1,588 research outputs found

    Breast feeding practices and views among diabetic women: a retrospective cohort study

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    Objective: to explore the pattern and experiences of breast-feeding practices among diabetic women. Design: retrospective cohort study using maternal records and postal questionnaires in a Baby-Friendly hospital. Participants: diabetic mothers including women with gestational diabetes, and type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus. Findings: from the total group of respondents, 81.9% intended to breast feed. The actual breast feeding rates were 81.9% at birth, 68.1% at 2 weeks and 28.7% at 6 months postpartum. Major themes that were identified from women's experiences included information and advice, support vs. pressure, classification and labelling, and expectations. Conclusions: more than two-thirds of the diabetic women intended to breast feed and actually did breast feed in this study. For both the total study population and the type 1 and 2 diabetics alone, more than half were still breast feeding at 2 weeks postpartum, and approximately one-third were still breast feeding at 6 months postpartum. Implications for practice: structured support, provided for women through Baby-Friendly initiatives, was appreciated by the diabetic women in this study. The extent to which this support influenced the highly successful breast feeding practices in this group of women needs focused investigation. The need for a delicate balancing act between pressure and advice in order to prevent coercion was noted.</p

    Gender Determination Using Diagnostic Values of Foramen Magnum

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    Background: Foramen magnum is a big hole in the base of the skull. Its appearance can be useful in gender determination. So far, no study has been conducted in Iran that evaluates the value of foramen magnum in sex determination and calculates the cut-off points. This study aimed to evaluating of diagnostic value of the foramen magnum and to calculate the cut-off points for sex determination.Methods: In this cross sectional study 50 male and 50 female patients referring to the radiology department of Rasol Akram Hospital in Tehran were evaluated. The required information about the sagittal diameter, transverse diameter, and diameter of foramen magnum were assessed by brain CT scan. Chi-square and independent t test was used for the comparison of different shapes and diameters between the sexes. ROC curve was used to determine the optimal cut-off point for each indicator.Results: The best cut-off point to distinguish males from females along the anterior-posterior foramen magnum was calculated as 36.45 mm, at the transverse diameter of 30.4 mm. The proper cut-off points for the area of the foramen magnum were 877.477 mm2 and 870.29 mm2, based on the Teixeria formula and Routal formula respectively. Overall, the accuracy of these indicators was calculated as 85%.Conclusion: Based on the results of this study using CT scans images, the diameter of the foramen magnum and its area had a high accuracy in sex determination

    Activité biologique d'un agoniste non stéroïdien de l’hormone de mue sur Culiseta longiareolata: analyses morphométrique, biochimique et énergétique

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    Le halofenozide (RH-0345), un régulateur de croissance des insectes mimétique de l’hormone de mue, a été évalué sur une espèce de moustique ayant un intérêt vétérinaire, Culiseta longiareolata (Diptera: Culicidae). Les traitements ont été réalisés en conditions de laboratoire sur des larves nouvellement exuviées des troisième et quatrième stades avec une durée d’exposition à l’insecticide de 24h conformément aux recommandations de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé relatives aux tests d’efficacité des régulateurs de croissance des insectes sur les moustiques. L’insecticide est additionné dans l’eau d’élevage à deux concentrations finales (12,58 μg/L and 28,58 μg/L). Les résultats montrent que le composé affecte le volume corporel, le contenu en lipides, glucides et protéines, et les indices caloriques. Ces modifications morphométriques et biochimiques suggèrent des effets dépressifs du traitement insecticide sur la fécondité et le pouvoir pathogène de l’espèce utilisée.Mots clés: régulateurs de croissance des insectes; halofenozide; toxicologie; biochimie; moustiques; Culiseta longiareolata. The halofenozide, an insect growth regulator (IGR) belonging to the ecdysteroid agonists class, has been evaluated on Culiseta longiareolata (Diptera: Culicidae). The insecticidal bioassays were conducted on newly ecdysed 3rd and 4th instar larvae under laboratory conditions. The insecticide was added to the rearing water at two final concentrations (12,58 μg/L and 28,58 μg/L). The larvae were exposed to the insecticide for 24h according to instructions of World Health Organization guidelines concerning the insecticidal bioassays using IGRs against mosquitos. The compound affected the body volume as well as contents on lipids, carbohydrates and proteins, and the caloric indexes. These morphometric and biochemical modifications could be indicative of negative effects of this insecticidal treatment on the fecundity and pathogeny of the species used.Keywords: insect growth regulators; halofenozide; toxicology; biochemistry; mosquitos; Culiseta longiareolata

