28 research outputs found
Redewiedergabe in verschiedener Form - ein Vergleich Deutsch-Norwegisch
The subject of the present empirical study â based on both ïŹctional texts and newspaper texts â is direct and indirect reported speech in German and Norwegian. The focus of the study is the broader range of structural possibilities for marking reported speech in German, for instance the subjunctive mood, which can be exploited to signal reported speech in syntactically independent sentences, i.e. on discourse top-level, in a way that is not possible in Norwegian. The study shows that the structural differences create different possibilities in German and Norwegian for identifying propositions as having another origin than the actual speaker/writer. Generally, Norwegian readers must rely on pragmatic inferences to a higher degree than German readers in order to identify the source. Furthermore, direct reported speech is more frequent in the Norwegian than in the German newspaper texts
Jeg kan lese, jeg kan skrive. Det tar bare litt lengre tid! : en kvalitativ studie om studenter med dysleksi innen hĂžyere utdanningsinstitusjoner
Det er gjennomfÞrt et kvalitativt studie pÄ/av studenter med dysleksi innen hÞyere
utdanningsinstitusjoner. Utvalget bestod av 8 informanter, 4 kvinner og 4 menn og
materialet ble samlet inn ved intervju, intervjuguiden var semistrukturert og ga
dermed muligheten for Ä stille spÞrsmÄl som jeg fant interessante selv om de ikke i
utgangspunktet var skrevet i intervjuguiden (Malterud, 2011). Analysemetoden som
ble brukt er systematisktekstkondensering som er inspirert av Grounded Theory av
Giorgi og deretter revidert i Malterud (2011). Utgangspunktet for studien var Ä se pÄ
studenter med dysleksi og deres opplevelse av Ă„ studere med dysleksi innen hĂžyere
utdanningsinstitusjon. Hoved forskningsspÞrsmÄlet ble dermed:
Er hĂžyere utdanningsinstitusjoner tilpasset studenter med dysleksi?
Funn i studien viser at flere av studentene er fornĂžyde med tilretteleggingstjenesten,
selv om det ogsÄ viser seg at flere av informantene i utvalget har Þnsker om mer eller
annerledes tilrettelegging i forhold til deres studie. Det viser seg ogsÄ i mine funn at
studentene med dysleksi ikke bare er opptatt av hvilke tilrettelegging som finnes, men
hvordan de ansees eller oppfattes av andre studenter uten dysleksi. Det kommer her
frem bĂ„de at studentene fĂžler at de er âannerledesâ og at flere av dem ikke vil snakke
om dysleksi med andre i frykt for Ă„ bli oppfattet som âdumâ.
Konklusjon: Funnene viser at det er fullt mulig Ă„ studere med dysleksi, det skal
allikevel nevnes at dette nĂždvendigvis ikke fungerer for alle, men i forhold til mine
informanter viser det seg at dette er fullt mulig med god tilrettelegging og selvinnsikt
i hva det innebĂŠrer Ă„ ha dysleksi og dermed kjenne til sine svakheter fungerer hĂžyere
utdanningsinstitusjoner for dyslektikere.
NĂžkkelord: dysleksi, studenter, hĂžyere utdanningsinstitusjon, tilrettelegging,
tilretteleggingstjenesten, annerledes, stigma, opplevelser som student, stempling,
âdumâ, informasjon og synlighet
Assessing climate risk to support urban forests in a changing climate
We thank Leslie Brandt and Gregory McPherson (USDA Forest Service,
USA), Jakub Kronenberg (University of Lodz, Poland), Shawn
Landry (University of South Florida, USA) and Per Anker Pedersen
(Faculty of Landscape and Society, Norwegian University of Life Sciences)
for their thoughts and contributions. MER, PR, SP and MGT
thank Leigh Staas (Macquarie University) and funding from the Hort
Frontiers Green Cities Fund, part of the Hort Frontiers strategic partnership initiative developed by Hort Innovation, with coinvestment
from Macquarie University, Western Sydney University
and the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and
contributions from the Australian Government. DNB acknowledges
support from the Research Council of Norway to the ENABLE project
through the BiodivERsA COFUND 2015-2016 call for research proposals.
BW acknowledges support from FORMAS (dia.nr
2016-20098). Finally, we thank the anonymous reviewers for their
critical observations and thoughtful contributions that improved this
work. The opinions and findings expressed in this paper are those of
the authors and should not be construed to represent any official
USDA or US Government determination or policy.Societal Impact Statement
Globally, cities are planning for resilience through urban greening initiatives as governments
understand the importance of urban forests in improving quality of life
and mitigating climate change. However, the persistence of urban forests and the
ecosystem benefits they provide are threatened by climate change, and systematic
assessments of causes of tree dieback and mortality in urban environments are rare.
