439 research outputs found

    El proceso de objetivación del concepto de área en estudiantes sordos desde el uso de artefactos

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    En el presente trabajo de investigación se muestran los avances del proyecto de investigación que se adelanta en el marco de la Maestría en Educación, línea Educación Matemática, bajo la orientación del grupo de investigación Matemática, Educación y Sociedad (MES) de la Universidad de Antioquia. En este estudio se pretende analizar el proceso de objetivación del concepto de área en estudiantes sordos desde el uso de artefactos. Esta investigación es realizada a la luz del paradigma cualitativo, bajo un enfoque crítico-dialéctico desde una investigación participante, y para el análisis de las producciones de los estudiantes se utiliza el estudio de casos

    La alfabetización digital y los géneros discursivos. Un proyecto de escritura digital con alumnos de cuarto de secundaria obligatoria (15-16 años)

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    The concept of digital literacy, as a set of abilities to use Information and Communication Technologies, has gained nowadays a dimension which goes beyond instrumentalityability to use different technological resources and could be defined as the acquisition of competences related to the search, analysis, selection and communication of data and information which allow students to transform information into knowledge. Having this in mind and within the didactic tradition of language projects, we have carried out an experience involving students of 4th year of ESO (Compulsory Secondary School) during the school year 2006-2007. It has basically consisted in the elaboration of language and literature contents which the students have used as a means to become writers and editors of an anthology of poems of Generation of"27 and of a blog or learning diary

    Nacimiento y crisis política de la República italiana (1946-2011)

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    El trabajo aborda los aspectos más importantes de la historia política de la República italiana desde su formación en 1946, hasta la llegada al poder de Silvio Berlusconi en 1994, el cuál abre un periodo que podemos cerrar en 2011. Los ámbitos tratados para el análisis de la evolución histórica de la República italiana han sido la política, la economía pero fundamentalmente la corrupción. La investigación alberga dos períodos clave para la configuración de la República: por un lado, la consolidación de la Primera República italiana y por otro, los escándalos de corrupción que precipitaron la crisis del sistema político italiano, dando lugar al concepto de Segunda República italiana

    Psychosocial aspects of celiac disease in Spain: A life free of gluten

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    Objetivo: La celiaquía como enfermedad crónica tiene una alta prevalencia en nuestra sociedad. El artículo analiza los aspectos psicosociales de la enfermedad celíaca en los diferentes entornos, valorando el impacto de la implantación de una dieta estricta libre de gluten. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo entre los meses de Enero del 2013 a Abril del 2013 en el cual, a través de la teoría fundamentada y el análisis de contenido, se ha profundizado en el análisis de las entrevistas semiestructuradas a personas con enfermedad celíaca en España. Se realizaron llamamientos a traves de las redes sociales y grupos de celíacos hasta llegar a la saturación teórica, que determinó el tamaño final de la muestra de 24 personas. Resultados: Educación Sanitaria, Aislamiento social, soledad y desconocimiento social emergieron como categorías centrales en la experiencia de adopción de la dieta libre de gluten a partir del diagnóstico de celiaquía. Conclusión: Los profesionales deben promover y apoyar estrategias de apoyo social basadas en una comprensión íntegra de las experiencias de desarraigo y marginación que los pacientes celíacos experimentan en sus relaciones sociales a través de la comida. Se requiere un aumento de la educación sanitaria para entender e integrar el impacto psicosocial del diagnóstico de celiaquía y la dieta libre de gluten.Objective: Celiac disease is a chronic disease which has a high prevalence in our society. The aim of this paper is to explore the process of adapting the celiac in different social environments, assessing the impact of the implementation of a strict gluten-free diet. Methods: A qualitative study was carried out in the months of January 2013 to April 2013 through which the grounded theory and content analysis have deepened the analysis of semi-structured interviews with people with celiac disease in Spain. Appeals via social networks and celiac groups were conducted in order to reach theoretical saturation, which determined the final sample size of 24 people. Results: Social isolation, loneliness and social ignorance are some of the categories that have emerged when we talk about celiac disease and the gluten-free diet. Conclusion: Professionals should promote and support social support strategies based on an integrated understanding of the experiences of displacement and marginalization that celiac patients experience in their social relationships through food. There should be increased health education to understand and integrate the psychosocial impact of the diagnosis of celiac disease and the gluten-free diet

    The RareDis corpus: A corpus annotated with rare diseases, their signs and symptoms

