62 research outputs found

    Immunity against sexual stage Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax parasites.

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    The efficient spread of malaria from infected humans to mosquitoes is a major challenge for malaria elimination initiatives. Gametocytes are the only Plasmodium life stage infectious to mosquitoes. Here, we summarize evidence for naturally acquired anti-gametocyte immunity and the current state of transmission blocking vaccines (TBV). Although gametocytes are intra-erythrocytic when present in infected humans, developing Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes may express proteins on the surface of red blood cells that elicit immune responses in naturally exposed individuals. This immune response may reduce the burden of circulating gametocytes. For both P. falciparum and Plasmodium vivax, there is a solid evidence that antibodies against antigens present on the gametocyte surface, when co-ingested with gametocytes, can influence transmission to mosquitoes. Transmission reducing immunity, reducing the burden of infection in mosquitoes, is a well-acknowledged but poorly quantified phenomenon that forms the basis for the development of TBV. Transmission enhancing immunity, increasing the likelihood or intensity of transmission to mosquitoes, is more speculative in nature but is convincingly demonstrated for P. vivax. With the increased interest in malaria elimination, TBV and monoclonal antibodies have moved to the center stage of malaria vaccine development. Methodologies to prioritize and evaluate products are urgently needed

    Man-biting Activity of Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albimanus and An. (Kerteszia) neivai (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Pacific Lowlands of Colombia

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    The daily man-biting activity of Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albimanus and An. (Kerteszia) neivai was determined in four ecologically distinct settlements of the Naya River, Department of Valle, Colombia. Differences were found among the settlements with respect to the mosquito species present, intradomiciliary and extradomiciliary biting activity and population densities

    Malaria vector species in Colombia: a review

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    Here we present a comprehensive review of the literature on the vectorial importance of the major Anopheles malaria vectors in Colombia. We provide basic information on the geographical distribution, altitudinal range, immature habitats, adult behaviour, feeding preferences and anthropophily, endophily and infectivity rates. We additionally review information on the life cycle, longevity and population fluctuation of Colombian Anopheles species. Emphasis was placed on the primary vectors that have been epidemiologically incriminated in malaria transmission: Anopheles darlingi, Anopheles albimanus and Anopheles nuneztovari. The role of a selection of local, regional or secondary vectors (e.g., Anopheles pseudopunctipennis and Anopheles neivai) is also discussed. We highlight the importance of combining biological, morphological and molecular data for the correct taxonomical determination of a given species, particularly for members of the species complexes. We likewise emphasise the importance of studying the bionomics of primary and secondary vectors along with an examination of the local conditions affecting the transmission of malaria. The presence and spread of the major vectors and the emergence of secondary species capable of transmitting human Plasmodia are of great interest. When selecting control measures, the anopheline diversity in the region must be considered. Variation in macroclimate conditions over a species' geographical range must be well understood and targeted to plan effective control measures based on the population dynamics of the local Anopheles species

    Major genes determining yield-related traits in wheat and barley

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    Platform for Plasmodium vivax vaccine discovery and development

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    Plasmodium vivax is the most prevalent malaria parasite on the American continent. It generates a global burden of 80-100 million cases annually and represents a tremendous public health problem, particularly in the American and Asian continents. A malaria vaccine would be considered the most cost-effective measure against this vector-borne disease and it would contribute to a reduction in malaria cases and to eventual eradication. Although significant progress has been achieved in the search for Plasmodium falciparum antigens that could be used in a vaccine, limited progress has been made in the search for P. vivax components that might be eligible for vaccine development. This is primarily due to the lack of in vitro cultures to serve as an antigen source and to inadequate funding. While the most advanced P. falciparum vaccine candidate is currently being tested in Phase III trials in Africa, the most advanced P. vivax candidates have only advanced to Phase I trials. Herein, we describe the overall strategy and progress in P. vivax vaccine research, from antigen discovery to preclinical and clinical development and we discuss the regional potential of Latin America to develop a comprehensive platform for vaccine development

    Plan de mercadeo para la empresa “Distribuciones La Mayor”

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    El siguiente trabajo, es un plan de mercadeo para la empresa Distribuciones La Mayor el cual fue realizado en la ciudad de Cali y busca como principal objetivo aumentar el número de ingresos para lograr un crecimiento en la empresa. El principal objetivo del plan de mercadeo es aumentar las ventas de la empresa Distribuciones La Mayor por medio de una serie de estrategias que saldrán de un análisis situacional externo e interno, estrategias que generarán fidelizar a los clientes actuales y obtener nuevos clientes en nuevos segmentos. Para obtener lo mencionado anteriormente, en primer lugar, se realizó un análisis situacional externo e interno de la empresa, a partir de ello se logró determinar en qué posición se encuentra la empresa y qué aspectos le brindan grandes oportunidades para enfocarse en ellos y darle una mayor relevancia, partiendo de los beneficios que le da el servicio actual, y la posibilidad de incursionar en otros segmentos llegando a diferentes y grandes constructoras. Al mismo tiempo se logró identificar objetivos, estrategias y tácticas para alcanzar el cumplimiento total del objetivo principal que es desarrollar un plan de mercadeo para la empresa Distribuciones La Mayor. Las estrategias de mercadeo lograron direccionar el objetivo principal de la empresa a incrementar sus ventas mes a mes en un 20% para finalizar el año 2017, el cual será a través de fidelización de clientes y la incursión en nuevos segmento

