8 research outputs found

    Social and inclusive tourism: Farm school for social diversity

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    RESUMEN: El concepto de Accesibilidad en nuestros días esta más generalizado por la supresión de barreras arquitectónicas. En los últimos años en el ámbito turístico ha habido una sensibilización hacia la integración social para que las personas con discapacidad puedan disfrutar de actividades turísticas. Así surge una materia de estudio llamada Turismo Accesible, entendida como la que persigue la eliminación de barreras tanto en el núcleo urbano como en el medio rural. Se pretende crear una granja escuela en el que personas de todas las edades puedan disfrutar de la vida en el campo y de las tareas de la granja, se busca la integración entre el medio ambiente y el contacto con los animales sin ningún tipo de barreras y ofreciendo terapias asistidas con animales unificando un turismo para todos.ABSTRACT: The concept of Accessibility in our days is more generalized by the removal of architectural barriers. In recent years in the tourism field there has been an awareness of social integration so that people with disabilities can enjoy tourism activities. Those arises a subject of study called Accessible Tourism, understood as the one that pursues the elimination of barriers both in the urban core and in rural areas. It is intended to create a school farm in which people of all ages can enjoy life in the countryside and the tasks of the farm, seeking integration between the environment and contact with animals without any barriers and offering assisted therapies with animals unifying a tourism for all.Grado en Turism

    Informe final programa Ejercicio Profesional Supervisado realizado en el municipio de Estanzuela, Zacapa. Guatemala febrero 2016 - octubre 2016.

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    Proyecto comunitario: La población beneficiada fueron los alumnos de la Escuela Oficial Urbana Mixta Barrio Guadalupe, municipio de Estanzuela, Zacapa. El proyecto consistió en pintar la escuela y rotularla, ya que las paredes se encontraban deterioradas y no contaban con el presupuesto para mejorarla. Con ello se consiguió mejorar el aspecto y la salud ambiental de la escuela. Prevención de enfermedades bucales: La cobertura del programa de prevención de enfermedades bucales incluyó cinco escuelas: EOUM Barrio Guadalupe, EOUM Barrio Santa Cecilia, EOUM Barrio Las Canchitas, EOU Para Varones y EOU Para Niñas, del municipio de Estanzuela, del departamento de Zacapa. Durante el programa de prevención se aplicaron en promedio 783 colutorios de fluoruro de sodio al 0.2%; se colocaron 1376 sellantes de fosas y fisuras en 161 pacientes escolares; y se impartieron 59 pláticas en donde se abarcaron distintos temas de salud bucal. Investigación única en el programa EPS: La investigación realizada se denomina Emociones Básicas con Respecto a la Atención Dental. La población estudiada fueron las escuelas públicas de comunidades sedes del Programa Ejercicio Profesional Supervisado en el año 2016. En este informe solo se presentan los resultados obtenidos en la comunidad de Estanzuela, Zacapa. Actividad clínica integrada: La actividad clínica tiene como objetivo brindar tratamiento integral a pacientes escolares. Se atendieron un total de 92 pacientes escolares en los cuales se realizaron 92 profilaxis bucales y aplicaciones tópicas de flúor, 638 sellantes de fosas y fisuras, 9 obturaciones de ionómero de vidrio, 122 obturaciones de amalgama, 493 obturaciones de resina, 11 pulpotomías y 58 extracciones dentales. Esto se realizó en el período de febrero a octubre de 2016. Administración del consultorio: consta de varios componentes: infraestructura de la clínica dental, protocolo de desinfección y esterilización, horarios de atención y capacitación del personal auxiliar. Semanalmente se capacitó y evaluó a una asistente dental

    Hippocampal alterations after SARS-CoV-2 infection: a systematic review

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    SARS-CoV-2 infection produces a wide range of symptoms. Some of the structural changes caused by the virus in the nervous system are found in the medial temporal lobe, and several neuropsychological sequelae of COVID-19 are related to the function of the hippocampus. The main objective of the systematic review is to update and further analyze the existing evidence of hippocampal and related cortices’ structural and functional alterations due to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Both clinical and preclinical studies that used different methodologies to explore the effects of this disease at different stages and grades of severity were considered, besides exploring related cognitive and emotional symptomatology. A total of 24 studies were identified by searching in SCOPUS, Web Of Science (WOS), PubMed, and PsycInfo databases up to October 3rd, 2022. Thirteen studies were performed in clinical human samples, 9 included preclinical animal models, 3 were performed post-mortem, and 1 included both post-mortem and preclinical samples. Alterations in the hippocampus were detected in the acute stage and after several months of infection. Clinical studies revealed alterations in hippocampal connectivity and metabolism. Memory alterations correlated with altered metabolic profiles or changes in grey matter volumes. Hippocampal human postmortem and animal studies observed alterations in neurogenesis, dendrites, and immune response, besides high apoptosis and neuroinflammation. Preclinical studies reported the viral load in the hippocampus. Olfactory dysfunction was associated with alterations in brain functionality. Several clinical studies revealed cognitive complaints, neuropsychological alterations, and depressive and anxious symptomatology

    Sporadic, Non‐Functional , Gastrin‐Producing Duodenal Neuroendocrine Tumors: A Retrospective Study of an Infrequent Disease

