58 research outputs found
Ittero: multippelt sammenstillingsprogram for kodende nukleinsyresekvenser basert på evolusjonære modeller
This thesis addresses programs and algorithms for multiple alignments
and models of sequence evolution. The first part of the thesis is
about multiple alignment algorithms and programs in general. Some
programs for multiple alignments are presented. This part also
contains a presentation of models for nucletide substitution and
codon-substitution models. The other part is a study of how one can
use these models of sequence evolution in a multiple alignment program
Ittero. Ittero is a program made especially for this thesis. It is
used only for coding DNA sequences and because of that, it allows only
gaps that are x times the length of a codon
A new protein superfamily includes two novel 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylases from Bacillus cereus, AlkC and AlkD
Soil bacteria are heavily exposed to environmental methylating agents such as methylchloride and may have special requirements for repair of alkylation damage on DNA. We have used functional complementation of an Escherichia coli tag alkA mutant to screen for 3-methyladenine DNA glycosylase genes in genomic libraries of the soil bacterium Bacillus cereus. Three genes were recovered: alkC, alkD and alkE. The amino acid sequence of AlkE is homologous to the E. coli AlkA sequence. AlkC and AlkD represent novel proteins without sequence similarity to any protein of known function. However, iterative and indirect sequence similarity searches revealed that AlkC and AlkD are distant homologues of each other within a new protein superfamily that is ubiquitous in the prokaryotic kingdom. Homologues of AlkC and AlkD were also identified in the amoebas Entamoeba histolytica and Dictyostelium discoideum, but no other eukaryotic counterparts of the superfamily were found. The alkC and alkD genes were expressed in E. coli and the proteins were purified to homogeneity. Both proteins were found to be specific for removal of N-alkylated bases, and showed no activity on oxidized or deaminated base lesions in DNA. B. cereus AlkC and AlkD thus define novel families of alkylbase DNA glycosylases within a new protein superfamily
Estimating and managing broad risk of chronic wasting disease spillover among cervid species
The management of infectious wildlife diseases often involves tackling pathogens that infect multiple host species. Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a prion disease that can infect most cervid species. CWD was detected in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) in Norway in 2016. Sympatric populations of red deer (Cervus elaphus) and moose (Alces alces) are at immediate risk. However, the estimation of spillover risk across species and implementation of multispecies management policies are rarely addressed for wildlife. Here, we estimated the broad risk of CWD spillover from reindeer to red deer and moose by quantifying the probability of co-occurrence based on both (1) population density and (2) habitat niche overlap from GPS data of all three species in Nordfjella, Norway. We describe the practical challenges faced when aiming to reduce the risk of spillover through a marked reduction in the population densities of moose and red deer using recreational hunters. This involves setting the population and harvest aims with uncertain information and how to achieve them. The niche overlap between reindeer and both moose and red deer was low overall but occurred seasonally. Migratory red deer had a moderate niche overlap with the CWD-infected reindeer population during the calving period, whereas moose had a moderate niche overlap during both calving and winter. Incorporating both habitat overlap and the population densities of the respective species into the quantification of co-occurrence allowed for more spatially targeted risk maps. An initial aim of a 50% reduction in abundance for the Nordfjella region was set, but only a moderate population decrease of less than 20% from 2016 to 2021 was achieved. Proactive management in the form of marked population reduction is invasive and unpopular when involving species of high societal value, and targeting efforts to zones with a high risk of spillover to limit adverse impacts and achieve wider societal acceptance is important. disease management, host range, moose, multihost pathogens, niche overlap, Norway, population estimation, red deer, reindeerpublishedVersio
Oppdatering av kunnskapsgrunnlag for klimatiltak i skog: Gjennomgang av 11 utvalgte tiltak i bestandsskogbruket
På oppdrag fra Miljødirektoratet og Landbruksdirektoratet har vi gått gjennom kunnskapsstatus på 11 ulike tiltak utvalgt av direktoratene. Alle tiltakene ligger innenfor det tradisjonelle bestandsskogbruket. Tiltakene er vurdert ut fra hvordan de kan øke skogens netto CO2-opptak (karbonlagring), men for noen tiltak også betydning for andre klimagasser og for biogeofysiske effekter som albedo. Utvalget er ikke uttømmende, og også andre tiltak gjennom omløpet vil ha effekt på skogens CO2-opptak. Potensielle substitusjonseffekter gjennom tilgang på mer tømmer eller tømmer med høyere kvalitet er ikke inkludert. Klimatilpasning har vært med i vurderingen av alle tiltak. Det er korte omtaler av tiltakenes effekter på naturmangfold.Oppdatering av kunnskapsgrunnlag for klimatiltak i skog: Gjennomgang av 11 utvalgte tiltak i bestandsskogbruketpublishedVersio
Skogens helsetilstand i Norge. Resultater fra skogskadeovervåkingen i 2020
