1,722 research outputs found

    Fluxtube model atmospheres and Stokes V zero-crossing wavelengths

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    First results of the inversion of Stokes I and V profiles from plage regions near disk center are presented. Both low and high spatial resolution spectra of FeI 6301.5 and FeI 6302.5 A obtained with the Advanced Stokes Polarimeter (ASP) have been considered for analysis. The thin flux tube approximation, implemented in an LTE inversion code based on response functions, is used to describe unresolved magnetic elements. The code allows the simultaneous and consistent inference of all atmospheric quantities determining the radiative transfer with the sole assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium. By considering velocity gradients within the tubes we are able to match the full ASP Stokes profiles. The magnetic atmospheres derived from the inversion are characterized by the absence of significant motions in high layers and strong velocity gradients in deeper layers. These are essential to reproduce the asymmetries of the observed profiles. Our scenario predicts a shift of the Stokes V zero-crossing wavelengths which is indeed present in observations made with the Fourier Transform Spectrometer.Comment: To appear in ApJ Letters (1997) (in press

    Simulations Show that Vortex Flows could Heat the Chromosphere in Solar Plage

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    The relationship between vortex flows at different spatial scales and their contribution to the energy balance in the chromosphere is not yet fully understood. We perform three-dimensional (3D) radiation-magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of a unipolar solar plage region at a spatial resolution of 10 km using the MURaM code. We use the swirling-strength criterion that mainly detects the smallest vortices present in the simulation data. We additionally degrade our simulation data to smooth-out the smaller vortices, so that also the vortices at larger spatial scales can be detected. Vortex flows at various spatial scales are found in our simulation data for different effective spatial resolutions. We conclude that the observed large vortices are likely clusters of much smaller ones that are not yet resolved by observations. We show that the vertical Poynting flux decreases rapidly with reduced effective spatial resolutions and is predominantly carried by the horizontal plasma motions rather than vertical flows. Since the small-scale horizontal motions or the smaller vortices carry most of the energy, the energy transported by vortices deduced from low resolution data is grossly underestimated. In full resolution simulation data, the Poynting flux contribution due to vortices is more than adequate to compensate for the radiative losses in plage, indicating their importance for chromospheric heating.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted in ApJ

    Discovery of kilogauss magnetic fields in three DA white dwarfs

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    We have detected longitudinal magnetic fields between 2 and 4 kG in three (WD 0446−-790, WD 1105−-048, WD 2359−-434) out of a sample of 12 normal DA white dwarfs by using optical spectropolarimetry done with the VLT Antu 8 m telescope equipped with FORS1. With the exception of 40 Eri B (4 kG) these are the first positive detections of magnetic fields in white dwarfs below 30 kG. Although suspected, it was not clear whether a significant fraction of white dwarfs contain magnetic fields at this level. These fields may be explained as fossil relics from magnetic fields in the main-sequence progenitors considerably enhanced by magnetic flux conservation during the shrinkage of the core. A detection rate of 25 % (3/12) may indicate now for the first time that a substantial fraction of white dwarfs have a weak magnetic field. This result, if confirmed by future observations, would form a cornerstone for our understanding on the evolution of stellar magnetic fields. Keywords: stars: white dwarfs - stars: magnetic fields - stars: individual: WD0446-790, WD1105-048, WD2359-434Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres

    Sunspot areas and tilt angles for solar cycles 7-10

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    Extending the knowledge about the properties of solar cycles into the past is essential for understanding the solar dynamo. This paper aims at estimating areas of sunspots observed by Schwabe in 1825-1867 and at calculating the tilt angles of sunspot groups. The sunspot sizes in Schwabe's drawings are not to scale and need to be converted into physical sunspot areas. We employed a statistical approach assuming that the area distribution of sunspots was the same in the 19th century as it was in the 20th century. Umbral areas for about 130,000 sunspots observed by Schwabe were obtained, as well as the tilt angles of sunspot groups assuming them to be bipolar. There is, of course, no polarity information in the observations. The annually averaged sunspot areas correlate reasonably with sunspot number. We derived an average tilt angle by attempting to exclude unipolar groups with a minimum separation of the two alleged polarities and an outlier rejection method which follows the evolution of each group and detects the moment it turns unipolar at its decay. As a result, the tilt angles, although displaying considerable scatter, place the leading polarity on average 5.85+-0.25 closer to the equator, in good agreement with tilt angles obtained from 20th-century data sets. Sources of uncertainties in the tilt angle determination are discussed and need to be addressed whenever different data sets are combined. The sunspot area and tilt angle data are provided online.Comment: accepted for publication in Astron. & Astrophy

