24 research outputs found

    Cazadores de la Puna de Salta en escala cronológica amplia (ca. 11000-3000 años AP): Paisaje arqueológico cinegético en el sector de Pozo Cavado, cuenca de Pocitos

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    Se presenta nueva evidencia para caracterizar el paisaje arqueológico cinegético del sector de Pozo Cavado, cuenca de Pocitos, Puna de Salta, entre ca. 11000 y 3000 años AP. En particular, se analizan los conjuntos arquitectónicos y líticos. En las construcciones, se reconocen parapetos y muros extensos que podrían haber conformado un espacio de caza intensa de camélidos, mientras que entre el material lítico, se relevaron los artefactos tiempo-sensitivos, principalmente vinculados con tecnología extractiva. Específicamente, se recuperó una preforma de punta cola de pescado en un contexto superficial, cuyo hallazgo representa información relevante debido a la escasez de esta clase de artefactos en el Noroeste argentino. También se distinguieron puntas triangulares apedunculadas tempranas, aunque predominan distintas variantes lanceoladas. Estas últimas, en conjunto con el registro cronológico y arqueológico en capa del sitio Abrigo Pozo Cavado, indican una mayor intensidad de ocupación a lo largo del Holoceno medio y, en particular, hacia fines de este período. Más generalmente, el conjunto de los indicadores analizados parece señalar la construcción de un paisaje de caza perdurable en una escala cronológica de largo plazo

    Ocupaciones tempranas (ca. 3200-2200 A.P.) en el Alero Morro Blanco (Barrancas, Jujuy, Argentina): resultados preliminares

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    Se presentan los primeros resultados de la investigación abordada en el sitio Alero del Morro Blanco de la localidad de Barrancas (Abdón Castro Tolay) en la Puna de Jujuy. Este sitio es un alero con representaciones rupestres fechado radiocarbónicamente entre 3200-2200 AP (3400-2200 cal. AP). Los estudios se enfocaron en el análisis de las tecnologías lítica y cerámica y en el análisis faunístico y del arte rupestre. Asimismo, las investigaciones incluyen un estudio polínico local y una síntesis paleoambiental regional. Los datos obtenidos cotejados con los antecedentes arqueológicos regionales permiten concluir que se trataría de una ocupación pastoril, con un aprovisionamiento de bienes alóctonos obtenidos mediante el tráfico caravanero.This article presents the preliminary results of research at the Alero Morro Blanco site located at Barrancas (Abdón Castro Tolay) in the puna of Jujuy. This site is a shelter with rock art, radiocarbon dated to between 3200-2200 years AP (3400-2200 cal AP). The results presented here focus on an analysis of lithic and ceramic technologies, and on faunal and rock art analysis. Also, the investigation included a local pollen study and a regional paleoenvironmental synthesis. The data obtained are discussed within the regional archaeological background, which allows us to conclude that it would be a pastoral occupation with a supply of allochthonous goods obtained through caravan traffic.Nous présentons ici les premiers résultats des recherches effectuées sur le site Abri de Morro Blanco dans la localité de Barrancas (Abdón Castro Tolay) dans la Puna de Jujuy. Il s’agit d’un site avec motifs rupestres daté radiocarbonicamente entre ca. 3200 et 2200 ans BP (ca. 3400 et 2200 ans cal. BP). Les études ont été centrées sur les technologies lithiques et céramiques, sur l’analyse faunistique et sur l’art rupestre. Les recherches incluent également une étude pollinique locale et une synthèse paléoenvironnementale régionale. Les données obtenues mises en comparaison avec l’historique des recherches archéologiques régionales permettent de conclure qu’il s’agirait d’une occupation pastorale, avec un approvisionnement de biens allochtones obtenu à travers le trafic des caravanes de lamas

    Treatment variability and its relationships to outcomes among patients with Wernicke's encephalopathy: A multicenter retrospective study