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    Objective non-functioning gastrin-producing Neuroendocrine Neoplasms (NEN) of the duodenum are rare tumors of the gastrointestinal tract without a clinical syndrome due to gastrin-production. Their incidence has significantly increased in the last few years especially as an incidental finding during endoscopic studies. The aim of this study is to describe the characteristics of this emergent neoplasm, to provide more information on this rare pathology and its possible prognostic factors. Methods we performed a retrospective observational study based on the duodenal-NENs samples with positive staining for gastrin, registered in the Pathology Department of University Hospital 12-de-Octubre (Madrid, Spain) between 2000 and 2017. We excluded all those clinically functional [(Zollinger-Ellison-Syndrome) and/or gastrinemia >1000pg/ml], with a previous diagnosis of multiple endocrine neoplasia(MEN-syndrome) or a synchronous neoplasia. Clinicopathological and therapeutic variables, follow-up time, recurrence and mortality data were collected. Results 21 patients were included. Most of the tumors were diagnosed incidentally as a single small polypoid lesion, they were limited to mucosa/submucosa and had a low histological-grade. 4 patients (19%) presented metastatic involvement at diagnosis (lymphatic and/or hepatic). These 4 patients also had a high or intermediate mitotic grade and infiltration further than submucosa. Local resection was used in most cases as curative treatment. The median follow-up was 25 months. There were 2 relapses and 2 deaths attributed to the tumor with a 5-year disease-free-survival of 81%. Conclusions The majority of these tumors were diagnosed at a local stage and had a good prognosis with local treatment. Nevertheless, given the potential metastatic risk, a close follow-up and extensive study is necessary, especially in those with aggressive pathological factors such as deep infiltration or high-histological-grade

    Caracterización de la enfermedad renal crónica en el adulto

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    Caracterizar la enfermedad renal crónica en pacientes mayores de 18 años en tratamiento sustitutivo con hemodiálisis que asisten a la Unidad de Consulta Externa de Enfermedades del Instituto Guatemalteco de Seguridad Social -IGSS- y Sede Central de la Unidad Nacional de Atención al Enfermo Renal Crónico -UNAERC-, durante los meses de mayo y junio del año 2018. Estudio descriptivo transversal con una población y muestra de 2535 y 281 pacientes, respectivamente; se efectuó una encuesta y posteriormente se realizó revisión sistemática de sus expedientes clínicos. Características sociodemográficas media de edad 48.05 ± años 14.40, predominó sexo masculino 70.11% (197), etnia no indígena 77.94% (219), residentes y procedentes de la región metropolitana 58.72% (165), agricultores 12.10% (34), con un nivel socioeconómico popularmarginal 87.9% (247), escolaridad primaria 36.65% (103); características clínicas IMC normal 60.5% (170), comorbilidad y causa fue hipertensión arterial con un 74.3% (209) y 36.3% (102), respectivamente; características bioquímicas alteración en el nivel de hemoglobina el 59.28% (166) y PTH disminuida en 40.23% (103); características sobre tratamiento terapéutico fistula arteriovenosa 63.70% (179), fármacos en orden descendente son estimulantes de la eritropoyesis 95% (267), antihipertensivos 79.3% (223), gastrointestinales 68.68% (193). La edad de diagnóstico presenta una media de 41.10 ± 15.43, reciben tres sesiones de hemodiálisis a la semana y la mitad recibe un promedio de 3.71 horas por sesión de hemodiálisis; el promedio mensual de gastos de un paciente con enfermedad renal crónica equivale a Q. 1,482.37 para cubrir transporte, alimentación y medicamentos

    Gastrointestinal side-effects of pelvic radiotherapy affecting the intestinal microbiota

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    Trabajo presentado en el 7th International Human Microbiome Congress, IHMC, celebrado en County Kerry (Irlanda) del 28 al 26 de junio de 2018Peer reviewe

    Women with Gaucher Disease

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    Gaucher disease is an inherited disorder in which there is a deficiency of the enzyme glucocerebrosidase, which leads to the accumulation of glucosylceramide. Although much scientific evidence is now available, there is still limited data on the impact on the different life stages of women with this disease. Among other alterations, a delay in menarche has been described, although it has not been related to fertility problems. Menorrhagia is relatively frequent, being related to the presence of thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopathies or coagulation disorders. On the other hand, pregnancy planning is an increasingly frequent concern. All patients should undergo genetic counseling, and it is important to monitor the appearance or worsening of organomegaly, bone and hematologic abnormalities to establish clinical and therapeutic recommendations. Management during the puerperium will depend on the evolution of gestation, and, during the lactation period, the potential appearance of bone complications should be assessed. An early onset of menopause, compared to the general population, has also been described, which may accelerate the development of osteopenia. Finally, although the usual screening protocols for neoplasms are currently being performed, it is recommended to watch for early signs of liver or renal neoplasms when examining the results of imaging tests performed during evaluations for this disease

    Local perspectives and regional problems of security and justice in Latin America

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    La obra que el lector tiene en sus manos es una invitación a revisar y a transformar la relación de los habitantes de los países de América Latina con el sistema estatal de administración de justicia y con las manifestaciones comunitarias y ancestrales de justicia. El libro tiene una perspectiva empírica, que es consciente del impacto negativo que tienen los conflictos, la violencia y la criminalidad en la vida de las personas y, a su vez, propositiva, que busca valorar los procesos sociales de resistencia y las practicas innovadoras de las comunidades y los estados en busca de la equidad y justicia material.The work that the reader has in his hands is an invitation to review and transform the relationship of the inhabitants of the countries of Latin America with the state system of administration of justice and with community and ancestral manifestations of justice. The book has an empirical perspective, which is aware of the negative impact that conflicts, violence and crime have on people's lives and, at the same time, is proactive, which seeks to value the social processes of resistance and the innovative practices of communities and states in search of equity and material justice.Bogot