25 research outputs found

    Rhythmic neural activity is comodulated with short-term gait modifications during first-time use of a dummy prosthesis:a pilot study

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    BACKGROUND: After transfemoral amputation, many hours of practice are needed to re-learn walking with a prosthesis. The long adaptation process that consolidates a novel gait pattern seems to depend on cerebellar function for reinforcement of specific gait modifications, but the precise, step-by-step gait modifications (e.g., foot placement) most likely rely on top-down commands from the brainstem and cerebral cortex. The aim of this study was to identify, in able-bodied individuals, the specific modulations of cortical rhythms that accompany short-term gait modifications during first-time use of a dummy prosthesis. METHODS: Fourteen naïve participants walked on a treadmill without (one block, 4 min) and with a dummy prosthesis (three blocks, 3 × 4 min), while ground reaction forces and 32-channel EEG were recorded. Gait cycle duration, stance phase duration, step width, maximal ground reaction force and, ground reaction force trace over time were measured to identify gait modifications. Independent component analysis of EEG data isolated brain-related activity from distinct anatomical sources. The source-level data were segmented into gait cycles and analyzed in the time-frequency domain to reveal relative enhancement or suppression of intrinsic cortical oscillations. Differences between walking conditions were evaluated with one-way ANOVA and post-hoc testing (α = 0.05). RESULTS: Immediate modifications occurred in the gait parameters when participants were introduced to the dummy prosthesis. Except for gait cycle duration, these modifications remained throughout the duration of the experimental session. Power modulations of the theta, mu, beta, and gamma rhythms, of sources presumably from the fronto-central and the parietal cortices, were found across the experimental session. Significant power modulations of the theta, beta, and gamma rhythms within the gait cycle were predominately found around the heel strike of both feet and the swing phase of the right (prosthetic) leg. CONCLUSIONS: The modulations of cortical activity could be related to whole-body coordination, including the swing phase and placing of the prosthesis, and the bodyweight transfer between legs and arms. Reduced power modulation of the gamma rhythm within the experimental session may indicate initial motor memories being formed. Better understanding of the sensorimotor processes behind gait modifications may inform the development of neurofeedback strategies to assist gait rehabilitation

    Brisk heart rate and EEG changes during execution and withholding of cue-paced foot motor imagery

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    Cue-paced motor imagery (MI) is a frequently used mental strategy to realize a Brain-Computer Interface (BCI). Recently it has been reported that two MI tasks can be separated with a high accuracy within the first second after cue presentation onset. To investigate this phenomenon in detail we studied the dynamics of motor cortex beta oscillations in EEG and the changes in heart rate (HR) during visual cue-paced foot MI using a go (execution of imagery) vs. nogo (withholding of imagery) paradigm in 16 healthy subjects. Both execution and withholding of MI resulted in a brisk centrally localized beta event-related desynchronization (ERD) with a maximum at ~400 ms and a concomitant HR deceleration. We found that response patterns within the first second after stimulation differed between conditions. The ERD was significantly larger in go as compared to nogo. In contrast the HR deceleration was somewhat smaller and followed by an acceleration in go as compared to nogo. These findings suggest that the early beta ERD reflects visually induced preparatory activity in motor cortex networks. Both the early beta ERD and the HR deceleration are the result of automatic operating processes that are likely part of the orienting reflex (OR). Of interest, however, is that the preparatory cortical activity is strengthened and the HR modulated already within the first second after stimulation during the execution of MI. The subtraction of the HR time course of the nogo from the go condition revealed a slight HR acceleration in the first seconds most likely due to the increased mental effort associated with the imagery process

    The Hybrid BCI

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    Nowadays, everybody knows what a hybrid car is. A hybrid car normally has two engines to enhance energy efficiency and reduce CO2 output. Similarly, a hybrid brain-computer interface (BCI) is composed of two BCIs, or at least one BCI and another system. A hybrid BCI, like any BCI, must fulfill the following four criteria: (i) the device must rely on signals recorded directly from the brain; (ii) there must be at least one recordable brain signal that the user can intentionally modulate to effect goal-directed behaviour; (iii) real time processing; and (iv) the user must obtain feedback. This paper introduces hybrid BCIs that have already been published or are in development. We also introduce concepts for future work. We describe BCIs that classify two EEG patterns: one is the event-related (de)synchronisation (ERD, ERS) of sensorimotor rhythms, and the other is the steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP). Hybrid BCIs can either process their inputs simultaneously, or operate two systems sequentially, where the first system can act as a “brain switch”. For example, we describe a hybrid BCI that simultaneously combines ERD and SSVEP BCIs. We also describe a sequential hybrid BCI, in which subjects could use a brain switch to control an SSVEP-based hand orthosis. Subjects who used this hybrid BCI exhibited about half the false positives encountered while using the SSVEP BCI alone. A brain switch can also rely on hemodynamic changes measured through near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Hybrid BCIs can also use one brain signal and a different type of input. This additional input can be an electrophysiological signal such as the heart rate, or a signal from an external device such as an eye tracking system

    Rehabilitation of gait after stroke: a review towards a top-down approach

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    This document provides a review of the techniques and therapies used in gait rehabilitation after stroke. It also examines the possible benefits of including assistive robotic devices and brain-computer interfaces in this field, according to a top-down approach, in which rehabilitation is driven by neural plasticity