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    Rare diseases affect a small number of people compared to the general population. However, more than 6,000 different rare diseases exist and, in total, they affect more than 300 million people worldwide. Rare diseases share as part of their main problem, the delay in diagnosis and the sparse information available for researchers, clinicians, and patients. Finding a diagnostic can be a very long and frustrating experience for patients and their families. The average diagnostic delay is between 6–8 years. Many of these diseases result in different manifestations among patients, which hampers even more their detection and the correct treatment choice. Therefore, there is an urgent need to increase the scientific and medical knowledge about rare diseases. Natural Language Processing (NLP) can help to extract relevant information about rare diseases to facilitate their diagnosis and treatments, but most NLP techniques require manually annotated corpora. Therefore, our goal is to create a gold standard corpus annotated with rare diseases and their clinical manifestations. It could be used to train and test NLP approaches and the information extracted through NLP could enrich the knowledge of rare diseases, and thereby, help to reduce the diagnostic delay and improve the treatment of rare diseases. The paper describes the selection of 1,041 texts to be included in the corpus, the annotation process and the annotation guidelines. The entities (disease, rare disease, symptom, sign and anaphor) and the relationships (produces, is a, is acron, is synon, increases risk of, anaphora) were annotated. The RareDis corpus contains more than 5,000 rare diseases and almost 6,000 clinical manifestations are annotated. Moreover, the Inter Annotator Agreement evaluation shows a relatively high agreement (F1-measure equal to 83.5% under exact match criteria for the entities and equal to 81.3% for the relations). Based on these results, this corpus is of high quality, supposing a significant step for the field since there is a scarcity of available corpus annotated with rare diseases. This could open the door to further NLP applications, which would facilitate the diagnosis and treatment of these rare diseases and, therefore, would improve dramatically the quality of life of these patients.This work was supported by the Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid) under the Multiannual Agreement with UC3M in the line of "Fostering Young Doctors Research" (NLP4RARE-CM-UC3M) and in the context of the V PRICIT (Regional Programme of Research and Technological Innovation; the Multiannual Agreement with UC3M in the line of "Excellence of University Professors (EPUC3M17)"; and a grant from Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SAF2017-86810-R)


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    In this work, a general algorithm is proposed to design the reconstruction of chemical/physical/biological process events as one of the most complicated today: the evolution of cancer cells. Studying the evolution of the boundary curves it is possible to make a three-dimensional (3D) integration, in addition the 3D figure obtained can be explained through a mathematical model to estimate its geometric evolution after physical/chemical reactions. In this work, there are analyzed images of each stage of the process based on the evolution of cancer cells. Each image was processed in order to obtain a mathematical equation as a reference to understand the geometry of the 3D structure based on its 2D image for each stage. On the other side, with this information and the processing of each stage image, a mathematical equation was achieved to describe the geometry of the structure between stages by "Optimal Prediction Analysis" which is so important to gain understanding of the geometry of the structure with the internal process.En este trabajo se propone un algoritmo general para diseñar la reconstrucción de eventos de proceso químico/físico/biológico como uno de los más complicados hoy en día: la "evolución de las células cancerígenas". Estudiando la evolución de las curvas de frontera es posible hacer una integración en tres dimensiones (3D), además la cifra 3D obtenida se puede explicar a través de un modelo matemático para estimar su evolución geométrica después de reacciones físicas/químicas. En este trabajo, hay imágenes analizadas de cada etapa del proceso basadas en la evolución de las células cancerosas. Cada imagen fue procesada con el fin de obtener una ecuación matemática como referencia para entender la geometría de la estructura 3D basada en su imagen 2D para cada etapa. En el otro lado, con esta información y el procesamiento de cada imagen de etapa, se logró una ecuación matemática para describir la geometría de la estructura entre etapas mediante "Análisis de Predicción Óptima" que es tan importante para obtener la comprensión de la geometría de la estructura con el proceso interno

    Palynological investigations in the Orce Archaeological Zone, Early Pleistocene of Southern Spain

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    Palynological investigations in the Orce Archaeological Zone (OAZ) (Guadix-Baza Basin, Granada, Spain), Venta Micena 1 (VM1), Barranco León (BL) and Fuente Nueva 3 (FN3) are presented. This archaeological region is connectedwith the first Homo populations inWestern Eurasia during the Early Pleistocene. The VM1 pollen record is characterized by Ephedra, and to a lesser extent, Pinus, Juniperus and evergreen Quercus, occassionally accompanied by Olea, Genisteae, Erica, deciduous Quercus, Alnus, Castanea, Fraxinus, Salix and Phillyrea. BL is dominated by Juniperus, Olea, Pinus, Poaceae, and evergreen Quercus. FN3 is characterized by an openMediterraneanwoodland dominated by evergreen Quercus, Pinus, Juniperus and Olea, accompanied by deciduous Quercus, Castanea, Populus, Salix, Ulmus, Fraxinus, Pistacia, Phillyrea, Genisteae, Erica, Cistus, and Ephedra fragilis. Relic Tertiary taxa inOAZ include Carya, Pterocarya, Eucommia, Zelkova, andJuglans. The Early Pleistocene OAZ vegetation is amosaic of different landscapes embracing mesophytes, thermophytes, xerophytes, xerothermophytes, and Mediterranean elements. These finds are compared with former pollen analyses in the region and beyond within the Iberian Peninsula.General Research Project "Primeras ocupaciones humanas y contexto paleoecologico a partir de los depositos Pliopleistocenos de la cuenca Guadix-Baza. Zona Arqueologica de la cuenca de Orce" - General Direction of Historical and Documental Heritage (Junta d BC.03.032/17FEDER/Ministry of Science and Innovation -Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, Fundacion Seneca PID20191049449GB-I00 20788/PI/18Proyecto LifeWatch ERIC-SUMHAL LIFEWATCH2019-09-CSIC-13MICINN through European Regional Development Fund (SUMHAL, POPE 20142020) LIFEWATCH-2019-09-CSIC-13project "Environment of early hominins outside Africa: the Guadix-Baza Basin" by the Leakey Foundation National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia PRE2020094482 CEX2019-000945-M-20-1Spanish Governmen

