213 research outputs found

    The Urban Unbanked In Mexico And The United States

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    This paper examines the ways in which lower-income households obtain basic financial services in urban communities in Mexico and the United States. And it discusses the efforts that private sector and government organizations are making to lower the cost or improve the quality of those services. The paper summarizes available information on these issues and assesses the rationale and challenges facing the strategies that both countries are using to improve the financial services available to lower-income households, giving particular attention to unbanked households, meaning households that do not have deposit accounts with any regulated deposit-taking institution, and also to lower-income households in large urban areas. In comparing the experiences of the two countries, the paper reviews the extent to which lower-income households are unbanked, their use of non-bank financial services, and strategies for improving financial services to the unbanked. The underlying differences between the countries\u27 typical household incomes-national income per capita in Mexico in 2002 was US8,540,comparedwith8,540, compared with 35,060 in the United States (World Bank 2003)-may also influence the difference in percentage of unbanked-9.1 percent of families in the United States compared with 76.4 percent found in a recent study in Mexico City

    Hydroxyurea and zileuton differentially modulate cell proliferation and interleukin-2 secretion by murine spleen cells: Possible implication on the immune function and risk of pain crisis in patients with sickle cell disease

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    Background: Hydroxyurea (HU) reduces major complications associated with sickle cell disease in part because of the induction of fetal hemoglobin. However, because of its antiproliferative property, its long-term use may impair immunity. Zileuton, a derivative of HU, also induces fetal hemoglobin and has antiinflammatory properties, a feature that can reduce the risk of sickling. Our goal was to investigate the capacity of both drugs to modulate the secretion of interleukin-2 (IL-2), a regulatory cytokine for immune responses. Methods: Spleen cells obtained from 11 4-month-old C57BL/6 female mice were incubated without and with 10 µ/mL HU or zileuton, 2.5 µ/mL concanavalin A (ConA), 20 µ/mL phytohemagglutinin (PHA), and 50 ng/mL anti-CD3 antibody for 12-48 h. IL-2 was measured in the supernatant by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and cell proliferation byH-thymidine uptake. Results: While HU reduced lymphocyte proliferation in response to mitogens (


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    This work is related to the chemical kinetics modelling of plasma during extinction. A zero-dimensional model (0D) has been developed. Two hypotheses were used: (A) a constant pressure or (B) a constant mass density. Three initial data categories are generally required for the model: (1) the chemical reactions that govern the kinetic scheme, (2) the chemical composition at the local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) and (3) a law of temperature decay as a function of time representing the cooling rate. The developed model is presented and applied to SF6, gas commonly used in high voltage circuit breakers (HVCB), in order to be validated. We present the evolution of the species during the temperature decay for several cooling rates. The results give the evolution of species densities and the departures from equilibrium according to the cooling rate. Consideration of SFx molecules is essential in order to avoid erroneous interpretations

    Influence of Copper Vapors in SF6 Plasma

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    In this study a theoretical approach allows estimating the ablation mass flux of copper from a corrected Hertz-Knudsen flux. The influence of the copper vapours coming from the anode electrode to an SF6 plasma is studied in a simplified 2D configuration. Depending on the plasma pressure an ablation or a diffusion state is considered. The amount of copper versus time is presented. An RMS current I=10 kA is applied leading at t=10 ms to an amount of copper equal to 0.55 mg. The vapours change the plasma properties mainly the electrical conductivity and radiation and so the plasma behaviour. At time t=5 ms the electrode erosion leads to a copper plasma. This simple case shows the necessity to well consider the copper erosion in plasma modelling as in High Voltage Circuit Breaker (HVCB) where higher current are considered


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    International audienceIn this study a theoretical approach allows estimating the ablation mass flux of copper from a corrected Hertz-Knudsen flux. The influence of the copper vapours coming from the anode electrode to an SF 6 plasma is studied in a simplified 2D configuration. Depending on the plasma pressure an ablation or a diffusion state is considered. The amount of copper versus time is presented. An RMS current I=10kA is applied leading at t=10ms to an amount of copper equal to 0.6mg. The vapours change the plasma properties mainly the electrical conductivity and radiation and so the plasma behaviour. At time t=5ms the electrode erosion leads to a copper plasma. This simple case shows the necessity to well consider the copper erosion in plasma modelling as in High Voltage Circuit Breaker (HVCB) where higher current are considered

    Compositions Chimiques et Propriétés Thermodynamiques à l’ETL des Plasmas à Haute Pression

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    International audienceL’étude des phénomènes physico-chimiques se produisant dans un moteur, lors de l’allumage d’un mélange stœchiométrique d’air et de méthane, nécessitent la connaissance préalable de la densité des espèces. A défaut certains auteurs utilisent les propriétés de l’air pur en supposant que la faible proportion du méthane n’a que peu d’influence [1-2]. Afin de compenser ce manque de données, notamment pour la mise en place des modèles et d’établir un état initial lors de l’étude de cinétique chimique [3-4], un code de calcul de composition et de propriétés thermodynamiques pour des gaz purs et mélanges de gaz, basé sur la loi d’action de masse a été développé. Le calcul est réalisé à l’équilibre thermodynamique pour des pressions de 1 bars <P< 300 bars et une gamme de température de 300 K<T<50 kK. La correction du Viriel est introduite pour assimiler le gaz au comportement d’un fluide réel. Pour différents gaz à P=1 bar, nous présenterons la confrontation des résultats du code avec des travaux de la littérature [3-4-5]. Une comparaison des propriétés thermodynamiques entre l’air et le méthane sera réalisée notamment sur la chaleur spécifique. A haute pression, les résultats montrent qu’il est indispensable de prendre en compte la correction du Viriel. Nous illustrerons la nécessité d’incorporer l’effet du Viriel dans le cas de l’hexafluorure de soufre [6] utilisé dans les disjoncteurs à haute tension. L’effet se fait ressentir notamment sur la densité de masse ou une différence d’environ 80% par rapport aux mesures expérimentales peut être trouvée s’il n’est pas considéré. La prédiction des effets convectifs par les modèles s’en trouve alors erronée