    Study of pathological effects of an organic germicide bathing on rainbow trout

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    The aim of this study was evaluation an organic germicide (Aquagerm) histological affects on Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) vital tissues. This new disinfectant is an aquatic antiseptic and mixed-oxidant disinfectant which is produced for the first time in Iran. This new product mechanism is based on oxidant properties of pro-sulphate which attack crucial structures of pathogens. In this study, forty healthy fish were selected and divided into two groups as control and treatment. The treatment group was treated with 1/2000 concentration of organic germicide for 45 min (according to the manufacturing protocols). At 4, 8, 12, 24, 48 and 96 h after bath challenge, 5 specimens were collected from treatment and one from control group. Gill, brain, kidney, and liver of all fish were sampled. Some histological damages such as edema and detachment of basic layer in secondary gill filaments were observed in gill microscopy results. The most important histological changes observed in the brain were congestion of some blood vessels. Furthermore, some evidences of increased melano-macrophage, glomerular shrinkage, and dilatation in Bowman capsules were recorded whereas no any damages were observed in liver. All histological changes removed after 48-96 h. It could be concluded that, all pathological observations in this study were just a natural response of fish body after exposing to the new disinfectant, and they were not recorded any damages like those which happen against hazardous chemicals. It seems that there is no risk associated with the consumption of this disinfectant for the fish tissues

    Herz-Type Hardy Spaces for the Dunkl Operator on the Real Line

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 46F12, Secondary 44A15, 44A35We introduce some new weighted Herz spaces associated with the Dunkl operator on R. Also we characterize by atomic decompositions the corresponding Herz-type Hardy spaces. As applications we investigate the Dunkl transform on these spaces and establish a version of Hardy inequality for this transform.* The authors are supported by the DGRST research project 04/UR/15-02

    Isolation and identification of Flavobacterium columnaris like organisms from grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and assessment of its histopathological effects in Khouzestan Province, Southern Iran

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    Following a mortality of up to 40% of cultured Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) in fish farms of Khouzestan province when water temperature was up to 20°C, samples were taken and examined for etiological clues. We observed that fish gills were coated with a gray-white mucus layer, fin was eroded and wounds were present in peduncle of the affected samples. Bacteriological studies on the samples of gills and eroded and wounded peduncle skin using Cytophaga selective medium, resulted in isolation of filamentous gram negative bacteria chemically similar to Flavobacterium columnaris. Histological observations showed the affected fish carrying symptoms including congestion, hemorrhagia, edema in base membrane, hyperplasia of chondrocyte and secondary lamellae cells, fusion of lamellae, necrosis and peeling of secondary lamellae and also presence of filamentous bacteria in gill tissue sections. Necrosis of skin layers and expansion of ulcer to underlying muscles, degeneration of muscle cells and necrosis of muscle bundles were seen in peduncle muscles. We did not find this bacterium in internal organs. We conclude that the isolation of the bacterium and observation of histo-pathological changes suggest the organisms may be considered as a primary or secondary factor in occurrence of the disease

    Experimental pathology of Streptococcus sp. in Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss

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    Experimental pathology of Streptococcus sp. was studied in Rainbow Trout weighing 18-20 grams each using bath (1.5t10 ^(3) 1.5t10 ^ (4), 1.5t10 ^ (5), 1.5t10 ^ (6) 1.5t10 ^ (7).5t10 ^ (8) cell/ml for one hour) and intraperitoneal (1.5t10 ^ (3) 1.5t10 ^ (4) 1.5t10 ^ (5), 1.5t10 ^ (6), 1.5t10 ^ (7) 1.5t10 ^ (8) cell/fish) challenges provided at 18C. Control groups were included by intraperitoneal injection of fish with sterile phosphate buffered saline (0.5 ml/fish) after anesthetizing fish with clove oil (100 mg/l). Six groups consisting of 12 fish each were used. No morbidity or mortality occurred in bath-immersion groups, while mortality occurred in intraperitoneally injected fish 24 hours post-challenge and reached LD _(50) at 1.5tl0 ^ (8) cell/fish 72 hours post-challenge. The affected fish showed anorexia, darkening of body, exophthalmia, and prolapsed anal abdominal distension. In histopathological sections, there were hyperemia and sinusoidal congestion plus necrosis and degeneration of liver hepatocytes. Also, hyperemia in heart tissue, an increase in interstitial tissue plus necrosis of kidney tubular, edema of Bowman capsules together with an increase in melano macrophage centers of kidney tissues were seen. In addition, congestion of spleen ellipsoids and necrosis of spleen cells were observable. Detachment of basal membrane of secondary lamella with infiltration of inflammatory cells, congestion and edema of menangial layers, hemorrhage in orbital adipose tissue and destruction of eye cornea were also observable

    Sonine Transform Associated to the Dunkl Kernel on the Real Line

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    We consider the Dunkl intertwining operator Vα and its dual tVα, we define and study the Dunkl Sonine operator and its dual on R. Next, we introduce complex powers of the Dunkl Laplacian Δα and establish inversion formulas for the Dunkl Sonine operator Sα,β and its dual tSα,β. Also, we give a Plancherel formula for the operator tSα,β

    Sonine Transform Associated to the Dunkl Kernel on the Real Line

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    We consider the Dunkl intertwining operator Vα and its dual tVα, we define and study the Dunkl Sonine operator and its dual on R. Next, we introduce complex powers of the Dunkl Laplacian Δα and establish inversion formulas for the Dunkl Sonine operator Sα,β and its dual tSα,β. Also, we give a Plancherel formula for the operator tSα,β