627 research outputs found

    Étude de la prévalence des maladies liées à l’eau et influences des facteurs environnementaux dans l’arrondissement de Nomgr-Masson : cas du quartier Tanghin (Ouagadougou-Burkina Faso)

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    Les maladies liées à l’eau font partie des maladies infectieuses les plus préoccupantes observées au sein des populations des pays en développement. L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier la contribution des maladies liées à l’eau aux dix principales causes de consultations à Tanghin et les facteurs de risques comportementaux et environnementaux qui y contribuent. La méthodologie s’articule autour d’une enquête géographique, de l’analyse microbiologique et physico-chimique des eaux et d’une enquête ménage. Les maladies liées à l’eau occupent plus de 40% des dix principales causes de consultation à Tanghin. Le paludisme est la maladie la plus répandue, suivie de la fièvre typhoïde et la dysenterie. Les eaux de puits sont toutes contaminées par les coliformes totaux et thermotolérants. Le niveau d’assainissement du quartier est très bas et permet d’observer de nombreux dépotoirs sauvages même aux abords de point d’eau. La gestion de l’eau de consommation n’est également pas convenable. Cela a pour effet une forte exposition de la population aux risques sanitaires liés à l’eau. 9.2% de la population estime avoir été infectés par les maladies liées à l’eau au cours de l’année. Une action urgente en matière d’assainissement et gestion de l’eau dans les ménages est donc à entreprendre. Mots clés : maladies liées à l’eau, pollution microbiologique, assainissement, Tanghin, Burkina Fas

    Rupture Uterine Par Accident De La Voie Publique: A propos d’un cas.

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    Un cas de rupture utérine par accident de la voie publique associée à une fracture de l’humérus droit et du bassin est décrit. Les pronostics maternels et foetal sont discutés à la lumière de la revue de la littérature

    Optimization of Transesterification of Sunflower Oil with Ethanol using Eggshell as Heterogeneous Catalyst

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    Biodiesel is currently mostly produced by homogeneous catalysis. Recently, however, heterogeneous catalysis is being considered as a cheaper alternative to the homogeneous process. Heterogeneous transesterification is considered a green process. The process requires neither catalyst recovery nor aqueous treatment steps and very high yields of ethyl esters can be obtained, close to the theoretical value. However, heterogeneously catalyzed transesterification generally requires more severe operating conditions, and the performance of heterogeneous catalysts is generally lower than that of the commonly used homogeneous catalysts. This study seeks to address this problem by studying the production of biodiesel using eggshells as heterogeneous catalysts. Heterogeneous catalysts can make biodiesel production more energy efficient, and therefore less expensive, by eliminating the need for expensive purification processes that separates the catalyst from reaction products typical in the use of homogeneous catalysts. Matlab was employed for the experimental design, statistical analysis and process modeling. Fatty acid ethyl ester was produced by transesterification of sunflower oil and ethanol using calcined eggshells as a heterogeneous catalyst. To optimize the process, some important variables such as reaction temperature, molar ratio of ethanol to oil and mass weight of catalyst were selected and studied. At the following conditions: 343K of reaction temperature, ethanol to sunflower oil ratio of 9:1 and 1 mass wt% of catalyst, an optimum fatty acid ethyl  ester yield of 92% was obtained, indicating that eggshells have the potential of being used as a heterogeneous catalyst for the production of fatty acid ethyl ester from sunflower oil. Physico-chemical characterization of the fatty acid ethyl ester was performed and compared with the US Standard biodiesel properties, and it was observed that the biodiesel compared well with the standards. Keywords: Transesterification, eggshell catalyst, process optimization, sunflower oil, ethanol

    Vasodilator effect of Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloĂŻdes, Calotropis procera and FACA, a mixture of these two plants

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    Root bark extracts from Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides Lam (Rutaceae) and Calotropis procera Aït (Asclepiadaceae) were used in Burkina Faso folk medicine for several diseases particularly sickle cell anemia. Authors reported here vasorelaxant effect of these plants on rat isolated aorta. Z. zanthoxyloïdes (cumulative addition) produces a concentration-dependent relaxation on the aorta. Maximal effects are respectively of 60.34 ± 2.34 and 100% in the presence and in the absence of endothelium. C. procera extract induces a more relaxing effect on endothelium-denuded aorta (Emax = 59.78 ± 2.13% and 100% in presence and absence of endothelium respectively). FACA, the mixture of these two plants also induces vasorelaxation (Emax = 100%), with better effect in the presence of endothelium (EC50 = 2.76 ± 0.38 mg/mL and 4.90 ± 0.69 mg/mL in presence and absence of endothelium respectively). Endothelium-dependent vasodilator effect of FACA was inhibited by L-NAME; this clearly indicates that NO is involved in aorta relaxation process by FACA. Taken together this study revealed that FACA and its components possess vasodilator effect. This vascular property of FACA may be involved in the amendment of sickle cell crisis through inhibition of vaso-occlusion process.Keywords: Sickle cell anemia, phytotherapy, rat aorta, endotheliu