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    Background: Despite guidelines and recommendations, Wernicke's encephalopathy (WE) treatment lacks evidence, leading to clinical practice variability.Aims: Given the overall lack of information on thiamine use for WE treatment, we analyzed data from a large, well-characterized multicenter sample of patients with WE, examining thiamine dosages; factors associated with the use of different doses, frequencies, and routes; and the influence of differences in thiamine treatment on the outcome.Methods: This retrospective study was conducted with data from 443 patients from 21 centers obtained from a nationwide registry of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (from 2000 to 2012). Discharge codes and Caine criteria were applied for WE diagnosis, and treatment-related (thiamine dosage, frequency, and route of administration) demographic, clinical, and outcome variables were analyzed.Results: We found marked variability in WE treatment and a low rate of high-dose intravenous thiamine administration. Seventy-eight patients out of 373 (20.9%) received > 300 mg/day of thiamine as initial dose. Patients fulfilling the Caine criteria or presenting with the classic WE triad more frequently received parenteral treatment. Delayed diagnosis (after 24 h hospitalization), the fulfillment of more than two Caine criteria at diagnosis, mental status alterations, and folic acid deficiency were associated significantly with the lack of complete recovery. Malnutrition, reduced consciousness, folic acid deficiency, and the lack of timely thiamine treatment were risk factors for mortality.Conclusions: Our results clearly show extreme variability in thiamine dosages and routes used in the management of WE. Measures should be implemented to ensure adherence to current guidelines and to correct potential nutritional deficits in patients with alcohol use disorders or other risk factors for WE

    Plitidepsin has a positive therapeutic index in adult patients with COVID-19 requiring hospitalization

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    Plitidepsin is a marine-derived cyclic-peptide that inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication at low nanomolar concentrations by the targeting of host protein eEF1A (eukaryotic translation-elongation-factor-1A). We evaluated a model of intervention with plitidepsin in hospitalized COVID-19 adult patients where three doses were assessed (1.5, 2 and 2.5 mg/day for 3 days, as a 90-minute intravenous infusion) in 45 patients (15 per dose-cohort). Treatment was well tolerated, with only two Grade 3 treatment-related adverse events observed (hypersensitivity and diarrhea). The discharge rates by Days 8 and 15 were 56.8% and 81.8%, respectively, with data sustaining dose-effect. A mean 4.2 log10 viral load reduction was attained by Day 15. Improvement in inflammation markers was also noted in a seemingly dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that plitidepsin impacts the outcome of patients with COVID-19.This study has been funded by Pharmamar, S.A. (Madrid, Spain). This work was supported by grants from the Government of Spain (PIE_INTRAMURAL_ LINEA 1 - 202020E079; PIE_INTRAMURAL_CSIC-202020E043). The research of CBIG consortium (constituted by IRTA-CReSA, BSC, & IrsiCaixa) is supported by Grifols pharmaceutical. We also acknowledge the crowdfunding initiative #Yomecorono (https://www.yomecorono.com). N.I.U. has non-restrictive funding from PharmaMar to study the antiviral effect of Plitidepsin. N.J.K. was funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health (P50AI150476, U19AI135990, U19AI135972, R01AI143292, R01AI120694, and P01AI063302); by the Excellence in Research Award (ERA) from the Laboratory for Genomics Research (LGR), a collaboration between UCSF, UCB, and GSK (#133122P); by the Roddenberry Foundation, and gifts from QCRG philanthropic donors. This work was supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under Cooperative Agreement #HR0011-19-2-0020. The views, opinions, and/or findings contained in this material are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official views or policies of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government. This research was partly funded by CRIP (Center for Research for Influenza Pathogenesis), a NIAID supported Center of Excellence for Influenza Research and Surveillance (CEIRS, contract # HHSN272201400008C), by DARPA grant HR0011-19-2-0020, by supplements to NIAID grants U19AI142733, U19AI135972 and DoD grant W81XWH-20-1-0270, and by the generous support of the JPB Foundation, the Open Philanthropy Project (research grant 2020-215611 (5384)), and anonymous donors to AG-S. S.Y. received funding from a Swiss National Foundation (SNF) Early Postdoc Mobility fellowship (P2GEP3_184202).N

