I. Buño) and from the Asociacion Española Contra el Cancer and Fundacion LAIR (to I. Buño). G. Perez-Chacon was the recipient of a JAE Doc contract from CSIC. The cost of this publication was paid in part by FEDER funds.Peer Reviewe