A hypotensive effect and tolerance of valsartan (diovan) in essential hypertension


Aim. An assessment of a hypotensive effect and tolerance of valsartan. Materials and methods. In 20 patients with mild and moderate blood hypertension (BH) the latter was registered sphygmomanometrically by N. S. Korotkov and by 24-h monitoring. The initial valsartan dose 80 mg/day was raised to a single daily dose 160 mg in 4 weeks in the absence of adequate correction in tolerance. Results. The hypotensive effect of diovan in a dose 80 mg/day was satisfactory or good in 80% of patients. 15% of patients needed elevation of the close to 160 mg/day. A complete resistance occurred in I patient. There were neither unwanted effects nor biochemical evidence of clinically significant renal or hepatic dysfunction due to valsartan. In stable BH correction, the rate of residual hypotensive effect reached 77.4% and 74.5% for systolic and diastolic BP, respectively. Conclusion. High effectiveness, goad tolerance and safety of valsartan in single doses 80-160 mg/day allow to recommend it in monotherapy of mild and moderate hypertension

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