    Preclinical and randomized phase I studies of plitidepsin in adults hospitalized with COVID-19

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    Plitidepsin, a marine-derived cyclic-peptide, inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication at nanomolar concentrations by targeting the host protein eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1A. Here, we show that plitidepsin distributes preferentially to lung over plasma, with similar potency against across several SARS-CoV-2 variants in preclinical studies. Simultaneously, in this randomized, parallel, open-label, proof-of-concept study (NCT04382066) conducted in 10 Spanish hospitals between May and November 2020, 46 adult hospitalized patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection received either 1.5 mg (n = 15), 2.0 mg (n = 16), or 2.5 mg (n = 15) plitidepsin once daily for 3 d. The primary objective was safety; viral load kinetics, mortality, need for increased respiratory support, and dose selection were secondary end points. One patient withdrew consent before starting procedures; 45 initiated treatment; one withdrew because of hypersensitivity. Two Grade 3 treatment-related adverse events were observed (hypersensitivity and diarrhea). Treatment-related adverse events affecting more than 5% of patients were nausea (42.2%), vomiting (15.6%), and diarrhea (6.7%). Mean viral load reductions from baseline were 1.35, 2.35, 3.25, and 3.85 log10 at days 4, 7, 15, and 31. Nonmechanical invasive ventilation was required in 8 of 44 evaluable patients (16.0%); six patients required intensive care support (13.6%), and three patients (6.7%) died (COVID-19-related). Plitidepsin has a favorable safety profile in patients with COVID-19.This work was supported by grants from the Government of Spain (PIE_INTRAMURAL_ LINEA 1 - 202020E079; PIE_INTRAMURAL_CSIC-202020E043). The research of CBIG consortium (constituted by IRTA-CReSA, BSC, & IrsiCaixa) is supported by Grifols pharmaceutical. We also acknowledge the crowdfunding initiative #Yomecorono (https://www.yomecorono.com). N Izquierdo-Useros has nonrestrictive funding from PharmaMar to study the antiviral effect of Plitidepsin. NJ Krogan was funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health (P50AI150476, U19AI135990, U19AI135972, R01AI143292, R01AI120694, and P01AI063302); by the Excellence in Research Award (ERA) from the Laboratory for Genomics Research (LGR), a collaboration between the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), University of California, Berkley (UCB), and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) (#133122P); by the Roddenberry Foundation, and gifts from QCRG philanthropic donors. This work was supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under Cooperative Agreement #HR0011-19-2-0020. The views, opinions, and/or findings contained in this material are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official views or policies of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government. This research was partly funded by Center for Research for Influenza Pathogenesis and Transmission (CRIPT), a National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) supported Center of Excellence for Influenza Research and Response (CEIRS, contract # 75N93021C00014), by DARPA grant HR0011-19-2-0020, by supplements to NIAID grants U19AI142733, U19AI135972, and DoD grant W81XWH-20-1-0270, and by the generous support of the JPB Foundation, the Open Philanthropy Project (research grant 2020-215611 (5384)), and anonymous donors to A García-Sastre. S Yildiz received funding from a Swiss National Foundation Early Postdoc Mobility fellowship (P2GEP3_184202).Peer reviewe

    Anales del III Congreso Internacional de Vivienda y Ciudad "Debate en torno a la nueva agenda urbana"

