2,987 research outputs found

    Fermi detected blazars seen by INTEGRAL

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    Multiwavelength observations are essential to constrain physical parameters of the blazars observed by Fermi/LAT. Among the 187 AGN significantly detected in public INTEGRAL data above 20 keV by the imager IBIS/ISGRI, 20 blazars were detected. 15 of these sources allowed significant spectral extraction. They show hard X-ray spectra with an average photon index of 2.1+-0.1 and a hard X-ray luminosity of L(20-100 keV) = 1.3e46 erg/s. 15 of the INTEGRAL blazars are also visible in the first 16 months of the Fermi/LAT data, thus allowing to constrain the inverse Compton branch in these cases. Among others, we analyse the LAT data of four blazars which were not included in the Fermi LAT Bright AGN Sample based on the first 3 months of the mission: QSO B0836+710, H 1426+428, RX J1924.8-2914, and PKS 2149-306. Especially for blazars during bright outbursts, as already observed simultaneously by INTEGRAL and Fermi (e.g. 3C 454.3 and Mrk 421), INTEGRAL provides unique spectral coverage up to several hundred keV. We present the spectral analysis of INTEGRAL and Fermi data and demonstrate the potential of INTEGRAL observations of Fermi detected blazars in outburst by analysing the combined data set of the persistent radio galaxy Cen A.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 2009 Fermi Symposium, eConf Proceedings C09112

    Compton processes in the bright AGN MCG+8-11-11

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    We present preliminary results on the hard X-ray emission properties of the Seyfert 1.5 galaxy MCG+8-11-11 as observed by INTEGRAL and SWIFT. All the INTEGRAL IBIS/ISGRI data available up to October 2009 have been analyzed together with two SWIFT/XRT snapshot observations performed in August and October 2009, quasi-simultaneously to INTEGRAL pointed observations of MCG+8-11-11. No correlation is observed between the hard X-ray flux and the spectral slope, while the position of the high-energy cut-off is found to have varied during the INTEGRAL observations. This points to a change in the temperature of the Comptonising medium from a minimum value of kT = 30-50 keV to values larger than 100-150 keV. There is no significant detection of Compton reflection, with a 3 sigma upper limit of R < 0.2, and no line has been detected at 112 keV, as previously claimed from HEAT observations (112 keV flux F < 2.4e-4 ph/cm^2/s). The variability behaviour of MCG+8-11-11 is found to be similar to that shown by IC 4329A, with different temperatures of the electron plasma for similar flux levels of the source, while other bright Seyfert galaxies present different variability patterns at hard X-rays, with spectral changes correlated to flux variations (e.g. NGC 4151).Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication on PoS (contribution PoS(INTEGRAL 2010)077), proceedings of the 8th INTEGRAL Workshop "The Restless Gamma-ray Universe" (September 2010, Dublin, Ireland

    High-energy emission from NGC 5506, the brightest hard X-ray Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxy

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    We present results on the hard X-ray emission of NGC 5506, the brightest narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxy above 20 keV. All the recent observations by INTEGRAL, Swift and Suzaku have been analysed and spectral analysis during nine separated time periods has been performed. While flux variations by a factor of 2 were detected during the last 7 years, only moderate spectral variations have been observed, with the hint of a hardening of the X-ray spectrum and a decrease of the intrinsic absorption with time. Using Suzaku observations it is possible to constrain the amount of Compton reflection to R = 0.6-1.0, in agreement with previous results on the source. The signature of Comptonisation processes can also be found in the detection of a high-energy cut-off during part of the observations, at Ec = 40-100 keV. When a Comptonisation model is applied to the Suzaku data, the temperature and the optical depth of the Comptonising electron plasma are measured at kT = 60-80 keV and tau = 0.6-1.0, respectively. The properties inferred for NGC 5506 in this study agree with those based on other data sets for the same AGN, and fit the picture of NLS1 having in general lower high-energy cut-offs at hard X-rays than their broad line equivalent.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Proceedings of the Workshop "Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies and Their Place in the Universe", Milano, April 4-6, 2011 (Proceedings of Science, http://pos.sissa.it/cgi-bin/reader/conf.cgi?confid=126

    Echoes of multiple outbursts of Sagittarius A* revealed by Chandra

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    The relatively rapid spatial and temporal variability of the X-ray radiation from some molecular clouds near the Galactic center shows that this emission component is due to the reflection of X-rays generated by a source that was luminous in the past, most likely the central supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A*. Studying the evolution of the molecular cloud reflection features is therefore a key element to reconstruct Sgr A*'s past activity. The aim of the present work is to study this emission on small angular scales in order to characterize the source outburst on short time scales. We use Chandra high-resolution data collected from 1999 to 2011 to study the most rapid variations detected so far, those of clouds between 5' and 20' from Sgr A* towards positive longitudes. Our systematic spectral-imaging analysis of the reflection emission, notably of the Fe Kalpha line at 6.4 keV and its associated 4-8 keV continuum, allows us to characterize the variations down to 15" angular scale and 1-year time scale. We reveal for the first time abrupt variations of few years only and in particular a short peaked emission, with a factor of 10 increase followed by a comparable decrease, that propagates along the dense filaments of the Bridge cloud. This 2-year peaked feature contrasts with the slower 10-year linear variations we reveal in all the other molecular structures of the region. Based on column density constraints, we argue that these two different behaviors are unlikely to be due to the same illuminating event. The variations are likely due to a highly variable active phase of Sgr A* sometime within the past few hundred years, characterized by at least two luminous outbursts of a few-year time scale and during which the Sgr A* luminosity went up to at least 10^39 erg/s.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Plants in the Tapestry (Literally)

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    Among our studies of ancient Peruvian textiles created in tapestry technique, we have come across some surprising elements, both in the warp and the weft. Andean textiles created over the past 10,000 years have been preserved in certain locations along the Pacific desert coast. They are usually preserved in the cloth bundles that protect and adorn the dead, and composed of fibers from native cotton varieties of Amazonian ancestry, the hair of highland ancestors of today’s llama and alpaca, maguey leaves from the mid-valley canyons, and reeds from coastal marshes. Garment forms, techniques and imagery can indicate textiles produced in different regions of the coast, or produced in the highlands and later deposited in lowland contexts. In a survey of 450 textiles of all historic periods from sites in the greater Ica region, two objects stand out based on their use of unspun elements of vegetable origin in a tapestry structure. The plant parts are dissimilar, as are the species present, and the way in which they are used. In one case, the unusual elements are used strategically and seem related to object function, while in the other case the choice may have been purely aesthetic. One object is approximately 1000 years old, while the other is over 2000 years old. We present them in the contexts of the textile traditions from which they come, and whose rules they appear to break