Skogens helsetilstand påvirkes i stor grad av klima og værforhold, enten direkte ved tørke, frost og vind, eller indirekte ved at klimaet påvirker omfanget av soppsykdommer og insektangrep. Klimaendringene og den forventede økningen i klimarelaterte skogskader gir store utfordringer for forvaltningen av framtidas skogressurser. Det samme gjør invaderende skadegjørere, både allerede etablerte arter og nye som kan komme til Norge i nær framtid. I denne rapporten presenteres resultater fra skogskadeovervåkingen i Norge i 2020 og trender over tid
Plasma levels of leptin and mammographic density among postmenopausal women: a cross-sectional study
INTRODUCTION: Obesity has been linked to increased risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Increased peripheral production of estrogens has been regarded as the main cause for this association, but other features of increased body fat mass may also play a part. Leptin is a protein produced mainly by adipose tissue and may represent a growth factor in cancer. We examined the association between leptin plasma levels and mammographic density, a biomarker for breast cancer risk. METHODS: We included data from postmenopausal women aged 55 and older, who participated in a cross-sectional mammography study in Tromsø, Norway. Mammograms, plasma leptin measurements as well as information on anthropometric and hormonal/reproductive factors were available from 967 women. We assessed mammographic density using a previously validated computer-assisted method. Multiple linear regression analysis was applied to investigate the association between mammographic density and quartiles of plasma leptin concentration. Because we hypothesized that the effect of leptin on mammographic density could vary depending on the amount of nondense or fat tissue in the breast, we also performed analyses on plasma leptin levels and mammographic density within tertiles of mammographic nondense area. RESULTS: After adjusting for age, postmenopausal hormone use, number of full-term pregnancies and age of first birth, there was an inverse association between leptin and absolute mammographic density (P(trend )= 0.001). When we additionally adjusted for body mass index and mammographic nondense area, no statistically significant association between plasma leptin and mammographic density was found (P(trend )= 0.16). Stratified analyses suggested that the association between plasma leptin and mammographic density could differ with the amount of nondense area of the mammogram, with the strongest association between leptin and mammographic absolute density in the stratum with the medium breast fat content (P(trend )= 0.003, P for interaction = 0.05). CONCLUSION: We found no overall consistent association between the plasma concentration of leptin and absolute mammographic density. Although weak, there was some suggestion that the association between leptin and mammographic density could differ with the amount of fat tissue in the breast
Hvordan forstå endringsprosesser i et kommunalt utviklingsprosjekt? : en kvalitativ casestudie innen tilpasset opplæring med aktivitetsteori som analyseverktøy
1. Bidrag til forskningsfeltet
Min forskningsstudie handler om å forstå endringsprosesser i et kommunalt utviklingsprosjekt innen tilpasset opplæring både på skole- og kommunalt nivå. I dette inngår også ledelse av endringsprosesser. Det kan synes som det er lite forskning innen dette feltet. I følge Ottesen og Møller (2006) er det mye forskning om hva ledere gjør men lite om hvordan ledelse praktiseres. For meg er det derfor viktig å sette ord på hva som har ført til utvikling, og hvordan ledelse har vært praktisert i prosjektet.
2. Problemstilling og forskningsspørsmål
Hvordan forstå endringsprosesser i et kommunalt utviklingsprosjekt?
Mine forskningsspørsmål er knyttet til at jeg har valgt å benytte aktivitetsteori og et distribuert perspektiv på ledelse i analysen:
• Hvordan har objektet endret seg og hva har bidratt til å gi objektet retning?
• Hvordan har motsetninger preget endringsprosessen?
• Hvilke ledelsesinitiativ har preget de ulike arenaene?
3. Teori
Jeg har valgt aktivitetsteori formulert ved Engestrøm (2001), som analyseverktøy for å forstå disse lærings- og utviklingsprosesser. For å forstå ledelsesinitiativene bruker jeg Gronns teori (2003) om distribuert ledelse.
4. Forskingscase
Mitt valgte forskningscase er et utviklingsprosjekt ved en større kommune på Østlandet. For å møte utfordringene om tilpasset opplæring og bedre læringsresultater, satte kommunen i gang prosjektet Læringsstilsimplementering (LS-prosjektet) høsten 2005. Prosjektet har vart i tre år og ble avsluttet våren 2008. Jeg har vært kommunal veileder i prosjektet.
5. Metode
Som forskningsdesign har jeg valgt et fenomenologisk casedesign for undersøkelsen og aktivitetsteori i analysen. Studien inngår i kvalitativ forskningstradisjon.
6. Resultater og hovedkonklusjoner
Jeg mener nå å kunne si at kommunalt initiativ er helt vesentlig for at endringsprosesser i skolen skal skje. Dette gjelder også arbeidet med å utvikle skolen slik at elevene stadig får bedre tilpasset opplæring og høyne kvaliteten i norsk skole.
Studien viser for det første at det er viktig at endringsarbeidet gis legitimitet fra kommunalt nivå, og dette er også poengtert i St.meld. nr. 31, Kvalitet i skolen (2007-2008). Her understrekes nettopp skoleeiers ansvar for kvalitetsutvikling i skolen.
For det andre viser studien at det er viktig å rydde tid til arbeidet på begge nivåer. Mye frustrasjon har nettopp vært begrunnet i at ledelsen og lærerne har forskjellig tidsoppfattelse, og pålegger derfor lærerne stadig nye oppgaver innenfor en knapp tidsressurs.
