170 research outputs found

    Retrospective study of the prevalence of postanesthetic hypothermia in cats

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    A retrospective study of 275 anaesthetic records of cats was undertaken to examine the prevalence of postanaesthetic hypothermia, its clinical predictors and consequences. Temperature was recorded throughout anaesthesia. The temperature reached at the end was classified as hyperthermia (>39.50 °C), normothermia (38.50 to 39.50 °C), slight hypothermia (38.49 to 36.50 °C), moderate hypothermia (36.49 to 34.00 °C) or severe hypothermia (<34.00 °C). Statistical analysis consisted of multiple regression to identify the factors that affect the temperature at the end of the procedure. Before premedication, the mean (sd) temperature was 38.2 (1.0) °C. At 60, 120 and 180 minutes from induction, the temperature was 35.4 (1.4) °C, 35.0 (1.5) °C and 34.6 (1.5) °C, respectively. The prevalence of hypothermia was slight 26.5 per cent (95 per cent CI 21.7 to 32.0 per cent), moderate 60.4 per cent (95 per cent CI 54.5 to 66.0 per cent) and severe 10.5 per cent (95 per cent CI 7.4 to 14.7 per cent). The variables associated with a decrease in the temperature recorded at the end of anaesthesia were the duration of anaesthesia, the reason for anaesthesia (abdominal and orthopaedic surgeries significantly reduced the temperature when compared with minor procedures) and the anaesthetic risk (high-risk cats showed lower temperatures than low-risk cats). The temperature before premedication was associated with an increase in the final temperature.Ciencias Experimentale

    Retrospective study of the prevalence of postanesthtic hypotermia in dogs

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    The anaesthetic records of 1525 dogs were examined to determine the prevalence of postanaesthetic hypothermia, its clinical predictors and consequences. Temperature was recorded throughout the anaesthesia. At the end of the procedure, details coded in were: hyperthermia (>39.50°C), normothermia (38.50°C–39.50°C), slight (38.49°C–36.50°C), moderate (36.49°C–34.00°C) and severe hypothermia (<34.00°C). Statistical analysis consisted of multiple regression to identify the factors that are associated with the temperature at the end of the procedure. Before premedication, the temperature was 38.7±0.6°C (mean±sd). At 60, 120 and 180 minutes from induction, the temperature was 36.7±1.3°C, 36.1±1.4°C and 35.8±1.5°C, respectively. The prevalence of hypothermia was: slight, 51.5 per cent (95 per cent CI 49.0 to 54.0 per cent); moderate, 29.3 per cent (27.1–31.7 per cent) and severe: 2.8% (2.0–3.7%). The variables that associated with a decrease in the temperature recorded at the end of the anaesthesia were: duration of the preanesthetic time, duration of the anaesthesia, physical condition (ASA III and ASA IV dogs showed lower temperatures than ASA I dogs), the reason for anaesthesia (anaesthesia for diagnostic procedures or thoracic surgery reduce the temperature when compared with minor procedures), and the recumbency during the procedure (sternal and dorsal recumbencies showed lower temperatures than lateral recumbency). The temperature before premedication and the body surface (BS) were associated with a higher temperature at the end of the anaesthesia, and would be considered as protective factors.Ciencias Experimentale

    Estudio experimental comparativo de la analgesia intraoperatoria con remifentanilo en el perro

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    En este artículo se comparan las propiedades analgésicas del remifentanilo y el fentanilo y se estudian la estabilidad cardiovascular, respiratoria y calidad d ela recuperción en perros anestesiados 11 Beagle con medetomidina, propofol, isoflurano y atracurio. Los analgésicos empleados fueron fentanilo, remifentanilo y un placebo. Los resultados muestran menores necesidades de anestésico con ambos opiodes, mejor estabilidad cardiovascular y menores tiempos de recuperación con remifentanilo. Ambos fármacos proporcionan buena calidad analgésica y recuperación.

    Costs and Factors Associated with Hospitalizations Due to Severe Influenza in Catalonia (2017–2020)

