443 research outputs found

    Міжнародне співробітництво як один із пріоритетних напрямів підвищення ефективності підготовки працівників для органів та підрозділів Національної поліції України

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    The author has emphasized the fact that nowadays there is an urgent need for scientific analysis of the training system of police personnel in Ukraine; establishment of uniform standards of police personnel training, extension of cooperation within law enforcement area has become very important; the need to strengthen international cooperation in the sphere of police training has been enhanced. The author argues that international cooperation in the sphere of police personnel training is a new promising area of international cooperation in crime combating area. The direct participation of the National Police of Ukraine in this cooperation will develop an optimal model of police training. The state of international cooperation of Ukraine in the field of police personnel training at the universal, regional and bilateral levels has been considered in details. The author has offered to establish an international center for police personnel training on the basis of one of educational institutions, which train police officers. Herewith the author divides the standards that are to be trained for police officers into professional and those in the area of guaranteeing human rights.Досліджено стан сучасної системи підготовки кадрів для Національної поліції України. Визначено, що міжнародне співробітництво в галузі підготовки поліцейських кадрів є новим перспективним напрямком міжнародної взаємодії у сфері протидії злочинності. Встановлено, що в сучасних умовах швидкого розвитку інтеграційних процесів у світі та значного зближення країн у різних сферах суспільного життя виникає потреба вчити поліцейських працювати в умовах інтенсивного розвитку міжнародного співробітництва


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    On the basis of etymology, scientific points of view of scholars and legal area provisions the author of the article has researched key terms in the frames of the article, in particular “principles”, “law enforcement activities”, “National Police”. The author has suggested to understand the principles as basic, core and guiding principles underlying the activities of the subjects entering into certain relationships. The author has concluded about the appropriate level of attention and the status of highlighting the issue concerning the content of the term of “law enforcement activity”, however the author has also indicated its absence within the legal field. Regarding the term of “National Police”, the author has determined the appropriate level of highlighting its content both in terms of legislation and among the scholars. Among the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police” the author has singled out general and legal principles (rule of law, keeping human rights and freedoms, the principle of legality) and branch (special) principles (openness and transparency, political neutrality, interaction with the population based on partnership, continuity). The content of branch (special) principles, which are characterized by their practical orientation, has been outlined. In regard to the implementation of branch principles of the activities of the National Police the author has noted that a key prerequisite for the effective implementation of these principles may be the following: first, a proper legal and, secondly, proper logistical support of structural units of the National Police; thirdly, All-Ukrainian educational activities among the population concerning the procedure and specifics of law enforcement agencies’ activities, particularly the National Police. The implementation of the obtained findings will make it possible to improve the practical implementation level of the principles of the law enforcement activities of the National Police.Розглянуто енциклопедичні та наукові погляди на зміст таких правових категорій, як «принципи», «правоохоронна діяльність», «Національна поліція». Зроблено висновки про виявлення науковцями достатньої уваги до досліджуваних термінів та відповідне їх висвітлення в рамках національного правового поля. Зосереджено увагу на необхідності розмежування принципів діяльності Національної поліції на дві групи: загальноправові та галузеві


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    The essence of the concept of «state policy in the sphere of defense» has been analyzed; its objectives, tasks and principles of the organization have been defined. The state policy in the sphere of defense the author suggests to understand as a purposeful, organized activities of public administration, which exercises its authorities through the use of the complex of political, economic, military, social and legal measures to develop long-term programs in the field of defense in order to improve the state’s defense potential, to guarantee integrity and inviolability of its territory and borders. It is indicated that the objective of the state policy in the sphere of defense is to ensure the protection of life, health and property of citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons, to create conditions for legal entities in order to implement interests and the proper functioning of the protection in Ukraine, border integrity, sovereignty and the implementation of the measures for national defense potential. The state policy in the sphere of defense performs three important functions: defensive – the solution of the problems of preservation of human resources and military and economic potential of the country; social – guaranteeing the protection and life-sustaining activities of the population, rescue and assistance to victims; economic – saving facilities required for the sustainable functioning of the economy and the population’s survival during wartime, protecting material and cultural values, reducing the risk of secondary lesions in wartime. A distinction of the terms’ content of «state policy in the sphere of defense» and «military policy of the state» has been carried out. The main problems of Ukraine’s defense sector development and the direction of its perfection have been determined. The expediency of the elaboration and adoption of the Concept of development of the sphere of national defense of Ukraine has been grounded. It is stressed that the above stated legal act should define the objectives, tasks, directions, principles, priorities of the state policy in the sphere of defense, the scope and directions of the interaction of special government entities to improve the defense potential of the country, issues of control and supervision in this area.Проаналізовано сутність поняття «державна політика у сфері оборони», визначено її мету, завдання та принципи організації. Здійснено відмежування змісту термінів «державна політика у сфері оборони» та «воєнна політика держави». Визначено основні проблеми розбудови сфери оборони України та напрями її удосконалення. Обґрунтовано доцільність розробки та ухвалення Концепції розвитку сфери національної оборони України


