65 research outputs found

    Information system for road infrastructure booking

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    Booking of road infrastructure is a tool for management of ,,stresses´´ between traffic demand and available infrastructure capacity (supply). In this course entitlement to use of certain network elements (lane, zone, and parking lot) can be purchased. It can be applied at those network elements where traffic jams are generated regularly and travel time is unpredictable. Charges for use of infrastructure are proportional to the number of bookings. Its extent influences both travel mode and vehicle choice. ,,Intervention´´ in traffic flows is wanted, therefore its analysis and control require the use of knowledge in the following fields: transport network planning, traffic technology and transport informatics; in a system- and process-oriented approach. Model of this complex transport system has been built up; the operations are influenced by dynamic information

    The mixing time of the switch Markov chains: a unified approach

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    Since 1997 a considerable effort has been spent to study the mixing time of switch Markov chains on the realizations of graphic degree sequences of simple graphs. Several results were proved on rapidly mixing Markov chains on unconstrained, bipartite, and directed sequences, using different mechanisms. The aim of this paper is to unify these approaches. We will illustrate the strength of the unified method by showing that on any PP-stable family of unconstrained/bipartite/directed degree sequences the switch Markov chain is rapidly mixing. This is a common generalization of every known result that shows the rapid mixing nature of the switch Markov chain on a region of degree sequences. Two applications of this general result will be presented. One is an almost uniform sampler for power-law degree sequences with exponent γ>1+3\gamma>1+\sqrt{3}. The other one shows that the switch Markov chain on the degree sequence of an Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graph G(n,p)G(n,p) is asymptotically almost surely rapidly mixing if pp is bounded away from 0 and 1 by at least 5lognn1\frac{5\log n}{n-1}.Comment: Clarification

    Irrigation management of a peach orchard

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    The research field was at Siófok, in Hungary, which is situated in the South East side of Lake Balaton. The physical characteristicof the soil is sandy loam and loam and the peach orchard is irrigated. Mainly Sweet Lady (early ripening), Red Heaven (medium ripening) ésVeinberger (early ripening) species were installed. In order to achieve the optimal developement level of trees and maximal yield amount andfruit diameter (Sweet Lady 60–75 mm, Red Heaven 60–70 mm, Veinberger 50–60 mm) continous water and nutrient supply is required. Theirrigation modeling was set by CROPWAT 8.0 based on the climatic, crop and soil data inputs of the last 10 years. Based on the results, largeamount of water is needed for optimal growth of fruit trees, particularly in the summer months, in case of active ground cover (+) and baresoil (–) as well. The irrigation requirement of a tree was found maximum 4 l/hour in certain cases. This irrigation intensity can be achieved –calculated with 12-hour operating time – by using continuous water NAAN Tif drip tube with 2 l/h flux on 3 atm pressure with 16 mm pipediameter. If lower irrigation intensity is required irrigation can be controlled by the decreased the operation time

    Efficiently sampling the realizations of bounded, irregular degree sequences of bipartite and directed graphs

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    Since 1997 a considerable effort has been spent on the study of the swap (switch) Markov chains on graphic degree sequences. All of these results assume some kind of regularity in the corresponding degree sequences. Recently, Greenhill and Sfragara published a breakthrough paper about irregular normal and directed degree sequences for which rapid mixing of the swap Markov chain is proved. In this paper we present two groups of results. An example from the first group is the following theorem: let [Formula: see text] be a directed degree sequence on n vertices. Denote by Δ the maximum value among all in- and out-degrees and denote by [Formula: see text] the number of edges in the realization. Assume furthermore that [Formula: see text]. Then the swap Markov chain on the realizations of [Formula: see text] is rapidly mixing. This result is a slight improvement on one of the results of Greenhill and Sfragara. An example from the second group is the following: let d be a bipartite degree sequence on the vertex set U ⊎ V, and let 0 < c1 ≤ c2 < |U| and 0 < d1 ≤ d2 < |V| be integers, where c1 ≤ d(v) ≤ c2: ∀v ∈ V and d1 ≤ d(u) ≤ d2: ∀u ∈ U. Furthermore assume that (c2 - c1 - 1)(d2 - d1 - 1) < max{c1(|V| - d2), d1(|U| - c2)}. Then the swap Markov chain on the realizations of d is rapidly mixing. A straightforward application of this latter result shows that when a random bipartite or directed graph is generated under the Erdős-Rényi G(n, p) model with mild assumptions on n and p then the degree sequence of the generated graph has, with high probability, a rapidly mixing swap Markov chain on its realizations

    Colour and water content detection of sweet cherry by portable spectrometer

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    Based on the most recent data, the average amount of sweet cherry produced in Hungary is around 10-12 thousand tons. Therefore fast and effective method is important for sweet cherry fruit quality analyses. The aim of the study was to examine the applicability of reflectance measurements for sweet cherry fruit quality analyses. In our experiment five cherry species (Vera, Cristalina, Germersdorfi, Noir de Mechet, Canada Giant) were examined in order to measure the spectral differences between species. Further more, spectral alteration was examined between different health and maturity status of the fruits in the case of a specified, the Germesdorfi species. The four new indices are appropriate tools for cherry quality analysis. Thus reflectance measurements can also support more precise and automated fruit selections. The methods for the differentiation of species could also be viable at a concerned habitat; however, the climate, habitat and soil conditions strongly affect the yield quality. Concerning the fast determination of water content, WBI could be a reliable method for the assessmen