    High-frequency Oscillations in Small Magnetic Elements Observed with Sunrise/SuFI

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    We characterize waves in small magnetic elements and investigate their propagation in the lower solar atmosphere from observations at high spatial and temporal resolution. We use the wavelet transform to analyze oscillations of both horizontal displacement and intensity in magnetic bright points found in the 300 nm and the Ca II H 396.8 nm passbands of the filter imager on board the Sunrise balloon-borne solar observatory. Phase differences between the oscillations at the two atmospheric layers corresponding to the two passbands reveal upward propagating waves at high frequencies (up to 30 mHz). Weak signatures of standing as well as downward propagating waves are also obtained. Both compressible and incompressible (kink) waves are found in the small-scale magnetic features. The two types of waves have different, though overlapping, period distributions. Two independent estimates give a height difference of approximately 450+-100 km between the two atmospheric layers sampled by the employed spectral bands. This value, together with the determined short travel times of the transverse and longitudinal waves provide us with phase speeds of 29+-2 km/s and 31+-2 km/s, respectively. We speculate that these phase speeds may not reflect the true propagation speeds of the waves. Thus, effects such as the refraction of fast longitudinal waves may contribute to an overestimate of the phase speed.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Waves as the source of apparent twisting motions in sunspot penumbrae

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    The motion of dark striations across bright filaments in a sunspot penumbra has become an important new diagnostic of convective gas flows in penumbral filaments. The nature of these striations has, however, remained unclear. Here we present an analysis of small scale motions in penumbral filaments in both simulations and observations. The simulations, when viewed from above, show fine structure with dark lanes running outwards from the dark core of the penumbral filaments. The dark lanes either occur preferentially on one side or alternate between both sides of the filament. We identify this fine structure with transverse (kink) oscillations of the filament, corresponding to a sideways swaying of the filament. These oscillations have periods in the range of 5-7 min and propagate outward and downward along the filament. Similar features are found in observed G-band intensity time series of penumbral filaments in a sunspot located near disk center obtained by the Broadband Filter Imager (BFI) on board {\it Hinode}. We also find that some filaments show dark striations moving to both sides of the filaments. Based on the agreement between simulations and observations we conclude that the motions of these striations are caused by transverse oscillations of the underlying bright filaments.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal on 8th April 201

    Spectroscopic Observations of Propagating Disturbances in a Polar Coronal Hole: Evidence of Slow Magneto-acoustic Waves

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    We focus on detecting and studying quasi-periodic propagating features that have been interpreted both in terms of slow magneto-acoustic waves and of high speed upflows. We analyze long duration spectroscopic observations of the on-disk part of the south polar coronal hole taken on 1997 February 25 by the SUMER spectrometer aboard SOHO. We calibrated the velocity with respect to the off-limb region and obtain time--distance maps in intensity, Doppler velocity and line width. We also perform a cross correlation analysis on different time series curves at different latitudes. We study average spectral line profiles at the roots of propagating disturbances and along the propagating ridges, and perform a red-blue asymmetry analysis. We find the clear presence of propagating disturbances in intensity and Doppler velocity with a projected propagation speed of about 60±4.860\pm 4.8 km s−1^{-1} and a periodicity of ≈\approx14.5 min. To our knowledge, this is the first simultaneous detection of propagating disturbances in intensity as well as in Doppler velocity in a coronal hole. During the propagation, an intensity enhancement is associated with a blue-shifted Doppler velocity. These disturbances are clearly seen in intensity also at higher latitudes (i.e. closer to the limb), while disturbances in Doppler velocity becomes faint there. The spectral line profiles averaged along the propagating ridges are found to be symmetric, to be well fitted by a single Gaussian, and have no noticeable red-blue asymmetry. Based on our analysis, we interpret these disturbances in terms of propagating slow magneto-acoustic waves.Comment: accepted for publication by A&

