1,761 research outputs found

    Luria’s Syndrome for Neuropsychological Rehabilitation of Adolescents

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    Neuropsychology, as a science, studies possible relations between psychological processes and brain in cases of normality and diverse pathologies. Such kind of relations might be established and understood by different manners. A.R. Luria proposed unique and particular way of approach by brain units. Such conceptionis not completely understood and even less used in practice of diagnosis and rehabilitation today. Neuropsychologists provide assessments of isolated functions by help of psychometric procedures. The judgment of diagnosis refers to such terms as “attention or memory disorders”, dyslexia and so on. All these terms are really far away from the conception of systemic and dynamic representation of human actions infunctional brain systems. Same or worse is the situation with rehabilitation directed to isolated operations as conductive exercises for isolated functions. The objective of our report is to share opinion of application of Luria’s methodology of syndrome analysis. Procedures of systemic functional diagnosis must conduct to systemic procedures in rehabilitation. An example of qualitative assessment of adolescent patient withbrain injury is presented. Goals, stages and examples of formation of actions in rehabilitation with results are provided. Psychological conceptions of stage by stage formation and orientation base of action and its usage for rehabilitation is taken into account. We conclude that systemic and dynamic approach in neuropsychology might be conducted in reality of assessment and rehabilitation. We discuss the necessity of establishment of bridges between psychological theory of actions instead of functions and systemic representation of actions by functional brain systems. Keywords: neuropsychological rehabilitation, concepts of neuropsychology, functional diagnosis, qualitative neuropsychology, brain injury rehabilitation

    Proposal for Psychomotor Development According to A.R. Luria’s Conception: New Data in Mexico

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    The aim of this work was to test a program for psychomotor development based on Luria´s concept of three functional brain units or blocks and the necessity of stimulation of the first functional unit in early childhood. Stimulation of subcortical systems associated with psychomotor and cognitive regulation may help to set thebasis for positive functioning of the cerebral cortex in the coming years. Vestibular exercises and proprioceptive stimulation were used. All exercises included significant communicative activity as described by Vigotsky and Lisina, which provide positive direct emotional contact between adult and child. Thirty-six babies with neurological risk were included in the study, along with their parents. After 300 days in the stimulation program, all the children presented positive functional development. We conclude that positive effects of these programs for correction and psychological development may be achieved during the first year of life. Keywords: neurological risk, emotional contact, joint activity, vestibular stimulatio

    Qualitative neuropsychological assessment of children

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    Qualitative assessment is an essential method of clinical neuropsychology. According to conceptual bases of historical and cultural neuropsychology, qualitative assessment should include analysis of the neuropsychological syndrome in each particular case. The paper presents the method for qualitative neuropsychological assessment created for children in Mexico for Spanish.speaking population aged 5–12 with the help of the Scheme for “Brief Neuropsychological Assessment for Children”. The structure and the ways for analysis of clinical data are included. The conclusions mention the possible applications of this instrument

    Professional motives in primary school teachers

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the professional motives of primary school teachers and their relation to the teaching/learning process. This research relies on the historic. cultural paradigm and the activity theory, especially the categories of motives proposed by A. Leontiev and N. Talizina. The study was based on semi.structured interviews with a teacher and six students of the 6th grade of a private urban primary school. It also included analysis of their written narratives and a video recording of a class session. Our findings suggest a relationship between the teacher’s motives and the students’ learning process

    A comparative study of hydrophilic phosphine hexanuclear rhenium cluster complexes’ toxicity

