30 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Bioprotektan Ruminansia untuk Peningkat Performan dan Manajemen Kesehatan pada Sapi Madura di Kecamatan Burneh, Bangkalan, Jawa Timur

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    Tujuan program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini meningkatkan performan sapi madura melalui teknik penambahan bioprotektan dan perbaikan manajemen kesehatan kelompok ternak sapi di daerah Bangkalan Jawa Timur. Kegiatan kemitraan ini diharapkan meningkatkan produktivitas dan kemandirian peternak sapi potong dalam upaya menyediakan kebutuhan daging sapi yang mencukupi dan lebih berkualitas. Secara khusus program ini bertujuan untuk mencari alternatif pemecahan masalah rendahnya performan dan produktivitas sapi potong akibat penyediaan pakan yang berkualitas rendah, terutama di musim kemarau dan di daerah rawan pakan ternak. Kegiatan ini dilakukan pada kelompok ternak di desa Binoh, kecamatan Burneh Madura Jawa Timur. Kelompok peternak sapi diberikan kegiatan dalam peningkatan pengetahuan peternakan dan kesehatan hewan melalui kegiatan pembinaan dan penyuluhan, aplikasi penggunaan bioprotektan untuk ruminan, pengendalian higienitas efektif kandang dan produk daging. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan kemitraan masyarakat ini dilakukan dalam tiga tahap kegiatan meliputi: (1) Orientasi lokasi sasaran, (2) Edukasi penyuluhan untuk meningkatkan penge­tahuan tentang beternak dan manajemen Kesehatan ternak terutama sapi, (3) Pelatihan dari hasil penyuluhan guna meningkatkan keterampilan dan ke­mampuan dalam pengelolaan  ternak dan (4) Pelayanan kesehatan hewan dengan konsep penerapan teknologi hasil penelitian yang diaplikasikan dalam pelayanan masyarakat dalam program kegiatan. Program peng­abdian masyarakat ini dengan identifikasi masalah dan solusi dalam upaya peningkatan produktivitas peternakan sapi potong Madura.&nbsp


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    Tujuan dari program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini yaitu untuk mengetahui status kesehatan kucing-kucing yang dipelihara di tengah masyarakat Surabaya melalui pemeriksaan virus calici dan uji hematologi pada kucing. Melalui hasil pemeriksaan ini diharapkan dapat diketahui secara dini penyakit virus calici serta kemungkinan penyakit yang berdampak pada perubahan abnormalitas dari hasil darah yang didapatkan dari sampel darah kucing. Secara khusus, program ini membantu para dokter hewan untuk dapat mengedukasi para pet owner untuk dapat lebih aware terhadap penyakit-penyakit yang menyerang pada kucing, serta teknik pencegahannya sehingga penyakit tersebut dapat terdeteksi lebih dini dan dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup serta status kesehatan kucing yang dipeliharanya. Kegiatan PkM ini bermitra dengan Rumah Sakit Hewan Pendidikan WEKA (RSHP-WEKA) dan juga dilaksanakan di RSHP-WEKA. Program ini difokuskan pada kucing peliharaan dengan gejala klinis tertentu, kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan calici virus dengan tes kit serta uji hematologi dari sampel darah, dari proses tersebut di dapatkan hasil yang kemudian diskusikan dan dilakukan edukasi terhadap client/pet owner. Sebanyak 14 sampel yang didapatkan dengan bergejala klinis. 14 sampel tersebut mempunyai hasil negatif pada uji tes kit Feline Calicivirus, namun terdapat perbedaan hasil pada uji hematologi, yaitu ada beberapa item pemeriksaan yang normal dan abnormal


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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate effect of Coleus amboinicus (CA) stem extracts on uric acid-induced nephropathy by comparingthe levels of Macrophage CD-68 expression and concentration of serum Cystatine C (CYS C ) in Wistar rats. Twenty-four male Wistar rats(Rattus norvegicus) with a body weight (bw) of 200-250 g, were allocated into three groups, with eight animals per group. The rats in controlgroup (PO) received 0.1% carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) solution orally The rats in group 2 (P1) were orally induced with uric acid (UA) (500mg/kg) and oxonic acid (OA) (750 mg/kg.) and the rats in group 3 (P2) received uric acid (500 mg/kg), oxonic acid (750 mg/kg), and 500 mg/kgof the CA stem extracts for 35 days. Bloods were collected for analysis of serum CYS C expression and concentration of serum creatinine andblood nitrogen urea (BUN). The rats in all groups were sacrificed for kidney tissue extractions for macrophage CD-68 identification andhistopathology analysis. The levels of CYS C concentrations were analyzed by Avidin-Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) Sandwich-ELISA. Theresults showed that Coleus amboinicus stem extract at dose of 500 mg/kg bw can significantly reduce BUN and creatinine levels (P≤0.05), whileCys C levels were not different. In the treatment group (P2) compared with group (P1). CD-68 (ED-1) macrophage activity decreasedsignificantly (P≤0.05) in the treatment group (P2) compared to the control group and (P1). Nephrophaty induction using UA and OA causessevere kidney lesions characterized by degeneration, necrosis and inflammation of the renal tubules and glomerulus in the treatment group