    Transport of magnetic flux from the canopy to the internetwork

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    Recent observations have revealed that 8% of linear polarization patches in the internetwork quiet Sun are fully embedded in downflows. These are not easily explained with the typical scenarios for the source of internetwork fields which rely on flux emergence from below. We explore using radiative MHD simulations a scenario where magnetic flux is transported from the magnetic canopy overlying the internetwork into the photosphere by means of downward plumes associated with convective overshoot. We find that if a canopy-like magnetic field is present in the simulation, the transport of flux from the canopy is an important process for seeding the photospheric layers of the internetwork with magnetic field. We propose that this mechanism is relevant for the Sun as well, and it could naturally explain the observed internetwork linear polarization patches entirely embedded in downflows.Comment: Accepted to Ap

    Migration of Ca II H bright points in the internetwork

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    The migration of magnetic bright point-like features (MBP) in the lower solar atmosphere reflects the dispersal of magnetic flux as well as the horizontal flows of the atmospheric layer they are embedded in. We analyse trajectories of the proper motion of intrinsically magnetic, isolated internetwork Ca II H MBPs (mean lifetime 461 +- 9 s) to obtain their diffusivity behaviour. We use seeing-free high spatial and temporal resolution image sequences of quiet-Sun, disc-centre observations obtained in the Ca II H 3968 {\AA} passband of the Sunrise Filter Imager (SuFI) onboard the Sunrise balloon-borne solar observatory. Small MBPs in the internetwork are automatically tracked. The trajectory of each MBP is then calculated and described by a diffusion index ({\gamma}) and a diffusion coefficient (D). We further explore the distribution of the diffusion indices with the help of a Monte Carlo simulation. We find {\gamma} = 1.69 +- 0.08 and D = 257 +- 32 km^2/s averaged over all MBPs. Trajectories of most MBPs are classified as super-diffusive, i.e., {\gamma} > 1, with the determined {\gamma} being to our knowledge the largest obtained so far. A direct correlation between D and time-scale ({\tau}) determined from trajectories of all MBPs is also obtained. We discuss a simple scenario to explain the diffusivity of the observed, relatively short-lived MBPs while they migrate within a small area in a supergranule (i.e., an internetwork area). We show that the scatter in the {\gamma} values obtained for individual MBPs is due to their limited lifetimes. The super-diffusive MBPs can be well-described as random walkers (due to granular evolution and intergranular turbu- lence) superposed on a large systematic (background) velocity, caused by granular, mesogranular and supergranular flows.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    Inclinations of small quiet-Sun magnetic features based on a new geometric approach

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    High levels of horizontal magnetic flux have been reported in the quiet-Sun internetwork, often based on Stokes profile inversions. Here we introduce a new method for deducing the inclination of magnetic elements and use it to test magnetic field inclinations from inversions. We determine accurate positions of a set of small, bright magnetic elements in high spatial resolution images sampling different photospheric heights obtained by the Sunrise balloon-borne solar observatory. Together with estimates of the formation heights of the employed spectral bands, these provide us with the inclinations of the magnetic features. We also compute the magnetic inclination angle of the same magnetic features from the inversion of simultaneously recorded Stokes parameters. Our new, geometric method returns nearly vertical fields (average inclination of around 14 deg with a relatively narrow distribution having a standard deviation of 6 deg). In strong contrast to this, the traditionally used inversions give almost horizontal fields (average inclination of 75+-8 deg) for the same small magnetic features, whose linearly polarised Stokes profiles are adversely affected by noise. The almost vertical field of bright magnetic features from our geometric method is clearly incompatible with the nearly horizontal magnetic fields obtained from the inversions. This indicates that the amount of magnetic flux in horizontal fields deduced from inversions is overestimated in the presence of weak Stokes signals, in particular if Stokes Q and U are close to or under the noise level. By combining the proposed method with inversions we are not just improving the inclination, but also the field strength. This technique allows us to analyse features that are not reliably treated by inversions, thus greatly extending our capability to study the complete magnetic field of the quiet Sun.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 1 table; Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic