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    Octahedral rhenium cluster compound Na2H8[{Re6Se8}(P(C2H4CONH2)(C2H4COO)2)6] has recently emerged as a very promising X-ray contrast agent for biomedical applications. However, the synthesis of this compound is rather challenging due to difficulty to control the hydrolysis of initial P(C2H4CN)3 ligand during the reaction process. Therefore, in this report we compare the in vitro and in vivo toxicity of Na2H8[{Re6Se8}(P(C2H4CONH2)(C2H4COO)2)6] with those of related compounds featuring fully hydrolysed form of the phosphine ligand, namely Na2H14[{Re6Q8}(P(C2H4COO)3)6] (Q = S or Se). Our results demonstrate that cytotoxicity and acute in vivo toxicity of the complex Na2H8[{Re6Se8}(P(C2H4CONH2)(C2H4COO)2)6] solutions were considerably lower than those of compounds with fully hydrolysed ligand P(C2H4COOH)3. Such behavior can be explained by the higher osmolality of Na2H14[{Re6Q8}(P(C2H4COO)3)6] versus Na2H8[{Re6Se8}(P(C2H4CONH2)(C2H4COO)2)6]

    Model of the propagation of very low-frequency beams in the Earth–ionosphere waveguide: principles of the tensor impedance method in multi-layered gyrotropic waveguides

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    The modeling of very low-frequency (VLF) electromagnetic (EM) beam propagation in the Earth–ionosphere waveguide (WGEI) is considered. A new tensor impedance method for modeling the propagation of electromagnetic beams in a multi-layered and inhomogeneous waveguide is presented. The waveguide is assumed to possess the gyrotropy and inhomogeneity with a thick cover layer placed above the waveguide. The influence of geomagnetic field inclination and carrier beam frequency on the characteristics of the polarization transformation in the Earth–ionosphere waveguide is determined. The new method for modeling the propagation of electromagnetic beams allows us to study the (i) propagation of the very low-frequency modes in the Earth–ionosphere waveguide and, in perspective, their excitation by the typical Earth–ionosphere waveguide sources, such as radio wave transmitters and lightning discharges, and (ii) leakage of Earth–ionosphere waveguide waves into the upper ionosphere and magnetosphere. The proposed approach can be applied to the variety of problems related to the analysis of the propagation of electromagnetic waves in layered gyrotropic and anisotropic active media in a wide frequency range, e.g., from the Earth–ionosphere waveguide to the optical waveband, for artificial signal propagation such as metamaterial microwave or optical waveguides

    SPEXTRA: Optimal extraction code for long-slit spectra in crowded fields

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    © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. We present a code for the optimal extraction of long-slit 2D spectra in crowded stellar fields. Its main advantage and difference from the existing spectrum extraction codes is the presence of a graphical user interface (GUI) and a convenient visualization system of data and extraction parameters. On the whole, the package is designed to study stars in crowded fields of nearby galaxies and star clusters in galaxies. Apart from the spectrum extraction for several stars which are closely located or superimposed, it allows the spectra of objects to be extracted with subtraction of superimposed nebulae of different shapes and different degrees of ionization. The package can also be used to study single stars in the case of a strong background. In the current version, the optimal extraction of 2D spectra with an aperture and the Gaussian function as PSF (point spread function) is proposed. In the future, the package will be supplemented with the possibility to build a PSF based on a Moffat function. We present the details of GUI, illustrate main features of the package, and show results of extraction of the several interesting spectra of objects from different telescopes

    Novel amphiphilic conjugates of: P-tert -butylthiacalix[4]arene with 10,12-pentacosadiynoic acid in 1,3- alternate stereoisomeric form. Synthesis and chromatic properties in the presence of metal ions