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    Acta de congresoEl III Congreso Internacional de Vivienda y Ciudad “Debates en torno a la NUEVa Agenda Urbana”, ha sido una apuesta de alto compromiso por acercar los debates centrales y urgentes que tensionan el pleno ejercicio del derecho a la ciudad. Para ello las instituciones organizadoras (INVIHAB –Instituto de Investigación de Vivienda y Hábitat y MGyDH-Maestría en Gestión y Desarrollo Habitacional-1), hemos convidado un espacio que se concretó con potencia en un debate transdisciplinario. Convocó a intelectuales de prestigio internacional, investigadores, académicos y gestores estatales, y en una metodología de innovación articuló las voces académicas con las de las organizaciones sociales y/o barriales en el Foro de las Organizaciones Sociales que tuvo su espacio propio para dar voz a quienes están trabajando en los desafíos para garantizar los derechos a la vivienda y los bienes urbanos en nuestras ciudades del Siglo XXI

    Tiestos trazadores de cerámica exótica en sitios tardíos de los alrededores de Susques (Jujuy, Puna argentina) Indicative potsherds of exotic ceramic in late period sites of the Susques area (Jujuy, Argentine Puna)

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    En cinco sitios ubicados en los alrededores de Susques, se hallaron fragmentos de cerámica que evocan producciones no locales, algunas de ellas tan distantes como las de la Quebrada de Humahuaca, la región de Yavi e incluso el Altiplano peruano-boliviano. Esos tiestos son los materiales que en el presente trabajo fueron considerados trazadores del movimiento de cerámica exótica hacia la región de Susques. Dicho material fue hallado conjuntamente con fragmentos de alfarería de tipo utilitaria, producida por grupos de pastores-cazadores que habitaron esta región de la Puna jujeña desde el período Tardío al pos Hispánico (ca. 1100 DC a 1800 DC). Su análisis resultó interesante porque, además de evidenciar la interacción entre los grupos durante la ocupación de gran parte del período Tardío, permitió especular sobre cuáles pudieron ser los probables lugares de producción y puso de manifiesto las distancias involucradas en el intercambio de esos bienes materiales. La caracterización de los tiestos se realizó mediante estereomicroscopio y microscopio de polarización y, además, las fuentes bibliográficas sirvieron como referentes complementarios de la investigación.In the Susques area, various special potsherds were recovered from five archaeological sites. This ceramic looks like non local production, possibly manufactured very far from Susques, such as Quebrada de Humahuaca, the Yavi region and the Peruvian-Bolivian Altiplano. These fragments have an exotic connotation in the Susques sites and were considered as a guide of ceramic movement in this part of Northwestern Argentina. This material was found together with utilitarian ceramic of domestic production manufactured by local potters, who lived in small groups with a pastoral-hunter economic system from ca. 1100 AD to 1800 AD. The exotic potsherds in Susques could show some level of interaction between the regional groups and their analysis could also suggest the distances implicated in this pottery distribution. The previous information about the ceramic production sequences, from some of the involved regions, is limited; so this makes it difficult to establish secure matches with the identified ceramic groups. The observations were carried out by stereomicroscope and polarizing microscope, analysis supported by an exhaustive bibliographic review

    Caracterización petrográfica y biológica de un tiesto cerámico estilo "incaico" hallado en Susques (Jujuy) Biological and petrographic characterization of an «inca» style ceramic sherd from Susques, Jujuy province, Argentina

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    Se presentan los resultados de los análisis petrográficos y biológicos realizados sobre un tiesto de cuello de aríbalo procedente de un sitio en las inmediaciones de Susques (Jujuy, Puna argentina). La pasta cerámica contiene diatomeas de una especie poco frecuente en el área (i.e., Cyclostephanos andinus), típica de ambientes palustres muy desarrollados. Los resultados sugieren una producción alóctona, posiblemente originaria de las tierras altas de los Andes Centro Sur.This note describes the results of biological (mainly diatoms' content) and petrographical analyses of an aryballus neck sherd from a site situated in the vicinity of Susques, Jujuy Province, Argentina Puna. The rare diatom species (Cyclostephanos andinus) found in this sherd suggests that the source of the clays or water used to manufacture the piece was the littoral area of a well developed, high altitude water system. These results suggest a probable foreign origin for the piece, possibly the South-Central Andean highlands