1,797 research outputs found

    Inequality aversion among gypsies: a field investigation

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    This paper presents a first attempt to measure inequality aversion among gypsies. We conducted an experiment among adult gypsies living at slums outside Vallecas (Madrid). To analyze this variable we use the mechanism provided by Kroll & Davidovitz (2003) among 38 voluntary participants. Results indicate that: i) 52.6% of the individuals are inequality averse; ii) there is a positive relationship between inequality aversion and some features of the population such as individual religious practise, marital status, family size, position in the hierarchy of the family or club association and, iii) neither wealth, nor participation in voluntary activities affect inequality aversion.inequality aversion, gypsies, field experiment.

    Searching for dissidence in the School of Architecture at the University of Costa Rica: performative arts and architecture’s boundaries

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    This work was published in a book funded by national funds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., within the project UIDB/04041/2020 (Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Seguimiento a las Finanzas Públicas del Valle del Cauca 2004-2006

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    El estudio de las finanzas públicas es fundamental para comprender el desempeño del sector público y sus potencialidades como generador de ingresos y ordenador del gasto. En el presente informe se analiza la dinámica fiscal del Valle del Cauca, entre 2004 y 2006, con el fin de realizar seguimiento a la gestión tanto del recaudo de ingresos como en la ejecución del presupuesto, para de esta forma brindar herramientas que propicien el mejoramiento de lo fiscal a nivel regional. Este documento hace parte del proyecto de investigación Seguimiento a las Finanzas Públicas Departamentales y Municipales" financiado por la Universidad Icesi. "Gestión Pública, Finanzas públicas regionales, indicadores fiscales, recaudo de ingresos, ejecución de gastos.

    The effect of elections on third-party punishment: an experimental analysis

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    In this paper we analyze the behavior of an official who is elected democratically rather than being appointed exogenously. To this aim, we conduct an economic experiment in which officials are third party punishers in a public goods game. We consider two different scenarios which differ in the degree of cooperation within the society. We find that officials increase their punishment when they face elections in both scenarios. The increase in punishment is larger in the more cooperative scenario although differences are not statistically significant. Contrary to candidates’ expectations, voters always vote for the least severe candidate

    Pieza maestra

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    El Diseño es actualmente una disciplina que permea múltiples campos de acción y se fusiona con disciplinas como arquitectura, química, gastronomía entre otras para dar a lugar a respuestas objetuales mucho más precisas y coherentes a la búsqueda de los clientes, ahora mucho más exigentes y conocedores. Pieza maestra es una chocolatería experimental que ofrece a sus cliente la posibilidad de configurar un regalo único y especial a través la customización de piezas a base de chocolate que se elaboran mediante la experiencia de ser chef chocolatero por un día sin riesgo al fracaso. El cliente se vincula directamente con el material mediante la degustación, selección y trasformación de las materias primas así como el montaje de las piezas para la creación de bombones, construyendo el escenario ideal para expresar su propia creatividad, sus intensiones y gustos particulares, en una atmosfera de juego y descubrimiento.Diseñador (a) IndustrialPregrad

    Don’t shoot yourself in the foot! A (real-effort task) experiment on income redistribution and voting

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    This paper reports results from a laboratory experiment that investigates the Meltzer–Richard model of equilibrium tax rates in which individuals are either low or high skilled workers and face a real-effort task that includes leisure at the work place. We find that a large proportion of lowskilled workers vote for the lowest tax rate (the one that gives them the lowest payoff), especially when the alternative tax rate is very high. However, this proportion is significantly reduced in treatments in which the subjects are given extra information about how the tax operates in redistributing income. This result suggests that the lack of information about the role of taxes in income redistribution may be an important factor in explaining the counter-intuitive voting behavior of low-income voters over income redistribution. We also find some support that the prospect of upward mobility and the belief in the negative effect of taxes on productivity make low-income voters support low tax rates, especially when the alternative tax rate is very highMCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033Project ECO2016-76789-PMinisterio de Economía, Industria y CompetitividadFaculty of Economics and Business of the University of Granad

    Bulimia Nervosa: Is Body Dissatisfaction a Risk Factor?

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    Eating disorder studies are often carried out with adolescents. However, having a normal weight and the appearance of a seemingly healthy body makes many young people wait for years before seeking out professional consultation with a specialist. Therefore, after a review of the literature we will reflect on the role of body dissatisfaction in the development and persistence that occur in bulimia nervosa. It will be linked to the data found by our research group, both in samples of adolescents and adult women. Results on risk scores in purgative behaviors associated with bulimia nervosa, dieting, eating habits, physical activity, self-esteem, social skills, and body dissatisfaction will be described. They will be contrasted in a descriptive way with data from clinical study participants diagnosed with bulimia nervosa, leading to a predictive model of the role body dissatisfaction plays as a risk factor in the development of bulimia nervosa

    The effect of initial inequality on meritocracy: a voting experiment on tax redistribution