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    This study aimed to estimate the cost and factors associated with severe hospitalized patients due to influenza in unvaccinated and vaccinated cases. The study had a cross-sectional design and included three influenza seasons in 16 sentinel hospitals in Catalonia, Spain. Data were collected from a surveillance system of influenza and other acute respiratory infections. Generalized linear models (GLM) were used to analyze mean costs stratified by comorbidities and pregnancy. Multivariate logistic models were used to analyze bacterial coinfection, multi-organ failure, acute respiratory distress syndrome, death and ICU admission by season and by vaccination status. Costs of ICU, hospitalization and total mean costs were analyzed using GLM, by season and by vaccination status. All models were adjusted for age and sex. A total of 2742 hospitalized cases were included in the analyses. Cases were mostly aged ≥ 60 years (70.17%), with recommended vaccination (86.14%) and unvaccinated (68.05%). The ICU admission level was statistically significant higher in unvaccinated compared to vaccinated cases. Costs of cases with more than or equal to two comorbidities (Diff = EUR − 1881.32), diabetes (Diff = EUR − 1953.21), chronic kidney disease (Diff = EUR − 2260.88), chronic cardiovascular disease (Diff = EUR − 1964.86), chronic liver disease (Diff = EUR − 3595.60), hospitalization (EUR 9419.42 vs. EUR 9055.45), and total mean costs (EUR 11,540.04 vs. 10,221.34) were statistically significant higher in unvaccinated compared to vaccinated patients. The influenza vaccine reduces the costs of hospitalization. There is a need to focus strategies in recommended vaccination groups.This study was supported by the Programme of Prevention, Surveillance and Control of Transmissible Diseases (PREVICET), CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP, CB06/02/0076, CB16/02/00322 and CB16/02/00429), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid; and the Catalan Agency for the Management of Grants for University Research (AGAUR Grant Number 2017/SGR 1342)

    Proximal Abduction Ulnar Osteotomy (PAUL): Short- and Long-Term Evaluation in Dogs Presenting Medial Compartment Disease

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    Developmental elbow disease is one of the main causes of lameness in the canine species and occurs often in large and giant breed dogs. The most frequent manifestation of this pathology is known as medial compartment disease due to a physiological overload in the medial region of the elbow. It is considered as a complex disease and the treatment is focused on relieving the pain and slowing the progression of osteoarthritis. The Proximal Abduction Ulnar Osteotomy (PAUL) technique is one of the newest techniques whose purpose is the transmission of loads from the medial to the lateral compartment. In this prospective case series, the authors use the combination of elbow arthroscopy and the PAUL technique and report a significant improvement in clinical signs, showing a low major complications rate with a high degree of owner satisfaction.Ciencias Experimentale

    Adiciones y correcciones a la orquidoflora valenciana, VI

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    Se aportan datos sobre algunos táxones poco abundantes en la Comunidad Valenciana; a destacar la presencia de Barlia robertiana en Monòver, Himantoglossum hircinum en Bocairent, Orchis fragrans en el Parc Natural de la Serra de Mariola y Orchis italica en Castellonet de la Conquesta.It is shown some data about rare taxa at the Valencian Community, specially about Barlia robertiana in Monòver, Himantoglossum hircinum in Bocairent, Orchis fragrans in the Natural Park Serra de Mariola and Orchis italica in Castellonet de la Conquesta

    ¿La primera orfebrería del nordeste de la Península Ibérica? Nuevas aportaciones a partir de la cuenta áurea de Cau del Tossal Gros (Torroella del Montgrí, Baix Empordà, Girona)

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    The find of a gold biconvex bead from Tossal Gros burial cave (Torroella de Montgrí, Girona) represents the first example of this type known in the Iberian Peninsula. These beads are common in the south of France and are dated to the Late Neolithic. With the aim of establishing their production process, we applied SEM-EDS, radiology and use-wear analysis. The results show the high technological complexity of the bead, which is unparalleled in prehistoric Iberia. The radiocarbon dating of the site by three AMS dates and associated materials confirm a date to the end of 4&lt;sup&gt;th&lt;/sup&gt; - beginning of 3&lt;sup&gt;rd&lt;/sup&gt; millennia cal BC. Comparisons with the available data concerning the earliest Northeast Iberian metallurgy allows an assessment of the possible origin, use and social value of this particular golden bead.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;La cuenta bitroncocónica de oro localizada en la cueva sepulcral de Cau del Tossal Gros (Torroella de Montgrí, Baix Empordà, Girona) constituye la primera de este tipo conocida en la Península Ibérica. Estas cuentas son comunes en yacimientos del sur de Francia y se fechan de forma relativa en el Neolítico Final. Con el objetivo de establecer su proceso de producción se han realizado análisis de composición, radiológicos y traceológicos. Los resultados muestran la gran complejidad tecnológica de la pieza, sin paralelos conocidos en la Prehistoria peninsular. La datación radiocarbónica del yacimiento mediante tres fechas AMS y los materiales recuperados confirman una cronología de finales del IV-inicios del III milenio cal ANE. Finalmente, la comparación con los datos disponibles sobre la primera metalurgia del nordeste de la Península Ibérica permite proponer el posible origen, uso y valor social de esta peculiar cuenta áurea
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