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    En este trabajo se presenta el proceso de diseño e implementación de una interfaz cerebro-computadora basada en los potenciales evocados visuales de estado estacionario. El sistema desarrollado se denomina LINI-BCI : SSVEP y permite la adquisición de señales electroencefalográficas para la investigación de métodos de procesamiento y clasificación fuera de línea. Incluye también la flexibilidad para probar nuevos paradigmas de estimulación visual. Como parte fundamental del desarrollo de este trabajo, se propone un nuevo método de detección donde los potenciales evocados basado en el algoritmo de clasificación multiseñal y la aplicación de clasificadores del tipo máquinas de soporte vectorial. El método se validó con señales sintéticas y con señales reales de experimentos de identificación de dos, tres y cuatro condiciones de estimulación traducibles a comandos para alguna aplicación de la interfaz. Para la evaluación del desempeño del método se utilizaron estimaciones de la tasa de clasificación (certeza) y del área bajo la curva de características relativas de operación. La clasificación de épocas de un segundo arrojó una certeza superior a 85 % en la identificación de dos estímulos presentados a un sujeto entrenado en el uso de las interfaces cerebro-computadora, con una muestra de diez sujetos no entrenados se alcanzó una tasa de clasificación superior al 80 % (0.8 en área bajo la curva de características relativas de operación) para la identificación de un potencial evocado y alrededor de 60 % (0.6 en área bajo la curva de características relativas de operación) para la discriminación entre dos tipos de estímulo; por último, para la clasificación de cuatro clases con una muestra de nueve sujetos no entrenados se obtuvieron valores del área bajo la curva de características relativas de operación superiores a 0.6 en todos los casos. Los resultados muestran la ventaja de utilizar el método propuesto en comparación con los resultados reportados en otros trabajos que utilizan la Transformada Discreta de Fourier y discriminantes lineales, entre otros. Además, el sistema LINI-BCI permite la inclusión de otros paradigmas y el registro de señales cerebrales distintas de los potenciales visuales

    Distinct cortico-muscular coupling between step and stance leg during reactive stepping responses

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    Balance recovery often relies on successful stepping responses, which presumably require precise and rapid interactions between the cerebral cortex and the leg muscles. Yet, little is known about how cortico-muscular coupling (CMC) supports the execution of reactive stepping. We conducted an exploratory analysis investigating time-dependent CMC with specific leg muscles in a reactive stepping task. We analyzed high density EEG, EMG, and kinematics of 18 healthy young participants while exposing them to balance perturbations at different intensities, in the forward and backward directions. Participants were instructed to maintain their feet in place, unless stepping was unavoidable. Muscle-specific Granger causality analysis was conducted on single step- and stance-leg muscles over 13 EEG electrodes with a midfrontal scalp distribution. Time-frequency Granger causality analysis was used to identify CMC from cortex to muscles around perturbation onset, foot-off and foot strike events. We hypothesized that CMC would increase compared to baseline. In addition, we expected to observe different CMC between step and stance leg because of their functional role during the step response. In particular, we expected that CMC would be most evident for the agonist muscles while stepping, and that CMC would precede upregulation in EMG activity in these muscles. We observed distinct Granger gain dynamics over theta, alpha, beta, and low/high-gamma frequencies during the reactive balance response for all leg muscles in each step direction. Interestingly, between-leg differences in Granger gain were almost exclusively observed following the divergence of EMG activity. Our results demonstrate cortical involvement in the reactive balance response and provide insights into its temporal and spectral characteristics. Overall, our findings suggest that higher levels of CMC do not facilitate leg-specific EMG activity. Our work is relevant for clinical populations with impaired balance control, where CMC analysis may elucidate the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms

    The influence of prosthetic suspension on gait and cortical modulations is persons with a transfemoral amputation: socket-suspended versus bone-anchored prosthesis

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    Abstract Background Persons with a transfemoral amputation (TFA) often experience difficulties in daily-life ambulation, including an asymmetrical and less stable gait pattern and a greater cognitive demand of walking. However, it remains unclear whether this is effected by the prosthetic suspension, as eliminating the non-rigid prosthetic connection may influence stability and cortical activity during walking. Spatiotemporal and stability-related gait parameters, as well as cortical activity during walking, were evaluated between highly active individuals (MFC-level K3-4) with a TFA and able-bodied (AB) persons, and between persons with a bone-anchored prosthesis (BAP) and those with a socket-suspended prosthesis (SSP). Methods 18 AB persons and 20 persons with a unilateral TFA (10 BAP-users, 10 SSP-users) walked on a treadmill at their preferred speed. Spatiotemporal and margin of stability parameters were extracted from three-dimensional movement recordings. In addition, 126-channel electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded. Brain-related activity from several cortical areas was isolated using independent component analysis. Source-level data were divided into gait cycles and subjected to time–frequency analysis to determine gait-cycle dependent modulations of cortical activity. Results Persons with TFA walked with smaller and wider steps and with greater variability in mediolateral foot placement than AB subjects; no significant differences were found between BAP- and SSP-users. The EEG analysis yielded four cortical clusters in frontal, central (both hemispheres), and parietal areas. No statistically significant between-group differences were found in the mean power over the entire gait cycle. The event-related spectral perturbation maps revealed differences in power modulations (theta, alpha, and beta bands) between TFA and AB groups, and between BAP- and SSP-users, with largest differences observed around heel strike of either leg. Conclusions The anticipated differences in gait parameters in persons with TFA were confirmed, however no significant effect of the fixed suspension of a BAP was found. The preliminary EEG findings may indicate more active monitoring and control of stability in persons with TFA, which appeared to be timed differently in SSP than in BAP-users. Future studies may focus on walking tasks that challenge stability to further investigate differences related to prosthetic suspension