    Uji Antipiretik Patch Ekstrak Etanol Alang-Alang dengan Enhancer SPAN-80 terhadapTemperatur dan Jumlah Neutrofil pada Tikus Putih

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    Alang-alang dikenal sebagai tanaman pengganggu, namun alang-alang memiliki banyak manfaat di bidang kesehatan, salah satunya sebagai penurun demam karena alang-alang mengandung flavonoid. Flavonoid bekerja menghambat enzim siklooksigenase yang bertanggung jawab atas produksi mediator inflamasi sehingga suhu tubuh akan kembali menjadi normal. Alang-alang diformulasikan dalam bentuk sediaan patch dengan penambahan enhancer Span-80 sebagai peningkat penetrasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis efektivitas sediaan patch ekstrak etanol Imperata cylindrica dengan dan tanpa penambahan enhancer Span-80 terhadap temperatur dan jumlah neutrofil tikus putih yang diinduksi vaksin DPT. Hewan perlakuan sebanyak 30 ekor tikus yang dibagi secara acak menjadi 5 kelompok perlakuan yaitu P0 (pemberian makan dan minum), P1 (parasetamol sirup), P2 (patch tanpa ekstrak etanol alang-alang), P3 (patch ekstrak etanol alang-alang tanpa enhancer), dan P4 (patch ekstrak etanol alang-alang dengan enhancer). Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan pengamatan temperatur awal tubuh tikus, setelah diinduksi vaksin DPT pada menit ke-15, 30, 45, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300 dan jumlah neutrofil pada menit ke-0, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa patch ekstrak etanol alangalang dapat menurunkan temperatur tubuh namun penurunan jumlah neutrofil tikus putih tidak berbeda bermakna antara patch ekstrak etanol alang-alang dengan atau tanpa enhancer

    Efek anti radang ekstrak torbangun (Coleus amboinicus) pada induksi cisplatin tikus putih wistar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis aktivitas ekstrak torbangun (Coleus amboinicus) terhadap biokimia darah dan gambaran histopatologi ginjal pada induksi cisplatin pada tikus putih Wistar (Rattus norvegicus). Penelitian ini menggunakan 24 tikus putih galur Wistar yang terbagi menjadi 3 kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol negatif dengan pemberian plasebo (P0), kelompok kontrol positif berupa induksi cisplatin dengan pemberian CMC-Na 0.1 % (P1), dan kelompok induksi cisplatin dengan pemberian ekstrak torbangun 500 mg/ kg bb (P2). Pembuatan nefropati pada kelompok perlakuan dengan injeksi intra peritoneal hari ke-4 dosis tunggal cisplatin 5 mg/kg bb. Seluruh kelompok tikus dikorbankan dan diambil sampel darah untuk diukur kadar blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum kreatinin (SK) dan alkalin phospatase (ALP) sebagai tes fungsi ginjal. Sampel organ fiksasi dengan BNF 10 % untuk histopatologi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak Coleus amboinicus menurunkan konsentrasi BUN, serum kreatinin, dan alkalin phospatase pada kelompok dengan ekstrak torbangun (P2) dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol positif (p<0,05). Analisis histopatologi terlihat perdarahan multifokal, infiltrasi interstisial, adanya adesi membrane capsula glomerulus dan nekrotik tubular secara difus pada kelompok kontrol positif dengan induksi cisplatin (P1). Kerusakan pada glomerulus dan tubulus ginjal lebih ringan pada kelompok yang diberi eksrak torbangun (P2). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan pemberian ekstrak torbangun dapat menormalkan gambaran biokimia darah dan menghambat kerusakan ginjal dengan cara menghambat keradangan pada induksi cisplatin pada tikus putih

    Study of Thitonia Diversifolia Extract in Histomorphology of Pancreas and Interleukin-1beta expression on Aloxan Induced Wistar Rats

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    The purpose of this study is to determine effect of antiinflammation of Thitonia diversifolia (TD) extracts in histopathology liver and pancretic tissue on alloxan-induced in Wistar rat. Thirty two male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) with a body weight (bw)150-200 g in 3 month of age, were allocated into four groups, with eight animals per group. The control group received normal saline (P0), positive control group  received CMC Na 0.01% (P1),  the treatment group were received 100 mg/kg bw of the TD extracts (P2) and received 100 mg/kg bw of the metformin (P3)  respectively for 7 days. Bloods serum collected for measuring of  blood glucose (BG). cholesterol and insulin (INS) concentrations. The levels of insulin (INS) concentrations were analysed by Avidin-Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) Sandwich-ELISA. All animal were sacrified for tissue staining with haematoxylin eosin. Thitonia diversifolia extract significantly decreased the level of blood glucoseand choelsterol concentrations compared to the postive control group (p<0.05). The level of INS could be detected by its level significantly increased in TD treatment group (p<0.05). Histopathological showed that induction of alloxan could effect severe multifocal degeneration, vacuolisation, cell inflammation, acute langerhan cells injury with destruction cells. Immunohistochemical staining labeled with IL-1β monoclonal antibodies (Mab) showed lowering expression of IL-1β reveal as brownish color aggregates on the langerhans cells in the TD treatment group. This study was concluded that TD extract is inhibited hepatic tissue injuries and decreased destruction in langerhan cells by decreasing IL-1β expression on alloxan-induced rats

