479 research outputs found

    Competition between Hund's coupling and Kondo effect in a one-dimensional extended periodic Anderson model

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    We study the ground-state properties of an extended periodic Anderson model to understand the role of Hund's coupling between localized and itinerant electrons using the density-matrix renormalization group algorithm. By calculating the von Neumann entropies we show that two phase transitions occur and two new phases appear as the hybridization is increased in the symmetric half-filled case due to the competition between Kondo-effect and Hund's coupling. In the intermediate phase, which is bounded by two critical points, we found a dimerized ground state, while in the other spatially homogeneous phases the ground state is Haldane-like and Kondo-singlet-like, respectively. We also determine the entanglement spectrum and the entanglement diagram of the system by calculating the mutual information thereby clarifying the structure of each phase.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, revised version, accepted for publication in PR

    Quantum criticality and first-order transitions in the extended periodic Anderson model

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    We investigate the behavior of the periodic Anderson model in the presence of dd-ff Coulomb interaction (UdfU_{df}) using mean-field theory, variational calculation, and exact diagonalization of finite chains. The variational approach based on the Gutzwiller trial wave function gives a critical value of UdfU_{df} and two quantum critical points (QCPs), where the valence susceptibility diverges. We derive the critical exponent for the valence susceptibility and investigate how the position of the QCP depends on the other parameters of the Hamiltonian. For larger values of UdfU_{df}, the Kondo regime is bounded by two first-order transitions. These first-order transitions merge into a triple point at a certain value of UdfU_{df}. For even larger UdfU_{df} valence skipping occurs. Although the other methods do not give a critical point, they support this scenario.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Crossover from Luttinger liquid to Coulomb blockade regime in carbon nanotubes

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    We develop a theoretical approach to the low-energy properties of 1D electron systems aimed to encompass the mixed features of Luttinger liquid and Coulomb blockade behavior observed in the crossover between the two regimes. For this aim we extend the Luttinger liquid description by incorporating the effects of a discrete single-particle spectrum. The intermediate regime is characterized by a power-law behavior of the conductance, but with an exponent oscillating with the gate voltage, in agreement with recent experimental observations. Our construction also accounts naturally for the existence of a crossover in the zero-bias conductance, mediating between two temperature ranges where the power-law behavior is preserved but with different exponent.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Effect of nonadiabatic switching of dynamic perturbations in 1d Fermi systems

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    We study a two-dimensional fermionic QFT used to model 1D strongly correlated electrons in the presence of a time-dependent impurity that drives the system out of equilibrium. In contrast to previous investigations, we consider a dynamic barrier switched on at a finite time. We compute the total energy density (TED) of the system and establish two well defined regimes in terms of the relationship between the frequency of the time-dependent perturbation Ω\Omega and the electron energy ω\omega. Finally, we derive a relaxation time tRt_{R} such that for times shorter than tRt_{R} the finite-time switching process is relevant.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. Changed title. Added comments on backscattering. Added result for electrical current. Version accepted in PR

    Wigner crystallization in Na(3)Cu(2)O(4) and Na(8)Cu(5)O(10) chain compounds

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    We report the synthesis of novel edge-sharing chain systems Na(3)Cu(2)O(4) and Na(8)Cu(5)O(10), which form insulating states with commensurate charge order. We identify these systems as one-dimensional Wigner lattices, where the charge order is determined by long-range Coulomb interaction and the number of holes in the d-shell of Cu. Our interpretation is supported by X-ray structure data as well as by an analysis of magnetic susceptibility and specific heat data. Remarkably, due to large second neighbor Cu-Cu hopping, these systems allow for a distinction between the (classical) Wigner lattice and the 4k_F charge-density wave of quantum mechanical origin.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Field-theoretical renormalization group for a flat two-dimensional Fermi surface

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    We implement an explicit two-loop calculation of the coupling functions and the self-energy of interacting fermions with a two-dimensional flat Fermi surface in the framework of the field theoretical renormalization group (RG) approach. Throughout the calculation both the Fermi surface and the Fermi velocity are assumed to be fixed and unaffected by interactions. We show that in two dimensions, in a weak coupling regime, there is no significant change in the RG flow compared to the well-known one-loop results available in the literature. However, if we extrapolate the flow to a moderate coupling regime there are interesting new features associated with an anisotropic suppression of the quasiparticle weight Z along the Fermi surface, and the vanishing of the renormalized coupling functions for several choices of the external momenta.Comment: 16 pages and 22 figure

    Phase diagram of a frustrated mixed-spin ladder with diagonal exchange bonds

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    Using exact numerical diagonalization and the conformal field theory approach, we study the effect of magnetic frustrations due to diagonal exchange bonds in a system of two coupled mixed-spin (1,1/2)(1,{1/2}) Heisenberg chains. It is established that relatively moderate frustrations are able to destroy the ferrimagnetic state and to stabilize the critical spin-liquid phase typical for half-integer-spin antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chains. Both phases are separated by a narrow but finite region occupied by a critical partially-polarized ferromagnetic phase.Comment: 5 PRB pages, 7 eps figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Finite-size scaling for the S=1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnetic Chain

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    Corrections to the asymptotic correlation function in a Heisenberg spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic spin chain are known to vanish slowly (logarithmically) as a function of the distance r or the chain size L. This leads to significant differences with numerical results. We calculate the sub-leading logarithmic corrections to the finite-size correlation function, using renormalization group improved perturbation theory, and compare the result with numerical data.Comment: 7 pages Revtex, 3 figure

    Exact Correlation Amplitude for the S=1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnetic Chain

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    The exact amplitude for the asymptotic correlation function in the S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain is determined: goes to (-1)^r delta^{ab}(ln r)^{1/2}/[(2 pi)^{3/2}r]. The behaviour of the correlation functions for small xxz anisotropy and the form of finite-size corrections to the correlation function are also analysed.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, added reference and discussio
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