29 research outputs found


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    Obra ressenyada: Marc BOONE & Martha C. HOWELL (eds.), The Power of Space in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. The cities of Italy, Northern France and the Low Countries. Turnhout : Brepols, 2013


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    Obra ressenyada: Thomas K. HEEBOLL-HOLM, Ports, Piracy and Maritime War. Piracy in the English Channel and the Atlantic, c. 1280 - c. 1330. Leiden ; Boston: Brill, 2013


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    Obra ressenyada: Juan Ignacio RUIZ DE LA PEÑA SOLAR, Ma Josefa SANZ FUENTEES y Miguel CALLEJA PUERTA (coords.), Los fueros de Avilés y su época. Oviedo: Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos, 2012

    De coros y Caños. Tiempos turbulentos para ser abad en Valdediós (1480-1515)

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    This paper aims to reconstruct the last medieval decades of the Cistercian monastery of Santa María de Valdediós (Asturias), which (in the midst of the reformist movements of late medieval monasticism that affect Castile and the whole of Christianity) will be a place of confrontations for the abbot dignity among members of the community. But other institutions interested in benefiting from this position or exercising control over it will also interfere, making Valdediós the scene of larger struggles. This produced several mandates marked by instability and the constant recourse to instances such as the General Chapter, the Castilian Crown or even the Papacy; as well as the interference of others such as the Bishop of Oviedo or the Congregation of Observance. All of them differ in their way of understanding the Cistercian, the monastery and its abbey, and will make Valdediós the scene of their conflicts.Este artículo pretende reconstruir las últimas décadas medievales del monasterio cisterciense de Santa María de Valdediós (Asturias), cuando, en medio de los movimientos reformistas del monacato bajomedieval que afectan a Castilla y a la totalidad de la cristiandad, será espacio de disputas y enfrentamientos por la dignidad abacial entre los miembros de la propia comunidad. La injerencia de otras instituciones interesadas por beneficiarse de este cargo o ejercer el control sobre él convierte Valdediós en escenario de pugnas de mayores dimensiones. Esto provocará varios mandatos marcados por la inestabilidad y el constante recurso a instancias como el Capítulo General, la Corona castellana o hasta el papado; así como las interferencias de otras como la mitra ovetense o la congregación de la Observancia. Todas ellas difieren en su manera de entender el Císter, el monasterio y su abadía, y harán de Valdediós el escenario de sus enfrentamientos

    Constructing a Memory of the Royal Lineage. The Notion of the Dynastic Pantheon in the Astur-Leonese Dynasty (9th-11th Centuries)

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    The Kingdom of Asturias founded after the Muslim invasion developed a legitimizing ideological discourse in which “continuity” played a fundamental role. Continuity both with the lost Hispano- Goth ideal and with the dynastic line itself. Among the elements that would play an important role in the political vision and ideological construction of the fledgling kingdom is the design of a royal memory through the use of royal burial spaces as a propagandistic instrument for maintaining the stability of the lineage and for legitimising continuism. Constructing a royal pantheon dating back to early times contributes towards crystallising the idea of a “lineage” or “royal dynasty” that was conscious, stable and enduring. This makes the pantheon a material deposit of Astur legitimacy and a true monument to the lineage. The article focuses on architectural styles, models of behaviour for royalty and even types of art that would endure, subsequently repeating themselves and associating themselves in people’s minds with funerary memorial buildings, even surviving the court’s change of location (which would mean new pantheons had to be built) and the occupation of the throne by new dynasties


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    Obra ressenyada: María DO CARMO RIBERO y Arnaldo SOUSA MELO (coords.), Evolução da paisagem urbana : transformação morfológica dos tecidos históricos. Braga : CITCEM (Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar "Cultura, Espaço e Memória") e IEM (Instituto de Estudos Medievais, FCSH-Universidade Nova de Lisboa), 2013

    Pandêmon Nosêma. Una revisión historiográfica de cómo las sociedades respondieron ante las epidemias a lo largo de la historia

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    A historiographic review of the main epidemic episodes suffered by humanity from Prehistory to the 20th century is carried out, with the aim of analyzing the incidence that successive infectious-contagious diseases had in different societies at each time, regarding four study variables: social, economic, political and mentalities.  Keywords Disease, population, poverty, crisis, social stigma, manipulation.Se realiza una revisión historiográfica de los principales episodios epidémicos sufridos por la humanidad desde la Prehistoria hasta el siglo XX, con el propósito de analizar la incidencia que han tenido las sucesivas enfermedades infecto-contagiosas en las diferentes sociedades en cada época, atendiendo a cuatro variables de estudio: la social, la económica, la política y la esfera de las mentalidades. Palabras clave Enfermedad, población, pobreza, crisis, estigmatización, manipulación

    Pandêmon Nosêma. Una revisión historiográfica de cómo las sociedades respondieron ante las epidemias a lo largo de la historia

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    A historiographic review of the main epidemic episodes suffered by humanity from Prehistory to the 20th century is carried out, with the aim of analyzing the incidence that successive infectious-contagious diseases had in different societies at each time, regarding four study variables: social, economic, political and mentalities.  Keywords Disease, population, poverty, crisis, social stigma, manipulation.Se realiza una revisión historiográfica de los principales episodios epidémicos sufridos por la humanidad desde la Prehistoria hasta el siglo XX, con el propósito de analizar la incidencia que han tenido las sucesivas enfermedades infecto-contagiosas en las diferentes sociedades en cada época, atendiendo a cuatro variables de estudio: la social, la económica, la política y la esfera de las mentalidades. Palabras clave Enfermedad, población, pobreza, crisis, estigmatización, manipulación