    Effect of Plectranthus Amboinicus Extract on BUN and Creatinine Levels and Cellular Response Proinflammatory Factors TNF-α and IL-1β on Gout Arthritis Patients

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    The purpose of this research was to develop anti-cytokine-based treatment using extract of Plectranthus amboinicus applied to gout arthritis (GA) patients. The research was quasi experimental, with a pretest-posttest randomized control group design. The samples were GA patientsin the Outpatient Installation of Internal Medicine in General Hospital Haji,Surabaya. The sample was comprised of 30 respondents. The respondents were divided into a treatment group and a control group. The treatment group was asked to take medicine from the hospital, coupled with Plectranthus amboinicus extract capsules, for 7 days, during which time patients&rsquo; joint inflammation was observed. The control group was provided with only medication from the hospital, and their joint inflammation was likewise observed. Blood samples were taken before and after treatment, to measure the levels of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine, as well as the concentrations of TNF-&alpha; and IL-1&beta;. There was a decrease in BUN and creatinine levels in the control group, but it was not significant, decreasing by 3% and 8%, respectively. The treatment group also showed elevated levels of BUN and creatinine, which also was not significant at 3% and 7%, respectively. There was a decrease in the concentration of TNF-&alpha; in the control group by 9% and 22%. The concentration of IL-1&beta; in the control group increased by 18%, whereas,in the treatment group,it decreased by3%; however,the decreases in bothgroups were not significant


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    Qurban animals slaughtering in ied qurban commonly increases the demand of livestock and thusautomatically escalate the livestock traffic. as well as the level of prevention against transmission of diseases. The aim of this research is to determine the possibility of qurban animals as vector of fasciolosis transmission in Surabaya through the prevalence of fasciolosis among qurban animals and the magnitude of the economic losses due to the damage of the liver. Research was performed during ied qurban 1436h on september 24th 2015 upon a total Samples of 384 qurban animals. Fasciolosis was taken as a diagnoseBased on the findings of fasciolain liver during inspection and their eggs in the faeces upon laboratory examination. overall, the prevalence of fasciolosis among all types of qurban animals in Surabaya in 2015 based on liver inspection was 18,5%, meanwhile fecal examination was 15,1%. In detail, qurban cattle showed 28,1% and 24.6%, whereas goats revealed 10,8% and 7.5% prevalences of fasciolosis due to the findings of fasciola on liver inspection and eggs on faeces examination respectively. Economic losses due to liver damage was calculated around Rp. 6.962.362.500,-

    Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Coleus ambonicus Leaves Extract on Uric Acid-induces Nephrotoxicity Rats

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    Recently, food consumption has changed following to sedentary lifestyle and high purine diets. This study examined the anti-inflammatory effect of Coleus amboinicus leaves extracts on uric acid-induced nephrotoxicity rats. Twenty-four Wistar rats were distributed into 3 groups (n = 8 rats for each group). The experiment was performed based on the following treatment: P0= rats received normal saline after being fasted for 12 h; P1= rats were induced with 500 mg/kg BW uric acid, 750 mg/kg BW oxonic acid, and 0.1% sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC-Na) (positive control); and P2= induced-rats similar to P1 but received 500 mg/kg BW CA plant extract. The experiment lasted for 14 days. All rats were sacrificed for blood samples and tissue fixation on day 15 and were analyzed for serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF�β1) concentrations. Kidney tissues were collected for immunohistochemical and hematoxylin-eosin staining. Results showed that induction of uric acid (P1 and P2) revealed necrotic lesions in the tubular membrane. Concurrently, serum creatinine and BUN concentration increased (p<0.05) in the P1 group while the P2 can compensate for such increasing trends, giving a similar value to P0 (p>0.05). Treatment with CA leaves extract at 500 mg/kg BW (P2) increased GPx and TGF-β1 concentrations (p<0.05) compared with the positive control group (P1). Immunohistochemical analysis showed an increase in the expression of CD-68 and CD-163 macrophages characterized by brownish aggregate in the area of renal tubules and glomerulus in the positive control and treatment groups compared to the control group. This evidence suggests that Coleus amboinicus leaves extract can be used as an anti-inflammatory agent because it was effective to inhibit acute kidney failure by restore BUN and serum creatinine to normal concentrations. Keywords | Anti-inflammatory agents, Coleus amboinicus, Uric acid, Toxic chemical