    Análisis de la diversidad genética de ganado bovino lechero del trópico alto de Nariño mediante marcadores moleculares heterólogos de tipo microsatélite

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    Cinco razas de ganado bovino (Bos taurus) del trópico alto de Nariño fueron caracterizadas usando once loci microsatélites. Se incluyeron las razas Holstein, Jersey, Normando, Pardo suizo y el ganado Criollo. Las frecuencias alélicas fueron calculadas y usadas para la caracterización de las razas y el estudio de sus relaciones genéticas. La diversidad genética reflejada en el número de alelos por locus (NPA= 10) y la heterocigosidad observada (Ho= 0.7) fue alta, siendo mayor para la raza Criolla. El AMOVA, evidenció una baja diferenciación genética (FST=0.0663) para la población total, con una pequeña diferenciación entre Criollo y Holstein (0.006), resultado que fue correspondiente con el análisis de agrupamiento bayesiano, que permitió determinar un grado de absorción del núcleo Criollo del 56% por la raza Holstein. La alta diversidad, supone procesos de adaptación a diferentes ambientes y mezcla de razas, facilitando un continuo flujo genético. Esto puede explicarse por la realización de cruces dirigidos al incremento del volumen de producción teniendo como base la raza Holstein, donde la selección intensiva puede conllevar al detrimento de la pureza del ganado criollo e incidir en su capacidad adaptativa

    Kappa casein genotypes and curd yield in Holstein cows Relación entre los genotipos de la kappa caseína de vacas holstein y el rendimiento en cuajada Relações entre os genótipos da kappa caseína em vacas holstein a rendimento de requeijão

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    The objective of this study was to relate kappa casein (CSN3) genotypes with curd yield (RC) and total milk protein (PTP) in Holstein cows located in the high tropics in Narino, Colombia. Twenty seven animals were used to establish the mentioned relationships. The genotype of each animal was determined by PCR - SSCP. Variables were analyzed using a linear model which included the fix effects of genotype, lactation stage, and their interaction. Age of the cow and fat percentage in milk were used as covariates. The results for RC indicate no interaction between genotype and lactation stage. Age was not statistically significant (p>0.05), while fat percent and genotype were significant (p<0.05). The Tukey - Kramer test indicated differences between the BB genotype, compared to homozygous AA and heterozygous AB. The BB genotype resulted in the best performance, requiring the least amount of milk to produce one kg of curd. As for protein content, differences were significant (p<0.05) for the effect of genotype and lactation stage: the homozygous BB had the highest percentage of milk protein during the final (third) stage of lactation.<br>El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar las relaciones entre los genotipos para Kappa Caseína (CSN3), el rendimiento industrial en cuajada (RC) y el porcentaje total de proteína (PTP) en vacas Holstein del Trópico Alto de Nariño-Colombia. El genotipo de cada animal fue determinado molecularmente con la técnica PCR - SSCP. Para establecer las relaciones antes indicadas se utilizaron 27 unidades experimentales. Las variables fueron analizadas mediante un modelo lineal en el que se incluyeron los efectos fijos del genotipo, el tercio de lactancia, la interacción entre estos dos factores y como covariables, la edad del animal y el porcentaje de grasa en la leche. Los resultados para RC indicaron que no existe interacción entre los genotipos y el tercio de lactancia. La edad del animal no fue estadísticamente significativa (p>0.05), mientras que la covariable porcentaje de grasa y el genotipo resultaron significativos (p<0.05). La prueba estadística de Tukey - Kramer indicó diferencias entre el genotipo BB, respecto al homocigoto AA y al heterocigoto AB, siendo el primero el de mejor rendimiento, al requerir la menor cantidad de leche para producir un kilogramo de cuajada. En cuanto al porcentaje de proteína, se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p<0.05) únicamente por efecto del genotipo y del tercio de lactancia, siendo el homocigoto BB el que presentó mayor porcentaje de proteína en el tercer tercio de lactancia.<br>Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar as relações entre os genótipos para Kappa Caseína (CSN3), a rendimento industrial em requeijão (RC) e a percentagem de proteína total (PTP) em vacas Holstein do trópico alto do Nariño Colômbia. O genótipo de cada animal foi determinado molecularmente mediante a técnica PCR-SSCP. Para estabelecer as relações descritas acima, foram utilizadas 27 unidades experimentais e um modelo linear que incluiu os efeitos fixos do genótipo, o terço da lactação, a interação entre estes dois fatores, a idade do animal e o percentual de gordura no leite como covariáveis. Os resultados para (RC) indicaram ñao existe interação entre os genótipos e o terço da lactação, a idade do animal não foi estatisticamente significativa (p>0.05), mas a covariável percentagem de gordura, e o genótipo foram estatisticamente significativos (p<0.05). O teste estatístico de Tukey - Kramer indicou as diferenças entre o genótipo BB em relação a o homozigoto AA, heterozigoto AB, apresentando o primeiro o melhor desempenho porque precisou a menor quantidade de leite para produzir um quilo de requeijão. Em relação ã percentagens de proteína foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p<0.05) pelo efeito do genótipo e do terço de lactação, sendo o homozigoto BB o que a presenteou maior percentagem de proteína, no terceiro terço da lactação