    Compositions Chimiques et Propriétés Thermodynamiques à l’ETL des Plasmas à Haute Pression

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    International audienceL’étude des phénomènes physico-chimiques se produisant dans un moteur, lors de l’allumage d’un mélange stœchiométrique d’air et de méthane, nécessitent la connaissance préalable de la densité des espèces. A défaut certains auteurs utilisent les propriétés de l’air pur en supposant que la faible proportion du méthane n’a que peu d’influence [1-2]. Afin de compenser ce manque de données, notamment pour la mise en place des modèles et d’établir un état initial lors de l’étude de cinétique chimique [3-4], un code de calcul de composition et de propriétés thermodynamiques pour des gaz purs et mélanges de gaz, basé sur la loi d’action de masse a été développé. Le calcul est réalisé à l’équilibre thermodynamique pour des pressions de 1 bars <P< 300 bars et une gamme de température de 300 K<T<50 kK. La correction du Viriel est introduite pour assimiler le gaz au comportement d’un fluide réel. Pour différents gaz à P=1 bar, nous présenterons la confrontation des résultats du code avec des travaux de la littérature [3-4-5]. Une comparaison des propriétés thermodynamiques entre l’air et le méthane sera réalisée notamment sur la chaleur spécifique. A haute pression, les résultats montrent qu’il est indispensable de prendre en compte la correction du Viriel. Nous illustrerons la nécessité d’incorporer l’effet du Viriel dans le cas de l’hexafluorure de soufre [6] utilisé dans les disjoncteurs à haute tension. L’effet se fait ressentir notamment sur la densité de masse ou une différence d’environ 80% par rapport aux mesures expérimentales peut être trouvée s’il n’est pas considéré. La prédiction des effets convectifs par les modèles s’en trouve alors erronée

    Prominent Human Health Impacts from Several Marine Microbes: History, Ecology, and Public Health Implications

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    This paper overviews several examples of important public health impacts by marine microbes and directs readers to the extensive literature germane to these maladies. These examples include three types of dinoflagellates (Gambierdiscus spp., Karenia brevis, and Alexandrium fundyense), BMAA-producing cyanobacteria, and infectious microbes. The dinoflagellates are responsible for ciguatera fish poisoning, neurotoxic shellfish poisoning, and paralytic shellfish poisoning, respectively, that have plagued coastal populations over time. Research interest on the potential for marine cyanobacteria to contribute BMAA into human food supplies has been derived by BMAA's discovery in cycad seeds and subsequent implication as the putative cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/parkinsonism dementia complex among the Chamorro people of Guam. Recent UPLC/MS analyses indicate that recent reports that BMAA is prolifically distributed among marine cyanobacteria at high concentrations may be due to analyte misidentification in the analytical protocols being applied for BMAA. Common infectious microbes (including enterovirus, norovirus, Salmonella, Campylobacter, Shigella, Staphylococcus aureus, Cryptosporidium, and Giardia) cause gastrointestinal and skin-related illness. These microbes can be introduced from external human and animal sources, or they can be indigenous to the marine environment

    Medium and long-term adherence to postabortion contraception among women having experienced unsafe abortion in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Postabortion contraceptive service is considered an effective means in addressing the problem of unsafe abortion; in spite this fact this component remains one of the weakest parts of postabortion care. In this context, the paper aims to describe the impact of a postabortion contraceptive service intervention among women admitted with complications from unsafe abortions and to explore the women's long-term contraceptive adherence.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>392 women having experienced unsafe abortion were identified by an empathetic approach and offered postabortion contraceptive service, which included counselling on HIV and condom use. Questionnaire interviews about contraceptive use were conducted at the time of inclusion and 12 months after the abortion. Additionally, in-depth interviews were performed 6–12 months after the abortion.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Eighty-nine percent of the women accepted postabortion contraception. Follow-up information was obtained 12 months after the abortion among 59 percent of the women. Among these, 79 percent of the married women and 84 percent of the single women stated they were using contraception at 12 months. Condom use among the single women increased significantly during the 12 months follow up.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Postabortion contraceptive services appear to be well accepted by women who are admitted with complications after an unsafe abortion and should thus be recognized as an important means in addressing the problem of unsafe abortion. In addition, counselling about HIV and condom use should be considered an essential aspect of postabortion care.</p

    Environmental Research and Public Health Communication Pathogens in Ornamental Waters: A Pilot Study

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    Abstract: In parks, ornamental waters of easy access and populated with animals are quite attractive to children and yet might hide threats to human health. The present work focuses on the microbiota of the ornamental waters of a Lisboa park, characterized during 2015. The results show a dynamic microbiota integrating human pathogens such as Klebsiella pneumoniae, Aeromonas spp. and Enterobacter spp., and also antibiotic resistant bacteria. K. pneumoniae and Aeromonas spp. were present as planktonic and biofilm organized bacteria. In vitro K. pneumoniae and Aeromonas spp. showed an enhanced ability to assemble biofilm at 25˝C than at 37˝C. Bacteria recovered from biofilm samples showed an increased antibiotic resistance compared to the respective planktonic counterparts