For det tredje viser forskning om tilpasset opplæring (Bechman & Haug 2006), at en rekke strukturelle og prosessorienterte forutsetninger kan bidra til å legge til rette for kvalitetsutvikling i skolen. Derimot når det gjelder forhold som har med den enkelte læreres undervisning å gjøre, er det ingen tydelige tegn. Forskerne hevder likevel at kvaliteten på skolens kollektive refleksjon er viktig. De sier at endringer først skjer som følge av skolepraktiske tilnærminger til oppdraget ut i fra eksisterende praksis. Dette stemmer med mine funn.
Studien bekrefter at rektor har ansvar for det meste som settes i gang ved skolen. Det er rektors oppgave å være bindeleddet mellom kommunen og egen skole. (Bachmann & Haug 2006). Ros og anerkjennelse er viktig for motivasjon, og spesielt viktig i en endringsprosess.
Ressurspersoner enten i prosjektgruppa eller i personalet bør løftes fram og benyttes fleksibelt i endringsarbeidet. Rektor må sørge for at roller avklares og bekjentgjøres i personalet. Prosjektdirektivet har vist seg å være et nyttig verktøy for framdriften av endringsprosessen.
Også på skolenivå må det avsettes tid, både tidsressurser til lærerne i prosjektgruppa og til samhandling og refleksjon på skolens fellesarenaer.
Sist men ikke minst vil jeg slå fast at god ledelse av endringsprosesser ikke handler om godt planlagte prosesser, men å være i stand til å se de muligheter som oppstår og benytte disse fleksibelt i samspill med og mellom aktørene
Geological, geomorphological and geophysical investigations of areas prone to clay slides: Examples from Buvika, Mid Norw
Large areas prone to clay slides are present in Canada, Sweden and Norway. Traditionally, mainly geotechnical approaches have been used to solve clay-slide issues. However, there is great potential to utilise interdisciplinary studies in order to prevent or reduce possible slide damage. The present study combines geology, morphology and geophysical investigations, with geotechnical data. The purpose is to better understand landscape development, formation of quick clay and sliding in clay.
Thick, marine clay deposits in valleys along the Norwegian coast are occasionally subjected to large landslides involving quick clay. The development of quick clay is closely related to the deglaciation history of the coastal parts of Norway. During and after the last ice age, up to several hundred metres of glaciomarine and marine deposits accumulated in Norwegian fjords. These sediments were subsequently exposed on land due to glacioisostatic rebound. Leaching of salt from the marine clay by groundwater resulted in the development of quick-clay layers or pockets, which completely liquefy when remoulded.
The study area of this thesis is the small valley Buvika, located in the Trondheimsfjorden area, Mid Norway. Buvika is characterised by its undulating terrain with numerous slide scars and ravines. There are thick occurrences of quick clay in the subsurface.
The existing geotechnical and geophysical data, combined with sedimentology, structural geology, morphology, geophysical results, and 14C-datings, have given input to the understanding of the landscape development of the study area. From this, a deglaciation history has been deduced, indicating at least one, and possibly two, minor glacier re-advances in Late Allerød/Early Younger Dryas time. This implies that there have been more and larger ice-front oscillations in the study area than earlier documented.
The lowered relative sea level led to incision by rivers accompanied by numerous slides involving quick clay. The erosion pattern of a valley filled with glaciomarine and marine deposits can be quite complex, but careful analyses have helped outlining the interplay between river and ravine incision, groundwater erosion and sliding. The study of sediments and structures in large excavated sections have resulted in the detection of slide material from old flake-type slides, where only a thin layer of quick clay acted as a slide plane. Younger slide scars cutting into theses older slide deposits show further quick-clay development. Mapping of the morphology in Buvika has identified numerous slide scars and ravines. A relative chronology of slide events has been established based upon the slide scars’ position in the terrain and/or results from 14C-datings of terrestrial organic material. Most of the historical slide scars are located in the northern part of the valley.
Detailed mapping of the quick-clay extent is of great interest for planning and protection purposes, as the position of quick clay within slopes has a major impact on the landslide risk. In this study, the resistivity method is found to be potentially well suited for outlining quick-clay occurrences since quick clay has a slightly higher electrical resistivity (10-80 Ωm) than intact unleached clay (1-10 Ωm). This is due to a higher salt content in the latter. These relationships are supported by pore water salt content measurements. The resistivity profiles that were acquired show good correlation with other geophysical data and geotechnical drillings. However, the resistivity method must be combined with other investigations, since both leached, non-quick clay and silty, non-sensitive material may give resistivity values of the same range as quick clay.
The stratigraphy of an area strongly influences the landscape development. It determines the morphology, such as ravine development, and size, shape and distribution of slides. To the east of Buvika, thick and frequent layers of sand and gravel in the dominant clay deposits drain the slopes, leading to development of deeply incising ravines. To the south and north, thinner layers of coarse material in the clay lead to pore-pressure build-ups and quick-clay development, resulting in numerous slide scars
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