44 research outputs found

    Adherence to local guidelines for venous thromboprophylaxis: a cross-sectional study of medical inpatients in Argentina

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis has been shown to safely and cost-effectively reduce the incidence of thromboembolic events in medical inpatients. However, there is a gap between evidence and medical practice. The aim of this study was evaluate the appropriateness of prescribing venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in accordance with local recommendations for medical inpatients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This cross-sectional study included 310 prescriptions of medical general-ward admitted patients of two university hospitals of Buenos Aires, Argentina.</p> <p>Data was collected using filled-out prescriptions, medical records and interviews with the head attending physician. Information was gathered at different times during 16 days randomly selected over September 2007 and January 2008.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>One hundred eighty eight patients' prescriptions (60.6%) were appropriate according to the institutional guidelines. Inappropriateness was due to excessive (14.2%), insufficient (15.8%) and absent (9.4%) prescribing. According to the recommendations of the American College of Chest Physicians, 256 (82.6%) patients received appropriate prophylaxis. Twenty-nine patients (9.4%) were considered at low risk for thromboembolism and did not need pharmacologic or mechanical prophylaxis. One hundred three patients (33.2%) had at least one major risk factor for venous thromboembolism. Compliance with the institutional guidelines was more frequently in the case of high risk patients. Complex preventive measures and low risk patients were related to lower adherence to recommendations. In the multivariate analysis, predictors of inappropriateness were the requirement of a surgical procedure and absence of prophylaxis prescribing at admission. In contrast, patients with a diagnosis of gastrointestinal disorders had lower odds of inappropriateness than those with an infectious disease.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Most medical inpatients received some thromboprophylaxis measure, but the compliance with recommendations was less frequent. Efforts should be made to improve the appropriate prescription.</p

    Haliotrematoides spp. (Monogenoidea: Dactylogyridae) parasitizing Lutjanus guttatus (Lutjanidae) in two localities of the Pacific coast of Mexico, and their phylogenetic position within the Ancyrocephalinae through sequences of the 28S rRNA

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    AbstractSpecimens of wild populations of the spotted rose snapper, Lutjanus guttatus (Steindacher) were studied for monogenean parasites in 2 localities along the Mexican Pacific coast (Mazatlán, Sinaloa and Chamela Bay, Jalisco). Five species of dactylogyrids were found on the gills of their hosts: Haliotrematoides guttati (García-Vargas, Fajer-Ávila, & Lamothe-Argumedo, 2008), H. plectridium Kristky and Mendoza-Franco in Kritsky, Tingbao, & Yuan, 2009, H. spinatus Kristky and Mendoza-Franco in Kritsky et al. (2009), Euryhaliotrema perezponcei García-Vargas, Fajer-Ávila & Lamothe-Argumedo, 2008 and E. mehen (Soler-Jiménez, García-Gasca, & Fajer-Avila, 2012). Freshly collected specimens provided an opportunity to study and compare specimens from different localities in further detail and few morphological characters were added to the description of each species. Additionally, a fragment of 856bp of the 28S ribosomal RNA (D1–D3) was obtained for all the sampled monogeneans, and a phylogenetic analysis along with all available sequences of dactylogyrids was conducted to establish the systematic position of the species within the Ancyrocephalinae. Our results suggest that species of Haliotrema might be included in Haliotrematoides genus. In addition, the genetic divergence data suggest that H. guttati and H. spinatus may represent a species complex; however, this asseveration needs additional data

    Un nuevo anticuerpo monoclonal

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    3849_REDITS. Red Interuniversitaria para la didáctica en Trabajo Social

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    El presente trabajo se enmarca en el seno del Programa de Redes-ICE de investigación en docencia universitaria del Vicerrectorado de Calidad e Innovación Educativa-Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Alicante (convocatoria 2016-17), “Ref.: 3849 REDITS”. Como primera estrategia partimos de la revisión de la literatura especializada recogiendo lo que venimos trabajando sobre competencias en Trabajo Social y promoción del trabajo colaborativo, e incorporando los aspectos relativos a la supervisión, estableciendo la diferencia entre la supervisión educativa y la supervisión profesional. Se realizó una revisión de la producción desarrollada por REDITS, a efectos de ir procurando no solo la homologación de criterios sino la construcción de estrategias de trabajo a partir de los resultados de las supervisiones. La segunda estrategia consistió en el seguimiento de experiencias puntuales de docencia en las que la red constituye un espacio de construcción de alternativas a partir de poner en común casos de cada universidad buscando puntos de convergencia y alternativas de trabajo. Se trabajó particularmente aspectos relativos a la educación inclusiva en el ámbito universitario. Como tercera estrategia se realizo un grupo de discusión de profesorado y se pasaron evaluaciones abiertas al alumnado sobre los tipos de supervisión en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje

