3,318 research outputs found
Performance of MB-OFDM UWB and WiMAX IEEE 802.16e converged radio-over-fiber in PON
Experimental results about the performance of converged radio-over- fiber transmission including multiband- OFDM UWB and WiMAX 802.16e wireless over a passive optical network are reported in this paper. The experimental study indicates that UWB and WiMAX converged transmission is feasible over the proposed distribution set-up employing a single wavelength. However, the results indicate that there is an EVM penalty of 3.2 dB for a UWB 10 km SSMF transmission in presence of WiMAX wireless
UWB wireless coexistence by fibre-based photonic ADC interference monitoring
The interference monitoring of UWB wireless picocell clusters through an in-house fibre installation is proposed and evaluated in a proof-of-concept experiment. UWB clusters enable range extension of UWB technology providing Gbit/s communications in home or office buildings. Coexistence of a large number of UWB clusters with other wireless services is guaranteed by a photonic analog-to-digital converter employing the in-house optical fiber installation
Joint distribution of polarization-multiplexed UWB and WiMAX radio in PON
In this paper, the feasibility of the joint distribution of ultra-wideband (UWB) and WIMAX wireless using polarization multiplexing as a coexistence technique is proposed and experimentally demonstrated within the framework of passive optical networks (PON). Four single- and orthogonal-polarization multiplexing schemes are studied targeting to reduce the mutual interference when UWB and WiMAX are distributed jointly through standard single-mode fiber (SSMF) without transmission impairments compensation techniques and amplification. Experimental results indicate successful transmission up to 25 km, in SSMF exceeding the range in typical PON deployments. The radio link penalty introduced by optical transmission is also investigated in this paper
Diagnosi i proposta d'intervenció a Can Valls, Gelida
L’edifici de Can Valls és una peça important en el patrimoni local de Gelida,que va acompanyat d’un espai lliure de grans dimensions, que formava part del jardí de la finca, configurant una area d’equipament propera al centre del poble.
El caràcter patrimonial de l’edifici i el fet que en aquests moments no tingui un us definit, amb la qual cosa està poc utilitzat i mal mantingut, m’ha semblat una oportunitat per tal de plantejar una intervenció que resolgui les lesions que està patint l’edifici i a la vegada proposi la seva recuperació per a l’ús col·lectiu.
Intervenir a l’edifici de Can Valls amb una superfície construïda de 690.12 m2, construït a les acaballes del SXIX, es una oportunitat per endinsar-se amb les tècniques constructives històriques i plantejar les accions constructives que el portin a la rehabilitació i a la recuperació d’acord amb les exigències constructives actuals.
Les primeres fases de projecte van començar amb l’anàlisi històric, estudiant el context de la seva construcció en el marc del fenomen de l’estiueig a finals del SXIX a Gelida, amb la incidència en el creixement urbà que aquest fenomen va comportar. Des del punt de vista tipològic s’ha pogut copsar la singularitat de Can Valls respecte les altres construccions contemporànies i també s’ha pogut analitzar el context disciplinar dels tècnics de l’època amb conflictes de competències entre els arquitectes i els mestres d’obres, així com conèixer la trajectòria i l’obra de l’autor del projecte, el mestre d’obres Joan Pascual Batlle.
L’aixecament de plànols de l’edifici ha estat el punt culminant de l’anàlisi, ja que a més de la configuració geomètrica de l’edifici s’ha hagut d’anar investigant els sistemes constructius utilitzats tant a l’edificació original, com en les reformes que s’han anat efectuant. Aquest mateix anàlisis ha servit per detectar totes les lesions i efectuar les hipòtesis de les seves causes.
La intervenció proposada va mes enllà dels treballs de rehabilitació per resoldre les lesions, proposant nous usos, que permeten alhora, recuperar tipològicament l’edifici. Fet important donat el seu caràcter patrimonial. Com a conseqüència en el projecte es defineixen les accions constructives per a la seva rehabilitació i també les actuacions funcionals que permeten la seva reutilizació adaptat a la legislació vigent per a edificis d’ús públic. Com a aspecte més rellevant hi ha la proposta de col·locar un ascensor a l’exterior de l’edifici per resoldre l’accessibilitat a totes les plantes.
En definitiva el treball a servit per proposar un diàleg amb els sistemes constructius històrics, als quals s’ha hagut d’estudiar i conèixer i els sistemes constructius actuals, projectant solucions constructives en cada part de l’edifici coherents amb la seva naturalesa, edifici antic, noves actuacions
Feudalisme i nucleació poblacional. Processos de concentració de l'hàbitat al comtat de Barcelona entre els segles X i XIII
The feudalization process will bring about a radical transformation in the previous model of settlement. From a fundamentally dispersed habitat, a new populational structure will emerge in which nucleated sites will focalize the economic and territorial articulation. In the context of medieval society, the concentration of population in permanent settlements guaranteed a more efficient control, not only above the territory and the people under its jurisdiction, but also, and above all, over the farming surplus they were able to produce. Thus, the feudal power decided to adopt different strategies focused on fostering the nucleation of population. The following paper pretends to review the chronology, character and results these strategies brought with them. The use of Historical Information Management Systems [SGIH] in the analysis of documental, archaeological and territorial sources as a whole, as well as the application of Geographical Information Systems [GIS] to the morphogenetic survey of a sum of 100 nucleated sites, should allow us to approach the processes of settlement nucleation that re-structured the territory of Barcelona’s county between the 10th and 13th centuries
Feudalisme i nucleació poblacional. Processos de concentració de l'hàbitat al comtat de Barcelona entre els segles X i XIII
The feudalization process will bring about a radical transformation in the previous model of settlement. From a fundamentally dispersed habitat, a new populational structure will emerge in which nucleated sites will focalize the economic and territorial articulation. In the context of medieval society, the concentration of population in permanent settlements guaranteed a more efficient control, not only above the territory and the people under its jurisdiction, but also, and above all, over the farming surplus they were able to produce. Thus, the feudal power decided to adopt different strategies focused on fostering the nucleation of population. The following paper pretends to review the chronology, character and results these strategies brought with them. The use of Historical Information Management Systems [SGIH] in the analysis of documental, archaeological and territorial sources as a whole, as well as the application of Geographical Information Systems [GIS] to the morphogenetic survey of a sum of 100 nucleated sites, should allow us to approach the processes of settlement nucleation that re-structured the territory of Barcelona's county between the 10th and 13th centuries
From Forum Granate to Vilafranca's Fair. Origin, foundation and articulation of a market network in the Feudal Penedès (9th-12th c.)
With the aim of improving our knowledge about the role of markets in the process of genesis and consolidation of feudalism, this paper analyses the origin of the network of exchanges that was developed in the Penedès region between the 9th and the 12th century. The integrated study of documentary, archaeological, and territorial sources, and the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the representation and analysis of data, allow us to approach the process of interaction of the network of medieval markets. The oldest commercial gathering of the Penedès region was the one held in La Granada, located along the axis of the Via Augusta. From the 12th century onwards, the importance of this market was overshadowed by the emergence of the market and fair of Vilafranca, which soon became the most important market in the area. The study of the political and economic motivations that caused this change in the hierarchy helps us understand the territorial and commercial logic of feudalism. We are looking at a strong and well articulated market network, led by Vilafranca del Penedès and reinforced, from the thirteenth century on, by the foundation of new markets and fairs able to supply, with their radius of influence, the entire territory of Penedès
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