38 research outputs found

    Investigation of plate-type barrier ozonizers with ac and pulse power supplies

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    In this paper the experimental results on the investigation of plate-type reactors operated on the base of barrier discharge have been presented. Different reactors with planar, strip, and trench electrodes were investigated. Such reactors operated under atmospheric pressure with ac and pulse power sources with voltage of up to 10 kV, frequency up to 12 kHz. Using atomized spectroscopy system the measurements of the main specifications of the reactors such as ozone yielding rate, the temperature in the reactor and the air flow rate were carried out

    Assessment of Financial Risk Prediction Models with Multi-criteria Decision Making Methods

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    A wide range of classification models have been explored for financial risk prediction, but conclusions on which technique behaves better may vary when different performance evaluation measures are employed. Accordingly, this paper proposes the use of multiple criteria decision making tools in order to give a ranking of algorithms. More specifically, the selection of the most appropriate credit risk prediction method is here modeled as a multi-criteria decision making problem that involves a number of performance measures (criteria) and classification techniques (alternatives). An empirical study is carried out to evaluate the performance of ten algorithms over six real-life credit risk data sets. The results reveal that the use of a unique performance measure may lead to unreliable conclusions, whereas this situation can be overcome by the application of multi-criteria decision making techniques

    A hypotensive effect and tolerance of valsartan (diovan) in essential hypertension

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    Aim. An assessment of a hypotensive effect and tolerance of valsartan. Materials and methods. In 20 patients with mild and moderate blood hypertension (BH) the latter was registered sphygmomanometrically by N. S. Korotkov and by 24-h monitoring. The initial valsartan dose 80 mg/day was raised to a single daily dose 160 mg in 4 weeks in the absence of adequate correction in tolerance. Results. The hypotensive effect of diovan in a dose 80 mg/day was satisfactory or good in 80% of patients. 15% of patients needed elevation of the close to 160 mg/day. A complete resistance occurred in I patient. There were neither unwanted effects nor biochemical evidence of clinically significant renal or hepatic dysfunction due to valsartan. In stable BH correction, the rate of residual hypotensive effect reached 77.4% and 74.5% for systolic and diastolic BP, respectively. Conclusion. High effectiveness, goad tolerance and safety of valsartan in single doses 80-160 mg/day allow to recommend it in monotherapy of mild and moderate hypertension

    A hypotensive effect and tolerance of valsartan (diovan) in essential hypertension

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    Aim. An assessment of a hypotensive effect and tolerance of valsartan. Materials and methods. In 20 patients with mild and moderate blood hypertension (BH) the latter was registered sphygmomanometrically by N. S. Korotkov and by 24-h monitoring. The initial valsartan dose 80 mg/day was raised to a single daily dose 160 mg in 4 weeks in the absence of adequate correction in tolerance. Results. The hypotensive effect of diovan in a dose 80 mg/day was satisfactory or good in 80% of patients. 15% of patients needed elevation of the close to 160 mg/day. A complete resistance occurred in I patient. There were neither unwanted effects nor biochemical evidence of clinically significant renal or hepatic dysfunction due to valsartan. In stable BH correction, the rate of residual hypotensive effect reached 77.4% and 74.5% for systolic and diastolic BP, respectively. Conclusion. High effectiveness, goad tolerance and safety of valsartan in single doses 80-160 mg/day allow to recommend it in monotherapy of mild and moderate hypertension

    Optical absorption, photoconductivity and p-n junctions in cadmium telluride

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    The analysis of the experimental data on optical absorption, reflection and photoconductivity of cadmium telluride indicates a considerable contribution of exciton absorption and the process of exciton diffusion from the surface region into the volume with subsequent dissociation. The lifetimes of excess carriers are of the order of 10-8 - 10-9 s both at weak and intensive excitation. The data on p-n junctions in CdTe are presented.L'analyse des données expérimentales sur l'absorption optique, la réflexion et la photoconductivité du tellurure de cadmium indique une contribution considérable de l'absorption par exciton et du processus de la diffusion des excitons de la région superficielle dans le volume, suivie d'une dissociation. Les durées de vie des porteurs en excès sont de l'ordre de 10-8 à 10-9 s, aussi bien à faible qu'a forte excitation. On fournit des données sur les jonctions p-n dans CdTe

    Effectiveness of the complete physical rehabilitation including choreographic elements for children under 4-6 years who have come through the facture of talocrural joint

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    Traumatic injures of talocrural joint can often occur in the children age. They enable to cause long fixation of a joint in a definite position that in turn. Weakens always muscles requires a necessity for rehabilitation. The authors have worked out a method of physical rehabilitation for children after fracture of talocrural joint. This method can be applied under conditions of outpatient's polyclinic. The given method must be realized in three stages namely: Preparation (2 weeks), basic (4 weeks) and closing (2 weeks). The given method consists of invigorating and relaxing exercises plus special ones with choreographic elements directed to developing muscles of food and joint. Appreciating the results of apprising the worked out methodic of physical rehabilitation showed that its effectiveness has exceeded all the results of traditional scheme of rehabilitation after f traumata of talocrural joint. The author's methodic of physical rehabilitation with applying the choreographic elements enables us (1) to accelerate and enhance the effectiveness of recovering the function of damaged talocrural joint with children, (2) to prevent muscular atrophy from children and (3) to enhance the suppot ability on the extremity (having been damaged before). Effectiveness of the worked out methodic enables the authors (1) to pay attention of a wide circle of professional rehabilitators and (2) to recommend it for application by special experts in their work. © 2018, OMICS Group