    Aprenentatge autònom de l'alumne i eines per al docent mitjançant l'ús de GeoGebra. Assignatures de Matemàtiques I i II dels Graus d’ADE i d’ECO de la Universitat de Barcelona

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    Línies d’innovació vinculades: 216231 - Moodle / 201995 - Avaluació formativa / 235623 - Project-based learning, PBL / 020691 - Estudi de casos / 025424 – SimulacionsL’objectiu del nostre projecte ha estat millorar la docència de les assignatures de Matemàtiques dels Graus d’Economia (ECO) i d’Administració i Direcció d’Empreses (ADE), introduint a la docència el software gratuït GeoGebra. El projecte va sorgir en el context de la implantació dels graus, en un moment en què vèiem que ja no podríem seguir fent les classes de pràctiques a les aules d’informàtica amb el programa Derive, que disposaríem de menys hores de docència i que a les aules només hi hauria un ordinador per al professor i un canó de projecció. En aquelles circumstàncies vam pensar que la capacitat de GeoGebra per donar vida a funcions i vectors podia ajudar-nos a explicar els conceptes teòrics de les assignatures de Matemàtiques d’una manera tan atractiva com intuïtiva. Hem elaborat un conjunt de materials (applets) per a les assignatures de Matemàtiques I i Matemàtiques II dels graus d’ADE i d’ECO. Gràcies a la plataforma Moodle hem pogut posar aquestes applets a disposició d’alumnes i professors

    Student’s autonomous learning and tools for teachers by means of the use of GeoGebra. Mathematics I and II subjects of the degrees in ADE and ECO of the University of Barcelona

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    The objective of our project has been to improve the teaching in mathematics subjects of the degrees in Economics (ECO) and Business management (ADE) by incorporating the GeoGebra free software. The project started when university degrees were being implemented. At that time, we realized that we could no longer use the Derive software because the practical lectures in the computer rooms were cancelled and only the teacher's computer attached to a projector remained. On the top of that, the time devoted to lectures was reduced. Under those constraints, we thought that the ability of GeoGebra to give functions and vectors life could help us in explaining the theoretical concepts of the mathematics subjects in an appealing and intuitive manner. We have created several applets for the subjects Mathematics I and Mathematics II of the degrees in ECO and ADE. Thanks to the Moodle platform we have been able to put these applets at students’ and teachers’ disposal

    Humanization of tumor stroma by tissue engineering as a tool to improve squamous cell carcinoma xenograft

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    The role of stroma is fundamental in the development and behavior of epithelial tumors. In this regard, limited growth of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) or cell-lines derived from them has been achieved in immunodeficient mice. Moreover, lack of faithful recapitulation of the original human neoplasia complexity is often observed in xenografted tumors. Here, we used tissue engineering techniques to recreate a humanized tumor stroma for SCCs grafted in host mice, by combining CAF (cancer associated fibroblasts)-like cells with a biocompatible scaffold. The stroma was either co-injected with epithelial cell lines derived from aggressive SCC or implanted 15 days before the injection of the tumoral cells, to allow its vascularization and maturation. None of the mice injected with the cell lines without stroma were able to develop a SCC. In contrast, tumors were able to grow when SCC cells were injected into previously established humanized stroma. Histologically, all of the regenerated tumors were moderately differentiated SCC with a well-developed stroma, resembling that found in the original human neoplasm. Persistence of human stromal cells was also confirmed by immunohistochemistry. In summary, we provide a proof of concept that humanized tumor stroma, generated by tissue engineering, can facilitate the development of epithelial tumors in immunodeficient miceThis research was funded in part by SCIENCE AND INNOVATION MINISTRY OF SPAIN; grant number [SAF2017-86810-R], INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III [PI17/01747], both co-funded with European Regional Development Funds (ERDF). Additional funds come from COMUNIDAD DE MADRID [B2017/BMD-3692], and DEBRA International. AGM was supported by a research scholarship of the ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA CONTRA EL CANCER (AECC), Spain