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    © 2018 The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. For the first time amphiphilic receptors based on the 1,3-alternate stereoisomeric form of thiacalix[4]arene, bearing carboxyl/sulphonate polar headgroups on one side and 10,12-pentacosadiynoic acid (PCDA) residues on another side of the macrocyclic plane, were synthesized. It was shown that embedding of synthesized macrocycles in PCDA vesicles results in stable colloids with a size around 300 nm. The temperature of ultrasonication before UV irradiation has a critical impact on the packing of vesicles for better polymerization. The increase of calixarene content in PCDA vesicles causes a decrease in the degree of PCDA polymerization. Nevertheless, calixarene additives dramatically change the colorimetric response of photopolymerized PCDA vesicles toward metal ions. Vesicles with 10 mol% content of calixarene have significant colorimetric response toward lanthanide ions with a detection limit up to 8 μM. The colorimetric response in the series of lanthanide ions depends on the ionic radius, and the greatest response was found for the largest La(iii) ion. It was found that binding of calixarene-PCDA vesicles with lanthanide ions results in the formation of large 1 μm aggregates followed by sedimentation. Thus, the mechanism of colorimetric response of calixarene-decorated polydiacetylene vesicles toward lanthanide ions includes the distortion of the calixarene cavity provoking perturbation of the PDA backbone accompanied by metal-induced aggregation of functionalized vesicles with sedimentation of particles. Therefore, calixarene-PCDA vesicles have great potential for the future design of bifunctional colloids with sensor and separation applications

    Synthesis of conjugates of the iron(II) tris-dioximates and the dithiol-terminated calix[4]arenes

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    A new type of calixarene-clathrochelate conjugates linked by sulfur atom was successful synthesized on the basis of distal mercapto-derivative of calix[4]arene and monoribbed clathrochelate. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

    The ionospheric precursor to the 2011 march 11 earthquake as based on the Japan-pacific subionospheric VLF/LF network observation

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    By using the network observation of subionospheric VLF/LF signals in Japan and in Russia, we have found a significant ionospheric perturbation prior to the recent 2011 March 11 Japan earthquake (EQ) in the off-sea of the Tohoku area, which was an exceptionally huge plate-type EQ. A remarkable anomaly (with decrease in the nighttime amplitude and also with enhancement in dispersion) has been detected on March 5 and 6 on the propagation path from the NLK transmitter (Seattle, USA) to Chofu (together with Kochi and Kasugai), and also we have observed the corresponding VLF anomaly during a prolonged period of March 1–6, with minima in the nighttime amplitude on March 3 and 4 on the path from JJI transmitter (Miyazaki, Kyushu) to Kamchatka, Russia.Используя наблюдения распространения СДВ/ДВ-радиоволн над Тихим океаном на японской и российской сети станций, удалось обнаружить значительное возмущение ионосферы, предшествовавшее последнему мощному землетрясению в Японии 11.03.2011 г. Эпицентр землетрясения находился в море, в области Тохоку, а само событие относится к исключительно мощным землетрясениям, связанным с перемещением тектонических плит. Явно выраженная аномалия (уменьшение ночной амплитуды сигнала при увеличении ее дисперсии) была обнаружена 5 и 6 марта на трассе распространения от передатчика NLK (Сиэтл, США) к наблюдателю в Чофу, Япония (аналогичные явления – на трассах распространения в Кочи и Кацугаи). Аналогичная длительная аномалия в СДВ-распространении регистрировалась с 1 по 6 марта с минимальной ночной амплитудой 3 и 4 марта на трассе от передатчика JJI (Миязаки, Кюсю) до Камчатки, Россия.Використовуючи спостереження поширення СДВ/ДВ-радіохвиль над Тихим океаном на японській і російській мережі станцій, вдалося виявити значне збурення іоносфери, що сталося перед останнім потужним землетрусом у Японії 11.03.2011 р. Епіцентр землетрусу знаходився в морі, в області Тохоку, а сама подія відноситься до виключно потужних землетрусів, пов’язаних з переміщенням тектонічних плит. Явно виражена аномалія (зменшення нічної амплітуди сигналу при збільшенні її дисперсії) було виявлено 5 та 6 березня на трасі від передавача NLK (Сіетл, США) до спостерігача в Чофу, Японія (аналогічні явища – на трасах поширення до Кочі й Кацугаї). Аналогічну тривалу аномалію в СДВ-поширенні реєстрували з 1 по 6 березня з мінімальною нічною амплітудою 3 і 4 березня на трасі від передавача JJI (Міязакі, Кюсю) до Камчатки, Росія