162 research outputs found

    Variations of solar wind's ion fluxes during the increase of solar activity level according to the measurement data of ''Venera-2'' and ''Venera-4''

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    Results of observation of solar wind fluxes near earth obtained by Venera 2 and Venera 4 satellite

    A computational framework for multidimensional parameter space screening of reaction-diffusion models in biology

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    Reaction-diffusion models have been widely successful in explaining a large variety of patterning phenomena in biology ranging from embryonic development to cancer growth and angiogenesis. Firstly proposed by Alan Turing in 1952 and applied to a simple two-component system, reaction-diffusion models describe spontaneous spatial pattern formation, driven purely by interactions of the system components and their diffusion in space. Today, access to unprecedented amounts of quantitative biological data allows us to build and test biochemically accurate reaction-diffusion models of intracellular processes. However, any increase in model complexity increases the number of unknown parameters and thus the computational cost of model analysis. To efficiently characterize the behavior and robustness of models with many unknown parameters is, therefore, a key challenge in systems biology. Here, we propose a novel computational framework for efficient high-dimensional parameter space characterization of reaction-diffusion models. The method leverages the LpL_p-Adaptation algorithm, an adaptive-proposal statistical method for approximate high-dimensional design centering and robustness estimation. Our approach is based on an oracle function, which describes for each point in parameter space whether the corresponding model fulfills given specifications. We propose specific oracles to estimate four parameter-space characteristics: bistability, instability, capability of spontaneous pattern formation, and capability of pattern maintenance. We benchmark the method and demonstrate that it allows exploring the ability of a model to undergo pattern-forming instabilities and to quantify model robustness for model selection in polynomial time with dimensionality. We present an application of the framework to reconstituted membrane domains bearing the small GTPase Rab5 and propose molecular mechanisms that potentially drive pattern formation

    Comparison of Certain Results of Simultaneous Measurements of Solar Wind Characteristics on Spacecrafts ''Venera-3'' and ''Pioneer-6''

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    Ion concentration, ion velocity, and other solar wind characteristics measured simultaneously aboard spacecraf

    The Paley-Wiener Theorem and the Local Huygens' Principle for Compact Symmetric Spaces

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    We prove a Paley-Wiener Theorem for a class of symmetric spaces of the compact type, in which all root multiplicities are even. This theorem characterizes functions of small support in terms of holomorphic extendability and exponential type of their (discrete) Fourier transforms. We also provide three independent new proofs of the strong Huygens' principle for a suitable constant shift of the wave equation on odd-dimensional spaces from our class.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figur

    Lesbos of the Late Bronze Age as a Cultic Center (according to written sources)

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    The evidence of the written sources both of the Hittite documents  synchronous to the described events and the tradition of the Mycenaean leaders’  visits of Lesbos preserved in the narrative of the later Greek authors is analyzed  in the article. As a result the obtained information testifies to the fact that Lesbos  during the Late Bronze Age was famous as a cultic centr

    Aeolians, Aeolian migration: ancient tradition and historical realities

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    The article presents results of the study of the ancient tradition about the Aeolians in general and about the Aeolian migration as a part of this tradition. The ancient literary tradition in the process of its formation, starting from the first scattered references to the Aeolians and ending with data on the territory of settlement, common language, self-name and reasons for finding a new place of residence, included not only historical facts, but, mainly, the ideas of the Greeks about these facts and their interpretation. And although these ideas contain anachronisms and are not always confirmed by other types of sources, nevertheless, these notions are of high interest for study, as they characterize the society that gave rise to them, reflecting its needs for creating iconic myths and forming an identity at a certain stage of its formation

    Model of formation of readiness for positive interaction of educational space actors in a substitute family

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    The article presents aspects of the concept of readiness for positive interaction between the subjects of the educational space of a substitute family. The article analyzes the views of researchers on the concept of “willingness to interact.” The structure of readiness for positive interaction, including motivational personality, cognitive and operational-effective components, is presented. The content of each of the structural components of readiness is presented. The article presents a detailed analysis of the subjects of an educational space: 1) parents, aimed at creating a foster (substitute) family; 2) orphans raised in boarding schools; 3) specialists working with substitute families. Considerable attention is paid to the model of formation of readiness for the positive interaction of subjects. The structure of the model combines the target, organizational, informative and effective blocks. Considerable attention is paid to the content and description of each block. The integration of the content of the marked blocks is aimed at the effectiveness of the model implementation. Special attention is paid to effective and inefficient interaction in a foster family. Reasons have been highlighted, characteristics have been given. Practical experience of testing the model of readiness for positive interaction between the subjects of the educational space of a foster family. The results of the study on the testing of a model based on an educational institution engaged in the targeted preparation of subjects of an educational space of a substitute family (for example, training of teachers, psychologists and other specialists working with substitute families) are presented