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    Розкрито зміст стратегічного планування у сфері оборони України та сформульовано перелік його основних завдань і принципів. Окреслено перелік елементів системи стратегічного планування та розкрито їх зміст. Охарактеризовано суб’єктів стратегічного планування у сфері оборони держави. З’ясовано зміст цільового програмування у цій сфері та визначено його мету. Запропоновано внести доповнення до національного адміністративного законодавства, що визначає особливості процесів стратегічного планування та цільового програмування, а також регулює діяльність органів публічної адміністрації у цій сфері.It has been determined that strategic planning is the activity of competent subjects for the development and implementation of the main directions and plans of the public administration for forecasting, planning and programming of the state policy in the defense sector aimed at ensuring the national security and defense of the state. The list of the tasks of strategic planning has been formulated. The necessity of incorporating state enterprises, institutions and organizations into defense planning subjects has been grounded in order to harmonize the legislation in the defense sector by making appropriate amendments and alterations to the legislative acts regulating this issue. It has also been determined that elements of the strategic planning system are: 1) defense planning; 2) economic planning; 3) social planning; 4) military planning; 5) technical planning; 6) target programming. The content of each element of the strategic planning system has been revealed. The subjects of strategic planning are the competent public administration agencies that are empowered in the defense sector as part of the substantiation of the perspectives for the development of military command and other military formations taking into account the nature of actual and potential threats in the defense sector and economic capabilities of the state, with the indication of concrete measures, executors and the timing of their implementation in order to ensure the necessary level of state defense, the integrity of its borders and sovereignty. The definition of the concept of “principles of strategic planning” has been provided, and the author has offered to include the following principles: unity and integrity; separation of powers; continuity and continuity; balance of the strategic planning system; the effectiveness and efficiency of strategic planning; responsibility of the participants in strategic planning; transparency (openness) of strategic planning; realism; resource security; measurability of goals; matching metrics to goals; targeted programming; systematic and parallel of the process of strategic planning with the preservation of collegiality in decision-making; continuity of management of the strategic planning process; timeliness and adequacy of measures to protect Ukraine’s national interests from external and internal threats in the military sphere; state-guaranteed organizational, technical, methodological, informational, material and financial provision for the implementation of plans and state programs in the defense sector and ensuring their effective use. According to the author, targeted programming in the defense sector is a professional activity of the subjects of strategic planning for the development and implementation of state and municipal development programs of the state and ensuring its defense capability, which are contained in the strategic planning documents and are developed for a specifically defined purpose. It has been clarified that the purpose of targeted programming is: a) definition of strategic settings in the defense sector; b) substantiation of requirements in qualitative and quantitative composition of armament; c) the establishment of priorities for solving the problems of defense by software methods; d) rational allocation of resources into targeted integrated programs in accordance with established priorities; e) assessing the conformity of the results achieved with the objectives and implementation of, if necessary, adjusting the allocation of appropriations

    rbrothers: R Package for Bayesian Multiple Change-Point Recombination Detection.

