23 research outputs found

    Identificació d'orientació de roba per a la detecció de peces de dins cap a fora per manipulació amb robots

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    La robòtica d’assistència domèstica inclou un gran nombre de problemàtiques que requereixen una solució per a atendre, amb la màxima flexibilitat, a l’usuari. Un robot ha de poder ser capaç de tractar i manipular un gran nombre d’objectes dins d’una casa, ja siguin rígids o deformables Entre aquests objectes habituals en una llar hi ha les peces de roba, les quals presenten una alta complexitat de categorització a causa de la dificultat en modelitzar els possibles estats en els que es poden trobar (potencialment infinits degut a la seva deformabilitat) per a tasques com ara guardar la roba, plegar, allisar o simplement transportar d’un punt a l’altre. Aquest treball presenta una metodologia per a discernir, a partir d’una imatge, l’existència d’un pantaló, i la seva classificació en quatre estats preestablerts, separant aquests entre pantalons que es troben completament de dins cap a fora o amb el costat correcte cap enfora, i determinant si la peça es troba cap per amunt o cap per avall. Els resultats obtinguts demostren un mètode eficaç i ràpid per a la seva classificació, observant les diferents problemàtiques i aportant un conjunt de solucions i millores aplicables per a treballs futurs.La robótica de asistencia doméstica conlleva un gran número de problemáticas que requieren una solución para atender, con la máxima flexibilidad, al usuario. Un robot debe poder ser capaz de tratar y manipular un gran número de objetos dentro de una casa, ya sean rígidos o deformables. Entre estos objetos se encuentran las prendas de vestir, las cuales presentan una alta complejidad de categorización debido a la dificultad en modelizar los posibles estados (potencialmente infinitos debido a su deformabilidad) en los que se pueden encontrar para tareas como guardar la ropa, plegar, alisar o simplemente transportarla de un punto a otro. Este trabajo presenta una metodología para discernir, a partir de una imagen, la existencia de un pantalón, y su clasificación en cuatro estados preestablecidos, separando estos entre pantalones que se encuentran completamente de dentro hacia fuera o con el lado correcto, exterior, hacia afuera, y determinando si la pieza se encuentra boca arriba o boca abajo. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran un método eficaz y rápido para su clasificación, observando las diferentes problemáticas y aportando un conjunto de soluciones y mejoras aplicables para trabajos futuros.Assistive robots address a large number of problems that require a solution to help, with the maximum flexibility, the user. A robot must be able to treat and manipulate a large number of objects inside a house, whether they are rigid or deformable. Among such objects there are garments, which have a high complexity of categorization due to the difficulty to model the possible states (potentially infinite, due to their deformability) in which they can be found for tasks such as storing clothes, folding, smoothing, or simply transporting them from one point to the other. This work presents a methodology to discern, from an image, the existence of pants, and their classification in four pre-established states, separating these between pants that are completely inside-out or right-side out and determining whether the pieces are facing upwards or downwards. The results obtained demonstrate an effective and fast method for classification, observing the different problems, and providing a set of solutions and improvements applicable for future work

    Aliatges de magnesi-níquel per a l'emmagatzematge d'hidrogen en estad sòlid : síntesi i caracteritzció /

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaEl magnesio se presenta como uno de los materiales más prometedores para el almacenaje de hidrógeno en estado sólido. Las propiedades a destacar del magnesio son el alto porcentaje de hidrógeno que puede contener (7,6% en peso de hidrógeno) y la alta densidad volumétrica del hidruro de magnesio. Los inconvenientes son la baja velocidad de difusión del hidrógeno dentro del magnesio y la alta temperatura de desorción (623K). En este trabajo se han caracterizado estructuralmente, térmicamente y morfológicamente diferentes aleaciones basadas en la composición eutéctica del Mg-Mg2Ni y en la fase Mg2Ni producidas por solidificación rápida y por molienda mecánica tanto en atmósfera inerte como en atmósfera reactiva (hidrógeno). Así mismo se ha optimizado el proceso de molienda modificando diversos parámetros experimentales. Combinando el proceso de molienda con un posterior tratamiento térmico, se consigue aumentar hasta el 100% el porcentaje de fase Mg2Ni formada con un tamaño de cristal nanocristalino. Se ha estudiado la influencia del tamaño de partícula en el proceso de desorción del hidrógeno, observándose que al reducir el tamaño se incrementa la cinética de la reacción. Experimentos realizados mediante la técnica PCT (presión-composición-temperatura) indican que las muestras con tamaño de partícula pequeño se hidrogenan en un 80% de su capacidad en un tiempo muy corto (30 segundos a 300ºC y 8bar).Magnesium is one of the most promising materials for the solid state storage of hydrogen. Some of its properties are a high hydrogen content, as a MgH2 (7,6%wt) and a high volumetric density. Among the drawback are the slow diffusivity of hydrogen in magnesium and a high desorption temperature (623K). In this work, Mg2Ni and Mg-Mg2Ni eutectic based alloys, were prepared by ball milling (BM) and reactive ball milling (RBM) in hydrogen atmosphere from elementary powders. The evolution of the microstructure and the thermal stability at different stages of the synthesis were studied. Also the milling parameters has been change and optimized in order to reduce the milling time. The combination of a heat treatment with the milling process increases up to a 100% of Mg2Ni the phase transformation sharing a nanocrystalline diffraction domain. The influence of the particle size on hydrogen absorption/desorption has been studied and it was that samples with smaller particles size present a faster kinetics. Experiments undertaken using a PCT technique (pressure-composition-temperature) showed that the samples with small particle size reach an 80% hydrogenation in a relatively short time (30s at 573K an 8Bar)

