12 research outputs found

    Learning from tinnitus patients' narratives—A case study in the psychodynamic approach

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    Tinnitus is assumed to be the perception of sound that results exclusively from activity within the nervous system without any external stimulation. Approximately 1–2% of the population regard their tinnitus as a serious threat towards their quality of life. The way the patients describe their suffering varies, sometimes also depending on the interest and insight of the clinician to whom they turn to for help. The lack of insightful narratives of someone who is severely annoyed by the presence of a constant tinnitus sound may lead to limited and biased models of tinnitus suffering. In the present case study the participating patient, a woman aged 70, shared her experience of being victimized by tinnitus with the clinician/researcher during a number of psychotherapeutic sessions. The psychodynamic, narrative approach, made it possible for the client to articulate the unique and specific meaning that she experienced as being part of her suffering. In her words, tinnitus became a tolerable symptom that she managed to work through within psychotherapeutic alliance

    Gymnasierektors ledarskapsparadox: att vara verksamhetschef och pedagogisk utvecklare

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    Forskning om rektors ledarskap Àr omfattande, men studier som undersöker gymnasierektors arbetssituation och ledarskap Àr mer sÀllsynta. Avsikten med den föreliggande studien var att bidra till att denna kunskapslucka fylls igen. Semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio gymnasierektorer genomfördes med fokus pÄ rektors arbetsuppgifter, möjlighet att planera och styra arbetet, förvÀntningar kring ledarskapet, samt möjlighet att utvecklas och lÀra i arbetet. I resultaten av den tematiska analysen framtrÀdde fyra teman: (1) ledarskapsideal, (2) kollegialt stöd, (3) ledarskap i en förÀndringsbenÀgen organisation, och (4) begrÀnsat utrymme för reflektion. Ett övergripande, gemensamt tema: "Ledarskapsparadox" speglar de högst varierande omstÀndigheter och förhÄllanden i vardagen som en gymnasierektor ska kunna hantera, vilka ocksÄ prÀglar resultatet av analysen. Ett nÄgot ovÀntat resultat var att gymnasierektor upplevde stort, eget ansvar för elevernas bÀsta. Studien kastar nytt ljus pÄ gymnasierektorers ledarskap, och bidrar till ökad förstÄelse för vad rollen som ledare för en komplex organisation som gymnasieskolan kan innebÀra. Genom att knyta an till en arbetspsykologisk ledarskapsteori och formulera en arbetspsykologisk hypotes kan studien bidra till forskningen om arbetsintegrerat lÀrande (AIL)

    Table_1_Is ADHD a way of conceptualizing long-term emotional stress and social disadvantage?.docx

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    BackgroundThe prevalent, neuropsychiatric, deficit perspective on children and youth diagnosed with ADHD prohibits a multidimensional approach where socio-economic status, family stress and relationships within the families are relevant factors to examine. Assessments of ADHD through the use of rating scales and short-term interventions may lead not only to overdiagnosis but also to a reductionistic approach in the psychiatric field. This literature review aims to address research outside the prevailing discourse on ADHD as an organic brain dysfunction and broaden the perspectives on children's behavioral difficulties.MethodsThe articles included in this applied, mixed-method, systematic review includes 26 peer-reviewed articles, both English and French, with a search focus on ADHD in children and youth related to Attachment styles and relationships.ResultsIn the studies reported, researchers approached correlations between ADHD and attachment in different ways, and in most cases, there was a caution to address causality. The role of parents was found to be both buffering and aggravating for the appearance of ADHD. In the French case studies, the diagnosis was conceptualized as a relational phenomenon where the child's behavior was inseparable from family member's suffering.DiscussionThis review article illustrates how children's difficulties in terms of ADHD symptoms can be addressed through a paradigm where emotional and cognitive dysregulation is understood through psychosocial factors rather than as a neurological condition. In our view, to avoid an overly reductionistic and medicalized approach to children's behavioral difficulties, it is time to reiterate the value of the biopsychosocial perspective.ConclusionProfessionals and researchers need to acknowledge that becoming diagnosed with ADHD has a strong connection to economic disadvantage, social status, and familial care. The academic discourse of addressing brain dysfunctions might serve the unintended purpose of masking emotional stress and social disadvantage that manifests across generations. A biopsychosocial approach to ADHD including family, emotional history, and socio-economic issues could imply a lesser focus on medical treatment as a first choice.</p