159 research outputs found

    Los "perjuicios irreparables" de una justicia en manos de naturales (acerca de la organización judicial para ultramar, 1870-1875)

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    Esta contribución parte de la perplejidad de que, en la España de la I República, se prohíba a los naturales de las provincias ultramarinas entrar a formar parte de la judicatura, a pesar de que el Decreto orgánico de 25 de octubre de 1870, que organizaba la carrera judicial en Ultramar, lo había permitido. A propósito de este episodio, el trabajo trata de reflexionar acerca de la recuperación de un veto y de unos argumentos de Derecho indiano justamente en un momento revolucionario y liberalThis contribution is due to the perplexity of banning the natives of the overseas provinces become part of the judiciary during the 1st Republic, although the Organic Decree of 25th October, 1870 organizing the judiciary overseas had allowed it. On the score of this episode, this work tries to refl ect on the sense of the recovery of these veto and arguments of Indian Law for the colonies precisely during a revolutionary and liberal context in the metropolisEl presente trabajo fue realizado en el marco del proyecto del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España “Cultura jurisdiccional y orden constitucional en España e Hispanoamérica III” (con referencia DER2010-21728-C02-02) y presentado en el XVIII Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Historia del Derecho Indian

    Antifungal effect and reduction of Ulmus minor symptoms to Ophiostoma novo-ulmi by carvacrol and salicylic acid

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    There are still no effective means to control Dutch elm disease (DED), caused by the vascular fungi Ophiostoma ulmi and O. novo-ulmi. Plant phenolics may provide a new strategy for DED control, given their known antifungal activity against pathogens and their involvement in plant defence mechanisms. The in vitro antifungal activity of salicylic acid, carvacrol, thymol, phenol, o-cresol, m-cresol, p-cresol, and 2,5-xylenol against the DED pathogens was tested. Also, the protective effect of watering Ulmus minor seedlings with these compounds was tested against O. novo-ulmi. Salicylic acid, carvacrol, and thymol showed the strongest antifungal in vitro activity, while carvacrol and salicylic acid provided the strongest in vivo protection against O. novo-ulmi (63 and 46% reduction of leaf wilting symptoms with respect to controls, respectively). The effect of the treatments on tree phenology was low, and a significant negative relation was observed between the number of days to bud burst and the leaf wilting symptoms after inoculation, probably determined by genetic differences among the elm tree progenies used. The treatments with salicylic acid, carvacrol and thymol induced the highest shift in phenolic metabolite profile with respect to control trees. The protective effect of carvacrol and salicylic acid is discussed in terms of their combined activity as antifungal compounds and as inductors of tree defence responses

    Indoor soccer field in Abegondo training centre

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    [Resumen:] La actuación que se realiza en este proyecto consiste en la construcción de un campo de futbol 7 cubierto en la Ciudad Deportiva de Abegondo “Mundo del Fútbol”. El proyecto incluye la construcción de la estructura metálica que actuará como cubierta así como la ejecución de un campo de futbol 7 de hierba sintética. Este proyecto servirá para dotar a este complejo deportivo de una nueva instalación para su uso por las distintas categorías base del RC Deportivo de La Coruña, así como los distintos equipos que suelen frecuentar estas instalaciones, siendo su uso enfocado para que pueda ser empleado durante todas las épocas del año y así emplear un espacio hasta ahora inútil dentro del complejo.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ETSECCP). Tecnoloxía da Enxeñaría Civil. Curso 2022/202

    Shellfishing on foot and the road to defeminization in Galicia (Spain)

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    Fishing resources, as well as fishing activities and policies, are in a state of permanent change, therefore transforming the living and working conditions of coastal and fishing populations. The gender perspective is relevant to understand the challenges faced by men and women in the fishing sector. Galicia (Spain) is one of the main fishing regions in the EU and with the largest number of women working in the fishing sector, especially in shellfishing on foot. Shellfishing on foot, an artisanal and traditional activity for the cultivation and extraction of mainly bivalve molluscs, represents 7% of gross value added (GVA) and 17% of the employment of the Galician fishing sector as a whole. Since the 1960s, a process of regulation and modernization of shellfishing on foot—more than 95% of which is carried out by women—has led to a sharp decrease in the number of shellfish gatherers. The regulatory processes and the professionalization of the sector have resulted in a strong decline in female employment, but, at the same time, women feel empowered and regard their jobs as dignified work. Our objective—through the analysis of the local permits granted to carry out this activity—focuses on the study of the consolidation of this process and has tried to highlight the ways in which patriarchy perpetuates the hegemonic position of men evidenced, for example, by a progressive masculinization of this activity with increasing economic profitability and social prestigeS