599 research outputs found


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    Contemplative positive psychology: Introducing mindfulness into positive psychology

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    A pesar de que mindfulness está integrado en muchos manuales de psicología positiva como una técnica “positiva”, apenas se han desarrollado las implicaciones que tiene su uso ni se ha investigado la relación entre mindfulness y bienestar humano. Analizar las principales potencialidades de los dos ámbitos, las posibilidades de integración, así como las posibles contradicciones entre sus mensajes, es fundamental de cara a establecer puentes. Mindfulness es más que una técnica de meditación, lleva implícitos una serie de valores y condicionantes éticos que se adecuan en buena medida con los presupuestos que se proponen desde la psicología positiva, como el desarrollo de la amabilidad, la compasión, y las emociones positivas. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar por un lado aspectos comunes y similitudes, y por otro lado diferencias entre mindfulness y la psicología positiva. También se presentarán los principales estudios que han investigado el papel que tiene mindfulness y las prácticas contemplativas sobre el bienestar humano. Finalmente se discutirá y plantearán futuras líneas de investigación e intervención para acercar ambas propuestas. Although mindfulness is included in many positive psychology manuals as a “positive” technique, the implications of its use have scarcely been developed and the relationship between mindfulness and human well-being has barely been researched. Analyzing the main strengths of the two fields, the possibilities for their integration and the potential contradictions between their messages is essential in order to establish connections. Mindfulness is more than a meditation technique. It has implicit within it a set of values and ethical conditions that coincide to a great extent with the proposed assumptions from positive psychology, such as the development of kindness, compassion, and positive emotions. The aim of this paper is to present, on the one hand, the commonalities and similarities, and on the other, the differences between mindfulness and positive psychology. We also present the main studies that have investigated the role of mindfulness and contemplative practices on human well-being. Finally future research will be discussed and intervention suggested in order to bring the two proposals together

    Control of doped layers in p-i-n microcrystalline solar cells fully deposited with HWCVD

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    In this paper, the influence of the deposition conditions on the performance of p-i-n microcrystalline silicon solar cells completely deposited by hot-wire chemical vapor deposition is studied. With this aim, the role of the doping concentration, the substrate temperature of the p-type layer and of amorphous silicon buffer layers between the p/i and i/n microcrystalline layers is investigated. Best results are found when the p-type layer is deposited at a substrate temperature of 125 °C. The dependence seen of the cell performance on the thickness of the i layer evidenced that the efficiency of our devices is still limited by the recombination within this layer, which is probably due to the charge of donor centers most likely related to oxygen

    Proceso automático para la medida de las reflectancias. 1.- Descripción preliminar

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    To calculated the physical constant, n, k, from the reflectance measurements in two different media of known refractive indices, it is necessary to apply a stadistic criterion that represents to obtein a great numher of experimental data. The preliniinary description of the method used shows how et is simplified the calculation of the values of n, k, from the experimental data of reflectance

    Seasonal changes of nuclear DNA fragmentation in boar spermatozoa in Spain

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    There are numerous cases when conventional spermiogram parameters are all within an acceptable range but boar subfertility persists. The total sperm nuclear DNA fragmentation index (tDFI) is a trait related to fertility and prolificacy problems that is not routinely evaluated in commercial AI boars. The aim of this research was to study the effect of the photoperiod, season and reproductive age of the boar on tDFI (measured by SCSA) of 1279 ejaculates from 372 different boars belonging to 6 different breeds located in 6 AI studs in Spain. tDFI data ranged from 0.018% to 20.1%. Although there was a significant single boar effect in the tDFI occurrence, a negative correlation between the tDFI and the age of the boar was found (p < 0.001). tDFI would decrease due to aging of the boar 0.66% each year old within the observed age range. After including age as a covariate in the ANCOVA, no differences were found in tDFI between photoperiods when the sperm collection date was evaluated. However, when the date of the production of semen in the testis was evaluated, the total percentage of spermatozoa with fragmented nuclear DNA was 1.46% higher in the increasing photoperiod in comparison to the decreasing photoperiod (p < 0.0001). On the other hand, for both dates, the lowest tDFI values corresponded to minimum day length for decreasing photoperiod phase (autumn), while the highest tDFI values were found in summer (maximum day length for decreasing photoperiod phase)

    Systematic generation of finite-range atomic basis sets for linear-scaling calculations

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    Basis sets of atomic orbitals are very efficient for density functional calculations but lack a systematic variational convergence. We present a variational method to optimize numerical atomic orbitals using a single parameter to control their range. The efficiency of the basis generation scheme is tested and compared with other schemes for multiple zeta basis sets. The scheme shows to be comparable in quality to other widely used schemes albeit offering better performance for linear-scaling computations

    Agenesia de radio en una gata

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    En este trabajo se describe un caso de agenesia radial de la extremidad izquierda, en una gata común europea de 2 meses de edad. La paciente presentaba una falta de apoyo de dicha extremidad, asociada a una evidente deformación angular en la articulación del carpo. Radiológicamente se observó la ausencia de radio y huesos carporradial, metacarpiano I y dedo 1Q, lo cual producía la angulación del carpo, y una luxación de la articulación del codo. Se apreció también una fusión del atlas y el axis, sin relacionarse con ningún síntoma clínico. El tratamiento recomendado fue la amputación de la extremidad. El propietario desestimó esta opción, no realizándose ninguna terapia en el animal.Radial agenesis of the left leg in a two-month-old female, domestic shorthair cat is described. She had a deformity of the left foreleg. Radiographic examination revealed complete absence of the left radius, radial carpal bone, first metacarpus and phalange, together with varus desviation of the carpus and metacarpus and luxation of the elbow joint. Fusion of the atlas and axis was also found without clinical signs. Amputation was the recommended treatment, but the owner rejected it