    El test de transformación de los linfocitos (TTL): Algunas aplicaciones del mismo en el laboratorio de análisis biológicos

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    Se estudió el test de transformación de linfocitos (TTL) analizándose algunos de los resultados obtenidos en sujetos no alérgicos y enfermos sensibilizados a diferentes sustancias: alergias alimenticias, alergias inhalantes, sustancias nitrogenadas específicas, sensibilizaciones medicamentosas y frente a células tumorales irradiadas empleando poblaciones linfoides autólogas. Se realizan finalmente unas consideraciones generales a las técnicas.The test transformation lymphocite (TTL) was studied, and the results obtained were analyzed in subjects with different substances (foods specific mitogens, inhalants alergens, drugs) and against irradiated tumor cells using autologous linfoide population. Finally general considerations to the technique were made

    Seasonal changes of nutrient concentrations in loquat tree (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.)

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    The loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) is a fruit tree of increasing interest in the Mediterranean area; however, there is scarce information respect to the seasonal demand for nutrients in order to set up a fertilization programme. In this work, we have studied the seasonal changes of nutrient concentrations in two types of leaves (summer and autumn) and fruits of the cv 'Algerie'. The contents of most mineral elements were maintained stable in the autumn flush leaves at the end of the flowering. For this reason, we suggested that the kind of leaves sampled in November could be the most adequate tissue and time for nutritional diagnosis

    Liver CPT1A gene therapy reduces diet-induced hepatic steatosis in mice and highlights potential lipid biomarkers for human NAFLD

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    The prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has increased drastically due to the global obesity pandemic but at present there are no approved therapies. Here, we aimed to revert high-fat diet (HFD)-induced obesity and NAFLD in mice by enhancing liver fatty acid oxidation (FAO). Moreover, we searched for potential new lipid biomarkers for monitoring liver steatosis in humans. We used adeno-associated virus (AAV) to deliver a permanently active mutant form of human carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A (hCPT1AM), the key enzyme in FAO, in the liver of a mouse model of HFD-induced obesity and NAFLD. Expression of hCPT1AM enhanced hepatic FAO and autophagy, reduced liver steatosis, and improved glucose homeostasis. Lipidomic analysis in mice and humans before and after therapeutic interventions, such as hepatic AAV9-hCPT1AM administration and RYGB surgery, respectively, led to the identification of specific triacylglyceride (TAG) specie (C50:1) as a potential biomarker to monitor NAFFLD disease. To sum up, here we show for the first time that liver hCPT1AM gene therapy in a mouse model of established obesity, diabetes, and NAFLD can reduce HFD-induced derangements. Moreover, our study highlights TAG (C50:1) as a potential noninvasive biomarker that might be useful to monitor NAFLD in mice and humans

    Avenços tecnològics aplicats a la inspecció

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    Control oficial; Inspecció; Eines; ProcessosControl oficial; Inspección; Herramientas; ProcesosOfficial control; Inspection; Tools; ProcessesAquest és un treball fet per una comunitat de pràctica (CoP) que es va constituir l’any 2015 i ha treballat dues temporades consecutives. L'objectiu ha estat elaborar propostes encaminades a augmentar la qualitat i l’eficiència del procés d’inspecció i control oficial, millorar la comunicació i la informació que es dona a la persona inspeccionada, i incrementar el grau de satisfacció de totes les parts implicades en el procés d’inspecció. Per tal d’aconseguir-ho, ens vam marcar dues línies de treball recollides en aquest treball: 1-Detectar les necessitats de les diferents parts implicades en el procés d’inspecció. 2-Avaluar les eines que s’utilitzen actualment a l’Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya (ASPCAT), en altres departaments i administracions i en l’empresa privada, per tal de valorar les oportunitats de millora.Éste es un trabajo realizado por una comunidad de práctica (CoP) que se constituyó en 2015 y ha trabajado dos temporadas consecutivas. El objetivo ha sido elaborar propuestas encaminadas a aumentar la calidad y eficiencia del proceso de inspección y control oficial, mejorar la comunicación y la información que se da a la persona inspeccionada, e incrementar el grado de satisfacción de todas las partes implicadas en el proceso de inspección. Para conseguirlo, nos marcamos dos líneas de trabajo recogidas en este trabajo: 1-Detectar las necesidades de las diferentes partes implicadas en el proceso de inspección. 2-Evaluar las herramientas que se utilizan actualmente en la Agencia de Salud Pública de Cataluña (ASPCAT), en otros departamentos y administraciones y en la empresa privada, para valorar las oportunidades de mejora.This is work carried out by a community of practice (CoP) that was established in 2015 and has worked for two consecutive seasons. The objective has been to develop proposals aimed at increasing the quality and efficiency of the official inspection and control process, improving communication and information given to the inspected person, and increasing the degree of satisfaction of all parties involved in the inspection process. inspection. To achieve this, we set out two lines of work included in this work: 1-Detect the needs of the different parties involved in the inspection process. 2-Evaluate the tools currently used in the Public Health Agency of Catalonia (ASPCAT), in other departments and administrations and in private companies, to assess opportunities for improvement