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    The article analyzes the conflict as one of the basic elements of social reality, immediate source and mechanism of modern social changes. The author distinguishes the classification basics of the modern theories of conflict in Western social science, predicts the further development of social studies in problem field of conflict, and formulates the main provisions of the modern conflictological discourse. Are determined, the specific manifestations of the conflict in terms of contemporary realities, trends identified value orientations of modern society through the prism of conceptual views Alain Touraine. Disclosed concepts “subject”, “historicity”, “social movements”, “value”, the nature of social interactions, marked cultural patterns. This historicity is not understood as set of cultural values, accumulated over a certain historical time, integrated into the structure of society, as well as a set of tools with which this integration has occurred, a sort of tool of formation of various social practices that are in demand in a particular historical period. The study shows that the leading role in the discourse conflictological Alain Touraine assigned a sociological study of social changes that are going on in time and space. The conflict as a factor of social change in the theory of A. Touraine has more descriptive as fully concentrated on the study of a new historical stage of development of society and the role of social movements. В статье анализируется конфликт как один из основных элементов социальной реальности, непосредственный источник и механизм современных социальных изменений. Автор выделяет классификационные основы современных теорий конфликта, сформированные в западной социологической науке, прогнозирует дальнейшее развитие социального знания в проблемном поле конфликта, формулирует основные положения современного конфликтологического дискурса. Определены суть и специфика проявления конфликта в условиях современных реалий, намечены тенденции ценностных ориентаций современного общества через призму концептуальных взглядов Алена Турена. Раскрыты понятия “субъект”, “историчность”, “социальные движения”, “ценности”, характер социальных взаимодействий, выделены культурные модели. При этом историчность понимается не как совокупность культурных ценностей, накопленных за определенное историческое время и интегрированных в структуры общества, а как совокупность инструментов, с помощью которых произошла эта интеграция, своего рода инструмент формирования различных общественных практик, востребованных в то или иное историческое время. Выявлено, что многие положения теории Алена Турена оказывают влияние на транзитивное общество, осуществляющее переход к новому устройству мира. В результате исследования выявлено, что ведущую роль в конфликтологическом дискурсе А. Турен отводил социологическому исследованию социальных изменений, которые продолжаются во времени и пространстве, а конфликт как фактор социальных изменений в теории А. Турена имеет более описательный характер, поскольку полностью сконцентрирован на исследовании нового исторического этапа развития общества и роли общественных движений.

    Черепно-мозговая травма и нейровоспаление: обзор основных биомаркеров

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    Traumatic brain injury is one of the main causes of both acute and long-term morbidity that concern that affects individuals in all demographics. The processes that occur during traumatic brain injury and neuroinflammation cannot be fully explained in most clinical and preclinical researches. Neuroinflammation is a very complex interaction between the cells of the innate and adaptive immune systems. The development of reactions of the innate immune system occurs under the influence of various signals that are released from damaged cells and tissues. This leads to the activation of neutrophils, microglia and astrocytes, the release of complement, as well as the release of histamine by mast cells. Subsequently, activation of an adaptive immune response leads to the development of later effects of neuroinflammation. The topic of biomarkers in traumatic brain injury is extensive and rapidly developing. We presented an overview of the most common and well-studied biomarkers in the literature regarding head injury in humans and their role in predicting the outcome in traumatic brain injury. Among the presented biomarkers, the most specific for traumatic brain injury are interleukins-6, -8, -10 and matrix metalloproteinases. We can use interleukin-6 to predict the outcome and risk of complications of traumatic brain injury. The concentration of interleukin-8 shows the relationship of the biomarker with mortality. We can use interleukin-10 to confirm the results of computed tomography in traumatic brain injury. Matrix metalloproteinases present the degree of violation of the blood-brain barrier and brain dysfunction. Other indicators need a more complete study to clarify their role in this pathology. Of course, for a more reliable conclusion about the patient's condition, it is preferable to use the data of several biomarkers at the same time. © 2012 Scientific Centre for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems. All Rights Reserved