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    According to Alesina and Angeletos (2005), societies are less redistributive but more efficient when the median voter believes that effort and talent are much more important than luck in determining income. We test these results through a lab experiment in which participants vote over the tax rate and their pre-tax income is determined according to their performance in a real-effort task with leisure time. Subjects receive either a high or a low wage and this condition is either obtained through their talent in a tournament or randomly assigned. We compare subjects' decisions in these two different scenarios, taking into consideration different levels of wage inequality. In our framework, this initial income inequality turns out to be crucial to support the theoretical hypothesis of Alesina and Angeletos (2005). Overall, we find that, only if the wage inequality is high, subjects choose a lower level of income redistribution and provide a higher effort level in the scenario in which high-wage subjects are selected based on their talent through a tournament (than when it is randomly assigned). Thus, we confirm almost all theoretical results in Alesina and Angeletos (2005) when the wage inequality is high enough. The big exception is for efficiency (measured as the sum of total payoffs), since theoretical results are not significant for both wage inequality scenarios

    Invarianza factorial de una escala de autoeficacia en deportistas y no deportistas

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    El objetivo principal del presente estudio fue examinar la invarianza factorial de la escala de autoeficacia en el cuidado de la alimentación y salud física (ECASF) en universitarios mexicanos deportistas y no deportistas. La muestra total fue de 1.305 universitarios mexicanos (707 mujeres, 598 hombres), con una edad media de 20.46 años (DT = 1.87). Los análisis factoriales confirmatorios mostraron que una estructura de cinco factores es viable y adecuada para ambas poblaciones. Atendiendo a criterios estadísticos y sustantivos la estructura de cinco factores (ejercicio físico, cuidado de la alimentación, afrontamiento de problemas, evitación del consumo de tabaco y evitación del consumo de alcohol), ha mostrado adecuados indicadores de ajuste de fiabilidad y validez. Además, la estructura factorial, las cargas factoriales y los interceptos se consideran invariantes en las dos poblaciones estudiadas; sin embargo, existen diferencias entre las poblaciones para las medias de los factores ejercicio físico, cuidado de la alimentación, afrontamiento de problemas y evitación del consumo de tabaco. Por último, el presente estudio también confirma la validez del modelo pentadimensional propuesto en estudios anteriores. Futuras investigaciones deberían replicar estos hallazgos en poblaciones con diferentes factores culturales y personales.The aim of this study was to examine factorial invariance of the Self-efficacy in Diet and Physical Wellness Scale (ECASF) in Mexican university sportsmen and non-sportsmen. The final sample comprised 1.305 Mexican university students (707 women, 598 men), whose average age was 20.46 years (SD=1.87). Confirmatory factorial analyses showed that a five-factor scale is feasible and adequate for both populations. In accordance with statistical and substantial criteria, the five factor structure (physical exercise, nutritional care, problems confrontation, avoiding tobacco, and avoiding alcohol) displayed good indexes of fit both in terms of reliability and validity. Moreover, factorial structure and loads, as well as intercepts, were found to be invariant in both populations; however, differences were found with regard to average values of physical exercise, nutritional care, problems confrontation, and avoiding tobacco. Finally, the present study confirms the validity of a Penta dimensional model proposed in previous studies. Future research should replicate these procedures in populations with different cultural and personal characteristics.O principal objetivo deste estudo foi examinar a invariância fatorial da escala de auto-eficácia no atendimento de alimentação e saúde física (ECASF) em atletas universitários mexicanos e não-atletas. A amostra total foi de 1.305 estudantes mexicanos universitários (707 mulheres, 598 homens), com idade média de 20,46 anos (DP = 1,87). A análise factorial confirmatória mostrou que uma estrutura de cinco fator é viável e adequado para ambas as populações. Em resposta a critérios estatísticos e estrutura substantiva de cinco factores (exercício físico, cuidados de nutrição, lidar problemas, evitando o consumo de tabaco e álcool), mostrou indicadores de ajuste adequados de fiabilidade e validade. Além disso, a estrutura fatorial, cargas fatoriais e Intercepções são considerados invariante nas duas populações estudadas; no entanto, existem diferenças entre as populações para as médias de factores de exercícios físicos, cuidado da alimentação, lidar com problemas e evitando o consumo de tabaco. Finalmente, este estudo também confirma a validade do modelo de cinco dimensões propostas em estudos anteriores. Pesquisas futuras devem replicar estes hallazgos em populações com diferentes fatores culturais e pessoais

    Analysis of relations between attitude towards mathematics, prior knowledge, self-efficacy, expected and actual grades in mathematics

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    The purpose of this study is to analyse relations between students’ attitude towards mathematics, prior knowledge, self-efficacy, expected grades, and performance in mathematics among 115 firstyear engineering students. We combine two statistical techniques to analyse the data we generated by questionnaires and two tests. First, item-level modeling, in terms of confirmatory factor analysis, which we use to compute the factor scores of construct-validated measures, and to control for measurement errors. Second, composite modeling, in terms of path analysis, which we use to test the research hypotheses. The findings show that both self-efficacy and expected grades have substantial effects on students’ performance. Prior knowledge has a non-trivial effect on self-efficacy which, in turn, plays a significant role in students’ grade expectations. All other hypothesised relations are not significant. We argue that these findings confirm some basic tenets of social cognitive theory. Keywords: Affect, higher education, item-level modeling, path analysis, self-efficacy.publishedVersio