52 research outputs found

    Demonstrations of maternal effects of Atlantic cod: combining the use of unique mesocosm and novel molecular techniques - a new EU-project

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    One of the effects of fishing is a reduction in average age and size in exploited fish stocks, leading to an increasing proportion of recruit spawners in the stock. Current management practice assumes equal viability of offspring from first time spawners and from repeat spawners, despite the fact that that first time spawners often produce smaller eggs than older spawners. The aim of this EU-project is to follow offspring from families of first time spawning and older cod, reared under identical and semi-natural conditions in marine enclosures (mesocosms). The parental origin of the larvae is identified using microsatellite DNA methodology. The advantage of this approach, compared to traditional laboratory rearing, is that rearing conditions are close to natural conditions, and all larvae are reared in the same environment. This eliminates the tank-to-tank variability often observed in traditional rearing experiments. The fish are reared from hatching, through the larval and juvenile stages, until sexual maturity. Growth rates, survival and nutritional condition will be measured using methods such as RNA/DNA ratio and otolith micro increment analysis. The results will be related to parental origin and quality measures of the eggs. It is intended to incorporate the results into management models for improvement of fishery management strategies. In this paper we will focus on a description of the projec

    Spawning of bluefin tuna in the black sea: historical evidence, environmental constraints and population plasticity

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    <div><p>The lucrative and highly migratory Atlantic bluefin tuna, <em>Thunnus thynnus</em> (Linnaeus 1758<em>;</em> Scombridae), used to be distributed widely throughout the north Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea. Its migrations have supported sustainable fisheries and impacted local cultures since antiquity, but its biogeographic range has contracted since the 1950s. Most recently, the species disappeared from the Black Sea in the late 1980s and has not yet recovered. Reasons for the Black Sea disappearance, and the species-wide range contraction, are unclear. However bluefin tuna formerly foraged and possibly spawned in the Black Sea. Loss of a locally-reproducing population would represent a decline in population richness, and an increase in species vulnerability to perturbations such as exploitation and environmental change. Here we identify the main genetic and phenotypic adaptations that the population must have (had) in order to reproduce successfully in the specific hydrographic (estuarine) conditions of the Black Sea. By comparing hydrographic conditions in spawning areas of the three species of bluefin tunas, and applying a mechanistic model of egg buoyancy and sinking rate, we show that reproduction in the Black Sea must have required specific adaptations of egg buoyancy, fertilisation and development for reproductive success. Such adaptations by local populations of marine fish species spawning in estuarine areas are common as is evident from a meta-analysis of egg buoyancy data from 16 species of fish. We conclude that these adaptations would have been necessary for successful local reproduction by bluefin tuna in the Black Sea, and that a locally-adapted reproducing population may have disappeared. Recovery of bluefin tuna in the Black Sea, either for spawning or foraging, will occur fastest if any remaining locally adapted individuals are allowed to survive, and by conservation and recovery of depleted Mediterranean populations which could through time re-establish local Black Sea spawning and foraging.</p> </div

    Early Development of Northeast Arctic Greenland Halibut ( Reinhardtius hippoglossoides

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    Influence of oceanic factors on Anguilla anguilla (L.) over the twentieth century in coastal habitats of the Skagerrak, southern Norway

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    The European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) is distributed in coastal and inland habitats all over Europe, but spawns in the Sargasso Sea and is thus affected by both continental and oceanic factors. Since the 1980s a steady decline has been observed in the recruitment of glass eels to freshwater and in total eel landings. The eel is considered as critically endangered on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Red List of species. The Skagerrak beach seine survey from Norway constitutes the longest fishery-independent dataset on yellow/silver eels (starting in 1904). The Skagerrak coastal region receives larvae born in the Sargasso Sea spawning areas that have followed the Gulf Stream/North Atlantic Drift before they penetrate far into the North Sea. The Skagerrak coastal time series is therefore particularly valuable for exploring the impacts of oceanic factors on fluctuations in eel recruitment abundance. Analyses showed that Sargasso Sea surface temperature was negatively correlated with eel abundance, with a lag of 12 years revealing a cyclic and detrimental effect of high temperatures on the newly hatched larvae. The North Atlantic Oscillation index and inflow of North Atlantic water into the North Sea were negatively correlated with eel abundance, with a lag of 11 years. Increased currents towards the North Atlantic during high North Atlantic Oscillation years may send larvae into the subpolar gyre before they are ready to metamorphose and settle, resulting in low recruitment in the northern part of the distribution area for these years. The Skagerrak time series was compared with glass eel recruitment to freshwater in the Netherlands (Den Oever glass eel time series), and similar patterns were found revealing a cycle linked to changes in oceanic factors affecting glass eel recruitment. The recent decline of eels in the Skagerrak also coincided with previously documented shifts in environmental conditions of the North Sea ecosystem