    NEXUS Scalable and Distributed Next-Generation Avionics Bus for Space Missions

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    A paper discusses NEXUS, a common, next-generation avionics interconnect that is transparently compatible with wired, fiber-optic, and RF physical layers; provides a flexible, scalable, packet switched topology; is fault-tolerant with sub-microsecond detection/recovery latency; has scalable bandwidth from 1 Kbps to 10 Gbps; has guaranteed real-time determinism with sub-microsecond latency/jitter; has built-in testability; features low power consumption (< 100 mW per Gbps); is lightweight with about a 5,000-logic-gate footprint; and is implemented in a small Bus Interface Unit (BIU) with reconfigurable back-end providing interface to legacy subsystems. NEXUS enhances a commercial interconnect standard, Serial RapidIO, to meet avionics interconnect requirements without breaking the standard. This unified interconnect technology can be used to meet performance, power, size, and reliability requirements of all ranges of equipment, sensors, and actuators at chip-to-chip, board-to-board, or box-to-box boundary. Early results from in-house modeling activity of Serial RapidIO using VisualSim indicate that the use of a switched, high-performance avionics network will provide a quantum leap in spacecraft onboard science and autonomy capability for science and exploration missions

    Motional Squashed States

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    We show that by using a feedback loop it is possible to reduce the fluctuations in one quadrature of the vibrational degree of freedom of a trapped ion below the quantum limit. The stationary state is not a proper squeezed state, but rather a ``squashed'' state, since the uncertainty in the orthogonal quadrature, which is larger than the standard quantum limit, is unaffected by the feedback action.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the special Issue "Quantum Correlations and Fluctuations" of J. Opt.

    Environmental effects on nonlocal correlations

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    Environmental interactions are ubiquitous in practical instances of any quantum information processing protocol. The interaction results in depletion of various quantum resources and even complete loss in numerous situations. Nonlocality, which is one particular quantum resource marking a significant departure of quantum mechanics from classical mechanics, meets the same fate. In the present work we study the decay in nonlocality to the extent of the output state admitting a local hidden state model. Using some fundamental quantum channels we also demonstrate the complete decay in the resources in the purview of the Bell-CHSH inequality and a 3-settings steering inequality. We also obtain bounds on the parameter of the depolarizing map for which it becomes steerability breaking pertaining to a general class of two qubit states.Comment: Accepted in Quanta. Accepted versio

    La gratuité des soins améliore grandement l’accessibilité aux services de santé, mais les gains demeurent fragiles

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    La recherche a bénéficié d’une subvention des Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (# GIR127070) et d’une subvention de l’initiative Innovation pour la santé des mères et des enfants d’Afrique – un partenariat entre Affaires mondiales Canada (AMC), les Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC) et le Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI) du Canada.La gratuité des soins mise en oeuvre dans plusieurs districts au Burkina Faso améliore l’accessibilité aux services de santé. Notre étude, réalisée dans le district de Kaya, révèle que la fréquentation des centres de santé a doublé après l’introduction de la gratuité en milieu rural et en milieu urbain. Toutefois, les gains demeurent fragiles. Ils peuvent être rapidement effacés par un arrêt inattendu de la gratuité et la réintroduction du paiement direct. La durabilité de la mise en oeuvre et la pérennité du financement sont des enjeux-clés d’une politique de gratuité

    Dielectric and conductivity relaxation in mixtures of glycerol with LiCl

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    We report a thorough dielectric characterization of the alpha relaxation of glass forming glycerol with varying additions of LiCl. Nine salt concentrations from 0.1 - 20 mol% are investigated in a frequency range of 20 Hz - 3 GHz and analyzed in the dielectric loss and modulus representation. Information on the dc conductivity, the dielectric relaxation time (from the loss) and the conductivity relaxation time (from the modulus) is provided. Overall, with increasing ion concentration, a transition from reorientationally to translationally dominated behavior is observed and the translational ion dynamics and the dipolar reorientational dynamics become successively coupled. This gives rise to the prospect that by adding ions to dipolar glass formers, dielectric spectroscopy may directly couple to the translational degrees of freedom determining the glass transition, even in frequency regimes where usually strong decoupling is observed.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure
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