30 research outputs found

    Análisis de los objetivos del mercado de trabajo y de capital humano y tecnológico de la Estrategia de Lisboa por Comunidades Autónomas. Un indicador de cumplimiento

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    Basándonos en los objetivos planteados en la Estrategia de Lisboa, en el Consejo Europeo de Primavera de marzo de 2005 y en el Programa Nacional de Reformas, en relación con la productividad y el empleo, el propósito de esta comunicación es diseñar un instrumento a nivel regional que nos permita evaluar el progreso en el cumplimiento de los objetivos de la Estrategia de Lisboa en materia de empleo, capital humano e I+D en las distintas Comunidades Autónomas. Para ello, se parte de un conjunto de indicadores estructurales, con el objetivo de estimar un indicador regional de cumplimiento global por medio de la medida de distancia P2

    Quality of Later Life in Europe: An Econometric Analysis

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    Producción CientíficaThe aim of this chapter is to explore the determinants of the quality of life of people aged 60 and over in 26 European countries from a double perspective: individual and spatial. We draw on the latest data available from the Survey on Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) (7th wave). To achieve our purpose, a synthetic indicator of quality of life is first obtained, as an alternative to the CASP12 scale that provides said survey. Several econometric models are then estimated to analyse the most decisive factors in explaining the quality of life in older European adults. In 17 of the 26 countries, ceteris paribus, older citizens have a quality of life that is clearly worse than that of the nine countries that make up the Nordic and continental groups. The results of the econometric models bear out the deep-rooted differences between countries vis-à-vis the quality of life of our elderly peopleDepartamento de Fundamentos de Análisis EconómicoJunta de Castilla y León (project VA112G19

    Salud y bienestar de los trabajadores europeos. ¿Persisten las diferencias de género entre 2010 y 2015?

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    After the 2008 crisis, gender gaps in workers' health and well-being have persisted in different EU countries. Using 2010 and 2015 data from the European Working Conditions Survey, this paper estimates synthetic indicators by gender, considering workers' health status as well as environmental, organisational and psychosocial factors at work, by means of the P2 distance measure. The study attempts to answer questions such as which countries evidenced the largest and smallest gender gaps in both years and where these gaps widened or narrowed in addition to what mechanisms support these results. Policies aimed at preventing and addressing occupational risks -in particular, psychosocial risks- would therefore be desirable to reduce these gaps.Tras la crisis de 2008, las diferencias de género en salud y bienestar de los trabajadores han persistido en los diferentes países de la UE. A partir de los datos de la Encuesta Europea de Condiciones de Trabajo de 2010 y 2015, se estiman indicadores sintéticos por género, mediante la medida de distancia P2, considerando el estado de salud de los trabajadores y los factores ambientales, organizativos y psicosociales en el trabajo. El estudio intenta responder a preguntas como qué países mostraron las mayores y menores brechas de género en ambos años y dónde se ampliaron o redujeron, así como qué mecanismos apoyan estos resultados. Por tanto, serían deseables políticas dirigidas a prevenir y abordar los riesgos laborales, especialmente los psicosociales, para reducir estas brechas

    The Importance of different forms of social capital for happiness in Europe: A Multilevel Structural Equation Model (GSEM)

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    Producción CientíficaThis paper investigates the effects of different dimensions of social capital ​on happiness of Europeans. Unlike other studies, a categorical principal component analysis (CATPCA) is applied to obtain the dimensions of social capital. The data used come from the ninth wave of the European Social Survey (ESS), year 2018. Happiness is modelled using a multilevel structural equations model (GSEM) by country to study the role of social capital in Europeans' happiness, when controlling for the effect of factors such as gender, unemployment, age, low income, higher education, and living with a partner. Social capital is measured as a multidimensional concept composed of institutional trust, social trust, social ties and voluntary association, civility and sense of belonging, and religiosity. Among the results, we found that the five dimensions that build social capital have a positive impact on happiness. In addition to the positive effects of social capital, the control variables have the expected impact. In a context marked by growing individualism and social isolation, the results of this work can guide policy makers in using the dimensions of social capital to increase the subjective well-being of the population.Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    The Importance of the Neighbourhood Environment and Social Capital for Happiness in a Vulnerable District: The Case of the Pajarillos District in Spain

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    Producción CientíficaThe characteristics of neighbourhoods, their physical and social environment, have been shown to have profound effects on the individual well-being and happiness of their residents. In an effort to help design policies and action plans that enhance well-being in the district, our study seeks to understand how happiness levels among residents in a low-income neighbourhood in Spain are linked to their socio-demographic traits, individual health, relationships with the area, and community, as well as with the physical environment of the neighbourhood. The study is part of a project called "Educa-Pajarillos Sostenible". The project aims to improve the quality of life of the area’s citizens by carrying out a series of actions. One of these actions is an eco-social map of happiness, which involves designing and applying a survey and which serves as a source of analysis for our research. An Ordered Choice Logit econometric model was applied to measure the effect of the happiness of demographic, neighbourhood environment, social capital, and socio-demographic characteristics. Results confirm the importance of variables related to the neighbourhood’s social capital and physical environment as key elements in local residents’ happiness. The findings also indicate that traditional indicators used to measure well-being, such as education or difficulty making ends meet, are not significant.Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    European workers´health and well-being: Do gender gaps persist between 2010 and 2015?

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    After the 2008 crisis, gender gaps in workers' health and well-being have persisted in different EU countries. Using 2010 and 2015 data from the European Working Conditions Survey, this paper estimates synthetic indicators by gender, considering workers' health status as well as environmental, organisational and psychosocial factors at work, by means of the P2distance measure. The study attempts to answer questions such as which countries evidenced the largest and smallest gender gaps in both years and where these gaps widened or narrowed in addition to what mechanisms support these results. Policies aimed at preventing and addressing occupational risks –in particular, psychosocial risks–would therefore be desirable to reduce these gaps