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    Phylogenetic recombination detection is a fundamental task in bioinformatics and evolutionary biology. Most of the computational tools developed to attack this important problem are not integrated into the growing suite of R packages for statistical analysis of molecular sequences. Here, we present an R package, rbrothers, that makes a Bayesian multiple change-point model, one of the most sophisticated model-based phylogenetic recombination tools, available to R users. Moreover, we equip the Bayesian change-point model with a set of pre- and post- processing routines that will broaden the application domain of this recombination detection framework. Specifically, we implement an algorithm that forms the set of input trees required by multiple change-point models. We also provide functionality for checking Markov chain Monte Carlo convergence and creating estimation result summaries and graphics. Using rbrothers, we perform a comparative analysis of two Salmonella enterica genes, fimA and fimH, that encode major and adhesive subunits of the type 1 fimbriae, respectively. We believe that rbrothers, available at R-Forge: http://evolmod.r-forge.r-project.org/, will allow researchers to incorporate recombination detection into phylogenetic workflows already implemented in R

    Common sense в моральной философии эпохи Просвещения

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    The Age of Enlightenment had a special meaning for the history of moral philosophy, because in this period the morality becomes a special subject of philosophic interest, philosophic concept of morality is formed. The problem of rational grounding of morality becomes a central one. The important role in this problem solving was the idea of common sense – one of the fundamental ideas of Scottish and French Enlightenment. In the Scottish philosophy concept of «common sense» was developed by representatives of ethical sentimentalism (A. Shaftesbury, F. Hutcheson) and by the founder of the rationalist understanding of morality Th. Reid. In France, the idea of common sense was widely developed in the works of Enlightenment philosophers. Scottish enlighteners understood common sense as a kind of inherent, intuitive principle, put by God into human being. This paper analyzes the significance of the concept «common sense» and its features of interpretations by Scottish philosophers. The quintessence of philosophy of the Age of Enlightenment was practical philosophy of I. Kant, in formation of which the idea of common sense played the key role. German classic clearly defined field of application of common sense. He considered an appeal to common sense in matters of science and philosophy unacceptable, but claimed that it was common sense people must rely in everyday practice. Such an understanding of this idea has allowed Kant to justify main concept of his moral philosophy ­ concept of the autonomous subject.Эпоха Просвещения имела особое значение для истории моральной философии, поскольку именно в это время мораль становится специальным предметом философского интереса, формируется философское понятие морали. Центральной становится проблема рационального обоснования морали. Важнейшее значение для решения этой проблемы имела идея здравого смысла ­ одна из фундаментальных идей шотландского и французского Просвещения. В шотландской философии концепт «здравый смысл» разрабатывался представителями этического сентиментализма (Э. Шефтсбери, Ф. Хатчесон), а также основоположником рационалистического понимания морали ­ Т. Ридом. Во Франции идея здравого смысла получила широкое развитие в работах философов­просветителей. Шотландскими же просветителями здравый смысл (common sense) понимался как некий врожденный, интуитивный принцип, вложенный в человека Богом. В данной работе проанализированы значения концепта «здравый смысл» и особенности его трактовок шотландскими философами. Квинтэссенцией философии эпохи Просвещения является, в свою очередь, практическая философия И. Канта, в становлении которой идея здравого смысла сыграла ключевую роль. Немецкий классик четко определил сферу применения здравого смысла. Он считал апелляцию к здравому смыслу в вопросах науки и философии недопустимой, но утверждал, что именно на здравый смысл должен опираться человек в повседневной практике. Такое понимание этой идеи позволило Канту обосновать главное понятие его моральной философии ­ понятие автономного субъекта.Эпоха Просвещения имела особое значение для истории моральной философии, поскольку именно в это время мораль становится специальным предметом философского интереса, формируется философское понятие морали. Центральной становится проблема рационального обоснования морали. Важнейшее значение для решения этой проблемы имела идея здравого смысла ­ одна из фундаментальных идей шотландского и французского Просвещения. В шотландской философии концепт «здравый смысл» разрабатывался представителями этического сентиментализма (Э. Шефтсбери, Ф. Хатчесон), а также основоположником рационалистического понимания морали ­ Т. Ридом. Во Франции идея здравого смысла получила широкое развитие в работах философов­просветителей. Шотландскими же просветителями здравый смысл (common sense) понимался как некий врожденный, интуитивный принцип, вложенный в человека Богом. В данной работе проанализированы значения концепта «здравый смысл» и особенности его трактовок шотландскими философами. Квинтэссенцией философии эпохи Просвещения является, в свою очередь, практическая философия И. Канта, в становлении которой идея здравого смысла сыграла ключевую роль. Немецкий классик четко определил сферу применения здравого смысла. Он считал апелляцию к здравому смыслу в вопросах науки и философии недопустимой, но утверждал, что именно на здравый смысл должен опираться человек в повседневной практике. Такое понимание этой идеи позволило Канту обосновать главное понятие его моральной философии ­ понятие автономного субъекта