    Aprendizaje cooperativo. Un recurso indispensable en la formación universitaria

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    El Libro “Aprendizaje cooperativo Un recurso indispensable en la formación universitaria”, se enmarca dentro del Proyecto de Innovación docente Finestra Oberta UV_ SFPIE GER 15-314671, bajo la dirección de la Profesora María Elena Cobas Cobiella, del Departamento de Derecho Civil, de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Valencia. Este libro contiene 19 artículos inéditos de un grupo importante de profesores y especialistas en la temática nacionales e internacionales, así como con la intervención como colaboradores de estudiantes de Grado en Derecho, de la doble titulación Derecho- ADE de la Universidad de Valencia, y de Universidades internacionales. También han intervenido en el mismo estudiantes del Master de Mediación y Arbitraje y solución de conflictos en Derecho Privado 2015/2016 y del Proyecto Unisocietat L’Eliana Curso 2015 – 2016. Constituye una obra que eleva la práctica del aula a la teoría. Altamente recomendable para aquellos que incursionen en el camino de la docencia.The Book "Cooperative learning: an indispensable resource in university education" is part of the Project for teaching innovation "Finestra Oberta,UV_ SFPIE GER 15-314671", under the direction of Professor Maria Elena Cobas Cobiella, from Civil Law department of the Faculty of Law of the University of Valencia. This book contains 19 new articles of a large group of professors and specialists in national and international topics, as well as with the intervention as collaborators of Law degree students from the double degree Law-Business Administration from the University of Valencia, and also from international universities. They have also intervened in the book some students from the Master of Mediation, Arbitration and resolution of conflicts in Private Law 2015/2016 and from the Unisocietat L'Eliana project 2015/2016. It is a work that elevates the classroom practice towards the theory. Highly recommended for those who want to progress in the way of teaching.Los siguientes estudiantes han colaborado en la Parte Especial del Libro, con los resúmenes de sus trabajos de mapas conceptuales y los prezi:Ylenia Martínez, María Gómez Escrivá,Julieta Campora Espí, Blanca Giner Zarranz, Mario Zúñiga Martínez, Alicia Martínez Ruiz, Sandra Gimeno Bascuñana, Héctor Martínez Soler, Amparo García Navarro,Joan De la Haba Herrera,Alberto José Fourrat Calatayud, Juan Ortega Talamantes, Vicente Vila Subiela, Cristina Blázquez Sánchez, Sara Monsalve Alemany, Paula Navarro Román, Carlos Reyes Hernández,Jesús Sanz Carnero,José Guillermo Gil, Aroa Gimeno, José Manuel Aznar, Teresa Pérez, Antonio Fernández, Cristina Martin, Rodrigo Climent, José Ángel Molina Sánchez, Daniel Cabanes Ferrando, David Escobar Haro, Diego Martínez Amor, Mari Carmen Arnau Gil, Raquel Jiménez Gago, Daniel March Quevedo, Laura Alapont Vidal, Gema Canós Ferrandis, Mónica Costa Isabel, Jesús Sanmartín Viturro, Eduardo José Tobio García, Pau Viñuelas LLoria, María del Mar Figueroa Hernández, Minerva Llagunes Picazo, Lucía Olmos, José Olmedo, Brynn De Houwer, Enrique Pla Marcos, Héctor Tabernero Más, Laura Payá González, Blanca Martínez