    A Free App for Diagnosing Burnout (BurnOut App): Development Study

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    Background: Health specialists take care of us, but who takes care of them? These professionals are the most vulnerable to the increasingly common syndrome known as burnout. Burnout is a syndrome conceptualized as a result of chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. Objective: This study aims to develop a useful app providing burnout self-diagnosis and tracking of burnout through a simple, intuitive, and user-friendly interface. Methods: We present the BurnOut app, an Android app developed using the Xamarin and MVVMCross platforms, which allows users to detect critical cases of psychological discomfort by implementing the Goldberg and Copenhagen Burnout Inventory tests. Results: The BurnOut app is robust, user-friendly, and efficient. The good performance of the app was demonstrated by comparing its features with those of similar apps in the literature. Conclusions: The BurnOut app is very useful for health specialists or users, in general, to detect burnout early and track its evolution.This work was supported by project PID2020-113614RB-C22, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. JV is a Serra Húnter fello

    Synthesis of α-Fe2O3 and Fe-Mn oxide foams with highly tunable magnetic properties by the replication method from polyurethane templates

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    Open cell foams consisting of Fe and Fe-Mn oxides are prepared from metallic Fe and Mn powder precursors by the replication method using porous polyurethane (PU) templates. First, reticulated PU templates are coated by slurry impregnation. The templates are then thermally removed at 260 °C and the debinded powders are sintered at 1000 °C under N2 atmosphere. The morphology, structure, and magnetic properties are studied by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and vibrating sample magnetometry, respectively. The obtained Fe and Fe-Mn oxide foams possess both high surface area and homogeneous open-cell structure. Hematite (α-Fe2O3) foams are obtained from the metallic iron slurry independently of the N2 flow. In contrast, the microstructure of the FeMn-based oxide foams can be tailored by adjusting the N2 flow. While the main phases for a N2 flow rate of 180 L/h are α-Fe2O3 and FeMnO3, the predominant phase for high N2 flow rates (e.g., 650 L/h) is Fe2MnO4. Accordingly, a linear magnetization versus field behavior is observed for the hematite foams, while clear hysteresis loops are obtained for the Fe2MnO4 foams. Actually, the saturation magnetization of the foams containing Mn increases from 5 emu/g to 52 emu/g when the N2 flow rate (i.e., the amount of Fe2MnO4) is increased. The obtained foams are appealing for a wide range of applications, such as electromagnetic absorbers, catalysts supports, thermal and acoustic insulation systems or wirelessly magnetically-guided porous objects in fluids

    Estudi del procés de tall per a la millora dels esbocats en materials AHSS

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    En aquest projecte es presenta un estudi sobre punxonats i esbocats per a materials d'Alt límit elàstic (Acers AHSS; Advanced High Strength Steels), amb l'objectiu d'aconseguir saber quin és el millor procés de tall per aconseguir esbocats correctes. Utilitzant la premsa hidràulica de la Fundació Centre Tecnològic de Manresa (CTM) es realitza el punxonat i els esbocats a tots els materials per tal d'avaluar el seu comportament alhora de ser esbocats. A partir d'aquests resultats obtindrem les gràfiques de ràtio d'esbocat per a cadascun dels materials en els diferents sentits de esbocat. Com a mètode alternatiu del procés de tall, es realitzen unes mostres amb tall per aigua. S'observarà si els esbocats trenquen o no trenquen i en quines condicions ho fan. Una vegada realitzats aquests assajos, es procedirà a realitzar l'estudi de microdureses amb un indentador Vickers per tal de comprovar l'afectació de l'operació de tall en la microestructura del material. Es realitzarà també algun perfil de dureses utilitzant el Nanoindentador. Per finalitzar el projecte, s'inclourà un apartat de conclusions i un estudi mediambiental produït com a conseqüència de l'elaboració del projecte, així com un pressupost total d'aquest

    Novel Fe-Mn-Si-Pd alloys: insights on mechanical, magnetic, corrosion performance and biocompatibility

