262 research outputs found

    Information Technology of Software Architecture Structural Synthesis of Information System

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    Information technology of information system software architecture structural synthesis is proposed. It is used for evolutionary models of the software lifecycle, which provides configuration and formation of software to control the realization and recovery of computing processes in parallel and distributed computing resources structures. The technology is applied in the framework of the software requirements analysis, design of architecture, design and integration of software. Method of combining vertices for multilevel graph model of software architecture and automata-based method of checking performance limitations to software are based on the advanced graph model of software architecture. These methods are proposed in the framework of information technology and allow forming a rational structure of the program, as well as checking for compliance with the functional and non-functional requirements of the end user.The essence of proposed information technology is in displaying of the customer's requirements in the current version of the graph model of program complex structure and providing a reconfiguration of the system modules. This process is based on the analysis and processing of the graph model, software module specifications, formation of software structure in accordance with the graph model, software verification and its compilation

    A solution of a problem of Sophus Lie: Normal forms of 2-dim metrics admitting two projective vector fields

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    We give a complete list of normal forms for the 2-dimensional metrics that admit a transitive Lie pseudogroup of geodesic-preserving transformations and we show that these normal forms are mutually non-isometric. This solves a problem posed by Sophus Lie.Comment: This is an extended version of the paper that will appear in Math. Annalen. Some typos were corrected, references were updated, title was changed (as in the journal version). 31 page

    Triple molybdates one-, one - and three(two)valence metals

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    The authors thank Ph. D. M. K. Alibaeva, Ph. D. I. A. Gudkova and Ph. D. I. V. Korolkova for participation in the research.The review summarizes experimental data on the phase formation, structure and properties of new complex oxide compounds group - triple molybdates containing tetrahedral molybdate ion, two different singly charged cation, together with tri- or divalent cation. The several structural families of these compounds were distinguished and it shown that many of them are of interest as luminescent, laser, ion-conducting or nonlinear optical materials.The work is executed at partial support of the Russian Foundation for basic research (projects No. 08-03-00384, 13-03-01020 and 14-03-00298)

    Some aspects of teaching medical informatics at medical universities

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    В статті розглядаються питання сучасного викладання медичної інформатики студентам медичних університетів. В роботі описано основну мету дисципліни, пропонуються шляхи вдосконалення її. Актуальність даної тематики підтверджує те, що наукові методи та інструментальні засоби все більш широко проникають в будь-які галузі життєдіяльності людини, і медицина не є виключенням, Саме це надає медичній інформатиці характер міждисциплінарної галузі, яка набуває все більш важливе загальнонаукове і загальноосвітнє значення. Розкрито важливе питання забезпечення формування у сучасного лікаря цілісного системного наукового світогляду на проблеми інформатизації охорони здоров'я. Дана стаття буде цікава викладачам закладів вищої медичної освіти.The article discusses the issues of up-to-date teaching medical informatics to students of medical universities. The paper describes the main goal of the discipline, suggests ways to improve it. The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that scientific methods and tools are increasingly penetrating into any branch of human life, and medicine is not an exception. That is why Medical Informatics belongs to interdisciplinary field, and acquires important scientific and educational value. Authors disclosed the important issue of the formation of a holistic and scientific worldview in modern doctors on the problems of health care informatization. This article would be interesting to teachers of higher educational institutions of a medical profile

    Gallot-Tanno Theorem for closed incomplete pseudo-Riemannian manifolds and applications

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    We extend the Gallot-Tanno Theorem to closed pseudo-Riemannian manifolds. It is done by showing that if the cone over a manifold admits a parallel symmetric (0,2)(0,2)-tensor then it is Riemannian. Applications of this result to the existence of metrics with distinct Levi-Civita connections but having the same unparametrized geodesics and to the projective Obata conjecture are given. We also apply our result to show that the holonomy group of a closed (O(p+1,q),Sp,q)(O(p+1,q),S^{p,q})-manifold does not preserve any nondegenerate splitting of Rp+1,q\R^{p+1,q}.Comment: minor correction


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    Электронный способ ведения документов обладает рядом преимуществ, позволяющих упростить процессы обработки, обмена, хранения информации, защиты медико-биологическихданных и организации консультаций медицинскихспециалистов. Существующая задача перехода от бумажногоспособа ведения медицинской документации к электронному остается до сих пор актуальной, о чем говорит разнообразие стандартов ведения электронных медицинских записей: например, стандарты HL7, DICOM и другие

    Algorithm of Laboratory Diagnostics Applied for Examination of Ixodic Ticks for Tularemia

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    Put forward is the algorithm of laboratory diagnostics applied for examination of Ixodic ticks (IT) for tularemia. It involves carrying out primary screening of tick suspensions for the presence of species-specific fragments of DNA and antigen. It is recommended that laboratory analysis starts with PCR, taking into account its high sensitivity and diagnostic value. Pools with positive PCR tests are subjected to verification by means of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immune-chromatographic tests. In case of tularemia antigen detection, these pools of IT are examined with the help of biological or bacteriological techniques to isolate the agent