Pons,Alejandro Grima Margarit, Belén Català, Mariam Pérez, David Sánchez, Jorge Seguí ,Sara Tamarit,Fernando Aparisi Escriba, Analía Carballo Quispe,José Luis Moreno Miguel,Candy Priscilla Rojas Campoverde, Ademar Lledó Monfort, Irene Belles Rubio, Clara Calomarde Esteban, Marta Marín de la Dueña, Sergio Pinel Castillo,Maria Simo Martin, Daniel Rocher Camps, Sandra Nicolás Mascarell, Teresa Bartret García, Maria Amparo Monasort Pérez,Joan Vicente Torres Moreno, Belén Cuñat Salavert, Carmen Rodríguez Bertos, Aníbal Sánchez Gómez, Sofía Morant Muñoz, Pedro Ballester Martínez,Akbar Khawar, David Ortíz Soler, Jonathan Pérez Gutiérrez.Jorge Amat Andrés, M.ª Antonia García Juncos, Jenny Maritza González Vergara,Juan José Tocón Torres,Pau Zurita Varela, Manuel Calvo Pereiro, Carolina Luis Tamarit,Beatriz Muñoz Moncholí,Marta Conejero Sarrió, Guillermo Juarez Ginestar, Carolina Más Trullás,Ramón Fernández Pares, Carlos Hervás García,Carolina Tamarit García, Jose Belloch Ortí,Danilo Terán Taborga,Manuel Castillo Martínez, Isabel Martínez Salas, Carlos Javier Castello Domenech, Silvia Juste Frechina, Cristina Barrado Franco, Noemi De Miguel Domingo, Elena Masegosa Laurí, Maryana Seniv, Paula Sanz Perez, Liney Paola Peiró Soriano, José Manuel Zahonero Ferrer,Paula Pons Guillem,Andrea Oviedo Millán,Arnaud Wustefeld, Alba Ruiz-Santa Quiteria Lara,Lydia García Céspedes,Antonio Gomar López,Eva Piqueras García, Claudia Salvador Pérez, Joel David Alvarez Remy, Sheila Jorge Muñoz,Virginia Mendoza Leal,David Benavides Arenas, Mario Perera Sánchez, Vladimir Sarmiento Paizán,Javier Mustelier Armiñán,Diamela Salina Ocaña, Edel Morales Salazar,Fortunato Dong Oñaña,María del Carmen Carvajal Balagué,María del Carmen Daries Coll, Catalina Olmo Brazales,Mª Teresa Sánchez, Julia Serra Figuerola,Mª Nieves Valdearcos Quintín,Carmen Moraga Martín,María José Moragues, Salvador Lluch,Maribel Moreno,José Luis Coello,José Cebriá,Matilde Argente,Consuelo Martínez,Rosi Hernández,Susi García,Graciela Garibotti,Susana Bianchi,Judith Steffan,Susan Humphreys,Jesús Castellano,Ana Preus,Mª José Figueroa,Mª Teresa Carbonell,Lola Lombrera,Luisa Martínez Gordillo,Roberto Soler,Pilar Bezares Martínez, Ramón González Ferrer,Raquel González Sainz,Sacra Martínez Alarcón, Emetério Mirálles Ribot, Ramón Pubill Rocaort,Conchin Ruiz Leal, Isabel Sucarrat Bermejo,Pepa San Román Moñino,InmaTarín Arfella, Maise Tarín Arfella, Pedro Montalban,Carmen Kroebel, Lydia González, Carlos Gómez, Amparo Cuellar,Pilar Navarro,Luisa Vallejo, Encarna Monzó,Carmen Conca,Pilar Alegría, Sonia Almonacil, Inma Fernández, María José García Marcelo,Clara Olivert Pavia, Ana Herrero Martínez, Rosana Crespo Martínez, Carmen Vidal Casañ,José Ramón Villagrasa Tort,Juan Carlos López Cubero,Paco Velayos Sánchez,María de la O Pérez,Carles Montagut Alvarez, José Leopoldo Rodríguez Pla, Amanda Bernat Tinoco,Marta García Montañana, Ioana Roxana Moraru, Jenifer Perujo Plumed,María Ribera Cebolla,Amparo Esteve Cervera, Iris Pla Sempere,Juan Rafael Aranda Perozo,Jesús Collado Mas, Cristina Grimalt Molina,Isabel Rojo Lora, María Teresa Peirats Casanova,Rosana Marin Rausell, Ricardo Mejía Hidalgo,Pablo Pastor Aguilera,Daniel Trujillo Villalba,Yolanda Fuster Llidó, Lucas Lamarca Pedemonte, Gabriel Rosa Felipe