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    Two new Fe-based alloys, Fe-10Mn6Si1Pd and Fe-30Mn6Si1Pd, have been fabricated by arc-melting followed by copper mold suction casting. The Fe-30Mn6Si1Pd alloy mainly consists of ε-martensite and γ-austenite Fe-rich phases whereas the Fe-10Mn6Si1Pd alloy primarily contains α-Fe(Mn)-ferrite phase. Additionally, Pd-rich precipitates were detected in both alloys. Good mechanical response was observed by nanoindentation: hardness values around 5.6 GPa and 4.2 GPa and reduced Young's modulus values of 125 GPa and 93 GPa were measured for the as-prepared Fe-10Mn6Si1Pd and Fe-30Mn6Si1Pd alloys, respectively. Both alloys are thus harder and exhibit lower Young's modulus than 316L stainless steel, which is one of the most common Fe-based reference materials for biomedical applications. Compared with the ferromagnetic Fe-10Mn6Si1Pd alloy, the paramagnetic Fe-30Mn6Si1Pd alloy is more appropriate to be used as an implant since it would be compatible with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) analyses. Concerning biocompatibitliy, the more hydrophilic Fe-10Mn6Si1Pd shows improved cell adhesion but its pronounced ion leaching has a negative effect on the proliferation of cells. The influence of immersion in simulated body fluid on composition, microstructure, mechanical and magnetic properties of both alloys is assessed, and the correlation between microstructure evolution and physical properties is discussed

    Surface Modified β-Ti-18Mo-6Nb-5Ta (wt%) Alloy for Bone Implant Applications : Composite Characterization and Cytocompatibility Assessment

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    Commercially available titanium alloys such as Ti-6Al-4V are established in clinical use as load-bearing bone implant materials. However, concerns about the toxic effects of vanadium and aluminum have prompted the development of Al- and V-free β-Ti alloys. Herein, a new alloy composed of non-toxic elements, namely Ti-18Mo-6Nb-5Ta (wt%), has been fabricated by arc melting. The resulting single β-phase alloy shows improved mechanical properties (Young's modulus and hardness) and similar corrosion behavior in simulated body fluid when compared with commercial Ti-6Al-4V. To increase the cell proliferation capability of the new biomaterial, the surface of Ti-18Mo-6Nb-5Ta was modified by electrodepositing calcium phosphate (CaP) ceramic layers. Coatings with a Ca/P ratio of 1.47 were obtained at pulse current densities, −j, of 1.8-8.2 mA/cm 2, followed by 48 h of NaOH post-treatment. The thickness of the coatings has been measured by scanning electron microscopy from an ion beam cut, resulting in an average thickness of about 5 μm. Finally, cytocompatibility and cell adhesion have been evaluated using the osteosarcoma cell line Saos-2, demonstrating good biocompatibility and enhanced cell proliferation on the CaP-modified Ti-18Mo-6Nb-5Ta material compared with the bare alloy, even outperforming their CaP-modified Ti-6-Al-4V counterparts

    Spontaneous formation of spiral-like patterns with distinct periodic physical properties by confined electrodeposition of Co-In disks

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    Spatio-temporal patterns are ubiquitous in different areas of materials science and biological systems. However, typically the motifs in these types of systems present a random distribution with many possible different structures. Herein, we demonstrate that controlled spatio-temporal patterns, with reproducible spiral-like shapes, can be obtained by electrodeposition of Co-In alloys inside a confined circular geometry (i.e., in disks commensurate with the typical size of the spatio-temporal features). These patterns are mainly of compositional nature, i.e., with virtually no topographic features. Interestingly, the local changes in composition lead to a periodic modulation of the physical (electric, magnetic and mechanical) properties. Namely, the Co-rich areas show higher saturation magnetization and electrical conductivity and are mechanically harder than the In-rich ones. Thus, this work reveals that confined electrodeposition of this binary system constitutes an effective procedure to attain template-free magnetic, electric and mechanical surface patterning with specific and reproducible shapes

    Tunable magnetism in nanoporous CuNi alloys by reversible voltage-driven element-selective redox processes

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    Voltage-driven manipulation of magnetism in electrodeposited 200 nm thick nanoporous single-phase solid solution Cu20 Ni80 (at%) alloy films (with sub 10 nm pore size) is accomplished by controlled reduction-oxidation (i.e., redox) processes in a protic solvent, namely 1 m NaOH aqueous solution. Owing to the selectivity of the electrochemical processes, the oxidation of the CuNi film mainly occurs on the Cu counterpart of the solid solution, resulting in a Ni-enriched alloy. As a consequence, the magnetic moment at saturation significantly increases (up to 33% enhancement with respect to the as-prepared sample), while only slight changes in coercivity are observed. Conversely, the reduction process brings Cu back to its metallic state and, remarkably, it becomes alloyed to Ni again. The reported phenomenon is fully reversible, thus allowing for the precise adjustment of the magnetic properties of this system through the sign and amplitude of the applied voltage