    1D Frustrated Ferromagnetic Model with Added Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction

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    The one-dimensional (1D) isotropic frustrated ferromagnetic spin-1/2 model is considered. Classical and quantum effects of adding a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction on the ground state of the system is studied using the analytical cluster method and numerical Lanczos technique. Cluster method results, show that the classical ground state magnetic phase diagram consists of only one single phase: "chiral". The quantum corrections are determined by means of the Lanczos method and a rich quantum phase diagram including the gapless Luttinger liquid, the gapped chiral and dimer orders is obtained. Moreover, next nearest neighbors will be entangled by increasing DM interaction and for open chains, end-spins are entangled which shows the long distance entanglement (LDE) feature that can be controlled by DM interaction.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    New Data on the Distribution of Southern Forests for the West Siberian Plain during the Late Pleistocene: A Paleoentomological Approach

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    Subfossil remains of insects and branchiopod crustaceans (Cladocera and Notostraca) found in three late Pleistocene deposits in the Novosibirsk region in the vicinity of the village of Suzun have been described. The calibrated radiocarbon dates for these deposits were 24,893-25,966 cal BP (Suzun-1), 20,379-20,699 cal BP (Suzun-2), and 27,693-28,126 cal BP (Nizhny Suzun), which correspond to the onset of marine isotope stage 2 (MIS 2). The insect assemblages of these deposits are mainly represented by Coleoptera, which are noteworthy for high taxonomic and ecological diversity. At least 194 beetle species from 21 families have been found altogether. Of them, 74 species were found in the Pleistocene deposits of Western Siberia for the first time. All deposits were similar in species composition of beetles; Carabidae and Curculionidae prevailed everywhere. The ecological composition was dominated by steppe and tundra-steppe species; aquatic and riparian groups were also well represented. The Cladoceran and notostracan taxa revealed in Suzun-1 and Suzun-2 are characteristic of recent steppes rather than the forest zone of Western Siberia. The studied entomocomplexes are congruent with the periglacial Otiorhynchus-type fauna that inhabited the southern part of the West Siberian Plain at the end of the Pleistocene and had no close contemporary analogues. Cold and dry conditions, as well as the prevailing open landscapes of the tundra-steppe type, were the reconstructed conditions for this fauna. At the same time, the Suzun-1 and Suzun-2 entomocomplexes had a distinctive feature, namely a high proportion of forest species associated with both coniferous and deciduous trees. According to these data, at the beginning of MIS 2 in the Upper Ob region, spruce forests with the participation of small-leaved species (birch) were present. They were probably confined to river valleys and were not widely distributed

    Insects and molluscs of the Late Pleistocene at the Gornovo site (Southern Ural foreland, Russia): New data on palaeoenvironment reconstructions

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    The paper presents new data on the subfossil insects and molluscs, as well a new radiocarbon date for the Gornovo site in the Southern Fore-Urals. As a result, the stratigraphic interpretation of the sediments of the lower part of the first above floodplain terrace of the Belaya River is corrected and they are assigned to the Tabulda Horizon (MIS 3) of the Upper Pleistocene in the regional scheme of the Fore-Urals Quaternary. The malacofauna of the locality is represented by 27 species of terrestrial and freshwater molluscs. The composition of molluscs in the deposits of MIS 3 indicates the succession of deposit accumulation in the river valley from the stage of reservoirs that periodically connecting with the river to the stage of the overgrown oxbow lake. Single occurrence of mollusc shells in the loams of MIS 2 is a result of sharp climate change. New insect material includes 136 species of Coleoptera from 17 families, as well as Heteroptera and Hymenoptera representatives. 29 species of beetles (Carabidae, Histeridae, Scarabaeidae, Elateridae, Tenebrionidae, Chrysomelidae, Brentidae and Curculionidae) are recorded for the Pleistocene for the first time. The insect assemblages from Gornovo site are assigned to periglacial and humid boreal faunal types. The entomofauna of the periglacial type has no analogues in the recent fauna; it corresponds to the deposits assigned to the middle of MIS 3. This entomofauna is characteristic to the MIS 2 and MIS 3 insect assemblages from the south of West Siberian Plain. Based on entomological data, the climate of the middle of MIS 3 of the Southern Fore-Urals is reconstructed as dry and cold, extracontinental, with mean July temperature not exceeding +15 °C. Steppe landscapes likely prevailed in open areas and coniferous forests were restricted to river valleys. Beetles from deposits dated to end of MIS 3 are assigned to the fauna of the boreal humid type. These insect assemblages are significantly poorer in diversity than periglacial type assemblages and are represented mainly by near water and forest Coleoptera. Based on these species, meadow and forest landscapes were reconstructed. The reconstructed mean air temperature of July ranged from +16 to +19 °C. This suggests a trend towards more mild conditions in the region connected to the climate warming at the end of MIS 3. It is likely that humidification during this period was regional, determined by the proximity of the site to the Southern Urals Mountains. © 2021 Elsevier Ltd and INQU