Long-term monitoring studies and adaptive management are needed to identify and
prevent climate change-driven failures and mortality. Research and monitoring
when coupled with systematic forecasting will enable governments to incorporate
climate change resilience into urban forestry planning. Future scenarios in which
urban forests are resilient or in decline will depend on the management and
planning actions we make today.The management of urban forests is a key element of resilience planning in cities across the globe. Urban forests provide ecosystem services as well as other nature-based solutions to 4.2 billion people living in cities. However, to continue to do so effectively, urban forests need to be able to thrive in an increasingly changing climate. Trees in cities are vulnerable to extreme heat and drought events, which are predicted to increase in frequency and severity under climate change. Knowledge of species' vulnerability to climate change, therefore, is crucial to ensure provision of desired ecosystem benefits, improve species selection, maintain tree growth and reduce tree mortality, dieback and stress in urban forests. Yet, systematic assessments of causes of tree dieback and mortality in urban environments are rare. We reviewed the state of knowledge of tree mortality in urban forests globally, finding very few frameworks that enable detection of climate change impacts on urban forests and no long-term studies assessing climate change as a direct driver of urban tree dieback and mortality. The effects of climate change on urban forests remain poorly understood and quantified, constraining the ability of governments to incorporate climate change resilience into urban forestry planning.Hort Frontiers Green Cities Fund, Hort Frontiers strategic partnership initiativeResearch Council of NorwaySwedish Research Council Formas
Om referat av tale og tanker. Innspill til grammatikk- og sprÄkferdighetsundervisningen i tysk pÄ universitets- og hÞgskolenivÄ.
This article presents aspects of reported speech in modern German from a contrastive Norwegian-German perspective. It focuses in particular on the use of indicative mood in German reported speech and suggests topics which should be thematised when teaching German indirect speech at university level
A comparative cost analysis for mooring designs of floating wind turbines
I denne oppgaven har jeg gjort en analyse av kostnadene forbundet med fire ulike forankringskonsepter av OOStar Wind Floater. De fĂžlgende konseptene er:
âą Baseline (147 mm)
âą Klumpvekt (100 tonn)
âą Doble liner (76 mm)
âą Parallell fiberline (165 mm polyester)
Mitt inntrykk av bransjen er at kostnadsestimater ofte er basert pÄ beregninger kun basert pÄ kjettingens vekt. Kostnadsbildet er langt mer komplisert enn dette og jeg har derfor valgt Ä se pÄ hele forankringens konfigurasjon fra anker til innfesting. Med denne oppgaven Þnsker jeg Ä gi et mer nyansert bilde pÄ hva kostnadene bestÄr av.
For Ä danne grunnlag for en kostnadsanalyse har jeg fÞrst valgt Ä gjÞre en verdistrÞmsanalyse av forankringsprosessen. Analysen er gjort pÄ bakgrunn av samtaler og mÞter med Statoil, Technip FMC, DNV GL, Dr.techn. Olav Olsen samt flere underleverandÞrer.
Underveis i oppgaven har jeg utviklet et program i Excel som er brukt for Ä beregne netto nÄverdi og energikostnad (LCOE) basert pÄ verdistrÞmmene fra verdistrÞmsanalysen. I tillegg er det gjort en fÞlsomhetsanalyse av diskonteringsraten, valutakursen og kostnadslikhet mellom Baseline og Klumpvekt.
Funnene i analysen viser at produksjonskostnadene utgjÞr over 80 % av det totale kostnadsbildet. Av produksjonskostnadene er det kjettingen som utgjÞr mesteparten. Der fiber kan erstatte deler av kjettingen vil det gi et betydelig utslag pÄ totalkostnaden.
Bruk av sugeankere gir markant hÞyere kostnader i bÄde produksjon og installasjon. Det anbefales ikke Ä ekskludere det fra videre analyser fordi muligheten for Ä plassere dem i et mer lÞnnsomt nettverk bÞr studeres.
BÄde Klumpvekter og Doble liner var de rimeligste konseptene for bÄde produksjon og installasjon og oppnÄdde 22 % lavere netto nÄverdi enn Baseline.I have through this thesis conducted a cost analysis of four different mooring concepts for the OOStar Wind Floater. The chosen concepts are:
âą Baseline (147 mm)
âą Clump Weight (100 tonn)
âą Doubled Lines (76 mm)
âą Fiberline in parallell (165 mm polyester)
My impression of the industry is that cost estimates are often done by calculating the price from the weight of the chain only. I believe that the whole picture is more complicated and I have therefore chosen to examine the entire mooring system from anchor to fixing the lines on the platform. In this way I have tried to create a more nuanced picture of the real costs associated with mooring systems.
To develop a good foundation before conducting the cost analysis I did a value stream mapping of the mooring process. The value stream mapping is based on discussions and meetings with Statoil, Technip FMC, DNV GL, Dr.techn. Olav Olsen among other smaller actors.
During the work I have developed a program through Excel which takes all the costs from production and operations and calculate the energy cost (LCOE) and net present value. The program is also used for running a sensitivity test of the discount rate, currency rate and the cost parity between Baseline and Clump Weight.
My findings show that the factor influencing the total costs in the most significant way are production costs with a share of more than 80 %. The largest share of production costs have I found to be the use of chain. If fiber ropes can replace chain, even in short parts, it will make considerable differences on the total cost.
The use of suction anchors is also shown to play a significant role on the total cost. It would, however, not be encouraged to exclude suction anchors from further studies. One possibility could be to examine whether the suction anchor has an effect in a network, when shared by several wind turbines.
My analysis shows that the most cost efficient concepts are Clump Weight and Double Lines. Of all four concepts they achieved the lowest cost on both production and installation and a net present value 22 % below Baseline.submittedVersionM-I